Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 1081 The Great Action of the Three Realms

"That's exactly what I mean. I came back this time with another purpose, which is to take the Taoist disciples with me."

Tong Tian nodded lightly and said: "There are only a few of us over there, it's not enough!"

"What, is it so bad over there?" Lu Chuan was surprised.

Tong Tian sighed: "We were born before the formation of heaven and earth. Since then, the acquired creatures think we are very old, and some of those Chaos Demon Gods are older than us, so they may not be weaker than us!"

"Not weaker than the masters?"

Lu Chuan fell silent. This matchup was really about soldiers versus soldiers, generals versus generals.

"Even if a mosquito has become an old monster since it lived in the wilderness, let alone the Chaos God and Demon!"

Nine Heavens True King smiled and said: "We are all constantly practicing, those Chaos Demon Gods have not waited for us to catch up, have they?"

If it is said that their innate sages have the aptitudes that acquired creatures need to envy, envy and hate, then the Chaos Demon God has to make the innate sages envy, envy and hate.


Lu Chuan said thoughtfully: "The example of Nine Heavens Fellow Daoist is good."

If there are ancient beings born before the opening of the sky in the opponent's camp, it's hard to imagine how strong Daluchuan is now.

This shows that at least Pangu existed in the same era.

Although there was a brawl in the chaos, a certain boss held a sky-opening ax to liquidate the other Chaos Demon Gods, cutting from the Chaos East...cough, in short, countless Chaos Demon Gods bleed after the incident.

However, there are no absolutes in everything, and it is not surprising that Lu Chuan survived from the ancient existence of that period.

Because according to gossip, his patriarch probably also...

Lu Chuan cut off the idea as soon as he came up. At first he knew that after Tongtian and Liu Tianzun went to Chaos, he thought he would come back soon.

After all, to the creatures in the three realms, these six heavenly deities are like the sky, an existence that needs to be looked up to.

They can take care of anything. Who would have thought that they would go there for thousands of years, and now Tongtian would take people there.

"Ling Xu, you need to broaden your horizons a bit."

Tong Tian pointed at the top and said solemnly: "The way is endless, and Hunyuan Tianzun is not the end of the way, don't let the sky cover your eyes,"

Lu Chuan frowned: "Don't let this place not bury my heart anymore?"

Tong Tian was startled: "What?"

"It's nothing, it's nothing, the disciples will keep the master's words in mind."

Lu Chuan quickly waved his hand and saluted Tong Tian solemnly.

Tong Tian nodded lightly, and suddenly said: "Don't call me Shizu from now on, firstly, our cut-off teaching has ended, secondly, you are now honored as the Emperor of Heaven, and the Dao of Heaven recognizes it, it is inappropriate to call me like this..."

"Isn't it appropriate?"

Lu Chuan pondered, indeed, in terms of status, the Heavenly Emperor recognized by the Heavenly Dao before belongs to the Supreme in the Three Realms, and is the most noble existence.

But now Lu Chuan knows that the Heavenly Emperor Fruit Status can finally prove Hunyuan, which he never thought of before.

Tongtian silently took out the heart-through lock and hung it around his neck: "Yes, it's not suitable."

The corner of Lu Chuan's mouth twitched: "Okay, let's go back to the Three Realms!"

Tong Tian nodded lightly, and said, "Does Fellow Nine Heavens go with you?"

"Good!" Nine Heavens True King nodded.

A road of golden light rushed out from under the three people, traversed the chaos, and headed to the Three Realms. They saw that the chaos was full of various chaos boulders, some of which looked like islands, some of which looked like stars, and violent chaos storms could be seen everywhere.

"This chaos is indeed a forbidden area for living beings that have not escaped."

Lu Chuan said with emotion that there is chaos everywhere, not only is every ray like a mountain, but it is also extremely dangerous.

The only time that the Chaos Qi flooded into the Three Realms was the time when Gonggong smashed into Buzhou Mountain. After breaking open, the four poles were destroyed, the Kyushu was split, the sky was not covered, and the earth was not in place.

This can be called a devastating catastrophe. Fortunately, Nu Wa refined stones to mend the sky and saved the Three Realms.

Although the boundary wall covered the eyes of the beings of the Three Realms, it also protected the beings of the Three Realms.

Tong Tian led the two on their way, and after a while, the boundary wall of the Three Realms twisted to form a hole, and three figures entered the Three Realms.

"I'll go to Yuyu Heaven Realm to see Gongming and the others first."

