Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 1063 You Can Only Be Reasonable If You Can't Beat It

Three points for the evil tribulation!

This is not good news for them, because the more people in the general position, the less they occupy.

This division of fortune is not even, and it seems to be related to their strength, because although the fortune is three points, Wutian has the most, followed by the demon king, and Chi You is the least, but it is unimaginable.

The huge figures of the two stood in the chaos like two chaos demon gods.

"Are you still fighting?"

The Demon Monarch looked at Wutian gloomyly: "The great catastrophe node is here, we should now be united and work together to stabilize the Demon Calamity, and if we continue to fight, we will miss all the once-in-a-lifetime opportunities."

Although the law of heaven is constantly reincarnated, the three realms have always been controlled by gods, and ghosts know how long the devil has waited for this catastrophe.

This is a great opportunity for the Demon Realm to send troops to dominate the Three Realms.

Then when he was about to show his grand plans and send troops to the Three Realms to fulfill the long-cherished wish of countless sages in the Devil Realm, Chi You and his teammates Wutian came.

One ran out to make trouble and entangled him first, and the other entered the Three Realms first and strengthened the seal.

Of course, as the overlord of the Demon Realm, it was not a big problem for him to open the passage of the Three Realms, but who knew that Chi You dragged him for thirty-three years like a mangy dog!

Thirty-three years!

For thirty-three years that bastard had either been fighting him or was on his way to fight him, and he just didn't even have the time to fart.

Who knows how he felt when he watched the opportunities that the demon world had waited for tens of thousands of years go to waste in front of his eyes?

The key point is that he can't be too angry, because this is exactly what Chi You wants to see.

The angrier he is, the more frustrated he is, the more anxious he is... the more excited the animal is!

Wutian raised his head and looked at the two immortals and demons in the distance who shouted "Shaking Heaven and Earth", and fell silent for a while.

"That bastard Chi You has opposed me several times, and now I seriously suspect that he is a spy from the Three Realms who broke into my Demon Realm in order to destroy this catastrophe."

Following Wutian's eyes, Mojun also saw the two people whose mouths were moving more than tidying up. The corners of their mouths twitched and they said in a deep voice, "Now we must join forces."

Wutian was about to speak, but the Demon Lord interrupted: "I know that you have your arrogance, and I don't bother to join hands with others, but why am I willing to join hands with others?"

"But it's only half a day away from the juncture of calamity. The general trend is three points. If you and I join forces, there is still a chance, otherwise we will really lose as soon as the general trend is over. How to do it is up to you..."

Without saying a word, he pondered and pondered.

"Lu Zhenwu, I want your life."

"Hahaha, it depends on your ability, Mozun, Shoushi... Why did you stop fighting over there?"

Lu Dijun, who was smashing "Fighting" to death, gave Chi You a wink when he saw the stop over there.

Chi You turned his head to look at it and was startled: "I don't know!"

"No, they want to enter the Three Realms."

Lu Chuan thought for a while, and was shocked when he suddenly found that the two demons turned around and headed towards the Three Realms. They crossed the chaos and chased after the two demons: "I will leave it to you, the demon king."

Chi You stared blankly at Lu Chuan who had already flown away, and suddenly said angrily: "Zhenwu, I am the demon king above all demons, don't order me."

"Just pay back my favor..."

Lu Chuan's voice came from afar.

Chi You snorted and said, "I have blocked the Demon Lord for you for so many years, and I have paid off long ago."

"Pull it down, if it weren't for your help, we wouldn't be so difficult to deal with Wutian!"

Chi You snorted.

Improper Son of Man!


Lu Chuan crossed the chaos so fast, his whole body almost turned into a beam of light, transcending time and space, appearing in front of the two overlords, Wutian and Demon Lord, almost instantly.

At this time, Wutian and Mojun's dharma images have been removed, but the whole body is still surrounded by chaotic energy, and the strong aura is permeating.

"Two, stay behind!"

Lu Chuan blocked the two of them with a black gun, and the supreme divine power was flowing, and the shot pierced through the air, and the light illuminated the chaos.

"Fellow Daoist Wutian, are you leaving before the battle is over?"

Wutian snorted coldly and flicked the twelfth-grade black lotus with his big sleeve, and the dark purple magic air flowed and formed like the strongest shield. He was stabbed by the black spear with a "ding", and the power of the ancestral realm exploded, like two stars colliding.

Invisibly, a breath on the black gun merged with the breath of the black lotus.


Lu Chuan's eyes flashed, he had already discovered some kind of connection between these two treasures.

Wutian kept secret about the origin of his black lotus, and his black spear was obtained from Jiao Demon King, but it was actually given to Jiao Demon King by Kunpeng for use.

Wutian said coldly: "Are you sure you really want to fight and not delaying time?"

Lu Chuan frowned, so you have already seen it!

If you fight head-to-head with you when you get the general momentum bonus, then there is no problem with your head!

"What if I don't delay you?"

Wutian's voice is indifferent, looking at the demon world, he is also a strong one at the level of the demon ancestor, and even reached the peak level of the demon ancestor.

What is Lu Chuan?

He has just been promoted to the realm of the ancestral realm, even if he breaks through the pinnacle of the ancestral realm in one fell swoop, it is still not enough to match him.

If it weren't for Lu Chuan's unexpectedly strong physical body, he wouldn't be able to last for so long, and it would be a matter of time before he defeated Lu Chuan.

But he came to the duel with all his heart, and this kid just wanted to delay the time, which is too much.

"Get out of here."

Wutian came across the sky, shouted angrily and raised his palm to chop, the whole body was full of magic light, sweeping the chaos, the breath was extremely violent and filled the chaos, the magic power was running crazily, and the figure was incomparably domineering.

This is the strongest blow he can make now.


