"Okay, you've had enough trouble, right?"

The joke was almost over, Yao Wan looked at Nalan Yanran in the tub and said.

"...I know it without you having to tell me."

Nalan Yanran snorted lightly, but immediately closed her eyes and entered a state of cultivation.

"Your body bones are too weak, so I prepared a special body-building fluid for you. Although this will not make your body as tough as a weapon in the future, it will not make this your shortcoming."

Yaowan explained.


Nalan Yanran snorted softly and silently circulated the Qingyun Wind Control Technique in her body.

Although Yaowan didn't do anything else, she had been observing silently.

Although she didn't think there might be any danger in running the technique or absorbing the liquid, she did need to be careful just in case.

With the movement of Nalan Yanran's internal skills, a breeze began to appear in the room from unknown time, instigating the surrounding fighting spirit like a whirlpool, helping Nalan Yanran absorb it at a faster speed. Fighting.

"Well... after all, it's a matter of exchanging a shot for a cannon. As long as the level of the skill that suits you goes up, the speed of cultivation will not be slowed down."

Yao Wan couldn't help but sigh, but suddenly there was a strong wind blowing outside the window. Yao Wan seemed to have noticed something, so she turned around quietly, walked out of the door, and then closed the door.

Nalan is still practicing, so there is no need to continue to disturb her.

She quietly walked out of the door. In the spacious yard, the beauty in green clothes stood under the moonlit night sky, looking at the beautiful figure who gently closed the door.

"Yanran she..."

"I'm practicing."

Yao Wan turned around, looked at the beauty in green dress in front of her, and said lightly.

"Have you finished all the affairs of Yunlan Sect? Are you here now?"

"Roughly the same."

The beauty's eyes are also staring at Yaowan. Every time he sees her, he can't help but recall the shock of the first meeting about half a year ago.

A girl who is so beautiful that she would be shocked, a strong man whose strength is unknown but definitely above her, and... a person who can improve the advanced Xuan-level skills and transform them into today's Earth-level skills. Unparalleled genius.

According to Yanran's guess, she was even a pharmacist whose refining skills were far superior to Furukawa's.

Yanran told her that in order to defeat Xiao Yan during this period, she needs to continue practicing with her.

For the sake of Yan Ran, she naturally agreed.

I only come to see her every once in a while.

It is also during these moments that it is inevitable that he will come into contact with the woman in front of him.

After going back and forth, she almost knew everything else except her real name.

The woman who stood behind Xiao Yan and prevented Yan Ran from breaking off the engagement was also the Medicine Fairy whose reputation spread throughout the countries of the northwest continent.

I didn’t expect that such a rumored outsider would appear here...

She doesn't have any hostility toward Yan Ran, and she even has a good impression of her. Otherwise, even if she was looking for a whetstone for Xiao Yan, she wouldn't approach Yan Ran.

"Your education to Nalan is really terrible."

In front of Yun Yun, the leader of the Yunlan Sect and the teacher of Nalan Yanran, Yao Wan couldn't help but say.

"As for Yao Xianzi... is Yanran going to Xiao Yan to break off the engagement?"

Yun Yun looked at the yarrow and sighed, looking a little helpless.

"Breaking off the engagement is just the result. How to make up for the mistakes is something you need to consider. Don't count on me."

Yao Wan shook her head and said, "Don't just think about the disaster that will eventually cause Xiao Yan. Think about it carefully. It was you who planted the disaster. You can't blame others."

"The result and process... Yao Xianzi thinks that something went wrong with Yanran at the beginning, which led to this kind of thing happening?"

"Otherwise? Could it be that I have to thank you again for cultivating Nalan into such a good character?"

Yao Wan's words were not very pleasant. In his eyes, 30% of Nalan Yanran's mistakes were due to her youth and impulsiveness, while the rest needed to find corresponding problems in Nalan's family and Yunlan Sect.

"Thank you for the lesson from Fairy Yao. When I return to Yunlan Sect, I will strictly control my disciples."

Yun Yun knew clearly that Yao Wan was not making excuses, nor was he deliberately trying to cause trouble for them. Naturally, he saw in Yan Ran the hidden danger that the entire sect had secretly buried, and that was arrogance.

"It doesn't matter what you guys do, I will change Nalan anyway. As for the others... let's leave it to Xiao Yan to take care of her in the future."

"Xiao Yan..."

Yun Yun couldn't help but let out a breath of turbidity, but this was the bitter fruit they had sown, so they couldn't blame anyone.

"...If you want to see Nalan, you'll probably have to wait until next time. Her first training session won't end soon."

"Wait a minute, are you going back to Yunlan Sect?"

As if she suddenly remembered something, Yao Wan suddenly turned her head, frowned slightly, and looked at Yun Yun in front of her.

"No, I promised Yanran before that after I resolve the matters within the sect, I will go to the Warcraft Mountains to get the Purple Spirit Crystal for her to improve her cultivation... What's wrong?"

While Yun Yun was answering, she also noticed Yao Wan's inexplicably weird look in her eyes and couldn't help but ask.

"There is nothing wrong with the Warcraft Mountains..."

Even so, Yaowan's slightly frowning eyebrows did not relax. She couldn't help but sigh in her heart. She didn't expect that she would even be touched by this...

"Then since I can't see Yanran this time, let's wait until I come back next time."

As she said that, a pair of cyan fighting spirit wings spread out from behind Yun Yun, and she was ready to leave.


"Does Medicine Fairy have anything else to do?"

"You...must go?"

When Yun Yun heard the words, she laughed dumbly: "It's not that I have to go, but I have already agreed to Yanran. Although Yanran has been taught carefully by Yaoxianzi these days, no matter what, I am also Yanran's teacher. For the sake of my disciple's future , but it’s just a trip to the Warcraft Mountains.”

Yao Wan opened her mouth slightly, but now she could no longer say the words that were on her lips.

"Okay, go ahead...but I have one more thing I need you to do."

"If possible, I hope you can help me connect the bridge... I want to meet Yunshan."

"Or you can just tell him that I changed the Qingyun Sword Technique handed down from the Yunlan Sect into a low-level technique. I think with his brain, he should understand what this means."

Although Yun Yun was confused as to why Yao Wan did this, she didn't think much about it. She just wrote down the incident, nodded, and flew away.

"Oh, what a bad fate."

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