When the three kings and ministers came back again, the three of them collapsed, but their spirits were excellent. As soon as the old general Dai came in, he stared at the bamboo box on the table. Old Weng was also staring with his beard. Emperor Yongming sat down and rubbed his numb legs: "Old general, emperor, you said, this time I should How can I reward Shao Yunan? It's not an exaggeration for me to make him a prince!"

After experiencing it for themselves, none of the three would suspect that the Queen's abnormality today has something to do with this honey grapefruit tea. The old general Dai was the most direct: "It must be rewarded! Heavy rewards!" Then he lowered his voice and said, "I don't know how much he can make of this grapefruit tea, the soldiers at the border are in great need!"

Old Weng stroked his beard and said, "The reward must be rewarded, but it must not be now. The secret of grapefruit tea must be strictly guarded. The emperor should order Daijiang to return to Yongxiu County as soon as possible."

Emperor Yongming nodded: "I also have this intention."

The old general asked, "What is the origin of this Shao Yunan?"

Weng Lao: "A strange person. The strange person who fell to me in Dayan."

The old general: "..."

After a light cough, the old general turned to ask: "When does the emperor want to call that Shao Yunan into Beijing? The old minister really wants to see the child. Not to mention, the 3,500 taels of gold donated by him and his husband, the old minister. I have to thank them both for the soldiers at the border." What the old general didn't say was that both Shao Yun'an's name and the name of his missing grandson both had the word "an" in them. Immediately, the old general patted his leg, "The old minister is really confused. Today the old minister is in a hurry to enter the palace, and this leg doesn't hurt! No, no, it's been a while since the pain! The Guyuan paste rewarded by the queen. Shao Yunan gave the emperor and the queen other food, and the old ministers also won a lot of rewards."

"Hey—" Mr. Weng was shocked, "Could it be that the food that Shao Yunan makes has the effect of curing diseases?! Thinking about it, the old minister has been eating more than usual recently, and he will be able to wake up until dawn when he lies down at night. Recently, it seems that, Eyes don't get burned at all."

General Dai: "If you don't say that I don't care, my eyes don't seem to be too busy!"

Immediately, the house was quiet. The three rulers and ministers, look at me, I look at him, and the sweat drips out of his back. After a long while, Old Man Weng said seriously, "This matter must not be made public!"

The old general: "This person must be brought to the capital, in case someone else finds out..."

Emperor Yongming thought deeply: "When the spring tea is finished this time, I will call his family to Beijing. This time, even if I don't make him a prince, I will make him a prince."

Old Weng said: "It doesn't matter what the seal is. The most important thing is that he can't be allowed to stay in Xiushui Village anymore. He cooks food, and there are not many people who eat it, but not a lot."

Emperor Yongming and the old general both nodded.

Mentioning the title, the old general asked casually, "What happened to Marquis Hengyuan? The old minister heard that Marquis Hengyuan's eldest son was ordered to be executed by the emperor Ling Chi."

It's good that the old general didn't ask. His question immediately aroused the anger of Emperor Yongming. Weng Lao explained: "Wei Hongzheng went to Yongxiu County to kidnap Shao Yunan and forced him to hand over the recipe for new tea and new wine. If he didn't do it, his subordinates would insult him and hurt him. Not only that, Wei Hongzheng He also spoke out loud, and made rude remarks to His Majesty and Chitose. It should be punished."

Emperor Yongming: "He cursed Qi You to die early, saying that my position is just an empty position. Their Hengyuan Houfu robbed me of the golden mountain, and I could do nothing with them, saying that Qi You seduced me with her beauty."

Old Man Weng: "That's roughly the meaning, but what you say is very insulting to the Holy One."

The old general understood: "Does this kid think his head is too heavy? This kind of nonsense can be said. He doesn't know that Shao Yunan is plotting for the emperor and Chitose?"

"How could I not know! They didn't take me seriously at all! Wei Chunlin, an old man, can teach such a son, but one can imagine how he views me and the queen in private. I will never forgive me this time. !"

Old General Dai: "This matter cannot be taken lightly, otherwise what will be the face of Your Majesty. Now that someone earns money for His Majesty, why should you care about a Marquis of Hengyuan, just copy it." The old general is an absolute hawk.

Emperor Yongming frowned: "Wei Chunlin must be dealt with, but his two eldest sons have not made up their minds."

Old General Dai and Old Man Weng nodded understandingly, Old Man Weng said: "Wei Hongru and Wei Hongwen have already shown their loyalty to the emperor and Chitose, and Wei Hongwen has already started to do things for the emperor and Chitose, so it is necessary to consider everything."

