Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 1083 Immortal Self-rule

"The water god of heaven?" Kun was silent.

Not only him, but others such as Peng Demon King and Jiao Demon King were also silent and did not dare to interrupt.

Even the Jiao Demon King was afraid that Lu Chuan would take a look. After all, everyone was old acquaintances, and there were some intersections and small fights back then.

This one appeared too suddenly and was too strong. The two ancient powerhouses Zulong and Kunpeng planned to ambush him before, but failed one after another. In the end, even Zulong himself was involved.

At that time, this person was invincible, and now that many great powers have left, who else is his opponent in the Three Realms?

Everyone was very sad at first, but after thinking about it for a while, they became even more sad.

Maybe, but at least there's no one here.

"That's right, this Heavenly Emperor and your father don't even know each other. We met each other once. If he leaves, I will take care of you."

Lu Chuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, now I have less work in Tianting, high salary, good treatment, and holidays... In short, you have to believe in this emperor, and there will be many benefits if you join Tianting."

God is gone.

All the great monsters felt strange, how could it be said that Kunpeng... seemed to have disappeared.

Kun looked at the figure that gave people a lot of pressure just by standing in the palace. As the eldest son of Kunpeng, he had always been unhindered, and he was surrounded by stars everywhere, but today he had a bitter smile on his face for the first time.

Demon King Peng suddenly stood up with an expression of displeasure, and when he was about to say something, Lu Chuan glanced at him slowly: "What does Nephew Peng want to say?"

"Brother, or you..."

When the words came to his mouth, Peng Mowang quickly changed: "Have you agreed?!"


Kun wanted to curse in his heart. He wanted to be the Lord of the Beiming Holy Land in the past, and he finally got his wish, but he had to give up his position before his butt was hot. The reluctance in his heart!

"Why did it look like a little girl was forced to marry by a bully!"

Lu Chuan said: "Kun, what do you mean, do you want to go... or don't you want to go?"

Kun's face fluctuated for a while, and finally he sighed in his heart and chose to give in.

After a long time, Lu Chuan left, only Demon King Peng and others looked at each other, and finally they all gave a helpless wry smile.

Their Beiming Holy Land was unwilling to submit to the Heavenly Court, nor did they want to be under the jurisdiction of Emperor Gochen. Originally, they thought they could stick to one place by relying on the yin and yang formation left by Kunpeng.

Who would have expected that this large formation would be in vain in front of that person, as if it didn't exist at all.

Although the Lu Tiandi didn't do anything, they knew in their hearts that this was also a silent warning.

Tell them not to act recklessly in the Three Realms just because they have the grand formation of the ancestral realm in the future, their grand formation does not exist in his eyes at all.

Peng Demon King glanced at everyone and said, "Do you have anything to say?"

Everyone was silent, Lu Chuan's warning was too strong.

"Actually, I just want to know..."

The Lion Camel King murmured and opened his mouth, and everyone's eyes fell on him.

"Is the treatment of the Heavenly Court mentioned by the Emperor of Heaven as good as he said..."

All the demons raised their brows, the corners of Peng Demon King's eyes twitched and his heart was furious, and he wanted to ask someone to pull this spineless guy out and beat him up.

"Fourth, don't say such spineless words in the future. After all, Beiming is also a sacred place of the monster race that the heavens once gave up to three points. Saying this will make outsiders laugh."

Peng Demon King said in a deep voice: "Now even if our father is gone, we can carry the banner of Beiming. Even if the heavenly army is overwhelming, even if the heavenly emperor comes, we will not bow to the heavenly court. Don't you forget? Isn't our goal when we get married is to be free and unrestrained?"

The lion camel king muttered: "But the boss turned to Buddhism and became a Buddha, and the sixth and the seventh turned to heaven and became immortals. They all got the right fruit. If you need cultivation resources, you have cultivation resources, and you need cultivation methods.


Embarrassment flashed across the face of Peng Demon King, and he said coldly, "What do you mean?"

The Lion Camel King said indifferently: "It's just stating some facts, nothing interesting."

"Forget it!"

The Jiao Demon King sighed and said, "Don't hurt brother's kindness because of trivial things."

"Hmph!" The Lion Camel King snorted and left.

Flood Demon King shook his head helplessly, he knew that it would be difficult for them all to be united, because...

Just now, what Lu Chuan said just now moved his heart very disappointingly.

In the past, they were lawless because they were guarded by the big bosses of the monster clan. If something happened, they could go to seek refuge, and the heavens would have nothing to do with them.

But today is different.

The demon clan united,

Beiju Luzhou was also divided into the life of the monster clan, and Emperor Gouchen also conveyed the laws of heaven to the monster clan in the other three continents. Humans and monsters were divided into boundaries, and they were not allowed to interfere with each other's lives.

Don't mention the Heavenly Court if anyone violates it, first of all, the Great Emperor Gou Chen will not let it go.

In a word, times have changed.

It's impossible for them to be as free and easy as before, and it's not impossible, but the premise is that you can resist the pursuit of the monster clan and heaven.

In this case, it is the best result to correct the evil, return to the righteous and enter the heaven to get a positive result.

After all, he has also heard that the new emperor has made some changes to the Heavenly Court. The current treatment is really good, and the manpower has been increased, the work pressure of the original gods has been reduced, and resources have been provided, so there is a lot of time to practice...

If it wasn't for some minor feuds with Lu Chuan before, I'm afraid he couldn't help but want to try his luck.



Above the Beiming Sea Territory, suddenly, with the rise of thousands of waves, a big black fish with unknown thousands of miles rushed out of the sea, came to the mid-air, and then fell heavily.

There was still a figure sitting cross-legged on Big Fish's head.

"Back to Heaven!" Lu Chuan said, looking at Mang Mang Beiming.

