Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 1064 Give me a chance

Seeing Wutian fall into silence, Lu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

This is a signal in a good direction, and the initiative is in his hands.

Court debate, begin!

Then he struck while the iron was hot and continued: "Fellow Daoist, those subordinates are killing innocent people indiscriminately in the Three Realms, doing evil things, do you know, Fellow Daoist?"

Wutian was silent for a moment: "Know!"

His goal is to rule the Three Realms, but the black robe under his command is cruel and fierce, and often kills innocent people indiscriminately when he works for him, but he is not easy to punish for doing things for him, which makes him a headache.

Lu Chuan said: "Then may I ask if this is the instruction of Fellow Daoist Wutian?"

Wen Yan Wutian suddenly raised his head and took a deep look at Lu Chuan.

You have been lurking under this seat for so many years, don't you know if I instructed you?

Lu Chuan said solemnly: "Fellow Wutian, please answer my question."

Wutian: "No!"

Lu Chuan said: "Has fellow Daoist ever stopped those subordinates?"

Wutian was a little annoyed and said, "What exactly are you trying to say?"

Lu Chuan said with a smile: "Those subordinates of Fellow Daoist acted cruelly and killed innocent people indiscriminately. If you can't even control them, how can you talk about governing the Three Realms?"

Wutian snorted, lost in thought.

There is nothing wrong with what he said. It was he who saw the hypocrisy in Buddhism, so he abandoned the Buddha and became a demon, and wanted to change the Buddhist world by his own power.

This was his initial thought. Later, as Heavenly Court and Buddhism joined forces, he naturally aimed at Heavenly Court.

But in fact, he doesn't want to be a heavenly emperor. After all, he used to be a monk, eating fast and praying to Buddha, but he has no management experience.

At this time, Chi You and the Demon Lord who were bickering next to each other also looked over, and the Demon Lord saw that the situation was not right and said: "Natural selection of the fittest to survive, the strong rule the weak is the law of heaven."

"That's the law of survival in your devil world."

Lu Chuan smiled: "Our Three Realms have already transitioned from that stage."

The heaven and the earth merged, and all spirits came to the world, forming countless races.

In the beginning, they also multiplied slowly, and the land was peaceful and quiet, but when there was friction at the border between different races, the war began, and then it became more and more serious.

Gradually, these races were divided into three camps of birds, beasts, and water according to sea, land and air. They were led by the strongest phoenix, unicorn, and dragon clans, and they fought extremely fiercely.

Later, the three clans suffered heavy casualties in a decisive battle, and their vitality was severely injured, and they went into decline. However, the disputes in the three realms still did not stop.

Later, the emperor Dijun was born, led his troops to fight for many years to end the troubled times, established the ancient heavenly court, and established the heavenly rules that all ethnic groups must abide by, so that the three realms entered a stable state.

Wutian's eyes flashed: "So you mean..."

"Do fellow Taoists believe me?"


"give me a chance."

Lu Chuan said: "In the past, I couldn't intervene in the affairs of Buddhism, but now I can."

He couldn't say all of his words, but he believed that Wutian would definitely understand.

The catastrophe in the Three Realms this time was caused by the Buddhism, and no matter what, the Buddhism must give an explanation to the Three Realms. If he can intervene in the affairs of the Buddhism, it will definitely change the Buddhism.

Wutian looked at Lu Chuan quietly, and the two just looked at each other.

"Mo Luo, you are being told nonsense by this guy. He is delaying time, trying to trick you!"

The devil looked anxious when he saw Wutian: "Now is the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the demon to disappear. Do you know how long the reincarnation of heaven will take this time? Now you can do what you want, but once you miss it, you don't know how long you will have to wait next time."


At this moment, a gentle voice sounded, and Lu Chuan spread out his palms, and a phantom of a pure and flawless woman exuding white divine light appeared, with a beautiful appearance and gentle eyes looking at Wutian.

A fragile soul could not appear in this chaos, but Lu Chuan protected her with great mana.

I saw that this soul was holy and flawless, cleaner than the purest crystal in the world.


