

The expressions of the people watching the battle on Wanshou Mountain changed. Originally, Lu Chuan would be at a disadvantage against Wutian, but now that a helper is coming from the opposite side, doesn't Lu Chuan have a different idea?


Wutian snorted coldly, looked up at the figure with disdain on his face and said indifferently: "Zhenwu, you know me well, do I still need help to deal with you?"

When Lu Chuan thought about it, it was true.

After Wutian became a demon, he was extremely cold and arrogant, and sometimes used some tricks, but he always said that what he said was what he said, and sometimes he was more polite than these gods.

"Mo Luo, I'm out, you don't want to trap me."

However, the demonic figure looked down at Wutian and Lu Chuan with a big smile and said, "The demon will disappear, and you will not be able to monopolize the doomed situation."

Wutian snorted lightly.

He knew that the seal he had back then would definitely not be able to trap the Demon Lord.

What he did was just to come to the Three Realms first, and take advantage of the general trend to gain an advantage in the Three Realms.

It's just that I didn't expect the Demon Lord to come out when the catastrophe node was reached. It seemed that I overestimated him.

"Is that... the Demon Lord?"

Lu Chuan raised his eyebrows and thought of the history of the Demon Realm.

Legend has it that in ancient times, the top powerhouses in the demon world were the four major demon heads including the dream demon and the blood demon, and the top ten monsters.

Later, with the outbreak of the war between gods and demons, not only the ancient heaven was destroyed, but also the masters of the entire demon world suffered heavy casualties. The four major demon heads and ten monsters died and disappeared, which seriously injured the vitality of the demon world.

At that time, the power of the demon world underwent a reshuffle, first the rise of the demon king.

Later, Mo Luo and Chi You entered the Demon Realm. After years of fighting, the two became the Demon Emperor and the Demon Lord.

The Demon Monarch looked at Lu Chuan and said, "It's me, and who are you? I know a lot about the mighty and powerful men in the Three Realms. Why don't you know about you?"

"In the next nine days... Emperor Zhenwu."

Lu Chuan originally wanted to say that he was the ancestor of the Nine Heavens Slaughtering Demons, but then he found that these two demons seemed not very easy to swing.

It's a bit hateful to report this name now.

"The calamity, the power of the general trend, come to me..."

The devil closed his eyes, raised his palms, and an invisible force scattered from Wutian and poured into the devil.

Wutian looked indifferent and said nothing, he couldn't stop the power of the general trend from flowing towards the demon king.

In the Demon Realm, he and the Demon Lord Mozun divided the world into three parts, and the fate of the Demon Realm is tied to the three of them. As long as they take the initiative to enter the robbery, they can all get the general bonus of the demon robbery.

Seeing this, Lu Chuan heaved a sigh of relief.

When the general trend of doom this time is concentrated on one person, it is really "invincible", Tianzun also has to give in, and Jade Emperor and Tathagata can only retreat.

Because the demon leader Daoxiao, the Taoist leader and the demon elimination are all the reincarnation of the heavenly dao, and the heavenly dao is doomed to have this catastrophe in the three realms, and no one can stop it.

You must know that when Lu Chuan was promoted to the ancestral realm this time, he integrated the methods of Taoism, Buddha, demons and gods into one furnace, but even so, he did not dare to confidently say that he defeated Wutian, and only thought that a 50-50 split would be the best result.

But now it's different, the fate of doom is divided equally by the two, and the "invincible" buff is gone.

Wutian, you are no longer invincible personified.


Lu Dijun sighed again, even though the two demons in front of him each had half the power of Havoc, if they join forces to deal with him... wouldn't he still have to give up?

Standing on the Sky Demon Star, the Demon King looked down at Lu Chuan and Wutian and said, "Now you two can continue fighting, don't worry, you two will not help each other."

Lu Chuan and Wutian looked at each other.

Lu Chuan frowned: (°°)

Wutian: (¬_¬)

Lu Chuan: Got it, fuck him!


Lu Chuan made a sudden attack, and his fist imprint burst out with infinite light, blasting towards the demon king at the top of the Sky Demon Star.

"Heavenly Demon Seal!"

Wutian squeezed the magic formula with both hands and shot out a blazing magic light, which turned into a black magic character seal and blasted towards the demon king. Many of his magical powers from Buddha to demon came from the transformation of Buddhist magical powers.


The Demon Lord was shocked, what was going on, the two exchanged glances, why did they attack him suddenly.

With a long roar, he squeezed a fist mark with one hand and confronted Lu Chuan, and turned his other hand into a big palm with demonic energy to meet Wutian's magic seal.


The two fists were fighting together, one was surging with fairy light and the other was surging with devilish energy. There was a loud noise and endless brilliance, and the violent energy of the ancestral realm burst out.

The Demon Lord only felt his arm numb, but before he could breathe, another terrifying magic seal came and flew him directly from the Sky Demon Star.

"Didn't you hear, I don't help each other!" the Demon Lord roared.

Originally, he didn't take Lu Chuan seriously, and wanted to make fun of Wutian's overwhelming momentum, but he still couldn't win him.

But it wasn't until he fought with Lu Chuan that he realized the horror of the other party. That physical body was too strong, like an indestructible chaotic god stone, far beyond the ordinary ancestral realm, and could not be touched at all.

"It's because you don't help each other."

Lu Chuan sneered, and the black spear flew across the sky, and the pitch-black spear exuded endless divine light.

