Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 137 I care about you very much

"...Then I would rather believe that this monkey died on the way. The one who walked to the west is just the six-eared macaque who can bow to the Tathagata."

Nalan Yanran was silent for a moment, but still shook her head.

"Six ears..."

Yao Wan knew that Nalan Yanran just didn't want to accept that the Monkey King who was fearless in the story had suddenly plummeted in her heart.

"Indeed, no matter where and when, there are always people who like this argument."

There was a hint of smile in her words, but she unintentionally annoyed Nalan Yanran.

The girl in front of her looked at her and glared: "What's so funny about this?"

"Nothing, just a little sigh."

Yao Wan was not angry, but continued softly: "It's just that Liu Er's double mind has been eradicated, which symbolizes Wukong's determination, but there are always people who like to use this dead double mind as an excuse. Isn't it funny? ?"

"Nalan, you always feel that Wukong who has become a Buddha is no longer Wukong, right?"

"But it was precisely because he changed step by step and abandoned his past mistakes that he was able to become a Buddha."

"Wukong is no longer frivolous, but he continues to do good. Human good and evil are two completely different things, but they intersect with each other. Therefore, people can be right or wrong."

“So what matters is not what you did wrong, but what you will continue to do.”

"We should be better."

The sound of the coriander is like the last wind of autumn, carrying the warmth of the sun, but not as hot as in summer, and carrying a hint of coolness in winter, but not making people feel cold.

Nalan Yanran was silent for a long time, and suddenly she realized: "Wait a minute..."

"Is that why you told me this story?"

She became excited all of a sudden. It didn't look like she was angry, but more like she finally found a topic she could use to counterattack.

"Yes, but you can't deny that this is an exciting enough story, right?"

Yao Wan knew that Nalan Yanran was no longer as frivolous as before, and she also knew that what she needed to do now was just to come to her senses and think about what was right and wrong.

Although she made mistakes, she was not a bad person after all, and Yao Wan was willing to believe from beginning to end that she would eventually repent of the wrong behavior she had just committed.

If she could reach this point, it wouldn't be in vain for her to tell this little naughty child such a long bedtime story.

"Ugh... just because of this kind of thing, you spent so long telling me stories?!"

Nalan Yanran only felt annoyed and depressed, and the depression was worse than the anger. It was as if in this woman's eyes, she had never changed - but wasn't she already changing?

She had already realized her mistake unconsciously, but was exposed again, as if she had not been able to gain her trust from the beginning, which naturally made Nalan Yanran extremely depressed.

"I don't care how much time I spent, but if I can really make you understand, my efforts will not be in vain."

Yaowan shrugged her shoulders, and then said: "...or do you think I really have so much leisure and leisure to spend so much time saying so much to someone who doesn't care at all?"

Nalan Yanran paused after hearing this, and her whole mood suddenly stopped as if she had misfired.

"what do you mean?"

The girl's momentum suddenly weakened and she was a little overwhelmed, but she was afraid that she had made the wrong reply, so she just suppressed the throbbing in her heart.

Seeing Nalan Yanran's appearance, Yao Wan couldn't help but said: "I mean, if it were anyone else, I wouldn't waste my words at all. Do you understand? Nalan."


Nalan Yanran didn't know what to say.

" you really want to hear me say the words 'I care about you very much' to you personally?"

Yao Wan shook her head and sighed. Although she thought she was a dead pig and was not afraid of boiling water, and she was not afraid of what she said, but if she was really asked to say this in front of other girls, the look on her face would It is inevitable that some people will not be able to hang on.

Nalan Yanran just followed the medicine and waited a little helplessly to clarify her thoughts, biting her lip gently.

"At the very least, if you tell me, I won't have to get angry with you any more—"

Nalan Yanran also looked a little confused.

"...Although I still don't understand why you want to be so nice to me."

"I'm so nice to you. Didn't I tell you a long time ago?"

Yao Wan breathed softly and said: "You are wrong, but this does not mean that I will hate you. I have liked you from the beginning, but you used the wrong way to protect yourself."

"Then can I... hug, hug you?"

After understanding what Yaowan meant and what she thought of herself, Nalan Yanran couldn't help but whisper. She didn't smell like a domineering young sect master, but rather like a wounded little animal.

Yaowan smiled, and then opened her arms towards Nalan Yanran.

Nalan Yanran snorted and fell into Yaowan's arms.

Yaowan just stroked her soft long hair gently, as usual.

She knew very well what Nalan Yanran was thinking, but now that she thought about it, there was no need to say more.

Nalan Yanran fell into Yaowan's arms, not making a sound, just shedding tears silently.

She had long forgotten the last time she cried. The expression and emotion of crying seemed to have disappeared in the process of her cultivation.

Nalan Yanran finally understood the reason why she always seemed so bored with Yao Wan, but deep down she unconsciously wanted to get closer to her.

Probably because he felt emotions from her that he had never felt from others before.

Teaching like a teacher, gentle like a sister.

She would say to herself what others would never say to her, and she would do for herself what others would definitely not do for her.

What's more important is that she has never regarded herself as the young lady of the Nalan family and the young master of the Yunlan Sect. Even if she did, it was just a joke.

It seems that when he is in front of her, he has lost any prefix and is just a person called Nalan Yanran. He will not be regarded as the future pillar of the Nalan family and the next generation leader of the Yunlan Sect. This kind of person is placed in the position of others. identity on the body.

Only when she was angered by her teasing, Nalan Yanran suddenly realized that she could also be angry because of such trivial things.

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