Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 1080 Disciple, get out of the way


Lu Tiandi smiled: "But please wait a moment, since I want to teach that disciple, I have to take out a magic weapon to protect myself."

As he spoke, he took out a scroll from his sleeve and threw it over his head, turning it into a black and white yin-yang fish, which flew to the top of Lu Chuan's head and began to spin, revealing the innate dao charm.


All the congenital powers looked stiff, their pupils constricted violently, and they looked like they had seen a ghost, uh, it seemed that ghosts didn't even have the qualifications to appear in front of their eyes.

After arriving in their field, to be honest, it is difficult for ordinary things to make their mood fluctuate so much, and it can scare them like this, which means that this thing is not ordinary.

"Tai Chi diagram?!"

All the masters in the ancestral realm were about to grit their teeth and ask Kunpeng for their sins, when Kunpeng opened his mouth in surprise and said, "You have the Taiji diagram?"

All the masters who wanted to make trouble looked at each other, dumbfounded and didn't know what to say.

"This old actor..."

Lu Chuan sneered in his heart, he didn't believe that Kunpeng didn't know about it.

"Is this in your hand too?"

Master Tongtian's eyes lit up and said: "Okay, this will prevent your seniors from accidentally hurting you."

All the masters met their eyes, only smiled wryly.

accidental injury?

Now we should be accidentally injured by this kid!

Lu Chuan stretched out his hand to receive the Zhuxian Sword Formation with the Tai Chi picture above his head, feeling excited for a while.

With the Taiji picture above the head, the Pangu banner in the left hand, and the Zhuxian sword formation in the right hand, let me ask who is the opponent in the wild world. This scene of pretending to be compared is the dream of many people.

Although he can't make up for the legendary three god outfits today, but equipping two... that's still very enjoyable!

"Fellow Daoist Tongtian, Emperor Lu, wait a minute."

At this moment, a powerful person who had never spoken before said, "There is no need to discuss and give advice. We were all born in the prehistoric and attained the Dao in the prehistoric. Although we have each opened up the world, how can we just stand by and watch when the Three Realms are in trouble? I am willing to contribute."

As he spoke, he stepped out from the mighty crowd.

"Fellow Daoist Minghe, hahaha, you have to go."

Tong Tian smiled and looked at the last Patriarch Styx: "If you want to prove the Dao of killing, there are plenty of opportunities for you to show your strength. Maybe your opportunity to prove the Dao is there. Your Yuantu and Abi are blunt, right?"

"Go and go!"

Ming He smiled lightly and said, "In this life, I have nothing to kill the enemy. My killing sword has drunk the blood of gods, Buddhas and demons. Today, I would like to try the blood of Chaos gods and demons."

"Then let me join you!"

The Nine Heavens True King smiled and walked towards Ming He and the innate saint: "The provincial fellow Daoist Minghe and Taixu Yuanjun are both lonely, how about fellow Taoists?"

"Too empty..."

The corner of Lu Chuan's mouth twitched, this dao name was even more unique than his Ling Xu.

The other great powers looked at each other, wanting to curse in their hearts.

These two people were soft and quick, but they also threw the problem to them.

To be honest, they didn't want to go to the war, otherwise they wouldn't have stopped hiding at home.

Chaos gods and demons are creatures that are more terrifying than their innate holiness. They are also born after Pan Gu created the world. To a certain extent, Pan Gu is the father of all living beings.

But what about those chaotic gods and demons?

They were born in chaos like Pangu, they are neither Pangu nor Celestial, how to fight?

Now they are really in a dilemma.

If they go, they will face Chaos Gods and Demons, and if they don't go, they will have to face Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Daoist Yuzhen stared at the smiling Lu Chuan, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll go!"

"I am coming too!"

"Then I too... together!"

Regardless of whether they are willing or not, all the masters took a look at the Zhuxian Sword Formation that was about to be handed over, and expressed their willingness at this moment.

"Where's Fellow Daoist Kunpeng?" Tongtian looked at Kunpeng with a flickering expression.

"Master, I think Fellow Daoist Kunpeng is unwilling, so don't let him go."

Lu Chuan took over the Immortal Execution Sword Formation and said with a sneer, "He has plotted to kill the disciple again and again. Today, the disciple will use the Immortal Execution Sword Formation to fight with him. Today we will not only compete, but also decide whether to live or die. All fellow Taoists will be witnesses..."

"You... don't talk nonsense."

Kunpeng gritted his teeth: "Last time I didn't even make a move. It was just one time. How come three times?"

"Fellow Taoist Kunpeng thinks... one time is rare?"

Tongtian's face became gloomy: "Kunpeng, do you think that my disciples and grandchildren will be bullied when I am gone and my disciples are gone?"

"This... no, how can I have it?"

Kunpeng hummed in a low voice: "Obviously it was your disciple who snatched my magic weapon first..."

Lu Tiandi held the Zhuxian sword array on the Taiji map above his head, and shouted: "Since you said so, come on, Kunpeng, today we two will have a one-on-one fight. It is not only about the superiority, but also life and death. We will end all grievances and grievances. Who dares to grandson, dares?"

