Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 144: Being timid to eliminate the evil fire

"Hey, brat, why are you pretending to be noble?"

When Yao Lao saw this, he couldn't help but smile and encouraged him: "It's different now. You were forced by the situation, and you didn't do it on purpose. That woman obviously has a good impression of you, and it's not like when we first met. ."

"Just stay silent and wait for her to find her. Half-assistant and half-assured. Isn't it just a matter of time before she is ready?"

"——Not to mention cooking raw rice into cooked rice, even cooking raw rice into cooked meat will not work!"

Xiao Yan's resistance was extremely fierce.

Even though he had developed a liking for Yunzhi during this period, it didn't mean that he thought that their relationship had really reached this point.

Yao Wan, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help but laugh at Xiao Yan's words.

She just covered her mouth gently to prevent herself from making any sound, and just watched silently what Xiao Yan would do next.

But, if these two people really got married by mistake, she wouldn't go out of her way to stop them. After all, it's none of her business if they are talented and beautiful.

When Yao Lao saw that Xiao Yan was not getting enough, he naturally didn't want to say anything more. He just asked Xiao Yan to stay on his own for a while, until he couldn't bear it any longer.

Xiao Yan also knew that this was obviously something that Yao Lao could not solve, so he simply sat down cross-legged quietly and tried his best to calm down his increasingly impetuous heart.

It’s just that facts prove that sometimes, it’s obviously not possible to calm down easily if you want to.

If this matter could really be controlled so easily, then there would be countless saints in the world.

Even after taking the Pure Spirit Pill, Xiao Yan still felt as hot as fire in his body, and the abnormal restlessness could not be suppressed no matter what.

Distraught, he tried various methods, even if he wanted to pass the cultivation state, he couldn't.

Chaos filled Xiao Yan's eyes, and his breathing inevitably became hot and heavy.

Yao Lao glanced at Xiao Yan... It's not easy for ordinary people to suppress it, let alone a young man who is very energetic...

When he thought of this, Yao Lao didn't intend to continue watching the fun.

He raised his head and looked at Qian Ying hiding in the dark in the distance, his face clearly asking her to help.

"Ho... I was indeed discovered."

Yao Wan's eyes met Yao Lao's, and she immediately realized that she had been exposed.

Thinking about it, the only one who can detect her presence here is Yaolao Lao.

However, when you think about it, Xiao Yan is unwilling to take action against Yun Yun, but he can't just watch and do nothing when he's in this situation, right?

However, she didn't want to appear in front of Xiao Yan now, otherwise she might embarrass him.

Seeing Xiao Yan gradually being overwhelmed by the blazing flames in his body, Yao Wan gently raised his jade finger, evoking a ray of soft green light, flowing silently like a gurgling stream.

Yao Lao watched Xiao Yan gradually being surrounded by the green flames, a hint of surprise and speculation flashed in his eyes.

If I remember correctly, the last time this girl helped Xiao Yan refine the poisonous fire and devour it with the Burning Jue, she seemed to be doing the same thing, using her own undeveloped fire to absorb the excess energy of the Burning Jue.

From this perspective, she is the only one who can help Xiao Yan get through this situation without getting into trouble.

After the escaping energy came into contact with the green flame in front of him, it was absorbed by the green flame at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like water poured into the soil.

There is no need for Yao Wan to say anything now. Under the control of her spiritual thoughts, the green creature's flame turned into a blurry silhouette of herself, and then the silhouette reached out and pressed her hand on the back of Xiao Yan's heart.

Xiao Yan snorted, but felt that he felt much better all of a sudden, and the evil fire that was raging in his body also weakened a lot.

Although the process of eliminating the evil fire was not complicated, it was indeed cumbersome. Yao Wan had no choice but to be patient and help him clean up the evil fire that had just been generated due to the overflow of Burning Technique energy in his body.

And all these things have become the best nourishment for her soul.

After all, evil fire is only useful to people at most. For strange fire, it is just a kind of energy with little difference.

Yaoyuan wouldn't deliberately keep this thing, so naturally he would throw it all to his own fire.

...Strange, what's going on?

Xiao Yan's originally frowned brows gradually relaxed.

The soul that just now felt completely ignited by the evil fire suddenly returned to its normal calmness. Such a huge contrast made Xiao Yan somewhat difficult to adapt to.

When the smoldering restlessness in his body had disappeared, Xiao Yan opened his eyes in a daze, only to see an extremely familiar outline flashing before his eyes.

He was slightly stunned, and was about to say something, but he felt an uncomfortable soreness and numbness in the back of his neck, and then strong sleepiness rushed down his cervical spine and into his brain.

Xiao Yan's eyes turned white and he fainted.

"Huh, okay, I can barely catch up."

Yao Wan couldn't help but sighed softly. After all, if he met Xiao Yan now, he would probably be in trouble again.

Besides, she had more important things to confirm than meeting again after a long separation.

"Yao Lao, long time no see."

After knocking Xiao Yan unconscious with a slap, the silhouette formed by the gathering of living creatures bowed slightly in front of Yao Lao.

"Well, why are you here suddenly? Is it because Xiao Yan accidentally triggered the restriction you left?"

Now that Xiao Yan was no longer with the two of them, Yao Lao watched as the blurry green silhouette in front of him gradually faded, revealing the girl's unrivaled elegance.

The bowed Yaowan straightened up, and then subconsciously tucked a strand of hair that had fallen down behind her ear.

Looking at that inexplicably familiar figure, Yao Lao's eyes were inevitably a bit unspeakable and complicated, but in the end they all turned into a sigh.

I remember that Venerable Ta Yao used to travel across Zhongzhou and was famous far and wide. Even in the last desperate situation, he had never shown such an expression.

Only the girl in front of him would make him sigh from the bottom of his heart and silently say all the vicissitudes of life.

"...Well, I guessed that he would be in danger in the Warcraft Mountains, so I came right away..."

Saying that, Yao Wan said thoughtfully: "In a sense, I really guessed right... Fortunately, I caught up this time."

"Speaking of which, Yao Lao, how did you discover that there are traces of strange fires in the Warcraft Mountains?"

Yao Wan directly expressed her doubts. After all, in her memory, where did the strange fire come from in the Warcraft Mountains? Aren't those two kinds of strange fires that Xiao Yan could come into contact with in the early days?

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