The old general said bluntly: "How difficult is this? With the capabilities of Wei Hongru and Wei Hongwen, we can earn a title by ourselves. Without the unpleasant place of Hengyuan Houfu, his brothers can also unload their burdens and dress lightly. Go into battle. Otherwise, even if Wei Hongru, the eldest son, inherits the title, his brothers are enough for him to deal with. Wei Chunlin, who has no way to teach his son, took this opportunity to seize his title, which also gave other families a warning, lest They don't know their vassal status."

Weng Laodao: "The old general's words are very reasonable. Without the drag of those brothers, Wei Hongru and Wei Hongwen might be able to go further. This time the emperor is also clearing obstacles for his brothers."

Emperor Yongming nodded: "Well, what the old general said is that the queen still appreciates the two brothers Wei Hongru and Wei Hongwen. Without the Marquis of Hengyuan, I can use his two brothers with more confidence."

Two old people: "The emperor is holy."

It seems that I haven't slept so comfortably and at ease for a long time. When I opened my eyes, the Queen couldn't tell whether she was in a dream or returned to reality.

"Qi You!"

The queen turned her head in a daze, and saw Emperor Yongming leaning in front of him excitedly. He opened his mouth and wanted to shout "Emperor", but couldn't make a sound.

"Zhuo Jin, pour the water!"

Zhuo Jin came in from the outside and saw that the queen woke up. He was overjoyed at first, and then immediately brewed a cup of honey grapefruit tea. Emperor Yongming helped up the exhausted Queen, and Zhuo Jin carefully served the water.

The queen was thirsty, so she drank the grapefruit tea in a few sips, tired and a little unconscious, and said, "I still have to drink."

Zhuo Jin blinked his hot eyes vigorously, and immediately brewed another cup. After drinking four cups in a row, the queen gradually came back to her senses and opened her mouth and shouted, "Your Majesty."

Emperor Yongming touched his face, touched his forehead, and asked nervously, "Can you still have abdominal pain?"

The Queen felt a bit and shook her head: "I don't feel the pain anymore, I'm just a little hungry."

Zhuo Jin immediately said, "The servant will have someone bring meals!"

Zhuo Jin went out in a hurry, and Emperor Yongming asked again worriedly: "Do you really feel no pain if you feel it again?"

The queen felt it carefully, pressed her stomach, and shook her head: "It really doesn't hurt anymore." At this time, he remembered the pain that he couldn't bear at all, and said: "I think this time, I will not insist on this time. Going down, is the imperial doctor finding a way to treat the abdominal pain of the minister?"

The pain behind him was so numb he couldn't remember the chaos at all.

Emperor Yongming sat on the bed, let the queen lean on him, rubbed the top of the queen's hair with his chin lightly, and said, "You eat first. This is the General's Mansion, and you should cultivate here first."

The Queen's head is still a little dizzy, most of them are hungry. It's not that he didn't wonder why he was at home, but the emperor asked him to eat first, so he didn't ask.

Zhuo Jin brought the meal, along with the maidservant sent by the General's House to take care of the queen. More than a dozen people walked silently, arranging various kinds of food, and then quietly bowed and retired, leaving Zhuo Jin to take care of him in the room. The queen felt it for a while, and she opened the quilt and was about to get out of bed. Emperor Yongming hurriedly stopped him: "Don't go down, you are still empty."

The queen said: "I feel much better, and my body is much more relaxed. It is not convenient to eat in bed, so I should get up."

Zhuo Jin came over with a robe and said, "Your Majesty, the General's House has prepared a lot of meals for the Empress. The doctor said that Chitose can get up and eat, as long as you keep warm."

Hearing what Zhuo Jin said, Emperor Yongming looked at the dishes on the table again, and said, "Then put on your clothes first."

The queen was dressed, and at the request of Emperor Yongming, she also wore thick cloth socks before she was allowed to get out of bed. There was still a charcoal stove burning in the room, and the queen said: "I don't feel cold, this charcoal stove should be removed." Emperor Yongming was sweating on his forehead.

"Keep warm. Come on, I happen to be hungry too. I will eat with you." Emperor Yongming helped the emperor and sat down.

The queen sat down, and Zhuo Jin brought a basin for washing hands.

Picking up the chopsticks and looking at the dishes on the table, the queen smiled and said, "I haven't felt so hungry for a long time."

"Then eat quickly." Emperor Yongming put a bowl of chicken soup in front of the queen, "Drink this bowl of chicken soup first."


The queen happily picked up the spoon and drank the soup.

Not only did the queen not feel so hungry for a long time, but she hadn't eaten so much in a long time. When he ate the food bit by bit, he did not find that Emperor Yongming's hand holding the chopsticks by his side lingered, and even trembled slightly.

At this moment, watching his beloved eat and drink soup with such an excellent appetite, only Emperor Yongming knew how grateful he was to Shao Yunan and how lucky that person chose to stand on their side.