Tong Tian said: "Then I will take Yu Yutian and Qing Weitian's Taoist immortals to the battlefield of chaos, and when I leave... I won't come to meet you."

"Then... how can I find you?"

Lu Chuan hurriedly asked, he has almost dealt with the affairs of the Three Realms, and he will find someone to succeed him after it is settled.

Tong Tian thought about it for a while, pinched the sword finger with his right hand and swiped four fingers in the void to transform into four sword qi of different colors, and then combined the four into one from the virtual to the solid, and turned into a three-inch long sword with sharp edges.

"The sword energy of Zhu Xian's Four Swords?" Lu Chuan was overjoyed.

He can hit a Hunyuan strike at the cost of depriving himself, which is the power of Tianzun level.

The price is that he will be useless after one blow, and the sword energy of the four swords of Jade Immortal is equivalent to a combined blow of four swords, which is a big killer.

"Take it!"

Tong Tian said: "If you want to find us one day in the future, this thing will lead you to find us"

"Okay!" Lu Chuan was overjoyed, and with a pinch of his fingers, the little sword sank into his body.


Beiming, the demon holy water mansion.

At this time, Kunpeng sat on the throne above, without saying a word, with a gloomy expression, while his sons Kun, Peng, the high-level guardians of the Water Mansion, Jiao Demon King and others sat on both sides, looking at each other.

The few protectors who had different intentions before were a little guilty.

"Father, it is great that you have returned safely."

In the end, it was Kunpeng's second son, Demon King Peng, who was favored by Kunpeng, who spoke first: "So the one surnamed Lu is already..."

"He's not dead."

Kunpeng finally said the first sentence, and looked up at everyone.

This time, in order to call these fellow Taoists, he gave both treasures and favors, and in the end he was so busy that he ended up with such a result.

He can't figure it out!

He wants to eat people!

"how so?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

The first time, Kunpeng and Zulong's plan to ambush the Emperor of Heaven failed, so it's time to prepare a complete plan for the second time, right?

Peng Demon King said: "Father, is it... something happened?"

He noticed the strangeness in Kunpeng's speech.

"Lingbao Tianzun... is back."

Kunpeng sighed dejectedly: "We have a bit of a back, and bumped into him when we were exchanging lessons with the Emperor of Heaven."

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched.

Lingbao Tianzun is the leader of Tongtian before conferring the gods. Needless to say, what relationship does he have with the Emperor of Heaven, you can all meet in such a big chaos...

This is no longer something that can be described by memorizing, everyone thought in unison.

Demon King Peng breathed a sigh of relief: "That's okay, it's a blessing in misfortune that my father can come back."

Everyone also smiled and nodded, congratulating Kunpeng on his safe return this time.

"What a fart!" Kunpeng gritted his teeth: "I just came back to explain to you, and then I will go to the chaos with Lingbao Tianzun."

Everyone shut up decisively, and there was no sound in the hall.

Kunpeng glanced at everyone sullenly: "Why, I'm leaving, don't you all have anything to say to me?"

His gaze first fixed on a majestic middle-aged man in blue robe.

This person is also the protector of Beiming Holy Land, named Liehai, and his strength is among the best among all the protectors.

The young man frowned and said, "I hope the great sage... travels smoothly."

Kunpeng looked at the old man.

The old man said: "I wish the Great Sage a safe return."

Kunpeng looked at a woman.

Kunpeng looked at...

In this way, Kunpeng stared at almost all the eight protectors of his Beiming Holy Land.

"Great Sage, I, I...we can't bear you!"

The last person yelled at the others in his heart and finished a few commonly used sentences, leaving him speechless.

Look at Kunpeng's expression as if someone owed him some innate spiritual treasures, who knows if talking about other things now will touch his bad luck?

However, Kunpeng picked up the words this time: "You...don't want to part with me?"

The hearts of the guardians jumped, and they had a bad feeling, but they could only bite the bullet and nod.

Kunpeng said: "Since you are reluctant to part with me, then you guys should pack up and go with me, so you can be a good companion."

The hearts of all the guardians jumped: Ma Maipi!

The blue-robed protector, Lie Hai, coughed dryly and said, "Great Sage, if we leave... who will protect Beiming?"

Kunpeng said: "Don't worry about that. Peng'er's brothers are also juniors. It is no problem to guard Beiming with their strength. If there is a problem, the few of you are useless."

These words wiped out the luck in the hearts of all the guardians. Seeing Kunpeng's face, everyone could only curse the last person who spoke in their hearts.

