Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 1058 Calling Teammates

"My father is the Holy Envoy of the Black Lotus, and the Holy Envoy of the Black Lotus is my father, what are you kidding?"

Yun Youzi looked angrily and couldn't accept it: "Uncle, other people's fathers can beat their children at most, but my father, he threw me into the Eight Diagrams furnace and burned me with Liuding Shenhuo, this is killing me!

Uncle, are you sure you didn't lie to me, is this my real father? "

The corner of Yang Jian's mouth twitched. He knew Lu Chuan, that guy was always ruthless to himself, and even more ruthless to others.

But for my son...

Also this kid.

Yang Jian smiled and said, "Didn't you hear what he said, he is undercover."

"The undercover can't throw his son into the gossip stove, can he?"

Yun Youzi complained angrily: "Even if it is an enemy, ordinary people will give it a good time. He has never done this before..."

Yang Jian said suddenly: "He is the first person to enter the Eight Diagrams Furnace and burn himself with Liuding Divine Fire."

Yun Youzi was startled.

"At that time, his realm was not much higher than yours, and the Liuding Divine Fire was a fire that would burn even immortals if they were infected."

Yang Jian smiled and said: "You complained that he was cruel to you by throwing you into the gossip furnace, but do you know that he is crueler to you?

Think about it, how much courage is needed to be the first person to enter the Eight Diagrams Furnace in that realm. If he doesn't have the determination and awareness to put it to death and reborn, he will definitely not be able to get out of it. "

Yun Youzi was thoughtful.

This is not bad, it really takes a lot of courage to be the first person to refine himself in a gossip furnace.

Now that I think about it, even though he was also burned by the fire of the Liuding God, but he was guided by the inheritance imprint of the "Zhenwu" at the side, and he still had some confidence in his heart, and his own father jumped in without guidance...

What a ruthless person!

Yang Jian smiled and sighed: "I think he probably hopes that you can walk the path he walked, and one day catch up with him, or even surpass him!"

He turned his head to look at the young man next to him and said earnestly: "You have to understand him."

Yun Youzi nodded, then glanced at Yang Jian and said with a smile, "Uncle, you seem to understand him very well!"

Yang Jian was slightly startled: "Is there?"


Lu Chuan was still retreating in the back mountain. I saw him sitting cross-legged like a statue. I don't know how long it took.

Not long after, the light on his face dimmed, and a villain with a devilish aura rushed out, practicing another kind of magic method.

Not long after, another villain with thunder and lightning and a villain illuminated by Buddha's light rushed out one after another.

Not long after, four villains appeared in front of him. They evolved Tao and Dharma as if no one else was there, while Lu Chuan just sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

Even he himself did not expect that the methods he has learned over the years are so complicated.

Several of the ancient scriptures he has cultivated can be regarded as the supreme method in the Three Realms, such as "Shenxiao Yulei Zhenjing", "Da Zizai Tianmo Zhenjing", and "Infinite Life Sutra" by Burning Lamp, etc...

In particular, the Sutra of Infinite Life, which was written for the burning lamp, inspired countless Buddhist classics, and even the Sutra of Great Sun Tathagata insisted on

If he wanted to create his own Dharma, he also had to have a reference. The Tathagata’s Dainari Tathagata Sutra was created with the reference of Ran Deng’s "Liangshou Jing".

He got the relic of the burning lamp, and this Buddhist mother scripture is included in his Dao fruit. These ancient scriptures he is practicing now are of great significance to him.


The whole back mountain resounded with the roar of thunder and blazing light, all kinds of heaven and earth visions were astonishing, and the quiet room was torn apart with a click.

However, these soaring visions were still concealed by the rushing Kong Xuan by raising his hands and flicking his sleeves.

"God, immortal, demon, Buddha?"

But Kong Xuan couldn't help but be speechless after seeing those villains, Lu Chuan's cultivation is too complicated.

I practiced the Immortal Dao method myself, so who knew that I had dabbled in so many supreme methods, especially the half volume of the Heavenly Demon Manual and the complete Divine Thunder Manual, and even he benefited a lot from reading it. How did this guy get it?

"In that case..."

Kong Xuan's eyes flashed: "Second brother, let me give you another helping hand."

A villain with a five-color light between his eyebrows rushed out to Lu Chuan, and practiced his Tao and Dharma with those villains, giving Lu Chuan another revelation.

Although Lu Chuan closed his eyes, he still showed gratitude. Kong Xuan did not hide his secrets, and practiced his whole set of methods.

"This is……"

After Yang Jian felt the movement, he pulled Yun Youzi over and saw a few glowing villains in the sky.

"Shenxiao Yulei Sutra, it really is him!"

Yun Youzi's heart skipped a beat when he saw the little man with thunder and lightning.

"Yun Youzi, hurry up and don't blink."

Yang Jian stared at the sky without blinking. It is rare to have the opportunity to see so many supreme methods. How much one can learn depends on one's talent.

But in terms of the value of this method, it is also a huge gain to learn a little bit.

During this period, many gods rushed out to watch.

"I see, Uncle, but can you calm down?"

Yun Youzi rolled his eyes when Yang Jian shook his hand on his shoulder: "You shook me to death."

He was also looking at the small figures in the sky, and the changes in the figures of those small figures walking in his eyes.


When those villains merged into one body and fell into Lu Chuan's heavenly spirit, it was also at this time that Lu Chuan's body was full of immortal light.