Wutian was stunned when he saw this woman.

Lu Chuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he went to find the former proprietress before he went to hire someone.

Thanks to the story told by Wutian, he figured out the approximate location, and dug Axiu out beside the Abyss of Darkness.

At the beginning, Ah Shiu died, but Wutian used spells to make Ah Shiu's soul fall into a deep sleep, and it did not dissipate. Looking at the holy soul, it really slapped everyone in the Buddhist sect.

I thought it was those Buddhas who once disliked this woman for being unclean, unable to enter the Buddhist gate, let alone go for salvation.

This is his last hole card.

If he can't even do this hole card, then he can only...

If he had to take out another one, he would have to discuss with the six-eared macaque or monkey whether he would sacrifice his life for benevolence.

If he doesn't want to, then he can only...

Axiu's soul flew forward and landed in front of Wutian, raising her hand to caress Wutian's cold and hard cheek.

Wutian, who has always been cold, rarely showed a trace of tenderness: "Ah Shame, is it really you, is it really you?"

He looked at Lu Chuan in disbelief.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, Fellow Daoist Wutian."

Lu Chuan smiled embarrassedly. It was the first time he had done such a thing as digging a grave: "I woke up Miss Axiu."

He found Axiu through some memories dictated by Ran Deng.

At the beginning, in order to understand Wutian better, he also shared Wutian's deeds with Randeng's relic. In fact, even Randeng didn't know where Axiu was.

Wutian carried Axiu down the Lingshan Mountain and left the Buddhist gate alone. When they found it, only Wutian was left beside the Abyss of Darkness. They thought that Wutian had thrown Ashu into the Abyss of Darkness.

But Lu Chuan knew that Wutian was wrong.

Although Wutian looks ruthless now, and his expression doesn't fluctuate when telling stories, but Wutian loves Ashu very much, otherwise he wouldn't become a demon for Ashu in order to subvert and change the Three Realms.

All in all, this is the story of a woman who almost changed the world.

Compared with other stories like this, fortunately there are gods in this world, who have the art of bringing the dead back to life, which can be regarded as a medicine for regret.

Because he knew that Wutian loved Ashu in his heart, he knew that Ashu would not be thrown away. In the end, his hard work paid off and he asked him to dig underground beside the dark abyss. Heck, he found it.

Axiu said softly, "You have done enough for me."

Wutian said: "Not enough, I haven't made Tathagata pay the price..."

"Enough, enough."

Shame shook his head and said: "Don't be blinded by hatred, I don't want you to live with hatred, let's go, go to a world where no one knows us..."

Wutian's expression softened, and he suddenly looked at Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan's heart tightened: "I didn't teach Miss Ah Shame to say that."

He just communicated with Axiu about the situation in the lower three realms, absolutely no embellishment, he would not deceive a woman with an extremely pure soul.

"Remember what you just said."

Wutian said: "If you can't fulfill your promise, I will come back."

Lu Chuan couldn't help laughing: "I only give promises that I can keep."

In the past, the Heavenly Court really couldn't get involved in the Buddhist sect. At most, it could only set up an office at the foot of Lingshan Mountain.

But this time the Buddhism caused such a catastrophe to the Three Realms, so many people were killed and injured, this time the Heavenly Court will not allow the Buddhism to be so independent no matter what.

What's more, this time the lineage of the ancient Buddha is completely extinct, and the power of Buddhism has been greatly reduced.

"No, Mara, what are you doing?"

The devil is in a hurry: "Children's affair is the biggest stumbling block on the road to success, it will wear down your will, and those who want to achieve great things can't do this."

"Go, I will create a world that only belongs to us."

Wutian glanced at Mo Jun like an idiot and held hands with Ah Shau, the two of them neither returned to the Three Realms nor the Demon Realm, but headed towards the depths of chaos.

In a blink of an eye, it turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the depths of the chaos.

"Mara, Mara..."

The Demon Monarch murmured: "If you fucking want to go, leave me with the catastrophic situation on your body!"