After a few people left, Kunpeng raised his hand and waved the yin and yang, the two qi spun and intertwined to form a small world, and the brothers Kun and Peng were pulled in, leaving only the Jiao Demon King, Lion Camel King, and Yu Tamarin King looking at each other in dismay.

"Why are they restless when father is away?"

In the yin-yang space, Kunpeng stood with his hands behind his back and said flatly.

The two brothers Kun and Peng looked at each other, Kun clasped his fists and said, "Father's eyes are like torches..."

"Has the demon clan been unified by Kong Xuan? Bah, the son of the majestic Phoenix actually wears the same pants as the human race."

Kunpeng said angrily: "This time I took them away as my father, and Beiming will be handed over to you."

"Father, what if the Heavenly Emperor comes to seek revenge after you are gone?" Peng Demon King hesitated.

"He promised with his personality in front of Lingbao Tianzun that he would not..."

Kunpeng paused as he spoke, and thought for a while: "Forget it, I'll set up a patriarch-level formation as insurance, and it won't be so easy for him to get in."

After a long time, Kunpeng ascended to the sky with a group of guardians.

At the same time, Tongtian left the Heavenly Court and visited some ancient places in the Three Realms, such as Donghai Tanggu, Beizhou Zhongshan, Longevity Mountain, and Fangcun Mountain.

Longevity Hill, in front of Wuzhuang Temple.

Zhen Yuanzi instructed: "After I leave, the deputy mountain chief will be in charge of all matters concerning the upper and lower levels."

"Daxian, I can't bear you..."

Shen Gongbao said reluctantly: "I will take good care of the ginseng fruit tree for your old man while you are away."

"Oh, yes, ginseng fruit tree."

Zhen Yuanzi suddenly remembered that the big sleeves were stretched out to cover the backyard, and the entire mountain in the backyard was directly submerged in his sleeves.

Shen Gongbao: (╬ ̄dish ̄)

A ray of golden light suddenly landed on Fangcun Mountain and turned into Lu Changshou.

But as soon as he landed, he found that this place had become a plain of thousands of miles, a piece of flat land, only a few Taoist priests carrying burdens looked at them with red eyes, and some even shed tears.

Lu Changshou was stunned.

"Brother Changshou, are you back?"

A little boy wiped his tears and handed out a letter: "Here, this is left to you by the patriarch."

Lu Changshou took it and opened it, suddenly his face darkened, and he quickly closed the letter.

The little Taoist asked in surprise, "Brother, what did the Patriarch tell you?"

Lu Changshou coughed dryly: "The Patriarch said that if possible, let me arrange a place for my fellow apprentices."

"Really?" The little Taoist was overjoyed: "Brother, is there still a shortage of people in the sky?"

A group of Taoist priests gathered around upon hearing this.


Lu Changshou smiled and said, "I have to ask the Emperor of Heaven, but brothers and sisters, please rest assured that the problem shouldn't be too big..."

Dad, it's up to you.

Donghai Soup Valley.

Reaching the sky, the gigantic hibiscus tree swayed and flew into the sky, kept shrinking and fell into the hands of the ancestor of the Golden Crow.

Jin Jing frowned, and said: "Old Ancestor, why did you drag me out of the retreat, I want to go too?"

The Golden Crow Patriarch squinted at him and said, "Fuck you, it's almost as good as delivering food to those Chaos Demon Gods with your little knowledge."

Jin Jing said indignantly: "Patriarch, don't look down on people, I am now a Da Luo Jinxian, the first person to prove Da Luo in this era..."

Patriarch Jinwu said indifferently: "Heavenly Court Erlang God proved Da Luo more than ten years ago."

Jin Jin laughed dryly: "Second, then the second person."

Patriarch Jinwu said indifferently: "Your old friend Zhenwu is even more evil. He has already proved the ancestral realm. Even if I see him, he will call for fellow Taoists."

"Ancestral realm?"

Jin Jing was dumbfounded: "Why don't I just shut it up, are they all crazy?"

"Looking at your worthless appearance, you really wasted my brother's blood."

Patriarch Jinwu reprimanded: "If I said that Ling Xuzi back then is now the Heavenly Emperor of the Three Realms... how would you feel?"

He actually felt a little guilty when he said this. In fact, after Jin Yan returned to his ancestors with a reborn blood, he trained him, and his cultivation progress was almost the same as that of their ten brothers.

It's just that this kid was unlucky to meet those freaks in Tianting.

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