There was a sound of thunder in his body, and his whole body seemed to be burning like an immortal furnace.

After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes, the light in his eyes was as deep as a river of stars, and the celestial light around him evolved into chaotic energy. With a long cry, the galaxy in the sky vibrated, and there was a rustling of star dust, a huge and supreme energy broke through Kong Xuan's blocking went straight to the nine heavens, causing countless gods here to look at each other in awe.

They felt a feeling that only their mountain leaders had.

"Did you make it……"

Kong Xuan frowned a little nervously, after all, beheading the three corpses was not that simple.

This is the way of Daozu Hongjun to prove the Dao, and it is also the way of detachment that he walked out by himself, and later passed it on to the creatures of the three realms.

Before Hongjun Daozu appeared, the strongest realm between heaven and earth was the peak of Daluo, and when Hongjun Daozu proved that Hunyuan passed down the method of beheading three corpses, there was the ancestral realm.

What is the ancestral realm? After Da Luo Jinxian killed the three corpses, it was the peak of the ancestral realm.

However, beheading the three corpses is not accomplished overnight. The three corpses that were killed when the Taiyi state was promoted to Daluo can only be regarded as the initial stage, which is the real beheading of the corpses. With the walking dead, the Taoist heart is clear and not affected by good and evil thoughts.

Wutian Buddha has a lot to say about the question of good and evil.

White clothes without sky is his good intention, patterned sky without sky is his evil intention, but the way of the devil does not kill three corpses, does not ask good and evil, just follow his heart.

Therefore, when he does evil, he is often troubled by good thoughts, and vice versa, he can't kill him, and he can't be shut down...


Lu Chuan disappeared in Longevity Hill in a flash.

The time for the decisive battle has come, and he has to call on his teammates from all over the world to fight together.

It was also at this time that Wutian suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Longevity Mountain.

"Buddha, what's wrong?" Juxie asked.

At this time, they were in high spirits, and Wutian's empowerment had benefited them a lot. She and Ying Yao had reached the peak of Taiyi.

Heipao struggled a bit, and even reached the realm of Daluo, becoming the only Daluo under Wutian, oh no, Wu Zhiqi is the only Daluo strong.

This broke the black-robed Dharma Protector, and now his nostrils are almost going to the sky when he walks.

Wutian frowned and said: "Zhenwu seems to be attacking the ancestral realm."

"What, Buddha, shall we go to stop it?"

Ying Yao was shocked and said: "I heard that Longevity Mountain has gathered two masters, Zhen Yuanzi and Kong Xuan, if there is another ancestral realm..."

"It's late. Besides, for me, one more ancestral realm and one less ancestral realm makes no difference,"

Wutian smiled and said: "There is Buddha's light over there, I think Zhenwu used the power of sixteen relics to attack the ancestral realm, otherwise he would not have that foundation, but if the power of sixteen relics is consumed by him, the Tathagata will return Can you come back?"

The eyes of the three demons brightened: "The Buddha is wise!"

Just as Wu Tian was about to smile, his expression turned cold: "How long is it before the three-month period?"

Wise and wise, what else can you say besides this?

The black robe said: "There are still three days, Buddha!"

"Three days..."

Wutian counted the days: "There are four days left until the last day of the 33-year period, one day... Oh, enough for me to deal with them."

In just one day, the belonging of the Three Realms will be settled.

Even if Zhenwu breaks through the ancestral realm, so what, he is the pinnacle of the ancestral realm, and he has the power of heaven, it would be even better if Zhenwu used the relics and didn't break through, the Tathagata still can't come back...

"Tell the Emperor Changsheng to take good care of the soul boy of the Tathagata." Wutian ordered.

He can't kill the Tathagata's soul boy, and because the golden light on the other party's body protects against his magic skills, carrying it will affect the combat power, so he can't take it with him, and he can only hand it over to the Emperor Changsheng.


In the world, somewhere.

When Lu Chuan Youyou woke up, he was in a trance, and felt as if thousands of years had passed, and it seemed that a short moment had passed, which was very strange.

Meng Mo smiled and said, "My lord, this is a good dream!"

"Dream Dafa is still better for you to use."

Lu Chuan shook his head, even he can fall asleep, let alone ordinary immortals, just play the erhu, and all the heavenly soldiers and generals will fall asleep, that scene is so scary.

And the dream is the home of the succubus.

"This time I came here to help adults."

Meng Mo said with a smile: "Your Excellency wants to attack the ancestral realm. I use the method of great dreams for thousands of years to let you have a deeper understanding of everything in the world. How do you feel?"

"My head is swollen, it seems that the memory of my primordial spirit is full."

Lu Chuan rubbed his head: "But one sleep is not enough, why don't you go to Longevity Hill and let me sleep more and feel your ox fork?"

Meng Mo smiled bitterly: "My lord, there is no such thing as you."

"Having known me for so long, you still don't know my style?"

Lu Chuan said with a smile: "Now the decisive battle between us and Wutian is about to begin. Maybe this is the third battle between gods and demons in which people are devastated. You have to help people to the end and send God to heaven."

It was a coincidence that the succubi appeared, and its intentions were unknown, so it was much safer to take it away than to stay in the dark.

In addition, he can also take the opportunity to inquire about the purpose of this demon.

If you really want to help, then he will make this friend.

Meng Mo squinted at Lu Chuan: "My lord, is it appropriate for you to let me be a big devil instead of helping my family?"

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