Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 1065 Follow me back to heaven

"Am I doing the right thing?"

Meng Mo looked at the falling meteor and sighed. Anyway, the Demon King is also his junior, even closer than Lu Chuan.

Helping outsiders beat your own people...

But there's no way anyone can let the Demon Lord wish to invade the Three Realms. Over the years in the Three Realms, he feels more and more that it is better for the two realms to be in peace and maintain the balance of the status quo.

He will not help the Demon Realm invade the Three Realms, and by the same token, he will not sit idly by when the Three Realms invade the Demon Realm.

As long as the demons do not invade the Heavenly Court, they will never take the initiative to initiate a war. This is the promise Lu Chuan made to him.

As the Demon Lord was driven into the Three Realms, the exuberant Xuanyin Qi in the Three Realms also began to dissipate...

"Fellow daoists, this catastrophe is over."

Lu Chuan pinched his fingers and smiled, cupping his hands and thanking everyone: "My friends and I will end this catastrophe and save all souls, and your merits are immeasurable."

In this chaos, he spent a lot of time with Wutian picketing, and later the demon king came to single out a group of them just looking for a beating.

All the great powers around him looked at each other with strange expressions.

Among them are Chi You and Mengmo who are demons, Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, Sui Huang, the first ancestor of the human race, and Queen Mother Xi, the congenital goddess...

The camps are completely different.

It can even be said that they were still hostile parties a long time ago.

Before that, they would never have imagined that one day they would meet acquaintances, not only did they not yell and fight, but they even stood together in harmony to fight against the enemy.

Simply incredible!

The atmosphere became a little weird for a while.

Meng Mo glanced at everyone and was about to slip away, but seeing Chi You still standing there stupidly, he sighed silently in his heart.

Still young!

Young man, look at these people next to you. If they are not immortals or gods, we are just two demons. What if these guys turn around and beat us with red eyes?

If you don't slip away at this time, when will you wait? !

"The emperor is too polite."

A group of great powers saluted Lu Chuan: "For the sake of the Three Realms, we are obliged to wait."

"I'll go too!"

Chi You turned around and walked towards the Demon Realm: "Zhenwu, I don't owe you any favors, now we are clear."

Lu Chuan smiled and didn't stop him. Compared with the demon king who always wanted to invade the Three Realms, Chi You was better at dealing with him.

What's more, Chi You and Nong Huang, one of the three emperors, were still father and son, and their bones were broken.

Lu Chuan laughed and said, "Fellow Chiyou prevented a war between the Demon Realm and the Three Realms, and he has made great contributions."


Chi You turned around and glared fiercely at Lu Chuan before turning into a long rainbow and entering the Demon Realm.

"Where's the succubus!"

Suddenly Yang Jian's eyes flashed, but he found that Meng Mo's figure disappeared without a sound.

"He left already."

Lu Chuan's eyes flickered: "Everyone, let's go back too. The chaos in the Three Realms has not stopped yet, and we are still busy!"


A meteor fell on the land of Hezhou, Xiniu, like a volcanic eruption, shaking the sky and shaking the earth, and scattered rocks.

Before that, those rocks would never have thought that one day they would fly to the sky.

A large pit appeared on the ground, thousands of miles away from the pit, blood rained from the sky, blood-red lightning pierced the sky, and this place became a desperate place.

At the bottom of the big pit, the demon king's body has long been tattered, and there is only one eyeball left on his head, which is very scary.

Although Zujing's body is immortal, the trauma he suffered was too severe.

Since the beginning of the world, there are probably not many people who have fought such a battle with such disparity in strength, and they are still at the level of the ancestral realm.

He was besieged by a group of ancestors, ancestors, a group!

Those bastards' supernatural power attacks are engraved with their Dao, and it is these Dao wounds that have wiped out his vitality at this time, so that he can only wait for the passing of life...

His true blood flowed from his tattered body, it was the supreme precious blood that could crush a stardust in every drop, but at this moment, it flowed like money, and soon a monstrous river invaded all directions.

"I...are you going to die?"

The Demon Lord lay quietly at the bottom of the pit, his only eyeball rolling around, looking at the only light at the mouth of the pit.

He was not reconciled, and his mood was very calm. In the words of so-and-so in the three realms, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. There is nothing to say.

It's just that he inexplicably remembered the failure of the Demon Realm during the ancient battle between gods and demons.

Since the beginning of their birth, the demons have been living in the dark demon world, and they don't know what it means to be their creator. Anyway, there is barrenness, chaos, massacres, and the law of survival of the fittest is everywhere.

In order to survive, countless demon people struggled to survive in the demon world.

They want to change the laws of the demon world and change it for the better, but there is a force suppressing them, so that he can't change the demon world.

If the Demon Realm cannot be changed, the only way is to invade the Three Realms.

But he really couldn't figure out why the beings of the three realms lived in such a beautiful three realms under the legacy of Pan Gu, but they still intrigue and fight endlessly.

No one knows that the demons living in the boundless darkness and despair also yearn for a bright world.

Then, just as he was waiting to die, suddenly the void began to squirm, and a cloud of black air flew towards the demon lord's body, and the remaining aura on the demon lord's body could hardly resist the attack of the black air.

"It's you……"

The devil's roar came from the black air, but unfortunately, at this time, he was exhausted after all.

Not long after, when the cloud of black air left, there was only a bone left here, and the strange black air seemed to have a contented laugh, and it disappeared.

Lu Chuan brought Yang Jian and Yun Youzi to appear beside the magic pit.

The sky here is shrouded in blood clouds, blood-red lightning flashes between the sky and the earth, and a blood-red river flows upstream from the depths of the pit and rushes in all directions.

Yang Jian said with emotion: "I'm afraid this place will soon become a Jedi."

