Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2141 Tanks dispatched

"The strength of the Island Self-Defense Force is only average, right?"

After breaking out of the tight siege, I changed my knife and gun, feeling a little disappointed.

"Actually, they are not that weak. They were caught off guard by us... In other words, they are not weak, but we are stronger."

Xiao Chen smiled, lowered the window, lit a cigarette, and took a few deep breaths.

"Heiyi, how long can the bulletproof system last?"

"If there were another round like the one just now, the bulletproof system would probably be destroyed..."

Heiyi said, looking at the windshield, there were already cracks on it.

"Well, let's try to reduce head-on collisions as much as possible, or... grab an armored vehicle later."

Xiao Chen thought for a while and said.

"If we grab the armored vehicle, the armored vehicle will open the way in front... We are waiting for news from Bai Yu. If she invades the satellite, then we can avoid the Self-Defense Forces and leave safely! Otherwise, we can only drive the armored vehicle and rush out directly. "


Black nodded.

"Who is Bai Yu?"

Qin Jianwen asked curiously.

"Invading the satellite? Was she the one who commanded us before?"

"Yes, I am a... very good friend."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"The world's number one hacker, aren't you awesome?"


Qin Jianwen looked at Xiao Chen and asked again.

"Yes, female."

Xiao Chen blew out a smoke ring.


Qin Jianwen nodded and asked no more questions.

"No, what do you understand?"

Xiao Chen looked at Qin Jianwen with something strange.


Qin Jianwen shook his head.

"We have to hurry up and rush out. It is estimated that in addition to the Self-Defense Forces, masters from the Bird Organization will also rush over... By then, it will be difficult for us to break through."


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal..."

"Chen, Brother Chen... look ahead."

Suddenly, Xiao Dao looked in front of him and his eyes widened.

Xiao Chen looked up. When he saw clearly what it was, his eyelids jumped wildly. Damn it...is this a main battle tank?

When he saw the armored vehicles just now, he felt that the Self-Defense Forces were working very hard, even the armored vehicles were coming.

But now it's better...use tanks directly?

But the next second, his eyes lit up. What kind of armored vehicle should I grab? How good would it be to just grab a tank?

"Dahan, blast it!"

Xiao Chen shouted, leaned out from the skylight, and pointed the individual rocket tube at the tank that was making a loud noise.


Li Hanhou pressed the launch button, and the rockets hit the tank.

The tank just shuddered and then continued to move forward.

"The target has been found, the target has been found..."

"Kill him on the spot!"

In the tank, the driver was also communicating with the main station.

The main station issued an order, kill them without leaving any survivors!

Following the order from the main station, the tank turned its muzzle and aimed at the two speeding vehicles.



There was a dull sound, and the cannonball flew out of the barrel.

"Get away!"

Xiao Chen shouted loudly.

In fact, Xiao Chen didn't need to say anything, Hei Yi reacted quickly, turned the steering wheel and rushed into the alley next to him.

Hong Yi followed closely behind.


The shell landed on the ground and exploded, creating a large crater in the ground.

"Damn, this power is...not bad."

Xiao Chen's eyes lit up even more, he had to grab one to play with!

However, this thing also has a fatal flaw, that is, it runs too slowly and is easily surrounded!

Moreover, even if the bullets are invulnerable, there are many ways to deal with them!

"I'll go down and grab it. I'll clear the way ahead... Black one, red one, you guys also slow down!"

The roar of the surrounding cars became louder. It was obvious that an encirclement had initially formed and they had to fight their way out.


Black nodded.

Xiao Chen put away his sniper rifle, opened the car door, and jumped out quickly.

Immediately, he swayed, took advantage of the bunker, and headed straight for the tank.

The tank was not very fast, and by the time it caught up, the two off-road vehicles were no longer visible.

"Northern three directions...reduce the encirclement!"

The main station kept giving orders.

According to the order from the main station, the tank made a loud noise and continued to move forward.

"It would be better if there were wheeled tanks... This type of tracked tank is powerful, but less maneuverable."

Xiao Chen muttered as he looked at the tank getting closer and closer.


The tanks rolled over the ground, making a loud noise.

Several other light armored vehicles followed, apparently intending to use tanks to clear the way and surround Xiao Chen and others.

Xiao Chen hid behind the bunker, holding the gun and waiting quietly.

Just when the tank bumped, Xiao Chen swayed and rushed out from behind the bunker.

He directly launched at the fastest speed, and the people in the light armor only saw a faint afterimage!

Before they could react, Xiao Chen appeared on the tank.

"Baga, that's..."

"What is he going to do!"

"Kill him!"

The people in the lightly armored vehicle looked at Xiao Chen. After being stunned for a moment, they realized and pointed their guns at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen ignored them, but grabbed the hatch cover and exerted force.


The hatch cover, which was not closed in the first place, was opened by Xiao Chen.