Three Realms, Longevity Hill.


Seeing this scene, the gods were excited and went crazy. They thought that Lu Dijun would lose if he couldn't beat him.

Who knew Wutian would go away with a few words.

Shen Gongbao said: "Sit down, sit down, calm down, there is still the devil!


I don't know who was yelling just now to save the apprentice from the chaos!

Wait, savior...

Emperor Donghua, Queen Mother of the West and the others were concerned just now and didn't pay attention, but now they immediately thought of something, and then their faces slowly changed when they looked at Shen Gongbao.

The Queen Mother of the West said with emotion: "Shen Daojun teaches disciples well."

Shen Gongbao couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear but said modestly: "No, no, Queen Mother Xi praised you absurdly, how can I deserve it."

The Queen Mother of the West sighed, there is no priority in the way, the master is the teacher, Lu Chuan and their peers made them half shorter in front of Shen Gongbao.

She's a little uncomfortable here.

"Buddha, Buddha..."

Heipao, Juxie, Yingyao and others were all dumbfounded.

Buddha, we agreed to occupy the Three Realms, and we agreed to fight these immortals and demons?

Didn't you just leave us... and go?

In chaos.

Chi You looked at the Demon Lord with ill intentions: "Now we are the three immortals left here."

Suddenly, a wave of fortune flew towards the Demon Lord again.

"This is……"

Lu Chuan and Chi You looked at each other, Wutian's fighting spirit disappeared, and a part of the lost momentum flew into his body.

"so what?"

The Demon Lord looked at the two of them and smiled faintly, extremely confident: "Even if the two of you join forces, and I only have one out of three points in the general situation, my Demon Lord is still invincible in the Three Realms."

This great situation of catastrophe has given him a lot of confidence. Although it is not the whole of Wutian, it allows him to have more luck than the other two.

It seems that this time he will not only unify the Three Realms, but also the Demon Realm.


Lu Chuan suddenly applauded.

The Demon Lord said coldly: "Aren't you crazy?"

"I'm afraid the devil doesn't know one thing." Lu Chuan said calmly.

Demon King: "What?"

Lu Chuan's eyes flashed: "I agreed with my friend Wutian to fight alone, but I have no such agreement with you."

The Demon Lord was taken aback.

Lu Chuan said loudly: "Where are all fellow Taoists?"

Wutian was not as arrogant as you when he was in charge of the general situation. Now that the general situation is three points, why are you so arrogant?

Chi Chi Chi!

One after another, figures exuding majestic celestial light manifested, turning into Suihuang, Fuxi, Xiwangmu, Zhenyuanzi, Kongxuan, Xingtian, Yang Jian, Yunyouzi, etc., who were either in the ancestral realm or physically able to resist chaos.


The expression of the demon king suddenly changed when he saw the people who appeared.

"Friend Daoist Meng, are you still here?"

Lu Chuan suddenly raised his head and gave a drink.

An erhu played in the chaos where ordinary sounds cannot be conveyed, and a white-clothed scholar appeared together.

Meng Mo looked helpless.


The Demon Lord pointed at the white-clothed gentleman in disbelief: "Could it be that you are... Senior Dream Demon?"

At this moment, his mentality really collapsed, and there were big waves in his mood.

The succubus is a legend in the demon world. When the succubus and others roamed the demon world, he was still an unknown person. How could he appear here, on the opposite side?

Meng Mo said to him: "Isn't it good for the demon world to be safe and sound, why bother to make another trip?"

This opening is tantamount to confirming his identity.

The devil remembered that before, when he couldn't come, he wanted to come to the Three Realms so anxiously, but now he seemed to regret it.

No, not as if!

Seeing the great powers approaching step by step, the devil's face trembled, he really regretted it.

This may only be supported by Wu Que when he is in great power to fight against so many people. As for now...


Everyone and others took action, and the Demon Lord became more powerful, and his strength was only inferior to the previous Wutian. The battle was fierce, but there would be no surprises in the result.

A bloody figure fell into the Three Realms burning like a meteor.

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