Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 1089 My way is done

A golden bridge exuding chaotic energy connected the two places in an instant, piercing through the void and appearing on the sky.

Lu Chuan and Tathagata stood on it.

Lu Chuan raised his hand and closed it, and the golden bridge turned into a Tai Chi diagram fell into Lu Chuan's hands.

"Fortunately, the Taiji diagram has not been returned to the Taishang."

Lu Tiandi rejoiced for a while, because he thought he was invincible in the three realms, and wanted to clear up this abyss of darkness.

As a result, such a fierce man from the era of opening the sky suddenly appeared...

Too much!

It's really not that he is too conscientious, but that their strengths are too unequal.

The gap between the ancestral realm and Tianzun is too great.

While thinking, Lu Tiandi couldn't help but glance at Tathagata next to him.

This is one of the few original gods who dared to go down the border and challenge Tianzun, and his courage is commendable.

As for the result, needless to say, it was suppressed by others.

From this point of view, even if he becomes the Emperor of Heaven, he really does not have the life of the protagonist.

Lu Tiandi felt a burst of emotion in his heart, because he remembered that the protagonists in the legend all leapfrogged all the way to the top.


Tathagata also took Lu Tiandi's words seriously.

The abyss of darkness was too terrifying, even with their supernatural powers they couldn't break through and leave. The escape this time really all depended on the Tai Chi Diagram.

"What do you see me doing?"

Tathagata suddenly found that Lu Tiandi was staring at him.

"Nothing, just a little admiration."

Lu Tiandi said from the bottom of his heart that it was this courageous senior who taught him to keep calm in front of Tianzun.

"The Demon Ancestor won't come after him, will he?"

Tathagata glanced back worriedly.

"It would be better if he came after me!"

Lu Tiandi raised his head confidently and said, "Do you think that Da Luotian doesn't exist?"

Tathagata hesitated and said: "The Dao ancestor used his body to supplement the way of heaven. He only cares about major events that affect the operation of the way of heaven. Will he still care about this matter?"

Lu Chuan was silent for a while, as if the original Fengshen was attracted by the appearance of several Tianzun who fought too hard.

"One of us is the Buddha, the other is the Emperor of Heaven, the leader of the righteous way of the Three Realms."

Lu Tiandi hesitated and said: "If the two of us die, there will be no leaders in the heaven and Buddha realms, and the demons will lose their fear, and the three realms will be in chaos. This should... be considered a major event with huge impact?"

Only a hundred years have passed since the last catastrophe.

Tathagata nodded lightly: "It seems to make sense."

Lu Chuan said: "The Demon Ancestor has been hiding his head and showing his tail for so many years, as long as he is not stupid or crazy..."

Before the words were finished, a mighty demonic energy shot up into the sky, filled the world, and the oppressive world was in turmoil.

"The analysis makes sense."

The voice of the Demon Ancestor came up.

"How dare he..." Lu Tiandi couldn't believe it.

This slap came so fast!


Almost subconsciously, the Taiji diagram in Lu Tiandi's hand suddenly rose.

In an instant, the Chaos Golden Bridge appeared and extended to the heaven, as if connecting to the other shore.

Demon Ancestor stepped out with a calm expression, and his figure came to the sky in an instant.

However, he was still half a step too late, and there was only the chaotic Golden Bridge and the remnant rainbow that slowly dissipated.

"But you still forgot one possibility."

Demon Ancestor raised his head, and his eyes were extremely deep: "Your calculations are all based on the fact that Hongjun is present, but what if he is not present?"

What Lu Chuan said to him was not a lunatic or a fool.

If he hadn't known something, how could he have chased him down.

In the vast and boundless Daluo Heavenly Realm, a strong wind that is enough to tear a true immortal into pieces sweeps all directions.

This place is the closest to chaos, just look up, so the environment here is also the closest to chaos.

