Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 1046 Master is a cheerful person, so it's settled

Wutian suddenly became interested.

He entered the Three Realms, and wherever he went, any god would call him evil, and he didn't care about it.

How can those people from the camp of gods and Buddhas see their own shortcomings?

Those gods and Buddhas are only immersed in their "management" of the Three Realms, and naturally they will not turn against themselves.

And all of his subordinates can fight with life and death, but there has never been one who can truly understand him, understand that he is against the chaos, and can truly communicate with him.

He held some words in his heart for too long!

Don't spit fast!

His stories are not told to everyone, but only to those he admires. Naturally, his intention in doing so is to hope that the other party can understand him, understand him, and finally take refuge in him.

But he was disappointed.

Although he told the story to Xuanzang and Zhenwu, and they also said that what happened to him might make the same choice as him, but in the end these people still couldn't understand that he took refuge in him, and they still wanted to be his enemy.

To be honest, he really admired Zhenwu and others in the Three Realms, and he really admired them, and he didn't really want to kill them.

But if they insist on being his enemy, then he can only say things he is not willing to do.

To this day, he and this true martial artist have been very speculative in just a few words, and he found that the person in front of him seems to... really understand him.

"The fellow Taoist...will you support me?"

Wutian asked with a little expectation.

"Support, of course support!"

Shen Gongbao said: "But before that, Pindao still has a sentence that I don't know if I should say it or not."

Wutian said sternly: "Fellow Daoist, but it's okay to say."

Shen Gongbao frowned and said: "If Pindao has not misunderstood... the cause of this world catastrophe caused by the master this time is because of the grievances with Buddhism?"

Wutian said: "It's their hypocrisy behind their lips."


Shen Gongbao tentatively said: "There seems to be no... too much grievance between Master and Tianting?"

Wutian sneered and said: "The Jade Emperor helped the Tathagata set up a Journey to the West to deal with me, does that count? We all know that Gods, Buddhas, snakes and rats are nests, and I want to deal with Buddhism. Will your heavenly court just sit idly by?"

Shen Gongbao: "The master's words are wrong."

Wutian sneered: "Where is the difference?"

"It's not our heaven, it's their heaven."

Shen Gongbao said expressionlessly: "Pindao is just a loose fairy now, not a person from the heavenly court."

The smile of Maitreya Buddha next to him twitched, good guy!

Wutian was startled, then laughed and shook his head, he thought that what Shen Gongbao said about him was wrong!

"So it's not wrong to say that Heavenly Court was robbed this time." Shen Gongbao nodded.

Wutian smiled even wider: "That's natural, and I'm not an unreasonable person. Those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish!"

Shen Gongbao suddenly asked: "Apart from this grievance and prejudice, I don't know how the master thinks the work of the Heavenly Court to govern the Three Realms is done?"

Wutian pondered for a long time and said, "It's still good!"

"Then there are a few more questions I want to discuss with Master." Shen Gongbao said.

Wutian: "Fellow Taoist, please speak!"

Shen Gongbao nodded with a smile, and then said: "Firstly, the grievances between fellow Taoists and the Buddhist sect, what does it matter to Heaven?"

Wutian raised his brows when he heard this, as expected of being a master and apprentice, the questions he asked him were all the same.

That's right, Zhenwu had already asked him this question before.

When Wutian opened his mouth and was about to answer, Shen Gongbao continued, "Second, even if Master can prevent Tathagata and Jade Emperor from coming back and rule the Three Realms successfully, then how will Master plan to govern the Three Realms?"

"Why does the master think that he must be able to do better than today's Tianting? If the master does not do well, what will happen to the Three Realms?"

Shen Gongbao asked three questions from his soul.


Wutian pondered.

"Based on conscience, what Master hates should be Buddhism, and has little to do with Heaven."

Shen Gongbao said: "If the master wants revenge, he should go to the Buddhist sect. Could it be that the imbalance of the three realms, the disorder of the six realms, and the chaotic world of monsters is what the master wants to see?"

After speaking, he stopped and looked at Xiang Wutian.

"Shen Gongbao, what do you mean?"

The face of Maitreya Buddha next to him changed, and after listening to it for a long time, he finally realized it.

This bastard actually wanted to transfer all Wutian's anger to the head of the Buddhist sect, and took the heavenly court out. The Buddhist sect that was agreed at the beginning will submit to the heavenly court.

Shen Gongbao glanced proudly at Maitreya Buddha.

What are you looking at?

Master Dao is no longer a member of Tianting, and everything he does has nothing to do with Tianting or my disciple.

"you shut up!"

Wutian stared at Maitreya Buddha, and then said kindly to Shen Gongbao: "Fellow Daoist, keep talking!"

"Thinking about it carefully, the master is at most a little friction because of the wrong strategy of the Jade Emperor. In fact, think about it, the master and the entire heaven have no irreconcilable hatred."

Shen Gongbao smiled and said: "Master also knows that my apprentice is the Emperor Zhenwu of the Heavenly Court. If the Master is willing, Pindao is willing to be an intermediary and bring a word to my apprentice so that the Master and the Heavenly Court can be turned into friendship. From now on, the Buddhist sect will be led by the Master to carry out reforms..."

He has already heard that Wutian has captured Tianting Lingshan, but the main conflict lies between Wutian and Buddhism.

As for the Heavenly Court, it was entirely because of the wrong strategy of the Jade Emperor that offended him, and he was approached by others to settle accounts. Of course, this is what Wutian said.

