Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 1084 Armed Ape

Yang Jian went to the interview with the godly self-rules newly compiled by the Emperor of Heaven.

The problem that had troubled him for a long time was solved by Lu Chuan, but he did not accept his suggestion, which made him feel a little complicated for a while.

"Heavenly Emperor, Tieguai Li and Han Zhongli are here to play."

Lingguan You Yi said, and placed a memorial in front of Lu Chuan's eyes.

His existence is like a secretary, dedicated to his duties, trained by Haotian and left to Lu Chuan, very easy to use.

The only fly in the ointment may be that You Yi Lingguan is a man!

Lu Tiandi was a little emotional, after all, in his memory, there was no secretary next to the big boss who was a man.

"Well, have you found the two immortals? Good job."

Lu Chuan opened the memorial and looked at it. The two immortals have become four immortals, but the Zulong who asked them to deal with it is still not there.

After reviewing a few words of encouragement on the memorial, he sent it back to let them work hard.

However, after reviewing this paper, there are memorials from the human world, from the underworld, and from the aquatic tribe, and Lu Tiandi felt a little dizzy after seeing it.

"Go down!"

After finally finishing the memorial, Lu Chuan waved his hand, screened off You Yiling, and then began to massage his temples.

But almost as soon as he left, You Yi Lingguan suddenly left and came back again.

"Your Majesty forgive me, the little god accidentally dropped a memorial."

You Yilingguan lowered his head to pick up a piece of jade from the ground, but as soon as he leaned over, a supreme pressure suddenly appeared, directly crushing You Yilingguan's body, and he couldn't lift his head.


This You Yi Lingguan roared, his teeth were about to be shattered, but unfortunately he was still unable to move.

Under that coercion, thick hair grew on his face, hands, and legs.

Lu Chuan straightened up and looked at the case table and said with a smile: "Where did the wild monkey come from, and ran to the Emperor of Heaven to act like a thief!"

I saw a monkey lying on the ground, not a macaque, but an ape.

White Ape!

The ape reluctantly raised its head: "You are amazing, I am convinced, let me go."

Lu Chuan smiled, and the majesty disappeared suddenly. The white ape got up and moved his body, then grinned and said, "Since you found out that it was me, are you still attacking so hard?"

The person who came was Yuan Hong who was once the leader of the Seven Monsters of Meishan.

Lu Chuan sneered and said, "You are so brave to be a thief under the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven."

Yuan Hong was only at the Dao realm when he became a god, and he was proficient in eight or nine mystic arts, so it helped him a lot to appear as his substitute often.

After the Conferment of the Gods ended, he chose to accept the God's position conferred by the Heavenly Court, and Yuan Hong left on his own.

Since then, Lu Chuan has never seen Yuan Hong again. Lu Chuan even searched for it, but unfortunately he did not find it. To Lu Chuan's surprise, Yuan Hong is still in the realm of Hedao and has not stepped into the realm of Immortal Dao.

Yuan Hong was angry: "Why don't you try your skills..."

Lu Chuan stared at him with deep eyes, which made Yuan Hong uncomfortable for a while.

"This white ape body...is not your real body!"

Lu Chuan's eyes flickered, and he suddenly shouted: "Yuan Hong, you still said that you are not a gibbon..."

He once asked Yuan Hong if he was the arm-armed monkey among the four monkeys in the mixed world, but Yuan Hong vetoed it at that time.

At that time, he thought the same, Sun Wukong and the six-eared macaque among the four monkeys in the chaotic world are so heaven-defying, and they are as famous as them. How can the arm-armed ape, who takes the sun and the moon, shrinks the thousand mountains, and the universe, to be so useless, it took a thousand years to cultivate to the perfect state.

He also formed a non-mainstream combination with the six chicken monsters in Meishan... Now he understands.

There is only one Lingming stone monkey and six-eared macaque in the world, but there is not only one arm-branched monkey and red-legged horse monkey, but only the first one is among the four monkeys in the world, with great supernatural powers and the power to move mountains and seas, and the others are relatively ordinary.

This Yuan Hong is the first arm-armed ape, but not a complete arm-armed ape.

To be precise, this Yuan Hong is just the primordial spirit of the arm-armed ape. There is actually a primordial spirit close to Da Luo's immortality in the body of this mere white ape.

"Everything really cannot be hidden from the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven."

Yuan Hong shook his head helplessly: "It seems that I am looking for your help."

Today's Lu Chuan is so powerful that he can't even match him in his peak period.

"what happened?"

Lu Chuan frowned: "How did the majestic Ape become like this?"

"It's not because of the beheading of the three corpses."

Yuan Hong smiled wryly: "At the beginning, something went wrong when I beheaded the three corpses. I accidentally attacked the soul and was injured by evil thoughts. The real body was occupied by evil thoughts. I had to use the dead body to escape by possessing a white ape. Originally, I wanted to quietly and low-key cultivate the soul to regain the sovereignty of the real body. I didn't expect the nine-tailed fox..."

Speaking of this, Yuan Hong felt a little embarrassed.

At the beginning, he and the Meishan Six Monsters claimed that the Seven Monsters also used tiger skin as a banner to avoid being discovered and obliterated by evil thoughts, but because of this, he also got to know a lot of messy monsters.

Later, Jiuweihu asked him to come out of the mountain to help kill Lu Chuan, and then he was captured by Lu Chuan as a coolie and worked hard for decades in the Great Tribulation of Gods.

Finally, the catastrophe was over, he raised his primordial spirit and prepared to regain his body, but unfortunately, he was caught by Maitreya Buddha who was looking for boneless relics.

