Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 1093 Fellow Daoists, please stop and move slowly

In the chaos, swords are on the verge of breaking out

"There is no need to talk nonsense."

Tong Tian said coldly: "Hongjun, when you were preparing the Falling Saint Pill for us, our mentor-student relationship was exhausted."

The majestic Hunyuan Tianzun, the existence above all living beings, is going to be controlled by people.

No matter who it is or why, this result is unacceptable to them.

"Good disciples, you guys are all taught by teachers."

Hongjun sneered: "Let's not talk about eight of you, even with nine of you, are you sure you can win as a teacher?"

Everyone is silent.

It is true that with the addition of Lu Chuan, the Eight Heavenly Venerates gathered here today, which is an unprecedented power in the Three Realms.

But to say that defeating Hongjun...

The three of Tongtian have no bottom in their hearts.

The First Sage of Opening Heaven, the name alone is terrifying.

Because this one also came from scratch, the first one to prove the Hunyuan, cultivated to become a Celestial Venerable, and he also created the immortal way and passed the Tao fruit to the world...

In addition to this, Hongjun also has an identity!

The spokesperson of the way of heaven after being in harmony with the way.

In the past, Wutian could be invincible in the Three Realms with the buff of the Dao of Heaven, not to mention the Hongjun who is equivalent to the Dao of Heaven now!

To be honest, if Hongjun hadn't stepped on the bottom line and made everyone unable to retreat, they would never have chosen to attack Hongjun.

"Isn't the way of heaven impartial and selfless? Why do you do this?"

Lu Chuan's expression was gloomy, all these things were changing too fast, and this was what confuses him the most.

The way of heaven is the foundation of this world. In his words, Pangu created an operating program that serves the three realms. Pangu's artificial intelligence has no emotions, is impartial, and treats everything as a dog...

"The Dao of Heaven? Oh, it's not the Dao of Heaven anymore."

"The Dao of Heaven, no desires, no desires, that was the past!"

Lu Ya snorted coldly: "The key to all of this lies in the person who fits the Dao with his body, even if he is Hongjun, as long as he is a living being, he will have desires. Your Daoism is to comprehend the Dao of Heaven and step into a higher realm , but it is also you who have influenced the way of heaven and made the way of heaven selfish..."

Everyone was surprised.

"Lu Ya, let me eat it!"

At this time, a huge and irreversible will came from Hongjun's body, forming a face and smiling: "We are one body, if we eat you, we will be complete again!"


The expressions of the gods are ugly, the way of heaven is supreme and fair, and they naturally possess unparalleled power.

Otherwise, why should it become the rule of the world, and some even Tianzun have to abide by it?

The way of heaven is too strong, Hongjun is already very scary, and the way of heaven almost makes Sanqing and others see no hope.

"Don't think about it!"

Lu Ya said righteously: "My existence is to prevent you from being selfish."

Lu Chuan's eyes lit up: "Then what if it appears?"

Lu Ya said slowly with a solemn expression: "Then the matter is extremely bad."

Lu Chuan: "..."

"When you open the bow, there is no turning back!"

Tong Tian said in a deep voice: "Everyone, now that we have reached this point, we have no way out, so let's give it a go!"


Accompanied by four terrifying sword auras, Tongtian raised his hand, and four killing swords soared into the sky. The Zhuxian formation was filled with chaotic aura, and the full firepower was by no means comparable to when it was in Lu Chuan's hands.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate!"

"Infinite Life Buddha!"

Morality, Yuanshi and Western Two Saints.

Yuanshi raised his hand and a Pangu banner appeared, Daode raised his hand, and the Tai Chi diagram in Lu Chuan's hand flew and landed in his hand.

"Cough, this is borrowed from me by the Supreme Lord."

Lu Tiandi quickly explained.

Daode Tianzun nodded lightly, and a tower above Haotian's head rushed up next to him...

Lu Chuan, Nuwa, and Haotian looked at each other with helplessness.

What the hell is this? Now that the Chaos Demon God is still engaged in internal strife, what can he do now that the two sides are like this?


Tiandao sneered: "Forget it, since you are disobedient and choose to hit a rock with an egg, then I will kill you and train a few more obedient dogs."

Everyone's eyes were cold.

"Fellow daoists, please stop and move slowly."

At this time, a voice came from a distance: "Harmony is the most important thing, just listen to me..."

Everyone was surprised, and Lu Chuan was even more surprised: "Old Shen?"

He turned his head and was stunned, only to see Shen Gongbao coming on a peacock filled with chaotic light, and said loudly: "Listen to me..."


Lu Chuan looked him up in amazement: "You're so stupid?"

"Hmph, you think you are a genius, but you don't know that you are far behind being a teacher."

Shen Gongbao snorted: "Now even you have proved the ancestral realm, if your master doesn't make any progress, he will be ashamed, and the Great Immortal Zhenyuan has to ask me to return other people's ginseng fruit..."

Lu Chuan was stunned for a moment, he really had no way to refute this.

Indeed, Shen Gongbao's talent and roots are in teaching, which is comparable to today's Twelve Golden Immortals.

What's more, after settling down in Wuzhuang Temple, Zhen Yuanzi probably didn't know how many ginseng fruits he had eaten, right?

Lu Chuan suddenly remembered something: "By the way, what are you causing trouble here, hurry up, hurry up, we have to solve something here..."

Shen Gongbao said displeasedly: "Whatever you go, I'm here to help you as a teacher."

