There was suddenly no movement in Jingyou Palace. Emperor Yongming ordered the imperial guards to block the entire Jingyou Palace, and no one was allowed to leave. The news is that Qi You, the descendant of the king, seems to have been poisoned.

And the real situation is.

In the inner room, although the mattress was changed and the incense was lit, there was still a few traces of blood in the room. On the bed, the Queen was lying flat there, with no trace of blood on his face, but when he got closer, he would find that his breathing was steady and there was no pain on his face. He just fell asleep, and fell asleep exhausted. , slept very peacefully.

Emperor Yongming, who also changed into a dragon robe, sat beside the bed, holding the Queen's cool hand in both hands, and pressed it to his mouth, silently looking at the sleeping person. At this time, he did not accept any disturbance from anyone. , and have no intention of taking care of anything outside. Zhuo Jin and Guo Xun stood in the corner waiting for the emperor's call at any time.

Outside, all the imperial physicians were discussing in a low voice. Old Weng, General Dai Lao, and Bai Suyan were sitting together and waiting for the final conclusion of the imperial physicians. Demingo was sent by the old general Dai back to the general's mansion to report the letter.

After discussing for a long time, the imperial physicians all nodded, agreeing with their final conclusion. Weng Lao, Dai Lao General and Bai Suyan's backs straightened a lot immediately. Ning Mu turned around, saluted the three, and nodded, Bai Suyan stood up and walked lightly into the inner room, walked behind Emperor Yongming, and whispered, "Your Majesty, the imperial physicians have come to a conclusion. "

Emperor Yongming's body trembled. Taking a deep breath, he put Dai Qiyou's hand into the quilt, tucked the corner of the quilt on Dai Qiyou, and stood up.

"Zhuo Jin, Guo Xun, you two are staying here."


Emperor Yongming walked out with Bai Suyan. Ning Mu immediately came over and bowed: "Your Majesty, the ministers and others have come to a conclusion after deliberation."


Ning Mu bowed again and said, "Your Majesty, the black blood oozing out of Chitose's skin and seven orifices is indeed a residual poison. After I received the pulse of Chitose, I found that there is no residual poison in Chitose's body."

Emperor Yongming's expression tightened: "Is there really no more?"

"Yes. Indeed there is none."

Emperor Yongming clenched his fists: "What is that piece of flesh and blood that made the queen bleed all the time?"

Ning Mu lowered his eyes with a look of embarrassment on his face.


Ning Mu knelt down, and the other imperial physicians knelt down too. Ning Mu kowtowed and said, "Your Majesty, that...that Qiansui's body, the dead, the fetus."

Emperor Yongming was stunned on the spot for a moment, and Lao Lao and Dai Lao were also stunned. Bai Suyan hurriedly asked, "How old is the fetus? Why hasn't it been found out?"

Emperor Yongming's body swayed, and he gritted his teeth: "You deserve to be killed! You can't find out if the queen is pregnant?!"

Ning Mu hurriedly raised his head and said, "Your Majesty, calm down. This fetus was not just conceived by Chitose! Before Chitose, he had a miscarriage, and after that, he always had abdominal pain and blood flowed from time to time. The minister was not good at learning skills, and thought that Chitose was suffering from residual poison. It was so painful. Just now, the minister and several others examined the piece of flesh and blood in detail, and after discussing it, they concluded that what Qiansui was pregnant should be twins."

Emperor Yongming's eyes widened: "You said, what? Twins?!"

"The queen was pregnant with two?!" Old General Dai couldn't stand, and grabbed Bai Suyan's arm.

Ning Mu nodded and said, "Qiantose was supposed to be pregnant with twins, but there was only one fetus that came out, and the other fetus remained in Chitose's body, so Chitose was so painful. Also, that fetus can no longer be regarded as a fetus. , it was just a piece of flesh and blood, and the minister could not find it out. Although Chitose suffered a great disaster this time, the remaining poison was cleared and the piece of flesh and blood was excreted. The minister did not know what caused the pain of Chitose, but this time Chitose can be said to be A blessing in disguise, the queen will no longer be harmed by the residual poison in the future, and there will be no more abdominal pain and bleeding, as long as you take care of it slowly, the queen will be fully restored to health, and she will be able to bear children normally."

Emperor Yongming looked at Ning Mu, not knowing how to react. Old General Dai, Lao Weng and Bai Suyan all looked at Emperor Yongming, with the same mixed feelings, and at the same time, they were also very puzzled. The Queen has been suffering from abdominal pain and residual poison for many years. What is the opportunity for him to recover completely despite the great suffering this time?

They were originally two children, but they were seriously injured because of the poison in the mother's body. Before they could see the world, they left. It's just that only one left, and the other seemed unwilling to leave "mother" just like that, and was reluctant to leave. He tortured "mother" every day, whether he was unwilling or wanted to tell "mother" that he had been there.