Lu Chuan shouted, his whole body was full of golden light, and he was running wildly with his peerless cultivation base. He gathered on the black spear and swung it fiercely to meet him.


When that palm met the black gun, a brilliant light erupted, and the next moment the black gun was slapped back and hit Lu Chuan, and a palm print appeared on Lu Chuan's immortal body.

Lu Chuan spurted blood, and flew upside down, hitting a chaotic god stone. With a bang, the stone that had been honed by the chaotic energy for countless years exploded and a large cloud of smoke and dust appeared.

Longevity Hill.



"Lu Chuan?"

The gods were shocked when they saw this scene. When they saw Lu Chuan fighting against Wutian just now, they thought that Lu Chuan could really defeat Wutian.

But this palm brought all of them back to reality.

No sky...or no sky...

All the gods looked bitter, no wonder the Jade Emperor and Tathagata Buddha were going to run away, this is simply invincible!

"The Devil Emperor..."

The Demon Lord glanced at Wutian who was panting, and he could only sigh with emotion in his heart: "As expected of the Demon Emperor."

To be honest, he was not sure about taking down Lu Chuan, and Wutian's all-out attack at this moment was so terrifying...

Chi You appeared next to Yanchen, glanced at Wutian and Mojun and said, "How is it?"

"I can't die!"

Lu Chuan appeared staggeringly with a black gun in his hand, and raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. The place in the middle of the mysterious black gun that was hit by Wutian was a little sunken, which shows the power of Wutian's palm.

Fortunately, he knew the importance of the physical body, so he crazily cultivated the body. The physical body is stronger than the Zhangliu golden body that came. Although this palm is terrifying, it will not abolish him and make him lose his combat power.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Lu Chuan's eyes were straightened when the Demon Lord looked at it. Perhaps only the Chaos God and Demon bred by the legendary Chaos had such a powerful body!

"Will you let me go now?"

Wutian said in a deep voice.

Longevity Hill.

"Senior Kong, quick, quick, take me there."

Shen Gongbao anxiously pointed to the sky and said to Kong Xuan: "I will save my apprentice."

Kong Xuan, Zhen Yuanzi and others stared at Lu Chuan, wanting to see his attitude.

Wutian asked, this time Lu Chuan remained silent.

"Dijun Lu!"

All the immortals and demons sighed with emotion. They thought that Wutian could deal with the general situation, but unexpectedly, the true power revealed by Wutian still made them so desperate.

"let's go!"

Wutian glanced at Mojun and turned around to go to the Three Realms.

"Fellow Daoist, please stay."

Lu Chuan raised his head suddenly: "I have something to say."

Since he couldn't fight with his hands, he could only use his mouth. He thought he could open 50-50 like a monkey, but unfortunately he chose the wrong time!

Originally, if you win, you can brag and have supreme glory, but if you lose, you can only reason.

Lu Chuan sighed in his heart. If Wutian had no buffs, it would be 50-50. But now, he should cast out the master's magic spell first to see if it can increase the success rate.

His silence just now was to create conditions for casting this spell.

Wutian and Mojun turned around slowly.

Wutian frowned and said, "What?"

The Demon Lord said coldly: "I want to ask the dead Lord to fulfill you."

Chi You rolled up his sleeves and said, "If you want to fail, this deity will fulfill you."

The Demon Lord pointed to Chi You and said to Wutian: "You see, he is indeed an undercover agent who broke into my Demon Realm."

Chi You said indifferently: "It doesn't matter whether you are undercover or not, the main reason is that I want to fight against you. I will not let you do what you want to do. Whoever you want to kill, I will not let you kill anyone."

Mo Jun pointed at Lu Chuan and gritted his teeth, "Then what if I want to save him?"

Chi You: "Then I will kill him."

Demon Lord: "Then you will kill me!"

Chi You gave him a look like a fool.

"Fellow Daoist, do you have any objections to the Three Realms governed by our Heavenly Court?"

Lu Chuan shook his head speechlessly and asked Wu Tiandao.

Wutian let out a "hmm". To be honest, Heavenly Court managed the Three Realms really well.

Lu Chuan said: "This time, the fellow Taoist really wants to take revenge on Buddhism, right?"

Wutian gritted his teeth and said: "I will never die!"

"The ancient Buddha who burns the lamp has passed away, and the Tathagata Buddha has also been reincarnated."

Lu Chuan smiled wryly and said, "Fellow Daoist is not satisfied with this result?"

Wutian sneered, "You think I'm targeting them?"

Lu Chuan sighed: "I know, fellow Taoist, you hate the hypocrisy of Buddhism, the inconsistency of their words and deeds, and the hypocrisy that they say that all beings are equal but can't be done..."

Wutian nodded slightly.

I have to say, this kid really understands me.

"Actually, fellow Taoist, have you ever thought about it, so what if you occupy Buddhism and the Three Realms?"

Lu Chuan said: "I know you want to change Buddhism and the Three Realms with your own power, but is the chaotic Three Realms what you want?"

Wutian snorted and was about to speak.

But was interrupted by Lu Chuan: "Fellow Daoist, do you want to say that you have been busy dealing with us these years, and you can't take care of it, otherwise you can manage the Three Realms well, right?"

Wutian was taken aback but nodded affirmatively.

Lu Chuan shook his head and smiled.

Wutian: "What are you laughing at?"

"I'm afraid that fellow daoists won't believe what I said, so I say it for fellow daoists."

Lu Chuan sighed: "I didn't expect that fellow daoists would believe me when I said this. I have known fellow daoists for many years, and I quite recognize that fellow daoists are demons. I don't deny that fellow daoists must be a good manager, but can you nod to me so confidently after thinking about the group of people under your own hands?"

Wutian thought of the black-robed giant scorpion and the others, and then——

The whole person is silent!

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