Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 1057 Nightmare

what's the situation?

This sudden scene exceeded Lu Chuan's expectations.

Originally he was the one who chose the way, Dao also hoped that someone would choose them to prove the way and perfect them, so he was very popular and the initiative was in his hands.

And now he is inexplicably chosen by the Daoist.

Originally, there are thousands of avenues, and all of them can be proved. In the end, all dharmas converge to one, and all paths lead to the same goal. The end point is the realm of supreme heaven.

Apart from the avenues of the Six Heavenly Venerables, the best ones are undoubtedly the avenues of Yin-Yang, Five Elements, Taiyin, Sun, Time, Space, Killing, Fate, and Reincarnation.

Except for the Tao of acquaintances, he can fight for others without any worries.

And now he was chosen by an unknown path, bought and sold by force...


Lu Chuan's voice startled all the gods and gods of Longevity Mountain, and jumped out of the hall in the room. Thousands of eyes instantly focused on the cultivation place in the back mountain.

Inside the Lingshan camp, Wutian suddenly opened his eyes and a smile appeared on his face: "Don't make any mistakes in your cultivation, Zhenwu!"

He heard Lu Chuan's cry of grief and indignation.

He really appreciates Zhenwu as an opponent, and such an opponent can only be respected when he defeats him head-on.

"My dear brother, what's the matter with you?"

Kong Xuan, who was sitting cross-legged outside the quiet room, was taken aback, and shouted into the quiet room, "But what's wrong?"

"This...is a bit mysterious."

Lu Chuan frowned and didn't know how to explain to Kong Xuan: "Anyway, I'm fine, brother, don't worry."

Everyone else chooses the Dao, but he is the only one chosen by the Dao, and he doesn't know if there is any secret in it.

Now in this catastrophe, he can't deduce anything.

"My dear brother, the five-element avenue is also one of the most powerful avenues, why do you have to change the avenue because of me?"

Kong Xuan sighed: "You also know that the difficulty of proving the Tao is unimaginable, and even a brother may not be able to reach the end of the Five Elements Avenue."

To be honest, the difficulty of proving the Heavenly Venerate is unimaginable.

If nothing else, just think about the old immortals like Kunpeng Zulong, who hasn't lived for countless years?

They have been immersed in their respective Dao fields for countless years, which one of the latecomers can compare, but even if they are like them, they are still not still at the pinnacle of the ancestral realm?

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "No matter what, I can't go my own way and leave my brother with nowhere to go, can I?"

Each avenue can accommodate countless boats to compete for the current, but only one person can go to the extreme.

Once someone proves the Tao, it is equivalent to cutting off the path of countless people behind him. Therefore, the powerful have dabbled in many avenues for some supernatural powers, but they will never choose the path where someone proves the Tao.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

At this time, Zhen Yuanzi, Shen Gongbao, Yang Jian, Yun Youzi and others arrived in a short while, looking worried, they looked at Kong Xuan and asked, "What happened to the emperor?"

Although there is more than one ancestral realm here, Lu Chuan has always been their backbone to help them make up their minds.

Once something happened to Lu Chuan, it would have a great impact on them.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Lu Chuan said in the quiet room: "Everyone, just prepare for the battle with peace of mind."

"Emperor Zhenwu, are you... are you alright?"

Yun Youzi was a little worried and asked one more question, mainly because the sound just now was too scary.

Not only is it scary, but the spirit birds and beasts on Longevity Mountain are even more frightened.

"I'm really fine, are you a wanderer?"

A smile appeared on Lu Chuan's face when he heard the sound: "It's good if I can come back."

"But Immortal Zhao Gongming and the others are still imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison."

Yun Youzi said: "By the way, Dijun, your Longevity Emperor rebelled. It was he who arrested us and made the plan to rescue the Buddha's soul boy fail. You must be prepared this time."

"I know all these things."

Lu Chuan said: "Everyone should leave, the day of the decisive battle is coming soon, everyone should rest assured and prepare for the battle."

"Since it's all right, let's go, let's go!"

Shen Gongbao called everyone to leave, but he did not move when everyone left.

"Apprentice, tell me honestly, are you sure you can fight against Wutian?"

Shen Gongbao asked: "Actually, Wutian and I have already talked about it, as long as the Buddhism is handed over to him, the Three Realms will be safe. If you are not sure, then going to talk to Wutian as a teacher is also a way out.

You also know that this catastrophe was caused by Buddhism, and how many people in the three realms were robbed because of them. If you want me to say that Buddhism should be rectified by someone like Master Wutian, who shouted loud slogans every day but never did practical things... "

Lu Chuan was stunned: "Master...have you negotiated terms with Wutian?

"Ahem, just chatting casually, and you have to tell me the truth about what you think."

Shen Gongbao said: "Master Wutian is not considered a great evil person, don't you have to fight him to the death?"

Lu Chuan pondered.

After a long time, Lu Chuan said: "To be honest, Master, I have been undercover under Wutianzao all these years as his envoy. I know how he behaves. If I can, I don't want to fight him to the death!"

"Uncle, did you hear that?"

Not far away, Yun Youzi looked at Yang Jian beside him with a stunned expression.

Yang Jian nodded with a strange expression.

