Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 2142 Tank Battle


The sound of explosions was heard, and the tank not far away shuddered.

After one shot, Xiao Chen controlled the tank, turned around and ran away.

"Black one, red one, let's go separately...there are tanks chasing us here."

Xiao Chen picked up the walkie-talkie and spoke to Hei Yi and Hong Yi.

"I will send you a location now. We will gather at this location later and I will attract their attention."



Soon, the answers from Black One and Red One came over the intercom.

While Xiao Chen was controlling the tank, he marked a location on the map Bai Yu sent him, and then sent it to Hei Yi and Hong Yi.

Now there are self-defense forces and police all around, and there are also heavy weapons such as tanks and armored vehicles. It is difficult for them to break through the defense line with just their two bulletproof vehicles.

Therefore, Xiao Chen planned to drive a tank to attract the attention of the Self-Defense Forces and let Heiyi and the others avoid it until they finally gathered.

By then, it is estimated that Bai Yu will have completed the invasion of the satellite, and they will just need to break through the outermost cordon.

"Did you receive everything?"

Xiao Chen asked after sending the location.

"already received."

Heiichi replied.

"Received, Master, you...be careful."

How could Hong Yi not know what Xiao Chen was thinking, which was to serve as a target for the enemy and attract all the firepower... Although he controlled a tank, the tank was not truly invincible and had its nemesis.

"Well, don't worry."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"You all should be careful, too.

When you encounter enemies, avoid them as much as possible. If you can't avoid them, kill them all. "


“Always stay in touch.”

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he put the walkie-talkie next to him and looked outside through the periscope.

There were only three tanks in sight, and they were now catching up, but they still didn't fire their guns. He wanted to force Xiao Chen to stop.

In their opinion, their three tanks are more powerful than Xiao Chen's one tank, right?

"Aim and fire!"

Xiao Dao controlled the turret, aimed at a tank on the left, and pressed the launch button.


The explosion sounded again, and the tank shuddered and hit the wall next to it.


Xiao Chen praised him and kept the tank as fast as possible, circling around and heading towards the place agreed upon by him, Heiyi and the others.

Xiao Chen's movements made the Self-Defense Forces a little confused. What was he doing?

If you want to break through the defense line, this is not the way to go.

However, they didn't think too much about it and continued their pursuit.

"Find a way to destroy a tank first."

Xiao Chen said to Xiao Dao and Qin Jianwen.

"It's very difficult. They are all tough guys. They can shoot two guns with one shot. It is difficult to cause effective damage."

Xiao Dao frowned and said.

"Since the artillery and ammunition are useless, let's have a tank battle!"

After Xiao Chen sneered a few times, he controlled the tank and slammed into one of the tanks.

"Everyone is seated."


A huge crash was heard, and the tank shook violently and even tilted.

Xiao Chen and the three of them also looked uncomfortable. Such a collision was really painful.

However, thinking that the other party was also in pain, Xiao Chen grinned again and continued to hit him.

Bang bang bang.

Xiao Chen controlled the tank and kept hitting it.


"Damn, what is he going to do?"

"Can he drive a tank?"

Angry curses came from the cab of the tank.


The angry curses were mixed with screams of pain, which really made them dizzy.

Among them, the loader is a cannon. I didn't hold the bullet properly and it fell.

This frightened him so much that he broke out in cold sweat. The violent impact was still very likely to cause the gun to fail. The bomb exploded.

He quickly lay down and protected the cannon with his body. bomb, lest it really explode.

Bang bang bang.

Xiao Chen already liked this kind of impact. Although it was uncomfortable, it was still quite satisfying and he didn't have to worry too much.

It's definitely much better than driving a car and bumping into others.

However, Qin Jianwen and Xiao Dao felt more uncomfortable. They all protected their bodies and tried to stabilize themselves as much as possible to prevent their heads from colliding with the steel plate.

"I grabbed it all and the opportunity came."

Suddenly, Xiao Chen shouted and controlled the tank to run to the left.

Xiao Dao and Qin Jianwen were startled. What opportunity has come?

When they saw the outside environment through the periscope, their eyes widened. He was not going to...

I saw that they were already on the bridge at this time, and there were at most two tanks side by side...


Xiao Chen controlled the tank and hit the tank on the right hard.

After the collision, Xiao Chen didn't stop and continued to slam into it.

"Xiao Dao, fire at the tank behind you!"

Xiao Chen shouted loudly.


Xiaodao agreed, controlled the turret, and aimed at the tank behind.


There was an explosion and the tank had to stop.

On the bridge, there were only two tanks left for a while.

"Baga, is he going to knock us down?"

"Quick, hit him, don't let him knock us down!"

In the tank, several people also looked crazy.

At this point, how could they not understand Xiao Chen's intentions.

However, by the time they reacted, it was obviously too late.

