Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 1066 Zhenwu Save Me

Fairy Chi Yao in the golden light showed her real body, it was the Queen Mother.


All the gods exclaimed, and their eyeballs almost popped out.

They also found them when they came in just now, but their attention was all on the Jade Emperor's reincarnation.

Who would have thought that the ordinary little fairy would suddenly transform into the Queen Mother.

Both of them descended to the earth and reincarnated, isn't that too good at playing?

Of course, it was the Jade Emperor who was most surprised at the moment. As soon as the familiar voice spoke, Lu Chuan saw that Jade Emperor seemed to be petrified for a moment.

At the moment when the catastrophe ended, his memories of being the Jade Emperor revived, and he awakened. He just thought Dongfang Shuo was very interesting, so he didn't directly reveal his identity.

Now that I think about it, the Queen Mother should have woken up at the same time as him, but she didn't say a word...

Probably the Queen Mother also found Dongfang Shuo interesting, and the Jade Emperor comforted himself.

The Jade Emperor was flustered, but when he turned his head, his face was full of surprise: "Why is your empress here?"

"Your Majesty is going through the tribulation, how can I feel at ease in the Heavenly Court?"

The Queen Mother smiled and said: "Your Majesty, have you forgotten? Every time I crossed the catastrophe, I was with me."

The Jade Emperor suddenly said: "Your Majesty has a heart."

Although he has woken up, he can feel that the reincarnated body has had feelings for that Bi You.

Unexpectedly, Biyou's junior sister was the reincarnation of the Queen Mother, he felt a little emotional, but luckily nothing irreversible and absurd happened.

The risk of immortal reincarnation is here.

Once reincarnated, they will lose all their mana and forget their previous memories, just like a new seed sprouts and grows up again. Their outlook on life and thoughts are all new, and it is difficult for them to control what happens.

The Jade Emperor couldn't help but feel a little fortunate, now that his inexplicable affection has been pinched away after returning to his main consciousness, and this time his calamity has all been experienced.

"Biyou, how are you doing here?"

Yun Youzi ran over eagerly and asked.

"I'm fine, it's just brother..."

As Biyou spoke, he glanced at Dongfang Shuo, who was speechless as he kissed the floor with his body cast down.

Yun Youzi glanced at Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan looked at his nose with his eyes and looked at his heart as if he didn't see it.

Yun Youzi could only smile at Biyou, "Don't worry, it's fine."

Lu Chuan cupped his hands and bowed: "See your mother."

All the gods also quickly cupped their hands: "See your mother!"

The Queen Mother raised her hand: "All the immortals are welcome."

"Your Majesty, empress, I want to report something."

Lu Chuan raised his head with a dignified expression: "Emperor Changsheng betrayed the Heavenly Court and joined forces with Wutian. It has not been dealt with yet, and the Three Realms are still in chaos. I also ask the Jade Emperor to return to Heaven to send troops to condemn the generals to rectify the chaos in the Three Realms."

The Changsheng Emperor now has two choices.

Either stay in the heavenly court, or choose to run away.

He had asked Gong Gong to block the road ahead of time, and Xing Tian had also rushed there. Great gods such as Queen Mother of the West and Sui Huang refused to interfere in the internal affairs of the Heavenly Court, so they left.

Whether they can catch the turtle in the urn depends on those two people.

The task he gave was to entangle the Emperor Changsheng for a while, and even a moment in the sky would not last long in the world.


The Jade Emperor looked solemn: "I understand, all the immortals, follow me back to heaven."


The Jade Emperor, Queen Mother, and all the immortals turned into rainbows and soared into the sky.

"wait me back!"

Lu Chuan said to Yun Youzi that it is time to give this child an explanation.

Yun Youzi looked up at the disappearing Changhong and smiled.

Immediately, only Donghua Dijun, Biyou, Yunyouzi with a sad face and Dongfang Shuo with his butt in the air were left here.



Emperor Donghua sighed and sat on the chair.

Dongfang Shuo also found that his face could be raised, looked at Emperor Donghua, and said, "See Master!"

"No, who are you? You are a big shot who dares to worship the reincarnation of the Jade Emperor."

Emperor Donghua hurriedly waved his hands: "How can you be your master?"