Isn't the two not helping each other just wanting to reap the benefits of the snipe and the clam?

You are ugly, but you are beautiful.


Suddenly Lu Chuan's spear swept across, like a black dragon flicking its tail, smashing a Heavenly Demon Seal blasting from behind, a shock wave erupted, and Wutian killed him indifferently.

"Big chaos..." Lu Chuan sighed in his heart.

It can be seen that Mojun and Wutian are not in the same group. If this is the case, the three of them don't trust each other.

Therefore, if anyone wants to stay out of the matter at this moment, it is simply a dream, and there is only one big battle at this moment.

He changed the flow of time at Longevity Mountain, integrated the five major methods of Taoism, Buddha, fairy, demon and demon into one within decades, and there are so many ancient Buddha relics to provide mana to reach the top of the ancestral realm, and he has a strong physical body. After so long, today is the time to shine.

Lu Chuan and Wutian got together again, but this time they also involved the Demon Lord.

The world-shattering war broke out, and the three major ancestral realms fought in the chaos. They were enemies of each other, except for themselves. All kinds of great supernatural powers clashed, celestial light and magic light surged, order roared, and the chains of laws intertwined. The violent energy at the level of the ancestral realm swept through the chaos and set off a storm that could tear apart the immortals of the Taiyi Realm.


The dharma body of the three appeared, extremely huge and incomparable, with chaotic air flowing all over their bodies, directly propping up the chaos, just like the one who created the world in the legend.


The devil felt a little aggrieved. He wanted to be a spectator, but he was dragged into the water by these two bastards.

Didn't you say that you can fight alone?

"In that case..."

The demon king's eyes flashed, and when Wutian hit Lu Chuan with a magical power, he shot at the same time, and also hit Lu Chuan with a magical power. The two magical powers worked together, and this time Lu Chuan coughed up blood and flew out.

"Wutian, he even said he wasn't your helper."

Lu Chuan yelled with a black gun, his face full of anger.

Wutian's eyes were not good, and he suddenly looked at Mojun with cold eyes.

The Demon Lord said lightly: "You're welcome, let's advance to the Three Realms next!"

"I want you to be troublesome?!"

Wutian said coldly, and the words finally turned into a roar, and he clenched his fists in an instant of rage, the dark purple magic light burst out all over his body, and the dark purple flames ignited in the chaos with his sleeves, whistling and killing the demon king.


Mojun and Wutian faced each other's palms, both of them were startled, and they retreated.

The Demon Lord coughed up blood and shouted, "Why are you crazy?"

"The Buddha is mighty."

The "wounded" Lu Chuan on the side had brilliant eyes and wanted to applaud Wutian.


But at this moment, suddenly, another figure with monstrous devilish aura charged up from the devil world, and arrived in the chaos, attracting the eyes of the three of them at the same time.

So, one person on one side and three people on the other side stared like this.

Lu Chuan rolled his eyes and suddenly said angrily, "Wutian, are you looking for help again?"

Wutian said coldly: "Didn't you say that you have an irreversible friendship with the Mozun?"

Lu Chuan pondered silently, he...has he said that?

"Chi You?" The Demon Lord looked gloomy.

"Your failure is my joy."

Chi You's eyes lit up, and he sneered and said, "Come, come, Demon Lord, let's fight another three hundred rounds."


A black gun flew across the sky, and Lu Chuan blocked the way: "Chi You, it's time for you to end the revenge of taking this seat back then."

As he spoke, he stabbed at the bewildered Chi You.


Chi You slashed open the black gun with one palm, and saw Lu Chuan wink at him to the side, stood up knowingly, and said angrily: "It turns out that you are a little bastard. I didn't expect to have today's cultivation. You are really breeding tigers. Let me kill you today."

The two shouted and killed loudly, one after another with supernatural powers, and the one who hit was called fierce.

"Mo Luo, now that Chi You is here, do you still want to fight?"

The Demon Lord said in a deep voice: "You have wasted thirty-three years in our Demon Realm. Now that the catastrophe node has arrived, do you still want to stop me?"

"I said that……"

Wutian was silent for a while, then raised his head and said, "You shouldn't meddle in my affairs."

As he said that, he killed the demon king again.

In the distance, Lu Chuan was still fighting Chi You, and Chi You said, "What's the situation now, why don't you let me find the Demon Lord?"

"A big fight!"

As Lu Chuan said, he rolled his eyes, you go to Mojun, then Wutian came to me!

Chi You said: "Then what should we do, continue to fight like this?"

After thinking for a while, Lu Chuan's eyes brightened: "These two have now equally shared the power of the Doomed Situation, so hurry up and share it too..."

The general trend is three points, and Wutian is even less invincible.

Chi You was silent for a moment and said, "How?"

Lu Chuan thought about it and taught Chi You what the Demon Lord did just now, and let him try it.

"Is this possible?" Chi You raised his eyebrows.

Lu Chuan nodded: "Try."

"Doom, the power of the general trend, come to me!"

Chi You closed his eyes and muttered words like the demon king just now. In the dark, two supreme fortunes flew to him from a distance.

"It's done!"

One person and one demon can't help but be overjoyed, the general situation is divided, and there is no longer any solution to the sky.

There are no more invincibles in the Three Realms.

In the distance, Mojun and Wutian looked at each other, they also understood what happened.

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