Xiao Chen increased his power and hit it hard.

This time, he did not retreat, but kept rushing to the right.

The huge force pushed against the tank on the right and hit the bridge hard.


The bridge broke, and half of the tank was suspended in the air.

Even the tracks on one side have completely lost their function.


The faces of several people in the tank changed wildly, and they wanted to return to the bridge.

"Bye now."

Xiao Chen looked at the tank and showed a cold smile.


With a final blow, the tank fell from the bridge and hit the river heavily.

Although it was not very high, the gravity and downward momentum caused the tank to sink to the bottom of the water at once, and even deformed.

There was a huge splash and the tank was no longer visible.

Xiao Chen controlled the tank, returned to the right direction, and aimed at another tank.


The scene just now really scared them.

"Damn, intensive bombing..."

The remaining two tanks no longer had the idea of ​​forcing Xiao Chen to stop, but turned their muzzles and aimed at him.

"Knife, fifteen degrees to the front left, quick!"

Suddenly, Xiao Chen shouted loudly.

"Old Qin, hurry up on your side too."

After hearing Xiao Chen's words, Xiaodao and Qin Jianwen took a look and immediately understood his intention.


Xiao Dao nodded, quickly reloaded, and fired.

Bang bang bang.

Three shots in a row. The bullet landed on the bridge.


The bridge broke and fell from above, hitting a tank hard.

Before the people in the tank could react, the tank was smashed and deformed.

Although the cab was not squeezed, the people inside... were bleeding from their orifices amidst the huge noise and became silent.

"let's go."

Xiao Chen grinned and killed two tanks in the blink of an eye. He felt very accomplished.

Seeing how brave the tank controlled by Xiao Chen was, the remaining tanks did not dare to catch up again.

As for several armored vehicles, they dare not approach them.

Even the tanks are useless, and their light armor cannot stop them.

After Xiao Chen crossed the bridge, the tank dared to catch up again.

"Call for support..."

They couldn't beat each other three-on-one, but now they were one-on-one, and they felt even more unsure.

After crossing the bridge, Xiao Chen controlled the tank and continued to drive to the appointed location.

"Black one, red one, how is the situation over there?"

"Fortunately, we didn't encounter any enemies."

"Well, hurry up."

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he put down the walkie-talkie.

As soon as he put down the walkie-talkie, there was a burst of shooting.

Immediately afterwards, the tank they were in began to tremble.

"Armed. Helicopters! Damn it!"

Xiao Chen's expression changed, and he looked out through the periscope... and saw two armed aircraft coming from above. The helicopter was shooting at them.

"Damn it...get ready to throw away the tank and run."

Xiao Dao also frowned. Even though tanks were awesome, there were also many enemies who were armed. Helicopters are one of them.

There are very few tanks with anti-aircraft weapons installed, so... they cannot be armed at all. The helicopter dealt an effective blow.

In other words, face to arms. Helicopters, they can only be beaten passively and cannot fight back at all.

"Throw whatever you want, Lao Qin, come here and drive the tank, and I will shoot down these two helicopters."

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he left the driving position.

"how to spell?"

Qin Jianwen was stunned. He also felt that the tank should be thrown away.

Once the armed helicopter is equipped with heavy artillery, they will definitely die.

"Hehe, I carry an arsenal with me and fight an armed helicopter. Isn't it very simple?"

Xiao Chen sneered and opened the hatch cover.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Xiao Dao and Qin Jianwen were stunned for a moment, and then they came to their senses.

Yes, Xiao Chen has a storage ring, which contains weapons.

Ordinary tanks don't have anti-air weapons, but Xiao Chen does.

However... this is also very risky.

The hatch opens, once armed. If the helicopter is watching, they won't be able to run away.

"Drive more slowly."

After Xiao Chen finished speaking to Qin Jianwen, he took out the sniper from the bone ring. With the gun, he quickly leaned out half of his body, took aim, and fired, all in one go, less than a second later.


Snipe. The bullet hit an armed helicopter and shattered the front glass.

This startled the pilot of the armed helicopter, and he suddenly raised his altitude in an attempt to avoid the range.

"Want to run? I can't run!"

Xiao Chen sneered and pulled the trigger continuously.

Bang bang bang!

Bullets hit the armed helicopter one by one. This thing is not bulletproof. Maybe two of them are fine, but if there are more, the destructive power will be great.

"Kill him!"

The pilot's face changed wildly. He had already seen smoke coming out of the helicopter he was driving!

Another armed. The helicopter responded quickly and directly replaced the heavy artillery, preparing to bomb.

"I'll send you on your way first. You have a cannon, and I also have a cannon."

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he put away his sniper rifle and took out his individual rocket. cylinder.

Against tanks, this thing has limited power and has no effect, but against helicopters... it's just one shot!

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