Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 118 When excitement comes knocking on the door

Deep in the Warcraft Mountains, Xiao Yan has become accustomed to the days when the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

It's just that there is something in the Warcraft Mountains. It's not just the birds singing and the fragrance of flowers that can be vaguely heard in the distance, but also the roar of Warcraft.

In half a year, Xiao Yan successfully broke through to the realm of five-star fighting master.

The rapid progress in the past six months was naturally due to the feedback that he had just accumulated. Xiao Yan was not anxious at all and started working hard to practice fighting skills and refining medicine.

The Warcraft Mountains are rich in products and medicinal materials. As long as you are willing to look for them, you can basically find any corresponding medicinal materials.

Sitting on such a treasure mountain, it is natural that Xiao Yan would not make good use of it.

During this period of time, Xiao Yan would often go out to practice fighting skills during the day, collect medicines along the way, and refine medicine in the cave at night.

But on this day, just as he was preparing to go out as usual, the sky outside the cave changed color.

A violent energy fluctuation and a violent roar of a lion suddenly exploded in the sky like muffled thunder.

Listening to the violent roar of the lion, Yao Lao, who was still in the Najie, suddenly appeared as an illusory figure, staring closely at the sky in the distance.

The clouds were gathering, thunder was exploding everywhere, and the fine weather with clear skies just now was suddenly covered with dark clouds.

That was where the violent energy came from, and with the help of his sharp eyes, Yao Lao seemed to vaguely see a graceful and graceful figure of a woman.

"This is the roar of the sixth-level monster, the Amethyst Winged Lion King. Who would actually have an idea for it?"

"Sixth level monster?"

"Is he the Douhuang-level Warcraft warrior in the Warcraft Mountains? Who dares to use its tiger beard?"

Under the dark clouds, violent energy fluctuations continued to make sounds like muffled thunder. Even if Xiao Yan was far away from the fighting place, he could not help but feel his ears blurred.

His eyes were fixed on the distant sky, where green and red colors filled almost half of the sky.

There was another thunderous sound in his ears, and Xiao Yan felt that his heartbeat was racing rapidly.

This was the first time he faced a battle between Dou Huang warriors alone.

Although this was not the first time, this time he lost the stable protection of that beautiful shadow like a mountain. Not only did Xiao Yan feel unprecedented pressure, but his heart was always filled with an uneasy feeling of emptiness.

"Go and have a look?"

Yao Lao knew that Xiao Yan would probably not miss this rare opportunity, and he also felt that the boy should get used to the feeling of not having a girl to protect him, especially in such a scene where strong men compete.

"Can we go?"

Xiao Yan still has a very clear self-awareness, and his own weight is not enough in front of these truly strong men.

"You can't, but I can."

Yao Lao smiled, and then the illusory figure overlapped with Xiao Yan's body. Xiao Yan was startled, and his dark red eyes turned gray.

Opening the Ziyun Wings, a flying fighting skill acquired in Qingshan Town, Yao Lao controlled Xiao Yan's body and quietly approached the intersection of green and red under the sky.

In essence, it is just the collision of fighting qi with different attributes. In principle, even between fighters can do it, but to change the celestial phenomena at this level, only the strong Dou Huang or even stronger ones can do it. Can do it.

After approaching the two strong men confronting each other, Xiao Yan looked at the huge monster in the sky. This monster was huge in size, and its body was covered with a layer of purple crystals. It was like crystal armor, shining in the sun and radiating with brilliance. , quite dazzling.

"Is that the Amethyst Winged Lion King?"

Xiao Yan murmured softly as he looked at the magical beast that combined beauty and destruction with blurred eyes.

This was the first time he had observed a Douhuang-level warrior like this, and it was unavoidable that he was shocked.

...After all, Miss Wan protected him too tightly last time, and he didn't see anything.

...Although in that situation, if he didn't protect him more tightly, I'm afraid Xiao Yan would have died long ago.

In his heart, he shook his head in amazement at the appearance of the Amethyst Winged Lion King. Xiao Yan immediately turned his attention to the person who was confronting the Amethyst Winged Lion King.


His eyes first glanced at the exquisite and convex body, and Xiao Yan let out a light sigh. Although he was surprised, it was not too shocking.

The woman in the sky has a plump and delicate body wrapped in a long blue dress, holding a strange-looking long sword that emits green light. Her green hair is pulled into a noble phoenix hair ornament, and her beautiful and moving face is calm and tranquil. But with a bit of the arrogance of a superior person.

Every time he saw a strange woman, Xiao Yan would inevitably compare her with Miss Wan, and then shook his head.

But they didn't seem to start fighting as soon as they met.

Even a Dou Huang would probably not want to provoke a strong person of the same level for no reason. Therefore, whether it was the Amethyst Winged Lion King or the woman, they would definitely focus on negotiation at the beginning.

It's just that the conversation fell apart unexpectedly quickly. Before a few words were said, it broke down when the woman's request was rejected.

The fighting spirit around him condensed, as if heaven and earth issued a warning.

With a faint response, the mysterious woman raised her hand lightly, and as she raised her palm, a small blue tornado suddenly appeared in the sky. The tornado was only two meters in size at first. However, after a moment, the tornado exploded. It swelled in the wind, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a huge tornado more than ten feet tall.

Between the sky and the earth, a green tornado roared and rotated, and the giant trees on the ground were constantly being forcibly pulled out, and then twisted into sawdust all over the sky by the violent whirlwind.

"Hmph, the Warcraft Mountains are not your human territory. It's not your turn to run wild!" Looking at the increasingly huge tornado, the Amethyst Winged Lion King shouted, and in his huge mouth, a deep sound came out.

Roaring and whining resounded throughout the mountains.

The two Dou Huang masters finally fought for a long time in the sky, and Xiao Yan found it exciting watching from below.

But as the battle entered a fierce stage, both sides became red-eyed from the very beginning.

The seal energy of the Amethyst Winged Lion King hit the mysterious female Dou Huang.

But the female fighting emperor's final attack accidentally failed.

The Amethyst Winged Lion King seriously injured the female Dou Huang, but finally let her run away.

The Amethyst Winged Lion King, whose victory was not easy at all, was naturally furious and wanted to search the woman out of the Warcraft Mountains no matter what.

After watching the excitement, Xiao Yan asked Yao Lao to take him back.

When he was still sighing that the battle between the Dou Huang warriors was wonderful, he saw a scarred figure lying in the stream in front of his house.

"What kind of luck do I have?"

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