Dongfang Shuo was dumbfounded: "Master, don't do this."

Emperor Donghua sighed and remained silent.

Dongfang Shuo quickly gave Biyou a wink, and Biyou said, "Master, please forgive senior brother, this matter, alas!"

At this time, she knew the cause and effect. If they hadn't worried about offending Qiao Qianqiang by staying in Donghua Mountain before, maybe there would be no such thing.

"Shall I spare him?"

Donghua Emperor looked at Dongfang Shuo with a sneer: "The question now is whether the Jade Emperor will spare you, brat. You are really bold and daring to be sworn brothers with the Jade Emperor's reincarnation..."

"Then who knew he was the Jade Emperor!" Dongfang Shuo argued.

If it weren't for the Jade Emperor, he wouldn't have sworn obeisance, but now his intestines are going to regret it.

He is already known for his resourcefulness, but this time it is the real Shi Lezhi, maybe this is the reason why a wise man is sure to miss out...

Hey, the senior who can say such emotional words must have had such an experience.

"It doesn't matter anymore, none of this matters anymore."

Emperor Donghua sighed: "Dongfang, it seems that I have pampered you too much. Before you stole the queen mother's flat peach as your teacher, you shouldn't protect you, but you should be taught a good lesson."

"No way, no way?"

Dongfang Shuo sat slumped on the ground and broke out in a cold sweat: "Is this... serious?"

As he spoke, his teeth began to tremble: "Yun Youzi, brother Changshou, you are also involved in this matter, why do you..."

He was very confused in his heart, obviously he was the third younger brother, Yun Youzi's second child, why was he the first to be unlucky!

Yun Youzi looked up at the sky in silence, his eyes in a trance.

If there were no accidents, the Emperor Changsheng would probably fall this time, mainly because his father had arranged very thoughtfully to block the escape route of the Emperor Changsheng.

But he felt that the Emperor Changsheng would not escape.

Anyway, the Emperor Changsheng taught him the entire "Shenxiao Yulei Sutra", so the Emperor Changsheng also had some exchanges with him.

How to say this god is hard to describe!

He was originally a god who was born in the first thunderbolt when the world first opened. Later, when the new heaven was established, he was invited to enter the heavenly court to take the throne of longevity and become the sect of thunder.

But who would have thought that one day he would join forces with demons? !


Heavenly Court, in front of Nantian Gate.

A royal chariot radiating divine light was blocked by two great gods in the Nantian Gate.

The chariot was pulled by nine heavenly horses, all of which were pure white without any stray hairs, flowing white light, and the one sitting in the chariot was the Emperor Changsheng.

Behind the hanging curtain, the Changsheng Emperor slightly closed his eyes, maintaining a rare calm on his handsome face.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

Countless divine lights lit up in front of the Nantian Gate, countless golden lights lit up in front of the gods, and the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother appeared.

At the same time, the Emperor Changsheng also opened his eyes.

"The god of sin lives forever, colluding with demons and betraying the heavens is an unforgivable crime."

Li Jing shouted: "Now the catastrophe is over, the devil is dead, and you have no way out."


The curtain was rolled up, and the Emperor Changsheng opened his eyes and showed a smile: "The demon world lost, but I haven't lost yet, why did you run away?"

Nezha frowned and said, "Why is he still so stubborn after the matter is over?"

"He's not being stubborn, he really didn't lose."

Lu Chuan's expression sank: "Those heavenly soldiers and some immortal friends were sealed in the heavenly court by Wutian..."

The key is that Longji, Taishang, Qiao Zhen and others are also inside.

It is true that the Emperor Changsheng has not lost yet, and he has weight. Once he is in a hurry, it is possible to destroy the heavens and make a killing.

The ancestral realm has great magic power, so it is not a problem to open up a big world, and it is not a problem to destroy the heaven.

"Zhenwu, understand me!"

The Emperor Changsheng smiled, raised his hand and said, "Bring it up."

Soon Ji Fa appeared first, and behind him were the three Jin Guangxians and a group of heavenly soldiers transformed from goblins.

These people bet a large number of immortals, including Taishang Laojun, Zhao Gongming, Guang Chengzi, Chi Jingzi and other enlightenment immortals and Jiejiao immortals.

