A stream of dark purple light came suddenly, arrived at the Wutian camp above Longevity Mountain, and turned into Lu Chuan, the army automatically made way for Lu Chuan to come to the front.

At the forefront of the army are the giant scorpions under the Wutian seat, Ying Yao, Liu Lingjiang and Jin Xiang, and several other great demon kings in the Taiyi realm.

"How's it going, has the fight started?"

Lu Chuan quickly asked: "How is the battle going?"

"Hei Lian, you are late."

Ying Yao said bluntly, with dissatisfaction in his voice.

Although she is not good-looking, she can also be regarded as a bit resourceful among the group of guardians, so she often discusses with her when there is nothing to do, which is equivalent to the existence of a military adviser.

Lu Chuan didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "Isn't this the fight yet? Where's the Buddha?"

"I went to talk to the master of real martial arts in that small world."

Ju Xie pointed at the small world speechlessly, she was really embarrassed to say that the Buddha went to tell people stories again.


Lu Chuan's expression under the mask was a little weird.

If it was a mana fight, those ten masters combined would definitely not be Wutian's opponents.

But if you talk about talking...

Among the three realms, he, Lu, claimed to be the second, and only Lao Shen dared to claim the first.

Now he is no longer worried about Shen Gongbao, but thinks that the catastrophe of the Three Realms... Will it finally end on Lao Shen's mouth!

"When will the fight start?" Lu Chuan asked.

Ju Xie raised his chin: "We'll talk about it when the Buddha comes back."

Lu Chuan didn't say anything more, he naturally understood Wutian's intention to besiege but not attack Longevity Mountain. Wasn't his purpose just to force him to show up and take the relics on him?

Since Wutian wanted him to come out, he couldn't come out.

"By the way, the Great Protector in Black Robe!"

Lu Chuan looked around in surprise again: "Why don't you see him?"

Among Wutian's Dharma protectors, Heipao has the best magic power, he is like a right hand man, Wutian also relies heavily on Heipao, and will entrust some important things to Heipao.

Ju Xie said: "I don't know, the Buddha said that the Great Protector has other important things to do."

Lu Chuan nodded slightly, and began to pay attention to that small world.

After a while, suddenly, two figures appeared at the entrance of the small world, one dark and the other, it was Wutian and Shen Gongbao.

"Master, please stop and don't send it off."

Shen Gongbao smiled and said: "Master, don't worry, when my disciple appears, I will definitely talk to him and persuade him to let go of his hostility. We don't have any big conflicts, right?"

Wutian smiled and cupped his hands: "Then ask fellow Taoist to take care of you."


Seeing the scene where Wutian sent Shen Gongbao out in person, not only Wutian's camp, but also the immortals and gods in Wuzhuang's audience were stunned, speechless for a long time.

What the hell is going on inside?

In just a short while, why did Shen Gongbao and Wu Tianhao come out as if they were alone.

And Maitreya Buddha, why did Shen Gongbao come out alone?

A lot of questions popped up in everyone's minds. Among them, perhaps only Lu Shengshi could keep calm. After all, there is no such thing as a teacher!

Shen Gongbao swept away the astonished gazes of both gods and monsters, and calmly returned to the Wuzhuang audience.

"Deputy chief, what did you talk to that devil about?"

Everyone looked at Shen Gongbao who was sent out by Wutian unscathed and said hurriedly.

"Talking about the sky, talking about the earth, discussing the relationship between the people of the three realms, gods, demons, demons, and ghosts, there is a lot to talk about." Shen Gongbao said.

Everyone: "..."

Zhen Yuanzi said: "Fellow Daoist Shen, where is the Buddha from the east?"

"You guys don't know, this friend Wutian is also from the Buddhist sect, and he was a brother with Donglai Buddha!"

Shen Gongbao said with a smile: "Today when the brothers and sisters meet, things are different and people are different, there must be a lot of things in their hearts to say, so friend Wutian stayed in the east and came to the Buddha to sit for a while."

The fart is sitting for a while!

Everyone was speechless, but they did not expect that the legendary Demon Lord of the Demon Realm came from Buddhism.

At the beginning, Wutian was expelled from the Buddhist sect, and he broke up with it. One thought became a demon. Regarding this matter, the Buddhist sect's practice at that time was to choose to hide this news.

It's a scandal after all.

Think about it, the majestic Buddhist sect, which claims to save all suffering in the Three Realms, has actually stepped out of a great demon. Once this matter is heard, what will be the impact on the Buddhist sect, and there are still people in the Three Realms who believe in Buddhism?

Of course, Buddhism has never given up trying to kill Wutian to get rid of future troubles these years. Unfortunately, after Wutian became a demon, his magic power increased far faster than Ran Deng and others imagined.

Later, Buddhism had nothing to do with Wutian, so they had to enter the Heavenly Court to seek help from the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor was dissatisfied with Buddhism for creating such a demon after learning about the incident, but he also knew that this demon was the key to the catastrophe, and if he did not get rid of the Three Realms, he would suffer disaster, so he had to cooperate with Buddhism in a journey to the West.

It's a pity that the Journey to the West plan to lure the snake out of the cave also failed. The Jade Emperor sighed that his supernatural powers were invincible to Tianshu, watching this catastrophe befall the Three Realms.