He believed that even if Heavenly Court did not participate that time, Wutian would definitely call Heavenly Court when he invaded the Three Realms. Who would let Wutian's identity be a demon? Heavenly Court would naturally not allow a demon master to enter the Buddhist holy land and would intervene.

Instead of calling from Heaven, Wutian might as well strike first.

"I have to say, Fellow Daoist put forward this condition, tsk tsk tsk, even I was a little moved when I heard it!"

Wutian said with a meaningful smile: "It's just that fellow daoist forgot one thing. Now the Tathagata's soul boy and five of the sixteen relics are in my hands. Now the general trend is in my hands. Why should fellow daoist make conditions with me?"

"Fellow Daoist is right, but you only have the Tathagata's soul boy in your hands, not the Jade Emperor's soul boy, right?"

Shen Gongbao smiled: "Fellow Taoist lacks relics and cannot kill the Tathagata soul boy now, but soon the 33-year period will come, when the Jade Emperor will return. Besides, if you are so confident, how can you come to Longevity Mountain to get the relics from my apprentice through Poverty Dao?"


Wutian's eyes flashed and he smiled: "Fellow Daoist, this offer is so hard to refuse, but Fellow Daoist, our friendship is friendship, but you are a fairy, and I am a demon, how do you want me to believe your words?"

"Demon? So what, fellow daoists, do you know Chi You, the Demon Lord?" Shen Gongbao smiled disdainfully.

Wutian nodded in surprise: "I know, why?"

Shen Gongbao said: "He is my apprentice's life-and-death friend."

At the time when Chi You died, only his soul remained, and his disciples were jumping around, so they were friends of life and death!

"What?" Wutian was shocked at the time.

An overlord of the devil world, an emperor of heaven.

It was hard for him to believe that the friendship between god and demon was a life-and-death friendship. How did this relationship come about?

Shen Gongbao continued to laugh and said: "Fellow Daoist, do you know the demon saint Kong Xuan?"

Wutian nodded lightly: "I know!"

He wants to fight the Three Realms, so naturally he needs to investigate the power of the Three Realms.

Among the three ancient tribes, the mighty ancestor of the dragon clan is revived, and the unicorn ancestor of the animal clan has survived to this day. Only the bird clan is weak.

Shen Gongbao smiled and said, "That's my disciple's sworn elder brother, and he has a life-threatening friendship."

The corner of Wutian's mouth twitched: "Being sworn..."

Who is this Zhenwu? He has a life-and-death friendship with the overlord of the demon world, and a life-and-death friendship with the demon saint...

"Fellow Taoist, do you know the Jade Emperor?" Shen Gongbao asked again.

"Know!" Wutian said with a speechless face.

Who doesn't know this?

Shen Gongbao said in a low voice: "My apprentice was once the son-in-law of the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother..."

Wutian: "..."

Is this Zhenwu so evil?

Shen Gongbao: "Do fellow Taoists know the Three Purities?"

Wutian: "..."

"He is my master, Master Tongtian, oh, that is, Lingbao Tianzun, his favorite disciple and grandson."

Wutian and speechless squinted at Shen Gongbao: "What else does it matter? Don't hide it, let's talk about it together."

You mean that he is the grandson of Tiandao, I believe it now.


Shen Gongbao recovered from the excitement of the relationship and said: "Fellow Daoist, don't worry, Pindao said this to tell you that Pindao never cares about the status of gods and demons, he only takes advantage of the poor dao's reason, and the poor daoist would like to have a heart-to-heart relationship with him, and if he doesn't take advantage of the reason, I dare to scold even the Jade Emperor Buddha."

When it came to the end, Shen Gongbao had a resolute look on his face.

Anyway, one of the two of them is missing now, and the other is unable to protect himself and cannot hear. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to scold them.

"well said!"

Wutian said: "Fellow Daoist, then it's settled. As long as you ask Zhenwu to hand over his relics to help me get rid of Tathagata, and take the position of Lord of Buddhism, I will release all the gods in the heavenly court. It turns out that when Tathagata reigned and how the heavenly court remained unchanged..."

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable."

Shen Gongbao said: "Master is also a straightforward person, so it's settled."

Maitreya Buddha couldn't listen anymore, and couldn't help scolding: "Shut up, Shen Gongbao, thanks to the fact that you are also a disciple of the Taoist orthodox Tianzun, and now you are reduced to working with the devil, colluding with the devil, and you have completely lost the face of the saint Tianzun..."

"Shut up too, fat monk, Daoist, I have tolerated you for a long time.

The sage said: There is no such thing as good or bad, only people call themselves. If you hadn't treated Master Wutian unfairly this time, how could there have been subsequent events? How could the Three Realms have suffered such a catastrophe? "

Shen Gongbao said angrily: "Let me tell you, there is not a bald-headed person who is innocent in your Buddhism today.

This time, I will support Master Wutian, and the one who will help you if you don’t help me is an upright person like Pindao, not to mention that you and I have no relatives or reasons. "

Ma De, isn't it because your Buddhist sect has done nasty things to force a good Buddhist master into what he is today?

But after the catastrophe came, you reincarnated and ran around, why didn't you see a person from your Buddhist sect stand up and carry the banner of fighting against Wutian?

How innocent were the creatures who died in the catastrophe?

Isn't it enough for the gods of heaven to accompany you to suffer a crime once?

Such a hypocritical Buddhist gate does not need to be refurbished?

Now Daoist wants to save himself, understand!

Wutian's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

What I said--happy!

In one go, heartily, he almost spoke his heart!


Shen Gongbao choked on Maitreya Buddha as soon as he opened his mouth with his flamboyant skills.

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