Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 695: Black angel and white demon

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2022, New Year's Day.

"Kamen Rider Sora Me" is over!

As we all know, Kamen Rider is a "Mu Yao drama." From the distant No. 1 to Kuuga, the broadcast time has always been Mu Yao.

But this time an exception!

It coincided with New Year's Day, and the final words of Sora I received attention again. In order to obtain better ratings, ANB temporarily changed the schedule and arranged the final words to be broadcast on New Year's Day.

A very memorable day!

The PD version is empty, although the general direction is consistent with the original version. But in some details, Baicang made a difference in the auction.

The final words of the original version do not include fighting.

The final duel between the Five Dynasties and No. 0 is actually in Chapter 48. In the final words, I mainly introduced the situation of everyone after the five generations left.

Baicang thinks differently.

Under his editing, the penultimate episode tells of a shooting and killing of a rose girl, the five generations bid farewell to everyone, and then came to an abrupt end.

In the final words, the five generations meet with Kaoru Ichijo, and the two go to the Kulangdake ruins in the early morning of wind and snow. The Five Dynasties successfully controlled the darkness, transformed into an extremely red-eyed form, and faced No. 0 in the snow all over the sky...

His handling is tantamount to strengthening the "final battle". The contents of the penultimate episode of the original version have been moved to the last episode.

This has an advantage...

Keep the suspense, do not see the end, no one knows whether I won or not!

In order to film this final battle, Bai Cang and the starring actors have made unimaginable efforts. But the final result really surprised the audience!

In addition to the Fifth Generation Transfiguration Extreme Red Eye, you can still see a little trace of special effects. In the real fight, it is the roughest uppercut and lowercut, simply without special effects.

The final battle, this is it?

Audiences with high expectations thought at first that this decisive battle must be full of special effects.

totally unexpected!

The two of the same ultimate form, the fight turned out to be so unpretentious.

"so boring!"

"Let's go see something else..."

"and many more!"

Kotaro took his sister's hand to stop her from changing channels and said: "Look, that person is smiling!"

"He is laughing?"

Qian turned her head to look at the TV, and she saw the number 0 in the white coat. Even though I was beaten with blood, my face was still full of smiles.

On the other hand, in the Five Dynasties, weeping can be faintly heard when punching.


The black angel is crying? The white devil is laughing wildly? Black and white clothing and holsters, like a "turn-based boxing game" punch and punch.

What is the meaning of always feeling?

Under the influence of her brother, Akane also knew something about Kamen Rider. She thought that Amazon's fight was already **** and simple.

Unexpectedly, this fight was bloodier and simpler.

"I thought that if a master makes a move, the battle will be very exciting." Qian said with a bit of loss.

"Not always!"

As a half-Hua Xia Tong, Kotaro couldn't help but explain: "I have heard a saying: There is no edge in an epee, and it is not a skill!"

"The simpler the offense is often the most useful offense! The same is the ultimate form, they no longer need gorgeous special effects to show their power, just a simple punch."

Makes sense!

The old saying goes: Flying flowers and picking leaves can hurt people, and vegetation, bamboo and rocks can be swords. To be able to do this is indeed the ultimate form!

Although she understands the reason why this fighting scene is so "simplistic", Akane still has a doubt.

"Why is it so short?"

After charging for the entire episode, Ultraman, who has been fighting for three minutes, is already recognized as a "fast man" in the special film industry. Kamen Rider, who has always been long-lasting, only fought for five minutes in the final battle?

Empty me, can you do it?

"I do not know either……"

Although Kotaro knew a lot, he couldn't understand why the final battle was so short. With a total of 25 minutes of final words, the final battle only lasted for 5 minutes. What should I do with the remaining 20 minutes?

"Forget it, look down!"

The confused siblings stared at the TV screen.

In the story, the Five Dynasties and No. 0 hit the snow covered with blood, and both fell to the ground.

Along with Kaoru's shout, the picture changed instantly and was shown to the bright and spacious Metropolitan Police Department office.

A total of 48 unconfirmed life forms were completely destroyed, and the police officers who finally ended the battle showed extremely rare smiles. Speaking of the five generations of Yusuke, the chief wittily imitated his signature "like" action.

Dad received a letter from Natsume Mika. She has been admitted to Hope's high school and is trying to contact Flute. Her niece Nana also passed the interview meeting, and everyone smiled.

Yiyi went to visit the fifth generation sister, and learned from Yingzi the truth that the fifth generation turned into a stern warrior with a kind heart...

"Are the Five Dynasties dead?"

Kotaro and his sister looked at each other, and the final story seemed to be over. Yusuke Wudai, who had finished the final battle, still didn't show up.

Wouldn't it be "perish" anymore?

Ending with the smiles of the supporting actors, this ending really fits with the theme of "Fight to protect people's smiles".

But it lacks five generations of Yusuke!

Although everyone’s smiles are brilliant~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the smile of Yusuke Wudai did not appear, and the audience is always a little uneasy.

This anxiety lasted until the last three minutes.

With the sound of ancient Chinese songs, the beautiful Dujiangyan appeared in front of the audience. The child who was squatting on the ground and sobbing because of being bitten by an insect suddenly turned black.

The five generations wearing plaid shirts put down their backpacks and performed juggling.

The ridiculous action made the child amused. Seeing him smile, Wudai also laughed.

After saying goodbye to the little boy with the classic gesture of "Like", the five generations put on the backpack, leaving only a back...

The audience laughed, and I'm over!

In the last scene, the audience's worries were finally taken away. Seeing that the five generations were safe and sound, and still smiling as usual, everyone was relieved.

However, the problem is coming!

During the airing period, stocks were popular. What Yingzi shares with the blue sky above their heads, one strand is as stable as Mount Tai, and the younger sister sits on the ground and eats melon...


I'm over, and the stock market crashed?

What Yingzi stocks, a stock, sister stocks, all delisted and liquidated! When the stock market fails, everyone is a loser!

The reality proved once again...

The stock market is risky, investment needs to be cautious!

The forum was full of sorrows, and investors all complained about Uncle Meng's malicious trader and cheated their innocent leeks.

"Is it my shit?"

Meng Lang, who was happily eating melons, couldn't help complaining: "It's obviously that you are stupid, and you are still in the pit if you don't understand the market! You are so courageous that you dare to stock up in the Kamen Rider TV series?"

Just ask who doesn't know!

Kamen Rider is a well-known "Gifan", and Stud's base friends are not losing money. Although there are female characters, the heroine is a real "rare thing"!

Of course, I am special.

I lost even a good friend...

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