"This guy is really crazy!"

Lu Chuan was speechless. None of the ordinary heavenly courts would go to these three celestial realms, and Wutian just sealed the three celestial realms.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Changsheng directly captured these people, sealed Tianling, and brought them out as hostages.

"Zhenwu save me!"

The immortals of the three heavenly realms were also stubborn, but the Taishang Laojun shouted with a bright eye.

Lu Chuan said angrily, "Wait!"

The Jade Emperor is here too, why can't you see it?

The Jade Emperor frowned and said, "Changsheng, why is this so?"

"Haotian, are you curious about the person behind Fu Yuan?"

The Emperor Changsheng smiled and said: "That's right, it was me. Back then, I refused to accept you as the Emperor of Heaven. That time, you can also regard it as a test I gave you. You passed, and I... also paid the price."

He designed that game, which can be seen as his dissatisfaction.

Of course, it is also a test to some extent.

To make a choice between family love and the justice of the three realms represented by Haotian, Haotian then chose righteousness to destroy relatives.

It was probably the only thing he did with a guilty conscience.

Naturally, one must have a clear conscience in cultivation, and when one has a guilty conscience, it is inevitable to have a demon in his heart, which is why it is difficult for him to make progress.

The gods were in an uproar, they didn't expect such a hidden story.

"You made my mother so miserable?" Yang Jian glared.

"Anyone can hate me, but you, Yang Jian, can't."

The Emperor Changsheng smiled: "If there is no this seat, there would be no you in this world."

The corner of Lu Chuan's mouth twitched.

Changsheng, you are so humorous, this joke is too cold.

The Jade Emperor said in a deep voice, "So?"

"This seat is waiting for you."

Chang Sheng said disappointedly: "I'm waiting to make a settlement with you."

The Jade Emperor was silent for a moment: "Please!"

As the emperor of heaven, he is not unaware of some things.

"Chang...Emperor Changsheng, you can't leave, you can't leave us..."

Hearing this, Ji Fa and Sanxian were stunned: "This is different from what we agreed on, you said you would protect us well..."

You actually sold your teammates too?

"By the way, there are you guys too... ask yourself to be blessed!"

The Changsheng Emperor smiled slightly, turned into a beam of white light and rushed towards the sky with a bang.

The Jade Emperor looked up and his figure also disappeared.

"Long...Eternal Life Emperor!"

Ji Fa yelled, but unfortunately the other party could no longer hear him.

And when he lowered his head dejectedly, he saw Lu Chuan and all the immortals' devouring eyes, and couldn't help saying: "Don't...don't come here, come here and I'll kill them."


Lu Chuan raised his hand, and the law of time flowed.

What he decided was not the person but the void in front of him.

Without the Emperor Changsheng, you are just a group of vegetables, don’t you understand?

"Catch it and wait for the Jade Emperor to deal with it."

Lu Chuan said and strode into the heavenly court: "I am going to save people."

The heavenly soldiers and generals, and all the gods are still sealed, including Emperor Qinghua.

"This...is the soul boy of the Tathagata?"

In Lingxiao Hall, the gods surrounded the young man with strange expressions.

Nezha said: "I heard Brother Lu said that the Buddha will not come back once the time passes, right, Second Brother Yang?"

Yang Jian looked at Qiao Zhen with an innocent face, and said, "Let's wait for Zhenwu to come back!"

boom! boom! boom!

There was a huge explosion outside the sky, and it looked like the sky was burning from the sky.

The gods only knew that the Jade Emperor came back alone soon.

The Emperor Changsheng never came back.

Longevity Hill, the situation over there is almost stable. After Wutian escaped, Shen Gongbao led the army and gods to subdue the fairies in black robes.

"Please baby turn around..."

Shen Gongbao held Lu Chuan in his hand and borrowed his Immortal Slaying Flying Knife to kill Yingyao first, causing the opponent's army to be in a mess, and the game was very enjoyable.

Coupled with the two great gods, Gonggong and Peacock Daming King, the demon army was quickly defeated, and then Shen Gongbao used Lu Chuan's "Zhenwu Linglong Pagoda" to clean it up.

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