He Lu still has some integrity, since he promised not to look for Beiming's back, he definitely won't look for it.

However, it is also possible for La Kunpeng's son to go to the Heavenly Court to contribute. Secondly, his trip probably made all the monsters in Beiming stop thinking about making trouble in the Three Realms.

Now the human race in the three realms has the Son of Heaven, the monster race has the Gou Chen, and the sea has the dragon race, that's enough.

He also needs some time to explore the threshold of Hunyuan Avenue.

The big fish looked at the top of the head with both eyes, and said, "Heavenly Emperor, are you asking me to be the god of water?"

He now has a guess.

"Of course, it's just that I didn't bring a guard of honor on this trip, so I let you take it for a while."

Lu Chuan said in surprise: "You don't doubt that I summoned you to the Heavenly Court to use you as a mount?"

Kun was so blocked that he couldn't speak, he said in a low voice, "Why didn't the Emperor come down and take two steps by himself?"

"Which emperor of heaven have you ever seen travel by himself?"

Lu Tiandi said straightforwardly: "It's not that there is no power at all. Don't worry, I have a lot of mounts. The roc flies into the sky, the dragon horse walks on the land..."

Speaking of this, a certain day emperor suddenly shut up.

Kun's mood suddenly became very heavy.

Originally, he was just guessing, with some doubts, but now he seems to be sure.


After returning to the Heavenly Court, Lu Chuan did not break his promise, and indeed let Kun enter the Ministry of Water, and even made him the second in command.

The leader is Lu Xiong, a veteran of the Great Shang Dynasty.

"So you captured Kun."

Inside Tongming Hall, Kong Xuan looked at Lu Tiandi who came back and smiled helplessly, not knowing what to say.

"Brother, please pay attention to the wording, please!"

Lu Chuan said: "It's a good thing that I invited him to come to the Heavenly Court to serve as the god of water. Why does the taste change in the mouth of the elder brother?"

Kong Xuan had no choice but to say: "Yes, yes, please!"

"By the way, apart from Bei Ming, there should be no one in the Yaozu who doesn't obey the rules anymore?" Lu Chuan asked in a deep voice.

"It's not too much trouble, it's just an ancient water ape."

Kong Xuandao: "This big monster ran out when Wutian occupied the Three Realms, and was subdued by Wutian to fight against the dragons of the four seas. After Wutian was destroyed, Wuzhiqi began to make trouble in the Sidu waters, fled everywhere, and escaped from the heavens many times. This time, I will go and see for myself."

"I wish big brother every success."

Lu Chuan smiled and said that after sending Kong Xuan away, he was about to retreat, but an unexpected person was ushered in.

Yang Jian, with a serious expression on his face.

"What happened?"

Lu Chuan was surprised.

"After you recruited a lot of people to Heavenly Court, the thing I was most worried about happened."

As Yang Jian said, he silently handed over a memorial, and Lu Chuan raised his eyebrows: "So many?"

I saw that it said what happened to a certain fairy boy and Rose Fairy, what happened to a certain Xingjun and a certain fairy, seven or eight cases in a row.

"You see, the word love is like a flood, no matter how it is blocked, it cannot be blocked."

Yang Jian said: "Only Dayu can control the water. Turning congestion into dredging is tidying up. Are you still ignoring my opinion?"

"Actually, turning congestion into sparseness is not the only way to change the world."

Lu Chuan said with a smile: "It is instinct for human beings to have affection, and it is a catastrophe for gods to have love. Since love robbery has been committed, let them go down to the earth and go to the mortal world, and it will be over. Let their primordial spirits go down to the earth to reincarnate, and continue to practice after reincarnation."


Yang Jian was startled, it's okay... like this?

"Anyway, the number of people in all departments of my Heavenly Court has now increased by two or three times. A few fewer people who go to reincarnation will not affect the operation of the Three Realms. The sun will still turn, so we should give them a vacation to go on vacation."

Lu Chuan said with a treacherous smile: "It takes about three months at most for a person to go down to earth for a hundred years. When they come back, they will be deducted from their vacation. You see, it is not the only way to solve the problem..."

He still decided not to open the opening where mortals and gods could combine.

It's good for Tianting to be like this. They don't belong to any clan, whether they are humans or demons, and they can be ranked among the immortals if they ascend to the Tao.

Otherwise, he was worried that the Heavenly Court in the East would become like a certain family, and all the gods would be the younger brother, daughter-in-law and son of a certain god king...

Yang Jian was dumbfounded.

"Heavenly Emperor, Divine Sovereign!"

You Yi Lingguan came in and said: "There is a big monster outside Beitian Gate who claims to be the Great Sacred Lion Camel King of Yishan. He said he wants to join the Heavenly Court."

Lu Chuan frowned and raised his hand. A scroll appeared, handed it to Yang Jian, and said, "Why don't you...please go to the interview?"

Yang Jian opened it and saw six words written on it: Immortal self-regulation!

Yang Jian said: "Do you mean to accept it or not?"

"Do you know the way to prevent these guys from causing trouble and harming the Quartet?"

Lu Chuan pointed to his eyes: "That's to put them under your nose and stare at them. It's easier to clean them up than they are doing things outside. I will definitely accept them. Try to let him memorize all the 372 rules."

Yang Jian said: "This is humanities, what should I do if he can't read?"

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, he recognizes it. This guy has attended the Yaozu literacy class in Huaguoshan before."

Yang Jian frowned and said, "Aren't you afraid that they will turn the heaven into a mess?"

"If even Heaven can't control them, then no one in the Three Realms can control them."

Lu Chuan said: "After communicating with the Buddha, I learned a set of Dharma for saving. If they memorize the rules and violate the rules of heaven, then I can justify physical saving them."

ps: The next chapter is a bit late.

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