The words of the leader of the Blue Lions once again made Mu She, who was burning with anger, calm down a little.

That's right, even for the Wolf Head Mercenary Group, losing the backbone of fifty people in one fell swoop is definitely a huge loss.

Not only was he facing such a huge loss, but he was also now the enemy of the entire Qingshan Town - even Mu She, who was about to lose his mind because of the loss of his son, had to calm down in the face of this fact.

After all, strength is what determines everything.

The fact that he dared to come directly to ask for help was largely due to the prestige he had built up by relying on his strength over the years.

But now, such prestige is gradually being lost as his strength becomes vacant.

But even he didn't notice such a thing happening for the first time until the leader of the Blue Lions tore off a layer of tiger skin in front of him.

Although the others didn't say anything, they had proved with facts that if the Wolf Head Mercenary Group insisted on taking down the Little Medical Fairy at this time, they would not agree.


Mu She frowned, looking at the tense atmosphere in front of her, but she had to think in her heart that if the current Wolf Head Mercenary Group was in the crosshairs, it would probably be a disaster.

"...Don't think that you can sit back and relax with the Blue Lion supporting you today, little medical fairy."

Gradually having a plan in mind, Mu She said coldly: "Let's wait and see."

The little medical fairy was silent for a moment, just shook her head slightly, and did not comment on Mu She's harsh words.

Soon, Mu She left with the people.

Seeing the wolf-headed man disappearing at the entrance of Wanyao Zhai, the little medical fairy sighed softly.

"Thank you very much, Commander Luan, for your help."

After Mu Snake left, the little medical fairy bowed slightly towards the leader of the Blue Lions.

She knew very well that if Mu She launched an army to investigate today, although it would probably not cost her her life if no one came to help, it would inevitably lead to more twists and turns.

"Hahaha, the little doctor's fairy words are serious. That guy Mu She is used to being domineering in Qingshan Town. I have long disliked him. I feel happy to expose him today."

The leader of Qingshi shook his head and said: "Besides, if Mu She wants to attack you, he is obviously seeking death. How many people in Qingshan Town have the grace to save their lives from you, and he dares to act rashly? If it weren't for the little medical fairy who has the power to save his life. With such appeal, even if I open my mouth, it will be of no use."

"It's just that Mu She is definitely not willing to let it go. It's easy to say for a short time, but it won't be a big deal after a long time."

The little medical fairy nodded: "I understand what Captain Luan means."


The leader of the Blue Lions nodded, subconsciously glanced at Mr. Yao beside him, and said: "In this case, I don't have anything interesting to watch anymore. Mr. Yao, I will take my leave first."

"Haha, thank you very much, Captain Luan, for your help this time."

Mr. Yao naturally handed over his hand and thanked him.

Seeing the leader of the Blue Lions leaving, Mr. Yao let out a sigh of relief.

"Little Medical Fairy, this time, things have really gone big."

"Mr. Yao, do you think the responsibility lies with me?"

"At this point, is there any use in pursuing who is at fault?"

Mr. Yao shook his head and said, "Now it's Mu Snake who's holding on to you and won't let go."


The little medical fairy didn't reply, and Mr. Yao said nothing more. He just turned around, patted her on the shoulder and walked into the Ten Thousand Medicine Palace.

The little medical fairy turned around and glanced at his back, then turned to look at Xiao Yan, who had been standing aside and watching silently from the beginning to the end.


"It seems like Mu She is over the top."

After finally finding a chance to be alone with the little medical fairy, Xiao Yan couldn't help but say.

"After all, my son is dead, and the mercenary group is missing a full fifty of its backbone. In this situation, no one can calm down."

The little medical fairy looked at the young man in black shirt in front of him.

"Sorry, I couldn't help you just now."

"What are you apologizing for? Did you come out to cause trouble at that time?"

The little medical fairy said: "If you can help me get rid of Mu Li, I am already very grateful to you."

"What's more... you went all the way back to Qingshan Town just for me."


When Xiao Yan heard this, his face was inevitably a little strange.

"However, continuing like this is not an option."

"you mean?"

"I will go to the Wolf Head Mercenary Group tonight to completely eliminate the hidden danger of Mu Snake."

Xiao Yan said lightly.

"What? No!"

Unexpectedly, the little medical fairy shook her head and said firmly.

"It's too dangerous. Mu She is not his son Mu Li. He is a two-star fighting master. How can he be so easy to deal with?"

"Ordinary people can't deal with half a mercenary group, right?"

Xiao Yan's answer immediately made the little medical fairy speechless.

It's true to say that Xiao Yan just can't be treated as an ordinary person. How can ordinary people get rid of those people from the Wolf Head Mercenary Group without any effort?

"But...the other people in Langtou are not just for a living..."

The little medical fairy hesitated for a moment.

"Can't you trust me?"

"of course not!"

The Little Medical Fairy is extremely sensitive in terms of trust. He neither likes to be doubted by others, nor does he want to destroy others' trust in him.

"In that case, why not wait patiently?"

Xiao Yan chuckled lightly and walked out of the gate of Wanyao Studio.

Looking at Xiao Yan's leaving figure, the Little Medical Fairy pursed his lips slightly. This guy is really...


On the southern outskirts of Qingshan Town, the headquarters of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group.

As the sun set, Mu She was feeling headache over the death of his son and the severe loss of the mercenary group's vitality, when he suddenly heard the news that someone had come to play in the gym.


As soon as this statement came out, the whole hall was in an uproar.

"Hmph! You are so brave, do you really think that our Wolf Head Mercenary Group has no one!!!"

Mu She, who was already in a state of distress, roared angrily and slapped the armrest of the chair so hard that the armrest under his hand was turned into a piece of powder.

In his eyes, this was clearly a poisonous plan set up by the Little Medical Fairy and the other two mercenary groups, with the purpose of eating them all in one go!

Others are sitting on top of them and shitting on them, is it possible that they still have to endure it? !

"Who is here?! Someone named Luan? Someone named Feng? Or are they all here? How many people have you brought here?"

Mu She was furious, her eyes were red, and he was already prepared for the worst.

"It's not them, there's only one person...!"


Under the cover of night, a slender figure slowly approached the headquarters of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group.

Probably because he had been discovered, Xiao Yan did not encounter any strong resistance along the way. He brought down the mercenaries in just a few blows.

As he approached the deepest part of the courtyard, Xiao Yan walked up with the Xuan Zhong ruler and looked at Mu She standing in front of him. Behind him there was the sound of the door being sealed.

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