However, there is a Taoist palace that stands firm in this strong wind, exuding a hazy purple atmosphere, like a lighthouse in a storm.

On the gate of the Taoist Palace, there are three big characters exuding the highest principles: Zixiao Palace!

Lu Tiandi and Tathagata appeared in front of the Zixiao Palace in an instant.

He has been to Zixiao Palace once.

As long as he has a place in his heart, this Taiji diagram can bring him down instantly.

Unfortunately, the difference this time is that the door is closed.

"What's going on? Nobody?"

Tathagata and Lu Tiandi were taken aback.

"Daozu, please open the door."

"Patriarch Lu Chuan, please see me!"

"See you, Sakyamuni!"

It's a pity that no matter what the two of them say, the door will not be opened.


Tathagata "wears" a mask of suffering.

How could he have believed in Lu Chuan's wickedness!


"Is this a miscalculation?"

A figure in a purple imperial robe was sitting under the gazebo, looking up at the sky with a playful smile on his face.

"What should we do now?" Tathagata said.

"His target is the ice demon on me, go away separately, I will lure him away."

Lu Chuan said: "Go to the depths of the chaos to find Sanqing Tianzun..."

He has no time to think about why the patriarch lost the chain at a critical moment.

Now that I think about it, he is actually not familiar with that person.

Maybe that one is there, but unwilling to open the door...

Or at this moment, that person has already gone to the chaos to watch the battle situation in the chaos...

He decided to take a gamble!

"...Okay, wait for me to come back!"

Tathagata took a deep look at him, and the next moment he stepped forward step by step, piercing through the void, passing through the boundary wall, and disappearing into the chaotic depths outside the sky.

Lu Chuan stopped where he was, preparing to delay for some time.

Even if it is Tianzun, in fact, he also has some backhands.

"Is it you or the old man who is stupid now?"

As soon as the Tathagata walked away, the Demon Ancestor approached with his back feet. With his hands behind his back, he walked unhurriedly, descending on Daluotian with boundless coercion.

"Senior, please stay!"

Lu Chuan shouted from a long distance: "How about we discuss it?"


Mo Zu stopped, showing a playful smile: "You changed your name very quickly!"

I saw that he was very strange at this time.

Black hair and black robe, all black from top to bottom, with an unspeakable domineering and demonic nature.

"Senior, don't you just want the Ice Demon?"

Lu Chuan also said with a smile: "I originally wanted to keep him in the cool and play, and there is also the God-killing Spear. Since the senior wants to return it to the original owner, it is not impossible."

"It's not enough now!"

Mo Zu raised his hand and pointed at the Taiji diagram.

Lu Chuan pondered for a while and said, "Is it necessary?"

Mo Zu nodded: "It must be done!"

As he spoke, he took a step towards Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan's eyelids twitched: "Senior, stop, don't force the junior to use the hole card."

Although this distance is negligible for their existence.

However, Mozu's strong style made him extremely unhappy.

Fair trade is based on the fact that the strengths of both parties are equal. If they are not equal, problems will inevitably arise.


Demon Ancestor smiled faintly: "Even if you do it, the Ancestor has not been born for many years, but today I want to see it."

He didn't care at all.

The Taiji diagram can stabilize the earth's wind, water and fire, and can transform the golden bridge of chaos, but it is not as lethal as the Pangu banner.

"Look at the sword!"

Lu Chuan frowned, raised his hand suddenly, and resolutely shot out a bright and dazzling little lightsaber.

A sword flew out, and the world changed color!

This small sword, only about three inches long, was extremely terrifying. It cut through the void and confused time, as if piercing through time and space, and the wailing voices of countless gods and demons appeared.

"This sword energy..."

The moment he saw the sword energy, the face of the demon ancestor changed, but in an instant, the small sword ignored time and space and appeared in front of the demon ancestor.

This is a familiar yet unfamiliar sword of the Demon Ancestor!

The sword energy of Zhu Xian's Four Swords.