"In this way, you are really... unlucky."

Lu Chuan can only comment in this way: "So after you escaped from the world in the palm of Maitreya Buddha in Wuzhuang Guan, did you leave to take your real body?"

He heard Sun Wukong talk about the experience of being suppressed by Maitreya Buddha together with Yuan Hong in the palm of the world.

Speaking of which, it is thanks to Wutian that the two monkeys were able to get out of trouble this time.

Yuan Hong nodded, and said sadly: "Originally, I wanted to help you after regaining my true self..."

"But do you need me to help you now?"

Lu Chuan said with a half-smile, he knew the difficulty of the three corpses best.

Because to a certain extent, evil thoughts and good thoughts are also yourself and a part of you, so they know what you think, and if you want to kill the three corpses, you have to face the most evil and the most holy self, and fight with them.

One mistake could easily lead to Yuan Hong's situation.

Yuan Hong nodded embarrassingly: "Although it's embarrassing for you to intervene, I really have nothing to do with my evil corpse now. Among the people who can help me, I can only trust you."

"Deeply honored!"

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "Would you like to come to my heaven after the matter is done?"

Yuan Hong pondered: "Is this the condition for you to help me?"

"Whether you like to come or not depends entirely on your will. If there are no conditions, why don't I help my friends?" Lu Tiandi said righteously.

Yuan Hong looked at Lu Chuan for a moment, and said with emotion: "You who are so righteous...are rare."

The emperor in his memory has always been unprofitable.

"Stop talking nonsense, where is your real body?" Lu Chuan asked.

Yuan Hong said: "Come with me, you just need to control his actions so that I can enter the sea of ​​consciousness and fight him, and you don't have to worry about what happens after that."

"that is it……"

"This is my robbery!"

"I see, let's talk about the place..."

"In Nanzhan Buzhou..."

Yuan Hong mentioned a place.

Lu Chuan nodded slightly and stood up from the throne. Yuan Hong only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the two of them appeared on a mountain rolling like a dragon in the next moment.

"Dragon veins?"

Lu Chuan was thoughtful, and if he asked what was the most precious thing in Nanzhan Buzhou, it would naturally be the ancestral veins of Shenzhou. According to legend, it was transformed by Pangu's meridians, and it is also the reason for Nanzhan Buzhou's vigorous aura and outstanding people.

At the beginning, Ran Deng took away an ancestral line to go to the west, and the angry Yuanshi Tianzun caught up with him and almost stabbed Ran Deng to death with a finger.

Although this dragon vein is not as good as the ancestor's vein, it is still a very rare treasure. If an ancestor is buried here, then his descendants will inevitably produce real dragon emperors in the future.

Yuan Hong said, "I'm going to call for a fight."

Lu Chuan nodded, watching Yuan Hong unleash his aura and strode away. With a bang, as the mountain shook and the ground shook, an evil ape rushed to the sky. It had a sharp mouth and fangs, fierce eyes, a strong figure, and huge muscles like a horned dragon, giving people a full sense of oppression.

Lu Chuan didn't believe that Yuan Hong took the sun and the moon, shrunk thousands of mountains, and fiddled with the universe.

But if it's this monkey...

"I'm back."

Yuan Hong said calmly, he came here after he left Wuzhuang Temple and rushed here.

Originally, as long as his primordial spirit entered the inner world of the ape's real body, he could compete with Evil Nian Primordial Spirit for the control of the physical body, but the embarrassing thing is that Evil Nian Primordial Spirit has been familiar with his real body for so many years.

And the other party had already guarded against his move, so he didn't find a chance, and almost confessed himself here.

After much deliberation, I finally found a thigh.

"You still dare to come back?"

The cross-armed monkey was extremely surprised, and then a ferocious smile appeared on its ferocious face: "This time, you don't want to run away, as long as I kill you, everything about you will belong to me."

"Today, my primordial spirit will have a showdown with you, and the outcome will be determined."

Yuan Hong said that after having thighs behind him this time, he also became more rigid in speaking.


The Armed Demon Ape sneered and stretched out a big furry hand covering the sky to cover the sun and took a picture of Yuan Hong: "Now I am the one who takes the initiative!"

He won't talk nonsense with Yuan Hong, Yuan Hong can kill evil thoughts, and he can also kill Yuan Hong himself to become a monkey with arms.


When the furry claw was about to fall, a figure appeared next to Yuan Hong and looked up at the big claw. With one glance, the big claw fell apart instantly, cracking inch by inch.

At the same time, under the gaze of that person, his body was trembling and he was actually unable to move.

He was sure that the other party didn't use any magical powers, but his body just didn't obey.

The Armed Demon Ape looked at Lu Chuan in horror: "God..."

Lu Chuan glanced at Yuan Hong, needless to say, the tacit understanding he had cultivated made a white light burst out of his eyebrows and penetrate into the body of the arm-armed ape, leaving only the body of a white ape falling down.


After Yuan Hong entered, the body and face of the arm-armed ape were glowing, black air and white air flowed alternately, and the huge mouth of the fangs let out a thunderous roar, and suddenly turned into a giant ape beating its chest with its arms.

He saw that it was vicious for a while, and mighty for a while, and the mountains on the ground were like small stones in front of him.

Lu Chuan stood on the mountain and watched for a while, when suddenly the imperial tower with nine layers of black and yellow air flow flew out, took the beast in, and then he disappeared with steps.

It would be good if Yuan Hong won, but if Yuan Hong was beheaded, then he would be an evil ape.

PS: Staying up late hurts your health, be as witty as we stay up all night...

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