Da da da!

When the hatch cover was opened, the sound of shooting came from inside.

Xiao Chen was prepared and quickly closed the hatch cover.

Puff puff!

The bullet hit the hatch cover, sending up sparks...

In such a closed environment, the lethality of the reflected bullets is undoubtedly huge!

Therefore, when Xiao Chen closed the hatch cover, screams came from inside.

"Is he going to blow up the tank?"

"Baga, kill him!"

The people on the armored vehicle rushed out one after another, aimed at Xiao Chen and pulled the trigger.

Xiao Chen's eyelids twitched, he reopened the hatch cover and jumped in.

In the small space, several people in military uniforms were already dead.

Some people were shot in the head, and some were shot in the body... The smell of blood filled the air, making Xiao Chen frown.

He opened the hatch cover and threw a few corpses out with shaking hands. It was not a very pleasant thing to stay with the dead.

"He...no, he's not trying to blow up the tank!"

"He's trying to rob the tank!"

"Damn, he..."

The people around him were all shocked after being stunned.

"I can't fire the cannon alone."

In the cockpit, Xiao Chen also had a headache. If there were two more people, they would be able to control the tank.

He suddenly missed Leng Feng and the others. At this time, Dragon Soul's brothers were the ones who could cooperate best!

"Xiao Dao, who among you and... can use a tank? Forget it, just come here and listen to my command."

Xiao Chen took the walkie-talkie and shouted.

"I can drive a tank, I'll go there."

Qin Jianwen replied.

"Huh? You know how to drive a tank?"

Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed.

"Okay, come here with Xiao Dao..."

"Have you already grabbed the tank?"

Qin Jianwen over there is also not calm!

In the situation just now, Xiao Chen actually grabbed the tank?

The difficulty is not that great!


Xiao Chen grinned and controlled the tank, without firing a gun or anything, and directly rammed into the light armored vehicle next to it.


The light armored vehicle was knocked away directly!

"Damn... call the main station, the enemy has snatched a tank, looking for support, looking for support!"


These self-defense soldiers were also shocked.

At first, they thought Xiao Chen was going to blow up the tank.

And the driver in the tank was indeed careless... They were the chasing party, and the enemy didn't even have time to escape, so how could they come to deal with them!

Therefore, he did not lock the hatch... As a result, Xiao Chen not only came to deal with them, but also snatched the tank!

As soon as the news came out, the main station was shocked for a few seconds.

There is no need to say more about the lethality of main battle tanks.

This thing, on our own side, is a great help...but if it falls into the hands of the enemy, it is too dangerous, a terrifying killer weapon!

"Quick, the 345th main battle tank, go over immediately to intercept...the other vehicles should chase those two vehicles!"

The receptionist responded quickly and gave the order loudly.


Three tanks from nearby blocks came straight to Xiao Chen's location.

Obviously, they want to intercept Xiao Chen and not let him cause damage...

The destructive power of a tank to a city is absolutely amazing.

Fortunately, this is not an urban area yet, but rather a suburb. Otherwise... the loss would be too great!

After several light armored vehicles were knocked out by Xiao Chen, he controlled the tank and went straight to Heiyi's position.

Today's tanks are just lumps of iron at best. They can run rampant and have average power.

After driving some distance, they saw Xiaodao and Qin Jianwen waiting there.

He opened the hatch and let the two men in.

Although three people are still a little small, it is still enough.

"Xiao Chen, what are you going to do? You can't run away with a tank..."

Qin Jianwen said to Xiao Chen as soon as he came in.

"If you can't run away, then let's stop running... let's play with them first."

Xiao Chen sneered.

"Damn, since I came to Beihai, I was quite comfortable the first few days, but in the next few days... I was chased by them!"

"No, we didn't come to the island country to be bullied."

Xiaodao said, quickly becoming proficient.

He used to be a mercenary. In addition to knives, he is also very proficient in modern weapons.

Even tanks have been played before.

So, after a brief familiarization, he immediately got into position.

"So? Are you going to fight against the Self-Defense Forces with just a few of us?"

Qin Jianwen looked at them and asked.

"It's not a pity. We can fight and run at the same time. With this tank here, it will be easier for us to break out of the cordon... Okay, the big guys are coming. Next, we are going to have a tank battle."

Xiao Chen looked outside through the periscope and said with a smile.

Qin Jianwen was startled, then quickly looked around and saw a tank approaching quickly.

However, the tank did not fire. It was obviously trying to force Xiao Chen and the others to stop before encircling them.

"Are you loaded? Ready to fire."

This tank didn't intend to fire, but Xiao Chen didn't intend to be polite. He wanted to overturn one first!

Otherwise, it would be a bit of a pain to be surrounded by two or three tanks!


Following Xiao Chen's words, the gun barrel on the tank rotated and aimed at another tank.



A shell flew out and hit the tank.

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