Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 1092 Pangu's Secret

In the heavenly court, Bo Yikao's face was as gloomy as water, and he walked straight through the heavenly palace.

"Emperor Ziwei!"

At this time, under another pavilion, the Empress Dowager with his arms brushing the dust smiled and said, "Where are you going in such a hurry?"

"Too good!"

Bo Yikao paused, and when he turned his head, he looked gentle again, and said with a smile: "I have nothing to do, just walk around, what is the majesty doing here?"

"Wait for the emperor!"

Taishang laughed.

"wait for me?"

Bo Yikao was surprised and then smiled: "Interesting, what is the emperor looking for?"

Taishang didn't say a word, just looked at Bo Yikao with a smile, his eyes were deep, as if they could penetrate people's hearts.

Bo Yikao also smiled calmly.

"There is something!"

The Taishang smiled affirmatively, raised his hand and flicked, a chessboard appeared on the table: "I heard that Emperor Ziwei is also a master in this way, since I have nothing to do today, I wonder if we can learn from each other?"

"Since the Supreme Being invites you kindly, then I will be disrespectful and make a fool of myself."

Bo Yikao's expression was uncertain for a moment, then he sat down, took the chess box on the chessboard and said with a smile: "I heard that the Supreme Master often plays chess with the Emperor of Heaven. I wonder how the Emperor of Heaven is at chess?"

"The chess skills of the Emperor of Heaven?"

Taishang Laojun smiled softly: "It's not worth mentioning."

Bo Yikao was surprised: "How could it be? I heard that he and the Supreme Master often fight inseparably, they are evenly matched!"

The corner of Taishang's mouth twitched, a three-year-old could play with Lu Tiandi for half a day with that kind of gameplay.


He looked at Bo Yikao with a strange look in his eyes, this time his ulterior motive was not in drinking.


In the chaos, a majestic ancient city stands tall.

Under the ancient city, there was a thunderous cry of killing, and countless auras shook, and the immortals of the three realms were fighting with the demon gods born in the chaos.

All around them were dead bodies.

Above the city, Sanqing, Nuwa, the Second Saint of the West, Haotian, the Queen Mother and others stood, looking at the battlefield below.


Zhao Gongming held a golden whip in his hand and a black tiger under his body. The tiger took the lead in the center of the battlefield. Da Luo's aura was mighty, and he fought with the two Chaos Demon Gods.

The era of chaos ended with Pangu's liquidation of the Chaos Demon Gods.

At that time, the Chaos Demon Gods were all killed and injured, as for today's Demon Gods, they are all newborns, some are strong and some are weak.

However, the physical bodies honed by these new Chaos Demon Gods in the chaos are generally strong. Even Zhao Gongming's golden whip, which can smash the stars, is just sparks flying.

The heavenly seal rises above Guangchengzi's head, and the yin and yang mirror above Chijingzi's head circulates yin and yang...


In the other corner of the battlefield, a large formation circulated terrifying fluctuations at the level of the ancestral realm, filled with black clouds, howling winds, and yellow sand all over the sky.

A golden bucket exuding chaotic energy was suspended on the formation, grabbing a Chaos Demon God again and again like fishing for fish and throwing it into the formation.

But the expressions of the Heavenly Venerates were not good-looking.

Because those who can take advantage of the battlefield are those who have innate spiritual treasures under their sect.

Ordinary weapons and magic weapons can't hurt those chaotic gods and demons at all. Except for those innate saints and some of their elites, the other disciples are simply killing their heads when they go up, and they fall one by one.

"I can't stand it anymore."

There was a bang on Tongtian's body, and there was a terrible wave, and before the phantom of a dharma image rushed up, his aura was already standing upright, looking down into the chaos.

"Junior brother, don't be impulsive!" Tao Daode Tianzun stopped.