As the former owner of the Four Swords of Zhuxian, Mo Zu never thought that one day he would face his weapons.

The key is the power of the four swords fused in this sword energy.

It is equivalent to a sword master's full blow.


The Demon Ancestor was caught off guard and roared loudly.

The violent sound waves oscillated in all directions to stop the small sword, and the words followed, and the surrounding time and space began to stagnate.

However, the sword ignored time and space and still flew towards it.

Mozu knew this, so at the same time his figure was also retreating rapidly.

As long as he can block Xiaojian for an instant, that's enough.

I have to admit that he was really overbearing just now. He didn't expect that Lu Chuan's hole card turned out to be the sword energy of the Four Swords of Jade Immortals.

One careless move, completely passive!

He now needs a split second to react and reverse the situation.

Of course, this sword can't kill him, Tangtang Tianzun is not that fragile.

It's just that if he was caught off guard just now, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

This is an unbearable humiliation for old guys like them who care about their appearance very much.

The dignified Tianzun, the demon ancestor in the era of opening the sky, was actually injured in the hands of an ancestor...

It is said that the fame of the whole life will be destroyed in one day.

On the other side, Lu Tiandi, who played his hole card, was decisively preparing to use the best of the thirty-six tricks.

However, the moment he poured mana into the little sword, three glowing innate qi rushed out from the little sword.

Almost without giving him any time to react, it sank into the center of his eyebrows, entered the sea of ​​consciousness, and merged into the primordial spirit.

"This is……"

Lu Tiandi was absent-minded for a moment, then shook his head, and looked back, only to see that the reacting Demon Ancestor swung his palm and collided with the sword energy.

Accompanied by a loud noise, a mushroom cloud-shaped flame erupted in Daluotian.

It has to be said that Lu Tiandi's consciousness is really good.

Subconsciously again, he took out the Tai Chi diagram and turned it into a chaotic golden bridge passing through the boundary wall, and rushed into the boundless chaos without looking back.


Behind, accompanied by a roar, a slightly embarrassed figure rushed out of the boundless flames.

His robe was blown to pieces, and a gash appeared in his right hand, from which the blood of the Heavenly Venerable dripped out.

"Sword of Immortal Execution, Immortal Execution Sword... Ah!"

The Demon Ancestor raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, this was his sharp weapon that used to cross the Three Realms.

In the end, I didn't expect to hurt myself one day.

To be honest, if it was replaced with another magic weapon, it might not be able to hurt him...

This is what makes him most depressed.


The Demon Ancestor stepped forward, broke through the boundary wall with terrifying power, and chased after him with boundless coercion and anger.

Now except for Hongjun, he doesn't even pay attention to other Tianzun.

In the chaos, Lu Tiandi drove the Tai Chi Diagram to travel continuously.

Those congenital and sacred worlds that surround the Three Realms like stars and moons are now as beautiful as nebulae.

Thus, Lu Tiandi entered one of the worlds.

The situation here is similar to that of the Three Realms.

Some people have mountains and rivers, birds and beasts, insects and fish, all creatures...

Under the blueprint model of the prehistoric world, you masters also practiced various laws, and then copied the cats and tigers, copying the homework very smoothly.

Lu Tiandi turned into a mortal, came to a human city and stayed in an inn.

He needed a little time to find out what the three qis rushed out from Zhu Xian's little sword.

He believed that Tongtian would never harm him.

But if he didn't find out what it was, he couldn't feel at ease even if he ran away.


"My way is done!"

In the guest room, Lu Tiandi was overjoyed with surprise.

Tongtian did give him an unexpected big surprise.

The three paths of qi, or Qi, are more appropriate.

These three ways turned out to be Taiqing, Yuqing, and Shangqing Qi...

"Hidden souls linger!"

Suddenly, he raised his head and looked up at the sky, frowning.

The terrifying aura lingered, and followed him like a shadow.

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