Emperor Yongming walked slowly to the chair and sat down heavily. He clenched his chin tightly and clenched his hand on the armrest, and everyone could see the pain in his heart.

For a long time, Emperor Yongming spoke.

"I, once had, two, children."

Bai Suyan turned around and wiped the corners of his eyes. Old General Weng and Old General Dai also had wet eyes and were very sad.

Emperor Yongming closed his eyes and suppressed his pain: "Qi You, once for me, was pregnant, two, children..."

"Your Majesty..." Bai Suyan said, "The dragon is the most important."

Dai Lao General and Weng Lao: "Your Majesty, the dragon's body is the most important."

Emperor Yongming lowered his head, not wanting his subjects to see his pain. Here, only his suppressed breathing, no one could bear to disturb him.

After a long, long time, Emperor Yongming raised his head, his face was calm, only his eyes could not suppress the pain in his heart.

"Where is Yu Youguang!"

"The minister is here!"

Yu Youguang, the commander of the imperial guard, strode in from the outside, took a few steps forward and knelt down on one knee.

"All the eunuchs and maids of Jingyou Palace, as well as the imperial physician, were all escorted to the prison of the inner court, and they were strictly guarded by the guards in front of the imperial guard. If any news of Jingyou Palace is leaked today, none of these people will be kept. Yu Youguang, the reason for this is You are responsible for it yourself."


"Your Majesty, spare your life! Your Majesty, spare your life!"

Immediately, the **** maids and the imperial physicians knelt down and begged for mercy. Weng Lao, Dai Lao General and Bai Suyan understood the intention of Emperor Yongming's move and did not plead for mercy.

Yu Youguang led people to tie up all the people in Jingyou Palace, gagged and took them away. Zhuo Jin was originally a person next to Emperor Yongming, so he was outside of this. Immediately afterwards, news came from Jingyou Palace that the queen was poisoned and almost died. Emperor Yongming was furious and ordered Yu Youguang to conduct a thorough investigation. Then, Emperor Yongming decreed that in order to protect the queen's safety, he ordered the General's House to take over the king and return to the mansion to recuperate until the queen recovered and the gangsters who poisoned the palace were caught. That night, Emperor Yongming sent the Imperial Army to **** the queen out of the palace. What the people in the palace saw was that the queen was carried to the carriage and brought out of the palace, and the hand that the queen showed was pale.

The whole palace, even the court and the opposition became nervous because of the "poisoning" incident of the queen. Concubine Jing and Concubine Zhuang were replaced by guards from the Imperial Army outside the palace, and Emperor Yongming put the two concubines under house arrest. Emperor Yongming's 12-year-old prince and 15-year-old daughter were placed under house arrest along with their mother-in-law.

The Marquis of Hengyuan was surrounded by the forbidden army, and something like this happened in the harem. Everyone easily linked the two together. After the Queen entered the Grand General's Mansion, Emperor Yongming arrived together dressed as the imperial guard. In the capital, to say which place is the safest for Dai Qiyou, it would only be the Grand General's Mansion. The General's Mansion is monolithic, and it is difficult for outsiders to place their eyes and ears. This time Empress Jun is equivalent to another miscarriage, so she must rest.

The old general did not arrange for the queen to live in the Heming Courtyard before he entered the palace, but arranged it in the extremely quiet Ansi Courtyard in the mansion. This yard was originally the yard where Dai Zhan'an, the grandson of the old general and the younger brother of Dai Zhanxiao, lived. Since Dai Zhan'an disappeared when he was five years old, the yard has been empty and renamed "Ansi Courtyard". People come to clean every day, and Dai Zhanxiao and Dai Zhanan's little father Su Chenyi often come here to sit. The Dai family has never given up searching for this child who has been missing for more than ten years.

It was quiet here, and it was close to the courtyard where Su Chenyi lived. Su Chenyi was the only male wife of the Dai family's generation, and it was most suitable for him to accompany the queen.

Your descendant Qi You has been sleeping soundly, he is too tired and too tired. Emperor Yongming was tireless and stayed beside the bed, watching him wake up. Followed by the servants sent by Zhuo Jin's commander Dai's family to clean up the room, put away the things that the queen is used to, as well as the medicines and Guyuan paste that the queen will take every day. .


Old General Dai, Madam Bai, Suyan Bai, Lao Weng, Dai Mingge, Dai Yingru, Su Chenyi, and Dai Mingge's wife Sima Yaru all came.

Emperor Yongming got up, everyone saluted, then General Dai nodded to Dai Mingge, Dai Mingge went out, and when he came back, there was someone behind him. The man was not surprised to see Emperor Yongming. After saluting, he came to the bed, put the medicine box he was carrying at his feet, and opened it. This person is a doctor in the general's house, and has won the trust of the old general's family.