After Yunyouzi found out that Shen Gongbao hadn't left, he took him back secretly, and then heard the conversation.

"Undercover, holy envoy, black lotus?!"

The memories in Yunyouzi's mind were like flipping through a book, and he couldn't help being dazed when he thought of these associations.

First, he used his sword to stand against Hei Lian in the Heavenly Court, and then he was thrown into the gossip furnace by Hei Lian...

This... Emperor Zhenwu is actually the Heavenless Black Lotus Holy Envoy?


Yang Jian glanced at Shen Gongbao and coughed, "What are you talking about?"

"Who?" Shen Gongbao suddenly turned his head.


Yang Jian decisively pulled Yun Youzi out of the way.

"Master, don't chase after him," Lu Chuan said.

Shen Gongbao pondered: "You already found out that someone was eavesdropping?"

"Eavesdrop, just eavesdrop, it's not an outsider."

Lu Chuan said: "In short, Master, if I can, I don't want to fight Wutian to the death. This is my attitude. Now that the Three Realms are in such a mess, if Wutian doesn't regress, then we have no choice."


Shen Gongbao turned around and left with a sigh.

"There is still a method missing..."

Lu Chuan's thoughts flickered, and every great power would create his own method based on his own way after realizing the Dao of heaven and earth.

In the past, Kong Xuan, Taishang and others helped him deduce the Five Elements Jue, but now he has changed his way, and now he also needs to change his own method.


Lu Chuan raised his fingertips to dance with the law of time, like flying spirit butterflies.

In the quiet room, the flow of time also began to change.

Lu Chuan gently closed his eyes again, and began to realize the Tao. At the same time, he released many primordial spirits to travel the three realms, and experience the various states of life in the human world.

He was born in the human world, grew up in the human world, and should be extremely familiar with the human world.

But when he reaches the current realm, he looks at the world again, and he has a different understanding...

Until one day, one of his souls met a person.

"Fellow Daoist, are you dreaming?"

The lady in white asked with a smile.

Lu Chuan frowned and said, "Who are you?"

The scholar in white smiled happily and said, "My lord, long time no see."

"You know me?"

Lu Chuan frowned, sir, it's been a long time since I called you.

The white-clothed scholar smiled and said, "My lord and I have known each other since we were young, how come we don't recognize each other?"

"Between the little ones?"

"I don't know if my lord still remembers dreaming of Dafa?"

"Of course I remember."

Lu Chuan frowned, "What is your relationship with Dameng Daoist?"


The white-clothed scholar opened his eyes and smiled: "Coincidentally, it's just a clone of me. It travels the world for me. It's my honor to witness a wonderful catastrophe of conferring gods with my lord."

"I didn't ask for my title!"

"I'm here, Meng Mo!"

Lu Chuan: "Meng... Dream Demon?"

Lao Shen, who did you find for me? This is it.

"So that's how it is. I said why you disappeared after you became a god."

Lu Chuan understood a little bit: "So you are a succubus. You survived the battle between gods and demons, and you have been living in the human world. It is disrespectful."

The dream demon is the culprit who set off the ancient war between gods and demons. It is extremely powerful, and the demons among demons have higher qualifications in the demon world than Wutian Chiyou and his generation.

Based on his current soul alone, it is estimated that he will never be the opponent of this legend in the devil world.

"It doesn't matter if we don't mention what happened back then, the succubus is dead, and now it's Meng Mo."

Meng Mo smiled and said, "Why, fellow daoist, are you unhappy seeing your old friend?"

"Whether it's an enemy or a friend, it depends on the attitude of the fellow Taoist."

Lu Chuan said: "Now that the Demon Realm has invaded the Three Realms again, why don't you help?"

Meng Mo said with a smile: "Young people's affairs will not be mixed up. Compared with fighting for hegemony, I still think it's much more interesting to travel around the world and collect beautiful dreams in the world."

Lu Chuan frowned: "Collect sweet dreams?"

"None of the dreams that people in this world have are the same. Isn't watching these dreams more interesting than fighting and killing?"

Meng Mo said with a laugh: "I also want to thank you for your influence to let me have this hobby."

Lu Chuan was stunned: "\\(;¬_¬)"

Is this hobby saving the world?

"My lord, are you dreaming?"

Meng Mo said with a smile.


Lu Chuan laughed at himself: "I don't know how long I haven't slept or dreamed."

"If you think about it, nothing is impossible."

Meng Mo made an erhu move with both hands: "Do you dare to listen to me?"

"Why don't you dare!"

Lu Chuan's primordial spirit lay down. Anyway, he had more primordial spirits this time, so it's no problem to lose one.

Meng Mo smiled and picked up the erhu.

After half a day, Meng Mo smiled and said, "Has your lord slept yet?"

"No, you can't play the erhu very well."

Lu Chuan complained: "Can I change the instrument?"

Meng Mo was stunned: "..."

He has played tunes for tens of thousands of people, but this is the first time he has received bad reviews.

After a wry smile, Meng Mo sat cross-legged and a Guqin appeared on his lap: "My lord, listen up!"

This time Lu Chuan's soul fell into a deep sleep.

Meng Mo shook his head and smiled, and continued to play, countless notes flew from the strings and fell into Lu Chuan's dream.

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