When the queen was seventy percent full after eating, he realized that the people around him hadn't dropped their chopsticks all the time. Turning his head, he saw that Emperor Yongming had been looking at him, and the queen put down her chopsticks.


Emperor Yongming smiled at him, put a piece of meat in his bowl, and said with relief, "I don't even remember the last time you had such an appetite, Qi You."

The sound of "Qi You" made the queen be moved. He said aloud: "Your Majesty, in the future, can you accompany your Majesty for a meal like this?"

Emperor Yongming nodded without the slightest hesitation: "Of course. My queen can accompany me to eat like this every day from now on."

The Queen suppressed the inquiry and smiled: "I haven't eaten enough yet."

"Fast food."

Emperor Yongming immediately gave him another chopstick dish.

When the queen was full, Emperor Yongming called Zhuo Jin to withdraw the meal, and he only took a few symbolic bites himself. The excitement in his heart far outweighed the hunger in his stomach.

The queen wiped her hands and face, rinsed her mouth, and Emperor Yongming let him go back to bed. Sitting on the edge of the bed, holding the Queen's hand, in the bedroom where only the two of them were present, something had to be explained.

After being silent for a while, Emperor Yongming said, "Qi You, your body is completely healed, all the residual poison has been removed, and there will be no more abdominal pain in the future. You must be very curious to know what's going on."

The queen nodded.

Emperor Yongming clenched the Queen's hand: "Actually, I don't know what's going on. It's just that I and the old emperor and the old general found out... and found that the food that Shao Yunan made seems to be able to cure diseases."

"Cure?!" Queen Jun was surprised.

Emperor Yongming nodded and said, "The honey pomelo tea he made especially for you this time is different from the pomelo tea he made for me and Mr. Weng. I drank the pomelo tea he gave me, and I only found it sweet and sour. He I made it for you, not only the taste is very different, but after drinking it with Lao Weng and Lao General Dai, my stomach felt like a river overturned, and then I felt very relaxed, refreshed, and full of energy."

With Emperor Yongming's explanation, the surprise on the Queen's face became stronger and stronger. Emperor Yongming continued: "You have abdominal pain today, the old general hastily entered the palace, but there is no pain in the leg, and it has not been painful for a long time. Even recently, I have eaten well and slept well. The same is true of the old emperor, he said. Now he can wake up to the dawn when he lies down at night. And this is only after they took Guyuan paste and various foods offered by Shao Yunan. And you have such abdominal pain today, it is after you drank the whole bottle After honey grapefruit tea."

The Queen stared blankly at Emperor Yongming, not knowing how to respond. Emperor Yongming pulled out his other hand and clenched it tightly: "You have been suffering from abdominal pain, but it's not the residual poison, but..." Emperor Yongming took a deep breath, "But, that time you actually had two children."

"Oh!" The queen was shocked.

Emperor Yongming sat on the bed and hugged him: "At that time, we had two children. There was one child who didn't want to leave his father and father just like this, so he forcibly stayed, which is why you have such abdominal pain. Now, that child also Knowing that he shouldn't torture his father like this, he is finally willing to leave, so, so, in the future, you won't have any more abdominal pains."

The queen originally had a ruddy face and was pale, and he was always strong. Even if he was so painful today that he couldn't wait to die, his eyes were red.

"Qi You..." Emperor Yongming was also very distressed, "In the future, we will have children. The imperial doctor said, as long as you take care of yourself properly this time, we will have children sooner or later. The lost children will return to his father and emperor again. By your father's side."

The Queen closed her eyes and held her hands tightly together. Emperor Yongming kissed his forehead and tightened his arms again and again: "I will not let any of those who made us lose our children. I promise you that I will definitely avenge our children."

The Queen didn't speak, and Emperor Yongming just hugged him and comforted him. Both hearts are extremely painful. Because of love, I want a crystal of love. Originally they had two, but they lost it forever without even looking at it. It is difficult for a man to become pregnant, let alone two children.

The Queen suppressed her sadness. He was a man, a man who had fought **** battles, how could he cry out loud. After a long time, the queen opened her eyes, her eyes were flushed, but there were no tears.


"I am here."

Emperor Yongming's lips pressed against the Queen's forehead. The Queen's voice was extremely hoarse.

"Our children are very sensible. They know that if they come to this world together, their father will be embarrassed."

Emperor Yongming's Adam's apple floated violently.

"The family of emperors, twin sons, is a disaster, but not a blessing. They don't want their father to be embarrassed, so they leave."

Emperor Yongming took a deep breath, and his voice was equally hoarse: "Yes. They didn't want their father to be embarrassed, so they left. But I believe that our children will come back, one by one."

The queen nodded, but her voice was a little choked: "Yes. They will come back, one by one, they will all come back."

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