The man first gave the queen a pulse, and then checked the queen's eyes, mouth, abdomen, etc. He examined extremely meticulously. Although the imperial doctor said that, Emperor Yongming was not at ease. After the inspection, the man stood up, saluted Emperor Yongming, and said, "Your Majesty, Chitose's body is fine. The remaining poison is completely clear, and the abdomen is soft. But I still can't find out what it is. The imperial physicians should not lie."

Only then did Emperor Yongming release the joy in his heart, and the others were also very happy. Mrs. Bai put her hands together: "Blessed by the Bodhisattva, this is the blessing of the Bodhisattva."

Bai Suyan said: "Your Majesty, you can relax now, we will take good care of Chitose."

Emperor Yongming sat down and held the Queen's hand: "I have always believed that my Queen will be healthy."

Old Madam Bai, Dai Yingru, and Sima Yaru couldn't bear the atmosphere at this time, and their tears fell immediately, and they quickly turned around to wipe their tears. The old general Dai patted his wife's hand, and the old lady Bai greeted the others to go out, leaving only the old general Dai and the old man Weng.

Emperor Yongming: "Zhuo Jin."

"The slave is here."

At this time, Emperor Yongming had the energy to sort out some things. He asked, "Can you tell me about the queen's abdominal pain before and after."


Zhuo Jin recalled: "When Chitose woke up, the servant brewed a bowl of honey grapefruit tea for Chitose. After drinking it, Chitose said that his abdominal pain was relieved and he liked the taste, so he drank three more bowls. After drinking, Chitose said that After gaining some appetite, the servant hurriedly asked the imperial kitchen to deliver the meal. Chitose said that his mouth was bitter, so he drank the honey grapefruit tea and drank a bottle. The servant could see clearly at the time that Chitose’s abdominal pain was relieved a lot. Later When the meal was delivered, Chitose just glanced at it and said that he had no appetite, and that it smelled unpleasant, and then Chitose began to have abdominal pain again, and then began to bleed, and the servant hurriedly sent someone to find the emperor."

Emperor Yongming narrowed his eyes and said, "Go down."


Zokin stepped back. The old general asked inexplicably: "But what's the problem with the grapefruit tea? The old minister drank it, it was very refreshing, but there was no discomfort."

Emperor Yongming stood up and walked to the only table in the house, where there was a bamboo box containing honey and grapefruit tea. Emperor Yongming opened it, took out a bottle, and Lao Weng took three tea bowls in cooperation. Emperor Yongming scooped two spoons into each of the three tea bowls, and there was hot water in the house, and the old general took it with him.

Three bowls of honey grapefruit tea, Weng Lao said: "Old minister drink first." After saying that, he took a sip without waiting for the old general to respond. When the old general saw this, he also took a sip. After drinking, he wondered: "Huh? Why does it taste different from the old minister?"

Emperor Yongming frowned, and immediately took a big sip. After drinking, he was also stunned: "The taste seems to be different."

Old Weng said: "It's sweeter than what the old minister has ever drunk. There is one kind, one kind... Forgiving the old minister's shallow learning, the old minister really can't describe it."

The old general glared at him: "If you are only shallow, there will be few literate people in Dayan!"

Old Weng smiled and said, "I really can't describe it, brother." Then, he put away his smile and said solemnly, "Your Majesty, could Chitose's 'bitterness' today be because of this honey grapefruit tea?"

The old general didn't understand: "Didn't you say that this grapefruit tea moistens the lungs, can it be detoxified?"

Emperor Yongming savoured it carefully, while Old Man Weng explained: "There are 8 bottles of grapefruit tea that Shao Yunan sent to Chitose."

The old general: "Is there such a thing?"

"Yes. Chitose also drank a bottle of grapefruit tea and the residual poison was removed, and the flesh and blood in the abdomen was discharged."

The old general gave a low exclamation.

Emperor Yongming had already drank a bowl, he scooped two spoonfuls of grapefruit tea and said, "The Queen's grapefruit tea is several times better than the one given to me, so it's no wonder that he drank a bottle in one go."

"Old minister is bold." Weng Lao handed out the empty tea bowl. When the old general saw this, he drank it in one gulp, chewing the pulp and saying, "Old minister is bold."

The three monarchs and ministers quickly shared a bottle, and the old general said: "Thousands of years have suffered a great hardship today, but it can be regarded as a bittersweet, and in the future..."

Suddenly, he stood up with a tense expression on his face: "The emperor please forgive the rudeness of the old minister!" Without explaining how rude, the old general Dai left quickly with a cane. Old Man Weng also stood up with a tense expression: "Old minister is rude." He turned around and ran. Emperor Yongming followed with clutching his stomach.

——At this moment, for some three distinguished people, the happiest thing in the world is that when you are too anxious to hold back, the toilet is right in front of you. And the most unfortunate thing is that these pants are so difficult to understand! !

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