Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 149 Give you a price you can’t refuse

Just by looking at the other party's expression, Yao Wan could completely predict what would happen next.

So, in order to prevent this from happening——

Yaowan tightened her grip on the stone hammer she took out from Najie, and smashed it directly into the soldier's head.

With a muffled sound, the soldier who had just walked towards Yaowan was knocked unconscious by her hammer.

It's a good thing that he was just bullying a guy of this level of fighter, otherwise he would probably have beaten him to death if he couldn't hold back his strength.

Yao Wan complained for no reason in her heart, and then glanced coldly around the silent crowd.

Some people who were still hiding in the crowd and did not hesitate to lock their greedy eyes on her were suddenly frightened into a cold sweat and quickly lowered their heads, fearing that they would look down upon meeting this woman's eyes. The one who got hammered on the forehead was himself.

This group of people seems to bully the weak and fear the strong, but there is nothing wrong with them at all.

I originally thought that she was just a helpless young lady who had run away, and maybe she could be tricked into having a taste of it. Who would have thought that she turned out to be such a dangerous and rough woman?

I'm afraid if I hadn't gotten a little closer, I would have been smashed into mincemeat.

It has to be said that directly killing chickens to scare monkeys is indeed very effective. At least those annoying bugs will put away their dirty eyes at once.

Yaowan's mood improved a lot, and she looked at the other soldiers, as if silently asking them if they had any objections to her behavior.

The other soldiers laughed more than they cried. Looking at the guy lying on the ground who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, who would dare to go to her? He quickly got out of the way into the city.

Yaowan smiled, well, that’s pretty much it.

Immediately, he put away the stone hammer and walked briskly into Desert City.


After entering the city, Yao Wan began to look for the shop that made the map in the city.

What was unexpected was that, probably because Mocheng was located in the desert and it was extremely easy to get lost, there were not five but three map shops on one street.

She walked around for a while and finally found her destination.

After pushing the door open, Yao Wan sensed the aura of the two mysterious Pure Lotus Demon Fire Map fragments through her extremely keen spiritual sense.

Now that he was close to the target, a beautiful smile appeared on Yaowan's lips.

As if he heard a guest coming in from outside the door, an old man behind the stage slowly walked out.

It was normal for customers to come to the store to choose maps. He was not surprised at all. He just let Yao Wan choose there. He didn't care how long the customers stayed, but if they wanted to steal things in his store, that would be a fool's errand.

It's just that the girl in front of him who is obviously a beauty is naturally not included in this list.

The old man was only slightly surprised when he saw Yaowan's profile, but he didn't have any big reaction.

He looked at the girl in front of him coldly. For some reason, this girl gave him the feeling that something was wrong, very wrong.

And judging from her attire and appearance, she is not a local of Mocheng - he has lived in seclusion in this ghost place for so many years. Even if he has not specifically understood the customs here, he can now tell them at a glance. There is a huge difference in the words, deeds and temperament between locals and outsiders.

——In any case, it’s better to be careful.

The old man silently raised his vigilance, and then watched the girl pick out the map he liked, then took it to the old man's stage and placed it in front of the old man.

"Here, I want this map. How much does it cost?"

Looking at the old man's eyes that gradually turned cold after seeing clearly what the map was, Yao Wan's heart remained unmoved.

"——This picture is not for sale."

The old man immediately stretched out his hand to take back the map, but Yao Wan took it away first, which made him even more unhappy: "Little girl, what do you mean?"

"Don't buy it? Then I'm curious."

Yao Wan raised the broken picture in her hand with a smile and said: "Since the old gentleman said this picture is not for sale, why do you still put it on those pairs of shelves? Aren't you afraid that it will be taken away by pickpockets on the roadside? ?”

"Little girl, return this picture to me, and I can pretend that what happened today never happened."

The old man said solemnly, for him, this was like a tiger being bullied by a dog. He had fought against powerful men in a majestic manner decades ago, but today he had fallen to the point where a little girl snatched something from his hand.

However, this does not mean that he is really that easy to bully.

Seeing that Yao Wan was unwilling to talk to him anyway, the resentment that the old man had suppressed in his heart completely erupted as the last bit of patience dissipated. The cold fighting spirit swept away, sweeping up the old man like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. The map hanging in the shop had a thin layer of frost on it.

"Ice attribute fighting spirit, this is really rare."

Yao Wan couldn't help but sigh, and then looked at the old man in front of him up and down. The former Dou Huang cultivation has now become a Dou Ling, which is really embarrassing.

"I have no intention of getting involved with you, old man."

"——After all, if word got out that I bullied a Dou Huang who fell to Dou Ling, it would be so shameless, don't you think so, Ice Emperor?"

Her eyes were fixed on the old man in front of her. For some reason, the old man who was once the top powerhouse of the Jia Ma Empire felt an unprecedented sense of oppression from this harmless-looking girl.

"Do you know my name?"

Hearing the title of his former legend from others, the old man did not feel relieved or happy at all, but became more solemn.

He felt that this girl might be here for him.

No matter what the reason is, it's just not a good thing.

In a sense, his guess was not wrong at all.

"Let's talk in another way..."

Yao Wan sat in front of the stage, her eyes reflecting the guarded figure of the old man.

"Hmph - what do you want to talk about? Although I don't know where the little girl is, but even if I, Haibodong, have been living in seclusion for so many years, I am not a soft persimmon who can be bullied to my head."

"Bluffing is useless in front of me, Ice King."

Yaowan shook his head and then said: "Let's continue the topic just now - you are just worried that the treasure on hand will be sold at a low price."

"In that case, what do you think, Mr. Ice Emperor, if I use your Fighting Emperor cultivation to buy your map?"

Since you know the details of the other party, wouldn't it be better to just give the other party a price that you can't refuse without any beating around the bush?

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