Shen Gongbao secretly glanced at Yuanshi, and said with a smile: "The three Heavenly Venerables, Empress Nuwa, two Western Hierarchs, Emperor Haotian, and..."

Lu Chuan's face twitched, we are going to fight Master.

He had no choice but to lower his expression: "Hongjun!"

"What, it turned out to be the Taoist ancestor? My God!"

Shen Gongbao was taken aback, stiff as if he had met a celebrity's little fan, and apologized again and again: "Please forgive Xiaoxian for not being able to recognize the Taoist ancestor, please forgive the sin, forgive the sin!"

"Five Virtues Taoist...Shen Gongbao!"

Hongjun smiled and said: "Yes, you are a smart person, but unfortunately, your apprentice's brain is not very bright, and he is about to seek his own death."

Shen Gongbao nodded and bowed: "Yes, yes, Xiaoxian understands, Daozu, I don't know what crime my apprentice has committed, Xiaoxian will definitely teach him..."

Tong Tian frowned: "Shen Gongbao, get out, it's none of your business here."

Hongjun couldn't help smiling when he saw Tongtian being rude to Shen Gongbao.

Lu Chuan whispered what happened before.

"What, you..."

Shen Gongbao felt as if he had been struck by a bolt of lightning. He looked at Tongtian and the others dumbfounded, and finally said to Lu Chuan, "How could this be?"

Lu Chuan said speechlessly: "Master, you don't understand..."

Just as he was about to speak, suddenly, several rays of divine light tore through Chaos across the ancient city of Chaos.

Several huge Dharma statues soared into the sky, towering up to the sky and the ground, extremely huge, standing in the chaos.

"Damn it, those guys just chose this time."

Tongtian's expression is ugly, there are only some ancestors in the ancient city, and there is no Tianzun-level combat power to fight against them.

Nu Wa said in a deep voice: "They may have sensed that we have left, what should we do?"

They were going to find time to settle with Hongjun, and now the Chaos Demon Gods have also launched a general attack.

"You can deal with the enemy first, maybe you can save effort if one or two are killed by the Chaos Demon God."

Hongjun said calmly, "I am here waiting for your triumphant return..."

"Bastard!" Tong Tian gritted his teeth, looking at the ancient city of chaos, after all, he was still worried about those disciples, and a golden road spread under his feet.

"Who dares to hurt my family?"

Before the people arrived, a bright sword light fell down, pouring down like a chaotic waterfall, about to be cut into the group of chaotic demon gods opposite the ancient city.


A big hand stretched out, the index finger and middle finger of the palm were crystal clear, and the breath was mighty, and the existence of Hunyuan level blocked the blow.


Yuan Shi shouted, after all, he sighed after he didn't stop.

He might not be able to defeat Hongjun in his heyday, so once the lineup is scattered this time, he basically doesn't have to think about it.

Everyone shook their heads and walked towards the ancient city of chaos.

"Master, brother, let's go too!" Lu Chuan shouted.

"You and Senior Kong go first!"

Shen Gongbao coughed dryly and gave Lu Chuan a wink: "I am so lucky to see Daozu's true face, your master, and now I want to listen to more Daozu's teachings on Daoist mantras. Don't bother me."

Lu Chuan raised his eyebrows and glanced at Hongjun, and said with something in his words: "Is it really all right, Master?"

"Go and go, noisy, annoying!"

Shen Gongbao waved his hand: "What kind of person is Daozu? It's useless for him to attack without you. Go away, don't use the heart of a villain to judge the belly of a gentleman..."


Lu Chuan cupped his fists unwillingly: "Ancestor Dao, if you have a way, you have a grievance and a debtor. You take our business as my responsibility, so don't blame my master."

"Who do you think this seat is?"

Hongjun felt a little emotional again: "It means that I made the right choice, it's a pity that I embarked on that road."

"Go at ease!"

Shen Gongbao waved his hand and gave Lu Chuan a reassuring look.

Lu Chuan sighed in his heart, how can he be at ease?

Although in the original Fengshen, his master asked many fellow Taoists to stay behind, and in the end Tongtian was told to go down the mountain by him, but a character like Hongjun is not comparable to Tongtian.

A golden light extends from the feet to the front battlefield;

Lu Chuan's eyes were as blazing as the sea, and his vast mana was boiling.

After eating at Hongjun's place, he just went to the battlefield to vent his anger.

"Wait, that golden light!"

Shen Gongbao was surprised: "My apprentice..."

Hongjun said: "That's right, he has stepped into the realm of Hunyuan."

Shen Gongbao opened his mouth with a final look of frustration, shook his head and sighed: "It seems that the apprentices who are recruited are too good and sometimes they are quite shocking."

"Well said!"

Hongjun nodded and said with emotion: "They are all too disobedient, do you think that I will not know about hooking up with Lu Ya, heh, I just want to see what tricks they can play."

"What does Master Dao want to do that day?"


A majestic voice sounded from Hongjun's body: "Why should Pangu detach himself, and I have to be in charge of the operation of the Three Realms endlessly according to his will? They are disobedient, just change the batch?!"

Shen Gongbao was thoughtful, it seems that what the apprentice said was right, the Supreme Lord's Heavenly Dao would never have such thoughts.

This time the challenge is really not small.

He had almost figured out what it was time to inquire now.

Then he applied to someone's three-inch tongue with full firepower!

Success or failure depends on one action, Shen Gongbao's eyes flickered.

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