Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 148 Rushing to the Desert

After saying goodbye to Xiao Yan in the Warcraft Mountains, Yunzhi naturally returned to Yunlan Sect with the Purple Spirit Crystal.

Originally, she wanted to see how her disciple was doing before going up the mountain, but when she arrived, both her disciple and the Medicine Fairy were gone.

Yun Yun had no choice but to return to Yunlan Sect first.

"The teacher is back?"

But before she could find someone, Nalan Yanran had already appeared in front of Yun Yun.

Yun Yun was slightly startled. After all, Yanran usually practiced on the top of the mountain, but she didn't expect that it would be unusual to go there today.

Is it because Yanran just came back?

"Well, it took some time to go out this time, but fortunately, I got the Purple Spirit Crystal back without any danger."

"By the way, why is Yanran back? Where is Yaoxianzi?"

"She? She has something to do, so she will leave first."

Nalan Yanran shook her head gently.

"Is that so... Yanran must have benefited a lot from following Yao Xianzi these days, right?"

"I've benefited a lot...that's about the same."

Seeing Nalan Yanran's appearance, Yun Yun felt that her disciple had changed a lot during her absence.

"Yanran has changed a lot."

Yun Yun said from the bottom of her heart, but it made Nalan Yanran feel a little strange.

"Changed? Has it?"

Nalan Yanran was a little confused. In her own opinion, she had never changed.

"I can't tell right away, but Yanran's temperament has indeed changed a lot."

Yun Yun said, if Nalan Yanran was like an extremely sharp sword at the beginning, then now she makes people feel like a sword in a scabbard, no longer so arrogant, but gradually restraining herself. Spirit.

For Nalan Yanran, this naturally has very obvious benefits.

Nalan Yanran shook her head, thinking it was a joke, then she took out a jade bottle from her Najie and handed it to Yun Yun.

"What's this?"

Yun Yun was a little confused, then subconsciously opened the mouth of the jade bottle, and a burst of elixir fragrance floated out.

However, when Yun Yun smelled the refreshing fragrance of elixir, she was suddenly startled.

No, why is the smell of this elixir so familiar?

...It seems that he came into contact with it when he was in the Warcraft Mountains?

Nalan Yanran then explained: "That's the elixir she gave me. It's a high-quality elixir that has the effect of clearing the mind and detoxifying. It's called the Pure Spirit Pill."

"This elixir is expensive. She asked me to take it when I was tired from training, so I saved it and was reluctant to use it. Now that I think about it, I might as well keep it in the sect for those who may need it in the future."

Nalan Yanran naturally thought so because she cared about the Yunlan Sect who had trained her, but she didn't notice that her teacher completely lost his mind after hearing the name of the elixir.


"Teacher? What's wrong with you?"

Seeing that Yun Yun never answered, Nalan Yanran couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah--well, I'm fine."

Yun Yun raised her head suddenly, feeling confused and confused for a moment, not knowing what to do. However, because Nalan Yanran was still in front of her, she had to force a smile and pretend to be fine and accept the elixir.

"Yanran can actually stay with her. You are the future young master of Yunlan Sect. Even if the sect's resources have been tilted towards you over the years, it is as it should be."

Yun Yun said after coming back to her senses.

But after Nalan Yanran heard this, she frowned slightly without any trace.

"Teacher, if there is nothing else to do, Yanran will go back and rest first."

After Nalan Yanran bowed slightly, she turned and left.

Yun Yun watched Nalan Yanran's figure gradually disappear at the end of the corridor. The overwhelming shock and anxiety in her heart made her not know what to do for a moment.

Pure Spirit Pill——Pure Spirit Pill——

How could such a coincidence happen in this world?

She couldn't help but think.

She rationally did not believe that there would be no chance for her to be lucky in the world, but at the same time, she could not help but be paranoid about thinking that this was a coincidence - but even she could not convince herself of this statement now.

There are no two kinds of purifying elixirs in the world, let alone two identical people——

That friend of Yaoyan, Yao Xianzi...

Once this relationship is confirmed, it goes without saying who Yao Yan's true identity is.

It's just a question of whether Yun Yun is willing to face it.

In the end, she couldn't help but sigh.

"It's really... fate plays tricks on people."

She smiled helplessly.


After leaving Yunlan Mountain, Yaowan went all the way east and came to a place covered by yellow sand all year round.

Tagore Desert.

The first strange fire that Yao Wan knew Xiao Yan should have had, the location of the Qinglian Earth Core Fire.

But apart from that, there are also some other things that are of interest to the medicinal herbs.

Naturally she wanted to take a look.

For example, the Ice Emperor Haibodong, the powerful Dou Huang who has been drawing maps in the desert for decades.

She was not afraid of the harsh weather and sandstorms in the Tagor Desert. A ray of cyan light passed through the gathering sandstorms in the Tagor Desert without any hindrance. She unfolded her spiritual thoughts and searched directly from the nearest human city in the desert.

After looking for several markets where people gathered, Yao Wan couldn't help but find no such big city, which made Yao Wan a little disappointed.

"Tsk, I should have made some preparations before coming here if I had known."

Yaowan sighed, but did not stop. The large amount of fire energy permeating the desert atmosphere made her even more powerful, and she could even fly for several days without needing to rest.

In the end, she noticed the movements of the flying monsters and found the right path.

After Yaowan walked directly through the sandstorm countless times, she finally saw the first big city built by humans in the desert.

And when she landed in front of the city gate, she noticed the word "Mocheng" carved out of huge rocks on the city gate.

" seems like this is it, right?"

There was a bit of secret joy hidden in Yaowan's murmur, after all, he had found it, right?

When she thought of this, Yaowan was ready to follow the flow of people into the city.

As a result, before reaching the gate of the city, the soldiers guarding the city caught a glimpse of Yao Wan, who would always be the focus of the crowd no matter where he was.

After feeling the not so polite and friendly look from the other party, Yao Wan sighed.

To be honest, she didn't want to wear the cloak and hat all day long. After all, no one wanted to hide their words and talk as if she was a thief.

But if you don't wrap yourself up like a mummy, you will always attract some unknown characters.

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