When the ancestral realm falls, the heavens and the earth have their own visions, but the visions will manifest in the demon world after the fall of the demon king as a strong man in the demon world.

It's just that this land where the ancestral realm has fallen will turn into a desperate place where not a single blade of grass can grow and life can hardly survive. Of course, this can be regarded as a good fortune.

The fall of the Demon Lord must have left some true blood behind. This true blood has little effect on them, but it is no less than a supreme treasure to the little cultivator.

Let's put it this way, if a little monk can bear a drop of supreme true blood, his future achievements will never be too low.

Lu Chuan looked at the bottom of the pit quietly, his eyes flickering with flames, and two golden lights pierced through the layers of blood mist underneath like searchlights, and finally his expression became ugly.

Yang Jian knew that something was wrong at a glance, and looked down with Tianyan, his expression changed suddenly.

"Guess... who did it?"

Yang Jian looked at Lu Chuan in a deep voice: "Zulong is still..."

Yun Youzi looked down and couldn't see anything clearly, so he couldn't help but anxiously said: "Uncle, what happened down there?"

"This... I can't say for sure."

Lu Chuan frowned with a solemn expression: "Everyone is suspicious."

The Demon Lord fell, not only the remaining flesh and blood essence and Dao fruit disappeared, but also completely disappeared.

There was only one skeleton left at the bottom of the pit, as if it had been eaten by something.

This time he was worried about the great powers of the gods and immortals. Except for the absence of the ancestor of the Golden Crow, even Chi You and the Dream Demon were there, and there were only a handful of great powers left in the Three Realms.

It can be said that anyone except those present is possible.

In the demon world, the heaven and the earth mourned together, and there was a rain of blood from the sky. Countless demon people knew what had happened when they saw this scene.

Yang Jian said: "Will it be Heaven next?"

"No, let's welcome the Jade Emperor's reincarnation first..."

Lu Chuan couldn't help grinding his teeth, and got angry when he talked about the old man who hung up the phone.

He grows wretchedly outside and finds teammates to form a group, and works hard to maintain the three realms. He is more responsible and more like a heavenly emperor than his heavenly emperor, but that guy is hanging up. You say it is annoying.

"not to mention……"

Lu Chuan looked up at Tianqiong: "There is still a problem waiting for us, this time let the Jade Emperor solve it..."

Nanzhan Buzhou, a certain city.

"Eat, eat, eat, you're welcome, I'll treat you to this meal."

Dongfang Shuo was very generous to host the guests: "I didn't say, brother, I will cover you from now on, and if you encounter troubles, report my name in the future, it will work!"

Qiao Gan suddenly raised his head in a daze, his eyes flashed, and he lowered his head with an inexplicable smile, "Really?"

Dongfang Shuo said: "Of course, I don't need my master, do you know who my master is, Emperor Donghua..."

Joe laughed dryly and said nothing.

At this time, a group of figures appeared on the second floor of the restaurant, led by Lu Chuan, Yang Jian, Nezha, Li Jing and other heavenly gods, and Yun Youzi was among them.

Of course, Emperor Donghua's face was so dark that it looked like a layer of ashes had been smeared on it.

"Dijun, master?!"

Dongfang Shuo was startled: "Why are you here?"

"Naturally, we welcome the Jade Emperor," Emperor Donghua said.

"Brother... No, Jade Emperor?"

Dongfang Shuo turned his head and looked at the Jade Emperor in amazement. In an instant, the chicken leg in his hand was no longer fragrant: "Are you... awake?"

Qiao Gan said with a smile: "Wake up."

Dongfang Shuo smiled uglier than crying: "How long have you been awake?"

Qiao Gan: "Not too early, not too late, just right."


Lu Chuan glanced at Dongfang Shuo speechlessly.

Dare to worship my father-in-law?

Awesome, boy, I, Lu, respect you as a man.

"Help, second brother, help!"

Dongfang Shuo panicked and asked Yun Youzi for help.

"Second brother?"

The corner of Lu Chuan's mouth twitched, and Yun Youzi also looked puzzled: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Dongfang Shuo hurriedly said, "You don't know, I..."


Suddenly he threw himself on the ground, and a divine force pressed him so that Dongfang Shuo's face was on the ground and he couldn't say a word.

"Zhenwu, see the Jade Emperor."

Lu Chuan clasped his fists calmly and bowed to Qiao.

You little tortoise looking for shit and dragging my son.

Qiao Qian smiled and said, "Good job."

Lu Chuan: "It should."

If you know that I work hard, then when I resign when I go back this time, you can give me a better retirement salary.

"I'll see the Jade Emperor."

The gods also saluted Qiao Gan.

"Woo woo woo..."

Dongfang Shuo pouted his buttocks, unable to speak even if he wanted to, his appearance was very funny.

Yun Youzi was in a daze thinking about the relationship between the characters.

If his father is Emperor Zhenwu, his mother is Princess Longji, and Princess Longji is the daughter of Jade Emperor...

So, the Jade Emperor is his...grandfather?


In front of everyone, the golden body of the Jade Emperor exploded with immeasurable golden light, and said majesticly and domineeringly: "My dear friends, follow me back to heaven."


At this time, Fairy Chi Yao, who had been silent all this time, suddenly had a golden light on her body: "Wait for me!"

Jade Emperor: "Σ(дlll)?"

Lu Chuan: (_)

He should have guessed it.

I'm not feeling well recently, and I've been infusion (joint reason) so the update is late, sorry.

This problem has been delayed for several years, and it hurts on cloudy and rainy days. Previously, economic conditions did not allow it. Now that the book is almost finished, the plan is to go to the hospital as soon as it is finished. In fact, this fucking update is like the advertisement for frequent urination.

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