Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 1090 Achieve Hunyuan

A terrifying specter with boundless coercion passed through the boundary wall and descended into this world.

Mo Zu, here we come!

The devilish energy covered his real body, leaving only a silhouette, but his eyes were blazing, majestic, ruthless, and indifferent, watching the world like the eyes of God.

In an instant, the boundless demonic energy swept across hundreds of millions of miles, covering the world, oppressing all directions, and shaking the universe.

The world vibrated under this coercion!

The stars couldn't bear this momentum and collapsed one after another, turning into flowing fire and falling, like a scene of doomsday.

Between heaven and earth, the souls of all the creatures and monks trembled.

The pioneers of this world also spread the practice, and there are also practitioners, but at this moment, they can only kneel like other mortals and kowtow to the oppressive phantom in the sky!

It's like dropping a shark into a bucket full of carp.

The bucket can't hold it at all, and the final result must be broken.

"God, come out!"

The Demon Ancestor stood upright in the sky and spoke in a loud and indifferent voice: "Don't let the world suffer because of you."

This is a threat and a fact.

Destruction is often easier than creation. For beings like them, world creation and world destruction are all within a single thought.

All living beings in this world are terrified when they hear these words.

Although they do not belong to the Three Realms, some cultivators also know that their world is not the only one, and there is a wider world beyond this world.

The Emperor of Heaven is the one who governs that world.

A terrifying existence.

Today, that monster-like figure came after the Heavenly Emperor...

In fact, after the innate gods left here, Lu Chuan also intended to wait for the Three Realms to be truly stable, and then send heavenly soldiers and generals into these worlds to manage them, and at the same time, to spread more advanced teachings.

It's just that before the plan was implemented, he encountered the Demonic Envoy, and then chased him to the Abyss of Darkness to meet the Demon Ancestor.


When the creatures in this world are uncertain,

Another Golden Bridge of Chaos was connected from this world to Chaos in an instant.

A certain day emperor didn't talk nonsense with the demon ancestor.

He chose to run decisively!


Mozu looked gloomy, he did not expect Lu Chuan to run away decisively without saying a word.

He is also going to use this world to threaten Lu Chuan.

But he didn't find it useful.

For creatures like them who have seen the formation of heaven and earth and experienced the prehistoric universe, they only have themselves and the Dao in their eyes.

It's as if few people care about trampling ants on the ground when they walk.

The same is true for them. It is easy to destroy a world.

"See where you can run!"

The Demon Ancestor stepped forward, and the void crack leading to the chaos appeared directly.

The laws of heaven in the Great Desolate Three Realms are too powerful for them to ignore, but the laws of this world seem to them to be non-existent.

Then he appeared in Chaos.

A pair of eyes were as bright as a pair of small suns, and the deep eyes were intertwined with mysterious runes, scanning the chaos.

"You can't escape..."

Mozu whispered, his eyes were cold, and he chased in one direction.

He is no longer attached to the ice demon in Lu Chuan's hands.

It doesn't matter if it's ten demons.

Or maybe he opened up the demon world and created the magic way.

Everything these innate gods do is to make themselves stronger, instead of opening up a world boringly and watching the evolution of creatures.

It can be said that the entire demon world is actually his experimental site, and those born strong are the seeds he planted.

Now that he was born, it was time to take back what once belonged to him.

Lu Tiandi entered another world.

His style has always been to fight well, to fight, to fail, and to be reasonable.

But now he can't beat him, and the Demon Ancestor won't reason with him.

Only escape!

Now he needs a little time to perfectly integrate the "Qi" of Sanqing into one.

It was a gift from Sanqing to him, and it was something more valuable than the innate treasure to the current Lu Chuan.

According to legend, after Pangu's death, the Yuanshen was divided into three, which is called Sanqing.

Lu Chuan didn't know whether it was true or not, but when he saw the three "Qi", he knew that this was his opportunity to become enlightened.

It's just that the qi of the three qings seem to have their own spirits.

Not to mention merging, the qi of Shangqing and qi of Yuqing will still repel each other, and at this moment they are like yin and yang fish spinning in the Taiji diagram.

The qi of Taiqing is like the line that separates the yin and yang from the fish. In the middle, there is a good guy, and the two do not help each other. It is really...

Much like their master.

Lu Tiandi sighed, and what he had to do was to subdue these three qi.

After thinking about it, he should start with Tongtian's Shangqing Qi first. If he first engages in Taiqing's Qi, the remaining two will be frying pans.

Not long after, the Demon Ancestor came to this world again.

Lu Tiandi had no choice but to choose "going is the best plan!"

After this walk, the two of them chased for a lot of time and "visited" several worlds.

Finally, when he fled from another world, Mo Zu finally lost his mind, became angry from embarrassment, and struck out a blow to destroy that world.


Two huge yin-yang fish emerged in front of this world, and they took the blow one after another.

"Mozu, isn't that interesting?"

Lu Chuan's figure appeared behind the Taiji diagram.

