Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 145 Conversation with Yao Lao

Before Xiao Yan left the Northwest Continent, all he had were Qinglian Earth Heart Fire and Fallen Heart Flame.

Originally, when he passed by the Izumo Empire, he felt very lucky when he noticed the Nether Poison Fire there. However, Xiao Yan found the second type of strange fire while wandering around the Warcraft Mountains.

Yao Wan couldn't help but sigh that this guy's luck was really good.

"The discovery of the Ten Thousand Beast Spirit Fire should start after Xiao Yan rescued that woman over there..."

Yao Lao explained seemingly casually, but he kept observing Yao Wan's reaction.

Yao Lao was actually somewhat curious about Yao Wan's true attitude towards Xiao Yan.

If this girl gets angry or unhappy when she mentions that woman, then the result will be, needless to say, this girl must like Xiao Yan, that brat.

But Yao Wan's reaction was beyond his expectation.

"...Yunzhi, right? That's fine. Anyway, as long as Xiao Yan is willing to take responsibility, I don't care."

Yao Lao:?

When he saw the natural smile on Yao Wan's face, there was probably only one question mark left in Yao Lao's mind.

He couldn't understand.

Yao Lao foresees many possibilities. For example, when the girl hears that Xiao Yan is flirting with the wild woman outside, she immediately becomes furious and wants to arrest the mistress.

For example, after hearing the news, he seemed to have no reaction at all on the surface, but in fact he was completely lost in his heart.

For another example, she had a blessing smile on her face, but she was actually planning to take care of her love rival.

But the premise of all this is naturally based on the fact that the girl does have a good impression of Xiao Yan.

But judging from the girl's reaction, it can't be said that she doesn't have a good impression of Xiao Yan, but when it comes to the relationship between men and women, it really doesn't have anything to do with it.

Yao Lao, who realized this, couldn't understand. This brat didn't even run on the track, but he just stared at it every day?

Different from Yao Lao's incomprehensible eyes, Yao Wan really thinks so. After all, she is somewhat self-aware of her current appearance. If she had always maintained the kind of intimacy with Xiao Yan that was far better than ordinary friends, If it's related, I don't even know how and when the day comes.

Wouldn’t that be too unfair?

Therefore, instead of falling over inexplicably in the end, it is better to work harder to bring Xiao Yan and others together first.

Therefore, no matter it is Xian'er, Nalan, Yun Yun, or Medusa who has not yet met, it can be anyone. Let's tie this guy down for the time being, lest this guy will end up targeting him.

As for Xiao Xun'er...

Forget it then.

Yao Wan, who was thinking in her heart, couldn't help but shook her head slightly, hoping that she could tie Xiao Yan up. The day lily was already cold, and she was afraid that sooner or later, she would end up hugging this guy when she opened her eyes.

What's more, she is the one who is most hostile to him. If she becomes the master in the future, the first thing he will do is probably ask Xiao Yan to completely sever ties with him.

It can be said that you jump directly from one extreme that you don't want to happen to another extreme.

However, what she needs to care about now is more than that.

When those beautiful eyes swept across the cave in front of her, a hint of irritability gradually appeared in Yao Wan's eyes.

It is understandable that people will always feel resistance and fear of the unknown.

Nowadays, if Yaowan refers to fear, it would be more appropriate to say worry.

After all, according to Yao Wan's original thoughts, or assumptions, it might be the best outcome for Xiao Yan to go through the future he knows step by step.

At best, she could help Xiao Yan get through some troubles and difficulties that he alone could not solve, such as the future massacre of the Xiao family, or his father being abducted by the Soul Palace.

The rest is left to time and himself to figure out.

But what she saw at this moment made Yao Wan temporarily question the feasibility of her idea.

The future is not set in stone. As he knows, the Xiao Yan neither obtained the Netherworld Poison Fire with his help nor found the Ten Thousand Beast Spirit Fire in the Warcraft Mountains by himself.

All this can be considered a good thing for the time being, but what about the future?

Only good things happen in this world.

"Girl, what's wrong?"

Seeing the faint sadness between the girl's eyebrows, Yao Lao couldn't help but say.

"...It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered something. It seems that I have been a little too lazy in the past, and I need to get busy next time."

Yao Wan, who came back to her senses, shook her head gently, and then said: "Is there anything else, Yao Lao? If nothing happens, I should probably leave."

"There's nothing going on here with Xiao Yan."

Yao Lao looked at the sleeping Xiao Yan and said softly: "It's just for my own sake. There are some things I really want to tell you."

Yao Wan was silent for a moment, then suddenly recalled that she and Yao Lao had the same surname and the same word for medicine, and were from the same clan... but due to some reasons within the family, they had already parted ways.

"You say."

"Has everything been okay in the clan? Who is the current clan leader?"

"Everything is well in the clan. The current clan leader... is the Yaodan clan leader."

Yao Wan hesitated for a moment. To be honest, she was a little unsure about Yao Lao's attitude towards the family that had hurt him and completely changed his life.

Obsession is obsession, and attitude is attitude. Yao Wan wants to look at the two separately.

"Yaodan Clan Leader... think about it too."

Yao Lao was startled, and then nodded, yes, the clan leader is one of the beings who stands at the top of Dou Qi Continent. How can he compare with the longevity of his clan after spending many years outside.

"By the way, because Xiao Yan was here, it was inconvenient for me to ask, girl, who are you..."

"I was raised by the patriarch. He saw that I was very talented, so he took me with him since I was a child and taught me carefully. He hopes that I can become the pillar of the next generation in the future."

Yao Wan didn't want to hide anything in front of Yao Lao, she just said.

“That’s it—she is truly a proud daughter of heaven.”

Yao Lao shook his head gently, with sighs and sighs in his tone.

"Yao Lao...want to go back and take a look?"


She was rejected faster than ever before when she tried: "A sinner, and now there is only a trace of his soul left. What do I do when I go back? Do I want those tribesmen to laugh at my fate as a sinner?"

Yao Wan's face showed regret, while Yao Lao's voice gradually softened.

"I know what you are thinking, but what will the clan members think if they find out that the eldest lady has brought back a sinner? Girl, have you ever thought about it?"

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