"You're lucky, kid."

Yao Lao, who had returned control of his body to Xiao Yan, looked at the woman lying next to the stream and couldn't help but smile.

"Okay? What's so good... so good that you can meet people here?"

Xiao Yan curled his lips, but couldn't help but cast his gaze towards the stream that was gradually stained with a trace of blood, and his brows furrowed slightly.

"What's wrong? Are you planning to save her?"

Although Yao Lao himself had originally wanted to persuade Xiao Yan to rescue her, the nature would be different if Xiao Yan took the initiative to rescue her.

"That's right, what else? Don't save her? Let her alone? Let's not talk about what this woman will think if she really escapes from death and comes back to life. I'm afraid the Amethyst Winged Lion King will just let us go, right?"

Xiao Yan shrugged his shoulders. If nothing else happened, the woman's blood and smell would soon attract some monsters who came looking for her after smelling the smell. By then, it would be really doomed.

Therefore, Xiao Yan picked up the unconscious woman.

Then, he took out some special medicinal powder from the Najie and sprinkled it around. This smell can mask the smell of blood and drive away Warcraft. It can be said that if there is no such thing in the Warcraft Mountains, he just wants to find a suitable spot. Finding a place to stay is not easy at all.

Xiao Yan returned to the cave with the woman in his arms. Xiao Yan placed her gently on the stone platform, sat down next to her, and took a few heavy breaths.

The cold and soft texture is indeed very attractive, but the increasingly cold and numb touch is also stimulating Xiao Yan's nerves, showing that her life seems to be passing by bit by bit.

During the break, Xiao Yan had time to watch the beautiful Dou Huang warrior up close and looked at her carefully. A faint feeling of surprise gradually filled Xiao Yan's heart.

It seems that it is not an exaggeration to describe her with words that symbolize beauty such as picturesque features, ice-cold muscles and jade bones. Moreover, what amazed Xiao Yan the most was the grace contained in her body.

His eyes swept over that pretty face that could be broken by bullets. Xiao Yan's eyes slowly moved down, but his brows were slightly furrowed. He saw five terrifying claw marks on his chest under his jade neck, covered with blood. The clothes were stained blood red.

In her coma, her eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and a touch of pain appeared on her cheeks. Although this appearance was somewhat inconsistent with her temperament, it was quite charming.

"She needs treatment."

As an alchemist, he immediately made the correct judgment, and Xiao Yan took out more than ten small jade bottles from the Najie.

After hesitating for a moment, the confusion in his eyes was suppressed by reason, and then he stretched out his hands to untie the woman's clothes. However, when his palms were about to touch her body, he closed his eyes tightly. The mysterious woman suddenly opened her eyes, her beautiful eyes filled with coldness and shame as she stared at Xiao Yan.


Xiao Yan was startled by the woman's actions and sat down on the ground.

He was somewhat guilty of being a thief. After all, not every woman was like Miss Wan. She could be allowed to get close to her without having to explain anything.

"...I just want to help you heal. There is no malice. You were unconscious just now, so I wanted to give you medicine myself. But since you are awake now, you can do it yourself."

With that said, Xiao Yan carefully placed the jade bottle next to her, then stood up and took a few steps back.

Xiao Yan was indeed quite curious and amazed by this woman, but if he was to die under this peony flower without any explanation, then forget it.

...Even if he really wanted to die, he couldn't die in her hands.

Seeing Xiao Yan retreat, the mysterious woman breathed a sigh of relief, and the chill in her beautiful eyes disappeared.

But when she was about to do it herself, she found that her whole body was in a state of numbness, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't move.

"Damn sealing technique."

She couldn't help but cursed secretly, but after trying to run the technique, she found that she was unable to do anything about the sealing technique in a short period of time.

Xiao Yan squatted in the corner of the cave, looking at the mysterious woman who couldn't move for a long time. His face was innocent, but he had no intention of taking the initiative to help.

After struggling again, the mysterious woman had no choice but to stop her useless struggle. She turned her head and looked at Xiao Yan who was squatting on the ground and drawing circles. She looked at the latter carefully. She didn't seem to notice this. After realizing that the rather handsome young man was in any danger, he coughed lightly, as if to relieve the embarrassment of drinking him away just now.

"You'd better help me apply the medicine."

"I come?"

Raising his face, Xiao Yan stared at the mysterious beauty, blinked, and hesitated.

"I can help you, but I have to agree first that you'd better not do anything stupid to me like I have to gouge out your eyes to pay for your life afterwards."

"I'm not that pedantic. As long as you can control your hands and mouth, I will naturally not repay kindness with enmity."

The woman's words were inexplicably filled with helplessness that made people laugh and cry.

Seeing the other party being so straightforward, Xiao Yan felt a little uncomfortable. He shook his head helplessly, helped the woman up from the stone bed, then sat cross-legged on the stone bed with her back to him.

He undressed and took off his belt, looking at the charming curves on the woman's back. Xiao Yan slowly took off her top with slightly trembling hands. While moving the clothes, Xiao Yan's fingers would occasionally touch the woman's skin. At this moment, he would feel the other person's body suddenly tense up. It seemed that even if this woman was a legendary warrior, the contact between men and women was not really what she said. So bland.

Under the black hair, the jade back with icy muscles and jade bones fell into Xiao Yan's eyes, causing some waves in his heart.

Topless in front of a strange man, this Dou Huang-level female powerhouse's snow-white skin gradually turned a light pink, and her delicate body was constantly trembling slightly.

"Watch your hands and eyes!"

At this time, the woman issued a warning again.

It was a warning, but it seemed like the only thing she could do now.

With a wry smile, Xiao Yan took out a black robe from the ring, and then put it on the woman's body from behind. Then he slowly turned her around again and slept on the stone bed.

Turning around, Xiao Yan discovered that her cheeks were also blushing, but the eyes looking at him didn't have much coldness. Obviously, Xiao Yan had given him a cold look before. Her act of removing her embarrassment won a lot of favor.

The next step is to clean the wound and apply medicine. For Xiao Yan, who is thick-skinned and thick-skinned, this is already something he can do even with his eyes closed.

"……Thank you."

Feeling that she was a little older, the woman smiled at Xiao Yan.

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