It was really helpless for him to enter those worlds to avoid disaster, but he didn't want to bring disaster to these worlds and creatures.

Mozu's eyes lit up: "You actually care about the life and death of these ants?"

He thought Lu Chuan wouldn't care.

At this time, there is a spiritual platform in Lu Chuan's sea of ​​consciousness, and the Yuanshen sits cross-legged with his eyes closed.

It's a pity that it's a little bit closer...

Lu Chuan sighed in his heart, and replied, "I will!"

He is not an innate holiness who was born to look down on the acquired soul.

He is an acquired soul.

He knows whether it is a human, or a little demon from the demon world, or a little demon from the demon world...

These creatures living at the bottom are struggling and working hard to survive every day. He knows that it is not easy for them to live.

And these are things that the innate saints who are born holy will never understand and understand.

"Then it's easy."

Mozu smiled: "Give those things to the old man, and the old man will let this world go, how about it?"

Lu Chuan pondered, looking a little shaken: "Senior, do you really mean what you said?"

Mozu said lightly with his hands behind his back: "Of course it is true."

"Then, what evidence is there?"

Lu Chuan waited for a long time and then said in surprise: "Although the junior is willing to believe in the character of the senior, but everyone is out to mess around, the senior will not plan to use these two words to convince me?"

"The old man's words are proof, believe it or not...it's up to you."

Demon Ancestor sneered: "But do you still have a choice now? Even if you have a Taiji diagram, how long can you resist if you only defend but not attack?"

"In that case..."

Lu Chuan stretched his brows and prepared to face the battle: "Then let's do it, senior!"


Demon Ancestor's expression sank in surprise, and he said coldly: "Forget it, I will let you be buried with this world..."

"Buried with you? Doesn't exist."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Chuan interrupted him and laughed.

Demon Ancestor was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"We monks, we only want to be honest in our cultivation. Otherwise, our Dao heart is flawed. Since it is the younger generation who brought the disaster of destruction, we should try our best to protect them, but if we really can't protect them, then...don't protect them."

Lu Chuan said with a smile: "To be honest, seniors can even kill the demons created by themselves. This magic product, tsk tsk tsk, to be honest, I can't believe it..."

Mo Zu's expression was cold and unchanged.

The corner of his mouth twitched undetectably.

Fickle boy, you just said clearly that you are willing to trust the old man's character.

"Anyway, there is a Taiji diagram, and when I succeed in cultivation, I will avenge them, so there will be someone who will take revenge." Lu Chuan said.

"Revenge? Just rely on you?"

Mozu seemed to have heard a big joke.

Lu Chuan was also smiling.

At this moment, his primordial spirit finally surrendered the qi of Yuqing and was merging.

His aura continued to rise, and in the end he was still stuck at the peak of the ancestral realm.

At this time, a wave of supreme will began to approach and summoned him.

Lu Chuan remembered that Hongjun said that as long as he integrated his imprint of the Dao into it, and entrusted his soul to the Dao of Heaven, he could live forever.

This is the key to Tianzun's immortality.


Mo Zu was surprised: "Boy, don't choose..."

In fact, he was still a little confused, not knowing what was going on.

The kid was still talking with him about why he was about to prove Hunyuan all of a sudden.

Is he going to chase out a Heavenly Venerate?

Lu Chuan was silent.

He didn't know much about the realm of Tianzun.

In the past, it was too far away from Hunyuan, and Sanqing and others were not there when it was close.

Later, it was Hongjun who made up lessons for him and let him understand the secret of Hunyuan.

At this moment, the words of the patriarch are still in my ears. According to what he said, it seems that if you don't merge, you will never become a god.


The fusion of the three qi within his primordial spirit made the primordial spirit emit a mysterious light, as if he was resisting that call.


Lu Tiandi chose to refuse.

Then, his realm broke through the bottleneck of the ancestral realm, and finally jumped towards the mysterious level that countless creatures look up to.


It seems slow, and it seems fast.

In this timeless chaos, it seems that a moment has passed and it seems that a long time has passed.

"Is it done..."

Lu Chuan said to himself, his eyes were deep.

Hunyuan Tianzun finally succeeded.

There was a mysterious and inexplicable aura about him.

Lu Chuan knew that he did not make a wrong choice, or that no matter how he chose, he would be able to reach his destination successfully in the end.

In his opinion, it might be good to entrust the primordial spirit to the Dao of Heaven to be immortal, but isn't that putting life and death in the Dao of Heaven's control?

He keeps practicing and progressing, surpassing life and death, surpassing heaven and earth...

Then, now immortality still has to rely on others?

This is not what he wants.

Of course, another reason is that Sanqing seems to have no primordial spirit and Taoism.

Want to fool Mengxin Tianzun?



A sigh came, and the will began to dissipate.

Mo Zu frowned: "Retreat quickly, kid."

There are not many people in this world who can make him retreat strategically.

Just turning around, he saw a golden bridge connecting the depths of chaos.

The shadow of Lu Tiandi disappeared in place.

Demon Ancestor: "I @#¥......"

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