Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 109 Jumping into the Wolf

"...Captain Mu, these words are a bit vicious, right?"

Before the little medical fairy could explain anything in a hurry, beside the little medical fairy, a man who had been waiting for a long time at the entrance of Wanyaozhai couldn't help but sneered.

"Luan, there is nothing wrong with you Qingshi here, and I have no interest in talking nonsense with you today. Don't stand in front of me, otherwise I won't be able to spare you!"

Mu She glared at the leader of the Blue Lion Mercenary Group and said, obviously not intending to save him any face at all.

Since Mu She had no intention of leaving him a piece of noodles, the leader of the Blue Lions naturally stopped being polite to him and sneered.

"Mu Snake, are you really treating yourself like a dish after I've been so polite to you?"

"I'm talking to you now just for the sake of my little medical fairy!"

"Who knows what happened to Mu Li? You'd better not slander others. You are used to bullying others in Qingshan Town, so everyone just turns a blind eye and treats them as if they see wild dogs on the roadside pooping everywhere and holding their noses. It’s over.”

"But if you dare to attack the little medical fairy, my Blue Lion Mercenary Group will be the first one not to agree!"

With the help of Captain Qingshi, the momentum belonging to the little medical fairy in front of Wanyaozhai also surged up.

The words of the leader of the Green Lion are naturally very reasonable, and among the ten mercenaries present, at least seven or eight have been treated by the little medical fairy. Although everyone was injured at first, but everyone was naturally injured. I owe you a debt of gratitude to the little medical fairy.

For a job like mercenary where you hang your head on your belt every day, the last person you can't offend is the doctor who can save your life. The reason is naturally here.

Seeing that the resistance was getting stronger, Mu She gritted her teeth with hatred as she looked at the little medical fairy, but she also calmed down a little.

"Captain Mu She, I know, I know you are very angry and sad about the disappearance of Captain Mu Li, but please calm down."

At the same time, the little medical fairy who was silent for a moment said, "If I have done something wrong, Captain Mu She may mention it, but I don't like to be inexplicably given some infamy that does not belong to me in the first place."

"You have the nerve to mention anything innocent in front of me?! Mu Li followed you to the Warcraft Mountains——"

Mu She's original scolding paused for some reason before continuing.

"But what is the truth? I have told other mercenaries more than once. When we got up early yesterday, the patrolling mercenaries found that there was no one in Langtou's tent, whether it was ordinary mercenaries or Captain Mu Li—— They were all missing, their belongings were left in the camp, but all the people were missing.”

Although the words of the little medical fairy sounded bizarre, they were unanimously agreed by most of the mercenaries, because they originally discovered that all the members of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group were missing early in the morning.

And who in Qingshan Town doesn’t know the character of the Little Medical Fairy? She has a gentle and kind personality and has saved the lives of countless mercenaries. How could what she said be false?

This incident can only be said to be strange, but based on their description, it is not difficult to guess that Mu Li led his people to leave the safer camp, and ended up completely missing in the Warcraft Mountains.

No matter what, the blame cannot fall on the Little Medical Fairy's head.

From this point of view, Mu Snake is using the topic to his advantage and messing around.

Everyone gradually came to their own judgments.

"Rather than Captain Mu She maliciously slandering me as the one who harmed everyone in the Wolf Head Mercenary Group, it would be better to say that they walked out of the camp themselves. Wouldn't this be more credible?"

"Hmph, if it weren't for you to be the mantis and the cicada, why would you have Mu Li oriole behind you!"

Mu She sneered.

"Ah, then Captain Mu Snake means that I lured everyone from the Wolf Head Mercenary Group out of the camp? If that's true, then why?"

The little fairy doctor's expression remained unchanged, and there was even a bit of teasing and sarcastic expression on his pretty face, and he said: "Could Captain Mu Snake mean that I specially set a trap in the Warcraft Mountains, and then Tell Young Commander Mu Li that there is a treasure hidden in the Warcraft Mountains, and only I know that treasure... Why don't you ask Young Commander to come forward and help me get the treasure?"

Before he finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter from the mercenaries all around.

Mu She glanced around, his face livid, while Xiao Yan's eyes lit up.

"What a smart little girl, who uses retreat to advance, and turns reality into fiction. She was worried that the information coming out of Mu She's mouth might make her a target of public criticism, but she took the initiative to say it. Now I'm afraid no one will take it seriously. She meant what she said.”

While accepting the commandment, Yao Lao smiled and said while stroking his palms.


Xiao Yan also nodded in agreement. Just thinking for a moment, he couldn't help but think, how bad would it be for someone who could be acquainted with Miss Wan?

As soon as this idea came out of his mind, Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment unconsciously.

Wait, could it be that...the little medical fairy that Miss Wan knows has something special about him?

...just like...himself?

This inexplicable thought echoed in Xiao Yan's mind, but before he could find a way to verify it, Mu She's voice came again in front of him.

"——Isn't it? Isn't it?! It's clearly a trap set by you to murder Mu Li and the Wolf Head Mercenary Group! What a good trick, little medical fairy..."

Realizing that her most powerful argument against the Little Medical Fairy had now been rendered harmless by herself amidst the laughter of everyone, Mu She regretted it too late and could only continue to follow the Little Medical Fairy's words. Trying to prove that she had indeed taken a walk before about the existence of an ancient cave in the Warcraft Mountains.

But now, in the eyes of others, his urgency and anger are more like a clown jumping after giving up on himself.

"Hehehe, I said Mu She, otherwise, let's do this."

The leader of the Blue Lions said with a smile: "I also know that there is a good place outside Qingshan Town. There are relics left by our predecessors there. Why don't I take you to see it now?"

"Luan, you are looking for death!"

Mu She was so angry that he almost exploded. This matter obviously had nothing to do with him, but he still wanted to join in the fun.

Following Mu She's roar, the members of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group drew out their weapons in unison, but other mercenaries headed by the Blue Lion Mercenary Group were also unwilling to be outdone and showed off their weapons.

The leader of the Green Lion folded his arms and chuckled: "Mu Snake, don't blame me for not reminding you. Your wolf head has lost fifty backbones now. If you start a fight in the town, who will get the advantage in the end?" But it’s hard to say.”

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