Before he finished speaking, it seemed to be a response to Tongtian, and three terrifying auras rushed up from the opposite side, tearing through the chaos with immortal light, forming an indomitable Dharma image standing in the chaos.

The three supreme beings opened their eyes, revealing majestic expressions.

In addition to these three, there are six supreme breaths of the same level looming, like a threat.

"Damn it!" Tong Tian was so annoyed that he had no choice but to withdraw his magical powers.

The nine Hunyuan have an absolute advantage in numbers compared to their opponents.

It's just that they have such powerful weapons as Zhuxian Sword Formation and Pangu Banner, so the opponent is also very afraid and dare not attack rashly.

This is why the two sides are deadlocked.

In a real fight, neither side has a chance of winning.

Tong Tian said with an ugly expression: "Even if there is one more person, we will not be so passive, hateful Demon Ancestor..."

The upper limit of the number of Tianzun is nine.

Therefore, when all the nine heavenly deities appear, it is equivalent to blocking the way for sentient beings to achieve Hunyuan.

The solution to this problem is also very clear, that is to kill a Tianzun.

Lu Tiandi and Patriarch Styx both came to similar conclusions.

But both of them are reasoners, and the other is a doer.

He really put it into action and plotted to kill a heavenly emperor.

This person is the Demon Ancestor!


Yuan Shi stared at the opposite side and said in a deep voice: "Wait for someone to testify, I hope your choice is not wrong."

He glanced at Tongtian.

"No, why are you acting so weird here?"

Tong Tian glanced at him: "You are optimistic about Yang Jian, but it's a pity that Ling Xuzi is better than your disciple Yang Jian, he is already at the pinnacle of his ancestral realm."

Zhunti and Jieyin looked at each other.

Jieyin put on a painful mask, and Zhunti wanted to curse.

How did Ling Xuzi get to the ancestral realm, you Tongtian didn't know anything in your heart?


A mighty wave came from behind them.


Everyone turned their heads to look behind them with a change of expression: "It has appeared!"

Suddenly, there was such an inexplicable look in the eyes of the seven people...


"What's the matter with me?"

Lu Tiandi's eyes fixed on Lu Ya closely.

He finally knew why Hongjun was no longer in the Three Realms, and co-authored to go after Lu Ya.

"You just ran away after you proved the Tao. You would rather wander in the chaos than return to the Three Realms. I don't believe you didn't feel anything." Lu Ya said calmly with his hands behind his back.

Lu Chuan frowned and said, "Is it because of the Primal Primal Chaos Spirit that I cultivated?"

He started sorting things out.

In fact, he can now easily see through the past, present, and future across the long river with a single thought.

"Chaos primordial spirit? You can call it that, but to be precise, it is Pangu primordial spirit."

Lu Ya quickly said: "However, Tiandao and Hongjun can't tolerate Pangu the most, because they won't allow another Pangu to appear..."

"Pangu, Pangu..."

Lu Chuan whispered twice, everything seemed to have returned to the God of Creation who had passed away for a long time.

Suddenly, there was a bang in his sea of ​​consciousness, as if the heavens and the earth were opened, the chaos was dispersed, the egg split open, and a golden road appeared.

A stalwart figure appeared.

"Not good, not good, go, go..."

Suddenly Lu Ya stopped smiling, with a look of vigilance on his face, and suddenly said dejectedly: "Forget it, I can't leave."

An old Taoist in a black and white Tai Chi Taoist robe appeared in front of the golden bridge, as if it had always been there and never changed.

"You really linger."

A trace of helplessness flashed across Lu Ya's face.

Hongjun ignored him, but looked at Lu Chuan with a smile and said, "We meet again."

"It doesn't count!"

Lu Chuan stared at Hongjun for a moment: "The Dao ancestor has been in the Tao for so many years, it seems that he has gained a lot..."

If Hongjun had been chasing Lu Ya since that time, then the one in Zixiao Palace was naturally not his real body.

"You had the chance to replace me, what a pity!"

