Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 1067 Welcome back Venerable Tathagata

"Heaven and earth, cleared up."

Zhen Yuanzi looked up at the scattered dark clouds in the sky and said softly, quite emotional.

Then he looked towards the human world, and saw that the monsters that had been rampant in the human world had retreated one after another, some returned to the mountain, some fled.

The yin and yang between heaven and earth are like a balance, maintaining a balance, no matter which direction it tilts, there will be big problems.

Regardless now the tilted scales are starting to balance again.

"Yes!" Shen Gongbao said.

Zhen Yuanzi nodded, and suddenly realized that something was wrong, turned his head and saw Shen Gongbao's left hand Zhanxian Flying Sword and right hand Zhenwu Emperor Pagoda, his eyes were shining brightly, and he was simply perfunctory.

"Good treasure!"

Zhen Yuanzi looked at the two treasures and praised, the scene of Shen Gongbao offering the two treasures just now is still vivid in his memory, the gourd beheaded the big monster, and the pagoda took the little monster, making the other people feel very low.

No matter how long his gaze stayed on the Immortal-killing Gourd, he condensed slightly: "This treasure..."

Shen Gongbao looked surprised when he heard the sound, and said, "Daxian, what's the matter?"

Zhen Yuanzi remembered the pair of eyes that appeared after Shen Gongbao sacrificed the treasure just now and said: "Fellow Daoist, do you know where the true Martial Emperor got this treasure?"

Shen Gongbao shook his head: "I don't know, Daxian, is there any problem with this treasure...?"

Zhen Yuanzi said in a deep voice: "The eyes in this gourd seem to be a little extraordinary, we still have a chance to ask the emperor himself!"

Shen Gongbao looked at the gourd suspiciously and nodded.


In the Heavenly Court, the Lingxiao Temple, all the gods gather together, and the spirit of immortality is permeating.

When all the gods came back, the heavenly soldiers transformed by those monsters were not opponents at all, and they were quickly wiped out by the gods. Those who gave up resistance were put into the prison, and those who resisted were executed on the spot.

Lu Chuan and Emperor Qinghua entered the palace hand in hand.

Emperor Qinghua was sealed by Wutian in his Dongji Miaoyan Palace. At the beginning, he had a fight with Wutian, but Wutian was too overwhelming at that time, and Qinghua Emperor was not an opponent. In the end, he was injured by Wutian and could only recover in the East Ji Miaoyan Palace.

Although the seal set by Wutian is strong, it is not a problem for Lu Chuan today.

When the two of them entered, they saw the Jade Emperor sitting high on the throne, and all the gods and gods had re-arranged their ranks, only Qiao Zhen looked helplessly at the surrounding gods.

"See Jade Emperor!"

Lu Chuan and Emperor Qinghua saluted.

"You two are welcome."

The Jade Emperor raised his hand to help him and said, "Zhenwu, let's see if the reincarnated soul boy of Venerable Sakyamuni can come back."


Lu Chuan came to the soul boy Qiao Zhen and began to look at him.

"This great fairy..."

"I am Emperor Zhenwu." Lu Chuan said.

Qiao Zhen quickly changed his words: "Oh, Emperor Zhenwu, when can I go home? My parents are still waiting for me at home!"

Lu Chuan frowned: "You don't want to be a Tathagata?"

"No!" Qiao Zhen shook his head.

Lu Chuan has a strange expression, which is the risk of reincarnation.

After you are reincarnated, you will forget all the past, you don’t know what will happen, and you don’t know if you are a good person or a bad person. In short, everything is unknown, and only when you die can you restore your memory.

This method of death is particular, and sometimes it is not impossible to be hacked to death by a group of robbers.

But when you die in a strange way, you have to talk to Si Ming Xingjun.

"Unfortunately, you have no choice."

Lu Chuan smiled brightly: "Me neither."

Want to grow old with your lotus lady?

You are so beautiful!

Now that the burning lamp is hung up, Maitreya is taken by Wutian for a walk-and-go trip, and Medicine Buddha sits in his glazed pure land world.

If the Tathagata does not come back, Lingshan doesn't even have a person in charge, and Buddhism is the introduction to this catastrophe, so how can you not get a person in charge to take responsibility?

"Report to the Jade Emperor, I am willing to give it a try."

Lu Chuan turned to the Jade Emperor and said, "See if we can help Venerable Sakyamuni return to his throne."

Jade Emperor nodded slightly.

Lu Chuan turned around and looked at Qiao Zhen with a smile, "Don't worry, it won't hurt, it will still itch."

He held Qiao Zhen down with his left hand, and with his right hand, the phantom shadows of sixteen relics appeared in the swirling handprints, and he pointed them in and out of Qiao Zhen's eyebrows.


Qiao Zhen suddenly shuddered and then turned to the sky and screamed, his eyes glowed with golden light, and his whole body also released a brilliant golden light. The round of "卍" Buddha seal on his back slowly turned into a six-foot-long golden Buddha and Qiao Zhen became one.

"Namo Amitabha!"

In the golden light, Qiao Zhen clasped his hands together to reveal the true body of the Tathagata, with a compassionate face and a solemn treasure.

"My lord, welcome back."

Lu Chuan smiled and said mmp in his heart, if it weren't for the Tathagata hanging up with the Jade Emperor, he wouldn't be so exhausted.


The Tathagata glanced at Lu Chuan with some surprise: "Where is Mo Luo?"

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "I absorbed the power of sixteen relics to end this catastrophe."

"That's good!"

The Tathagata nodded and was startled suddenly: "The relic has been absorbed by you, that deity..."

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "But I reserved a hundred percent, oh no, one-tenth of the mana for the return of the venerable."