It's just that although the immortals were robbed, they are still a bit wronged, because they don't know anything about the origin of Wutian. If it weren't for Shen Gongbao, they would have been kept in the dark.

Hearing this at this moment, they looked at each other.

"It turns out that the culprit who caused this catastrophe... is Buddhism, and it made us suffer."

Suddenly, someone in the crowd said something, and some gods complained dissatisfiedly.

It's really unbearable, these bald heads are too hateful.

"Hey, internal strife is starting!"

Juxie and Yingyao gloated after seeing the bottom.


Wutian raised his hand, the small world flew directly into his palm and disappeared, and his figure appeared in front of the army in a flash.

"See Buddha!" ​​Lu Chuan hurriedly saluted.

"Hei Lian, you are late."

Wutian stared at Lu Chuan and said in a deep voice.

Lu Chuan hurriedly clasped his fists together: "The Buddha, Rong Zhi, encountered an assassination on the way down, so the trip was delayed, and I ask the Buddha to forgive me."


Juxie and Yingyao were a little surprised, and Wutian frowned.

"Exactly, what makes my subordinates strange is that the person who intercepted and killed me turned out to be one of the people who went to the Heavenly Court to save the soul boy."

Lu Chuan was a little puzzled and said: "It's just that he escaped from the prison for some reason, and his mana has greatly increased. The celestial thunder technique in his hand is almost not under the subordinate's Dazizi Tianmo magic skill. He recruited Da Luo Jie to use Tian Jie to kill his subordinates. The subordinates escaped desperately. Wujin Helian was damaged."

As he spoke, he took out the Wujin Heilian with many cracks in his heart.


A gleam flashed in Wutian's eyes, and he closed them gently.

The scene of Lu Chuan starting from the Heavenly Court and being hunted down by Yun Youzi halfway and causing a catastrophe all appeared in his mind.

"Shenxiao Yulei Sutra..."

Bu Mo Tian Wu Tian opened his eyes and said softly, with an inexplicable expression.

"Buddha, who wants to kill the subordinate?"

Lu Chuan deliberately asked, boss, hurry up and avenge the younger brother!

"You don't need to worry about this matter."

Wutian said: "I have my own calculations in my heart. The matter of Longevity Mountain here is more important. I will talk about it after I get the relic from Zhenwu's hand and kill the Tathagata's soul boy."

Ju Xie said impatiently: "Buddha, do we have to wait like this if Zhenwu is less than a day away?"

"Is there anything wrong with waiting for thirty-three years?"

Wutian said indifferently: "When the time comes that day, if the Tathagata does not come back, I will rule the Three Realms for another thirty-three years. Therefore, it is not us who should be anxious now, but them."

"But the Buddha, even if the Jade Emperor does not come back and forth, he will still come back." Lu Chuan said.

Wutian said coldly: "As long as I am in charge of the Three Realms for a day, the general trend is that the Jade Emperor will have to go back as he came back."

Lu Chuan: "..."

Fortunately, Tathagata's soul boy was caught, otherwise, if it was delayed for another thirty-three years, he and Bai Lianhua would have sons, no, grandsons.

Wait, did the reincarnation of his father-in-law also abduct a fairy?

If this is another thirty-three years, his old father-in-law will not be able to have many children and grandchildren!

Wutian suddenly said: "Hei Lian, how long have you followed this seat?"

Lu Chuan was startled, pondered for a moment and said, "It's been more than two hundred years, what's the matter, Buddha?"

"It's been more than two hundred years!"

Wutian sighed, and said again: "Now that the Three Realms are under our control, why don't you take off the mask on your face?"

Immediately after hearing this, Juxie, Yingyao, Jinxiang, Xuelang, Liulingjiang and others regained their spirits.

As we all know, Heipao and Heilian are the right-hand men of Wutianzuo.

The personalities of the two are also completely different. The black robe has a violent personality, while the black lotus envoy likes to pretend to be mysterious. From before to now, no one has seen his true face.

The longer this time passed, the more curious everyone became.

Today Wutian Buddha speaks, can he not pick it?


Lu Chuan stretched out his hand to the mask on his face after a slight start, and the eyes of the people beside him stared with breathless eyes.

Finally, is it finally time to see the true face of the most mysterious Black Lotus Holy Envoy in the legend?

Lu Chuan took off the mask on his face.


All the monsters were stunned, and even Wutian's face flashed with surprise for a moment.

"What, the chief envoy of the Black Lotus is just... so-so!"

There were little demons in the army complaining, there was no way, the appearance of this holy envoy was too ordinary, he belonged to the kind that couldn't be found in the crowd.

Nothing special!

Not the slightest bright spot!

The eyes are plain, the ears are plain, the nose...

In the end, all these things grow on an ordinary face and make up an ordinary face.

Not to mention the aesthetics of the human race, the appearance of the Black Lotus Saint Envoy belongs to the kind of mediocre in their monster aesthetics.

Ju Xie was stunned, this is the true face of Hei Lian that she has teased so many times?

The lower half of the face exposed by wearing a wolf head before was fair, and the upper half should be...

There seems to be a galloping horse in her heart, even a black robe with a beard is more masculine and domineering than him!

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