Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 136 Stone Monkey in the Gossip Book

"...I can sleep quite well. It's already reached this point, and the sun is shining on my butt and I still don't wake up."

Yao Wan couldn't help but joked when she saw that Nalan Yanran had opened her eyes.

"You beat me like that, can't you let me sleep a little longer?"

Nalan Yanran slightly frowned her beautiful eyebrows, not happy with Yaowan's accusation.

"But this is what you said. If you want me not to let you go, I must train you well - is there such a thing?"

Yao Wan asked rhetorically.


This is what Nalan Yanran hates the most. Even if he obviously can't beat this woman, forget it. If he can't argue, he will lose everything.

Finally, at Yaowan's urging, she could only get up quickly.

Before meeting this woman, Nalan Yanran had never stayed in bed. Regardless of whether it was cold or hot, as soon as the time came, she would get up immediately and start today's practice. This has almost become an instinct for Nalan Yanran.

But after meeting this woman, the biological clock that had been cultivated for more than ten years seemed to have malfunctioned, because almost every day it would become a state of coma after training. Therefore, the time when Nalan Yanran finally woke up was not that Stable.

It may take a few hours, or even wake up early before dawn, or maybe sleep until the evening of the next day.

Yaowan, on the other hand, never actively disturbed her sleep from beginning to end, letting her body sleep as long as it wanted.

Regarding this, Yaowan gave Nalan Yanran the reason that she saw you were sleeping soundly, so she didn't have the nerve to disturb you.

For Nalan Yanran, such a waste of time is naturally intolerable, but this kind of thing is not her fault.

After all, when you practice more, you start fighting, when you feel tired, you go to sleep, and when you wake up, you start practicing. During these more than half a year, Nalan Yanran followed such an extremely irregular time to carry out her own practice.

Yaowan doesn't think there is anything wrong with this kind of practice. After all, once you embark on this path of practice, you are basically a different species from ordinary people in traditional concepts.

After Nalan Yanran got up, Yao Wan also got off her bed.

"Continue to practice. If I give you three more months, you can almost be promoted to a great fighting master. How about that? Be happy."

Yao Wan said, while Nalan Yanran remained silent.

After all, although this woman always irritates me, everything she brings to me is real, whether it is the improved skills or the rapid improvement of cultivation——

She has long been accustomed to the strange feeling of irritability and inexplicable relief mixed with this woman when she is by her side. It is really strange to say that no matter what the power she possesses, this woman brings to her , or the attitude and principles of life that were different from anyone else, something she had never seen in anyone else.

——Even the weird stories she told were not cliché at all.


While dressing and washing, Nalan Yanran suddenly made a sound that attracted Yao Wan's attention.

"What's wrong?"

Yaowan asked.

"The story of Journey to the West... is just gone?"

Nalan Yanran looked at the beauty in front of her and couldn't help but ask. Although Yaowan had told her more than once that she had just heard this story, Nalan Yanran refused to believe it and just thought she had made it up herself. from.

Yao Wan watched quietly as the sharpness in her face and eyes had long been worn away by her, like a sword with a hidden edge, leaving only the resolute girl.

She knew very well that this was probably because the girl was not satisfied and wanted to see more.

"Yes, that's it. The four masters and disciples successfully obtained the true scriptures, became Buddhas, returned to the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and lived a happy life... Ah, I added the last sentence myself , but if you look at it according to their own requirements, I think it is not surprising to describe them as happy in the end."

Yaowan answered naturally.

But Yao Wan's answer didn't seem to satisfy Nalan Yanran.

"...Why? Why did the monkey become a Buddha so willingly in the end? Doesn't he hate the gods and Buddhas in the sky the most? Is he not going to avenge the five hundred years of revenge under Wuzhi Mountain? Being restrained by a mortal with a tight band, Just forget it?"

Nalan Yanran asked back. It was obvious that when Yao Wan told this story, even if she didn't listen, she still listened to it.

For Nalan Yanran, all this seems a bit difficult to understand.

And Yaowan could definitely guess that she would have such a question in the end... It would be better to say that she told this story that symbolized resistance from the beginning just so that she would take the initiative to ask herself this question.

There was no usual relaxation and joking on her face, only a touch of softness mixed with it.

"Then why does Nalan feel that he must take revenge?"

She asked back: "You think it's hatred, but isn't this a kind of spiritual practice?"

"If you don't take revenge, doesn't that mean you are bowing down to those gods and Buddhas?"

The four words "young man's spirit" are quite appropriate when applied to Nalan Yanran at this moment.

"Why does not taking revenge mean you must be groveling? Also, why do you think this will be hatred? Nalan, in your opinion, was Wukong right or wrong when he caused trouble in the Heavenly Palace?"

"Of course that's right. Heaven will definitely pay a price for looking down upon a strong man who can subvert it."

Nalan Yanran shook her head, and Yao Wan also smiled and shook her head. This is really a very vindictive mainland concept...

"But, Heaven has already given him a Monkey King, right or wrong? But what did Wukong do? He stole the elixir, secretly drank imperial wine, disturbed the Peach Club, and destroyed the Tushita Palace. Is this right? wrong?"

"Isn't that because I didn't call him?"

Nalan Yanran was unconvinced and wanted to refute.

"Just because you don't call him, does that mean you can do this?"

Yaowan looked at her and said, "This is his frivolity and arrogance."

"But he is so strong, can't he-"

"But is this called resistance? This is just doing whatever you want based on your bravery."

No matter how Yaowan rebutted Nalan Yanran, she could find a suitable angle to refute it: "Do you think a strong person should be like this? Then in the end, the Tathagata suppressed him under the Five Elements Mountain for five hundred years. Isn't it natural?"

"What's wrong is what's wrong, Nalan."

"Wukong was wrong, that's why he spent five hundred years under the Five Elements Mountain and traveled west for more than ten years, sleeping in the open air."

"Mistakes are not everything about a person. Just like that monkey in your mouth, it is precisely because of repentance after recognizing mistakes that a person will change."

"Wukong is still the Monkey King, but he has another identity, called Fighting and Victorious Buddha."

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