When he absorbed the sixteen relics, he was already an extremely strong man in the Da Luo domain, much stronger than the original Sun Wukong, leaving a part of the strength is enough.

What's more, what he needed at that time was the Dao fruit of the ancestral realm, not the mana, but what the Tathagata needed when he came back was the mana as a guide.

Tathagata pinched a Buddha seal, closed his eyes and began to read the heavens, exploring how the situation in the three realms is now.


Tathagata suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Lu Chuan in amazement: "The ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp really passed away?"

Lu Chuan nodded: "Really!"

"Honor Maitreya..."

"Sorry, we couldn't save him."

Lu Dijun looked apologetic.

Tathagata looked up at the sky sadly.

Then he might as well not come back this time!

We must know that Wutian caused too much damage to the Three Realms this time, with the loss of lives and heavy casualties, and this responsibility needs to be borne by someone.

He looked at Lu Chuan, and Lu Chuan looked at him with a smile.

This kid didn't pick him up, he clearly asked him to take the blame!

Yes, this is a big black pot.

You must know that Wutian's birth is inseparable from two people, one is Dieng Deng and the other is Maitreya.

Because when Mo Luo was forced to come out of Buddhism, he was still reincarnated, and Buddhism did not have him. At that time, Ran Deng, Maitreya and others were sitting in Lingshan.

Now Ran Deng is a bachelor, and he passed away directly, and Maitreya is not around, so let him take the responsibility instead...

The Jade Emperor said indifferently: "Since Venerable Sakyamuni has returned, let's go to rectify the Buddhist affairs!"

He was also angry.

At the beginning, Tathagata called him to carry out the Journey to the West plan together, and led the snake out of the hole to arrest Wutian. Who knew that Wutian would cause trouble to Tianting if he didn't catch him.

Tathagata couldn't stay any longer, clasped his hands together and said, "The poor monk will take his leave."

"Wait a minute, my lord, I'm here to send you off."

Lu Chuan smiled and walked out of Xitianmen with Tathagata.

"Ling Xuzi, you..."

Looking at Lu Chuan in front of him, Tathagata was speechless and could only sigh, because he didn't know what to say.

"There is a Tao that is blessed by misfortune, and blessed by misfortune. This catastrophe may not be a bad thing for Buddhism."

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "Buddha, don't you think Buddhism really needs to change?"

Tathagata was taken aback.

"The lessons learned this time are by no means accidental. If there is no rectification, what has already happened will happen again."

Lu Chuan said: "I hope my uncle can learn from this time to rectify the Buddhist sect, and I also hope that saving sentient beings will no longer be a slogan..."

If the Tathagata thought about it, he suddenly said: "Sir Ling Xu."

Lu Chuan: "What's wrong?"

Tathagata: "You have changed."

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "Become stronger?"


Tathagata laughed and drifted away.

This kid is getting bolder and dares to teach him such a lesson, the key is that his tone is too similar to Tong Tian.

When Lu Chuan turned back to the Heavenly Court, he saw all the five hundred spirit officials moving towards the Nantian Gate.

"Wait, what are you going to do?" Lu Chuan asked.

"Report to the Emperor!"

A Lingguan said: "The Jade Emperor said that the catastrophe is over, and he wants us to invite all the gods who contributed to this catastrophe..."

"It turns out that the commendation meeting is going to be held."

Lu Chuan was thoughtful, but it had nothing to do with him because he was ready to resign.

The son is so old, he must give an explanation to the family's baby, right?

After being an immortal for so many years, he is now considered to be one god above all gods in the heavenly court. Even if there is still room for improvement, he is tired and too lazy to do it.

Although the three realms still have great enemies like Zulong Kunpeng, he can't worry about it forever.

In addition, he cared a lot about what Lu Ya said to him when he left.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that Lu Ya should really be the distant ancestor of the Lu family in the world.

In addition, when he touched his body before, he found that his soap carving flag was gone, and after thinking about it, he realized that it was still on Wutian's body, and he had to find the treasure.

While thinking about it, Lu Chuan strolled all the way to Yaochi.

This place has been unsealed. Lu Chuan originally thought that the queen mother sealed Yaochi to protect the fairies, but now it seems that there is a second function to hide her going down to earth.

"See Emperor Zhenwu!"

All the fairies were very respectful and delighted to see Lu Chuan hasten to salute.

The legendary performance of Emperor Zhenwu in this catastrophe has quickly spread in the heavenly court.

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "I'm here to find Princess Longji, and I'll pass it on to Fairy Lao."

It's enough confidence to resign, not to mention that his credit for restoring the Three Realms this time is unrivaled, and it's okay to be presumptuous once.

"Don't dare, dare not!" Several fairies said in succession.

Soon Long Ji left Yaochi, and Lu Chuan told her his thoughts.

"you think……"

Long Ji was a little surprised, but not surprised.

"I'm leaving too, I'm going to see Shou'er."

She said that when she talked about Lu Changshou, she felt sad: "We owe him too much."

Lu Chuan pretended to be angry and comforted: "Nonsense, only people owe me, what do we owe him?"

It's okay, it's okay, he is teaching the method and giving away the baby, and let him experience a complete childhood when he was young.

Longji smiled helplessly.

"That kid's performance in this catastrophe is not bad."

Lu Chuan said: "The Jade Emperor is going to hold a commendation meeting, and he should come to the Heavenly Court later, so you come over then."

Long Ji was too excited to speak, and could only nod with red eyes.

"Dijun, Dijun!"

At this time, Lingguan You Yi came anxiously and said: "Why did you send the Buddha here? The Jade Emperor wanted to praise the gods. How did you leave? If it wasn't for you this time, I really don't know what will happen to the Three Realms!"

"Ahem, too much praise, let's go, let's go."

Lu Chuan waved his hand and gave Long Ji a look before leaving.

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