Kunpeng's heart was burning to his forehead when he was provoked by this mortal's swearing, but the Taiji diagram and Zhuxian sword array shaking on Lu Chuan's head and hands made him choose to remain silent.

Because those two things told him in one voice: I am not angry.

"Disciple, get out of the way, I will personally compete with Fellow Daoist Kunpeng."

With a gloomy expression, Tongtian snatched the Zhuxian Sword Formation from Lu Chuan's hand, and reprimanded him: "How old are you? It's easy to spread the word that Fellow Daoist Kunpeng is bullying the younger."

Kunpeng: "(\\#-_-)\\┯━┯"

Then what the hell do I have to thank you for thinking of me?

You two, master, disciple and grandson, should be individuals!

The great powers on the side looked at each other, and finally looked at their noses and noses, and their noses looked at their hearts.

They are all old monsters who have lived for countless years. Who can't see that the master, ancestor and disciple both intend to make life difficult for Kunpeng!

You said the same thing about Kunpeng, Tongtian obviously wanted everyone to join the battle in the chaos, just now when they gave you the steps, you just walked down, but you Kunpeng didn't like it, you had to fight.

It's all right now, if you don't eat the toast, you will be fined.

"I go!"

Seeing the more fierce Tongtian, Kunpeng finally loosened his clenched fist powerlessly: "Emperor Lu, our karma belongs to us, but I hope you don't trouble me with Beiming Holy Land when I'm not around, otherwise I will fight you desperately."

"Don't worry, my lord, how could I do that!"

The anger on Lu Tiandi's face came and went quickly, and he said with a smile: "You are contributing to our Three Realms' defense against foreign enemies, and I respect you very much."

Kunpeng: "Hmph!"

Tong Tian said to everyone: "Let's go to our respective places to explain it first!"

"Okay!" Everyone laughed.

"This place is remote and not easy to find. I don't think fellow Taoists will get lost in this chaos when you come back?" Lu Chuan said.

All the masters froze with a smile.

Before Lu Chuan finished speaking, he continued to nod: "Oh, yes, the chaos is too great. In order to prevent fellow daoists from getting lost, let me put a mark on them, so that you can find you when you get lost."

As he spoke, he didn't wait to find a finger to point it out, and it turned into more than a dozen starbursts and sank into the clothes of all the powerful people.

The lawn in the heart of the great powers is like a hundred thousand alpacas galloping past, leaving in a hurry.

Master Tongtian, Emperor Lutian, please be one of you two!

Don't you all have such a little trust between each other?

All the innate powers scattered away, and they all opened up their own worlds in the chaos, equivalent to the existence of the creation gods.

It's just that they feel aggrieved.

The purpose of ambushing and killing them was to prove to the Three Realms that their innate holiness was still alive, and their majesty was inviolable, but now they were directly caught as cannon fodder.

After all the great powers left, Lu Chuan finally couldn't hold back his laughter and said, "Master Zu, how is my cooperation?"


Tongtian originally had a calm and majestic face, but couldn't help but also laughed, saying: "You did a good job, and finally drew out all these greedy guys who are afraid of death."

Lu Chuan smiled and said: "This time we have to thank Fellow Daoist Kunpeng for helping us a lot, otherwise I would have a headache how to lure these guys out!"

When Haotian left, he explained two things to him. The first was the plan to cultivate the Eight Immortals, and the second was to draw out these innate gods.

He knew that killing Zulong and eating meat would arouse the anger of the innate saints, and they would come to trouble him. In fact, these innate saints didn't care about Zulong's life and death, but felt that they were offended.

After all, they were the masters of the Three Realms at the beginning of the creation of the world, and they were also the existences that ancient creatures needed to worship.

It's as if a mortal fell asleep to a goddess, and the gods in heaven will be extremely angry.

It's just that he didn't expect that it was Kunpeng who finally helped him.

Tong Tian smiled and said, "You should thank him."

Lu Chuan said: "How did Master know we are here?"

Regardless of the large number of innate saints, but his Hunyuan Strike is the power of Tianzun's domain, and it can definitely cripple these guys, and then he will take them away and take them to Chaos.

It's just that Tongtian's accurate finding surprised him a little.

"because I!"

At this moment, a figure manifested in the chaos, walking with his hands behind his back.

"You are that nine..."

Lu Chuan frowned and looked at the figure.

The corner of the figure's mouth twitched: "Nine Heavens True King."

Tong Tian smiled and said: "Not all innate sages don't want to go to the chaos. Fellow Nine Heavens is very good at friendship with us. He is a top figure in the ancestral realm. If he shot with those people just now, you will not be able to stand it..."

Lu Chuan suddenly thought that he was the one who quarreled with him the most, spoke the most harsh words, and shouted the happiest, as if it was the Nine Heavens True King.

But in the end, after the fight, he frantically paddled on the edge of the battle circle and became an actor.

It turned out to be the case.

Lu Chuan said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Nine Heavens True King waved his hands and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Tongtian praised me. If you don't come to Heavenly Emperor's Hunyuan blow, no one will be able to catch it. It is estimated that if you don't die, you will be seriously injured."

Lu Chuan asked: "Does Master want to go back to the Three Realms?"

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