Hongjun shook his head regretfully: "Did Sanqing put his hopes on you?"

"you are wrong!"

A terrifying sword light pierced through the chaos and struck Hongjun's body.

However, it was as if Hongjun didn't exist here, and the sword light passed over him and finally split the chaos.

The clear and turbid qi are separated to form the prototype of a small world.

Seven terrifying figures appeared in the chaos, lined up in seven directions, and surrounded Hongjun in the middle.

This sword was issued by Master Tongtian's Zhuxian Sword Formation.

"I'm just a... bait."

Lu Chuan said lightly, he was just a bait to lure Hongjun out.

He also understood.

Whether it is the way of heaven, innate holiness, or acquired spirit...

All of this must be based on the event that Pangu created the world.

Pan Gu created this world from scratch.

Therefore, Pangu is not only an existence, but also a realm, which can also be regarded as a road.

Later, he turned into all things, and his primordial spirit turned into Sanqing...

From their point of view, Pangu must be completely dead even without the primordial spirit.

But Pan Gu has surpassed their cognition.

What the truth is, no one knows until that step is reached.

The world is like a computer assembled by Pangu, and Heavenly Dao is the operating system developed by Pangu, which manages all hardware and software. The purpose of Pangu's doing this is to make Heavenly Dao serve the world he created.

As for the "one" that escaped, it was a glimmer of life he gave to all living beings, and it was also a backhand he left behind to prevent the way of heaven from going wrong.

After Pangu broke through the chaos, although the clear and turbid two qi separated, there were still signs of closing.

Afterwards, Pangu could only prop up the two qi upright, making the qi completely become heaven and earth, which was a rather long process.

Then in this process, the way of heaven, innate holiness, and innate treasures were conceived and born one after another.

This is the origin of their innate word.


Tongtian patted Lu Chuan on the shoulder, and said seriously: "You are still our important combat power..."

Lu Chuan smiled, no matter what, achieving Hunyuan made him fulfill his wish.

"Three disciples, Nuwa, Haotian, and the second sage of the West!"

Hongjun's eyes swept over several people, and a strange look appeared in his eyes: "You finally...can't hold back anymore?"

"Teacher, we just have to act first."

Yuan Shi said in a deep voice: "After all, we don't want to be controlled by life and death by eating some holy pill..."

Hongjun stared at Lu Ya sharply.

"Ahem!" Lu Ya coughed dryly, "So what if I said it?"

Did the former god Zhonglu press down the mountain just to tell them about it?

Lu Chuan's eyes flickered thoughtfully.

Indeed, the original Fengshen Zhonglu had no idea what his intentions were after he descended the mountain, and then he left in a hurry, and then Hongjun gave all three apprentices a fatal little pill...

Now it seems that the original Fengshen Zhonglu Ya has not been able to stop all this.

As for this time, because of him, the Battle of Conferred Gods was made a small fuss, so Hongjun was not given a chance to play.

No wonder Sanqing and the others went to the chaos one by one later, and the co-authors ran away because they were afraid of Hongjun's little pill?

Now that he knew that Hongjun had bad intentions,

Sanqing and the others will definitely not sit still.

Pangu is a taboo existence, and Hongjun is afraid, so no one is allowed to follow Pangu's way.

They were afraid, so Sanqing went the other way and helped Lu Chuan achieve the Dao fruit of Pangu Yuanshen, turning Lu Chuan, a child born of the heavenly dao, into a non-born child...

Whether it is the way of heaven or Hongjun, naturally no new Pangu is allowed to be born.

"Damn it, it's ruining my God Conferring Plan."

Hongjun stared at Lu Ya's murderous intent without concealing it.

Lu Ya looked a little unnatural, and stood beside Lu Chuan.

"Two damn things." Hong Jun said solemnly.

Lu Chuan: "..."

ps: Well, the pits are almost filled, right? Think about it, everyone?

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