"What did you say?!"

Sure enough, as soon as Yao Wan finished speaking, Hai Bodong's face could not hide the surprise in his heart.

He was originally not interested in the existence of Yao Wan, but if he said that the other party could help him break the damn seal, then he would naturally become more energetic.

After all, this damn seal has trapped him in this Tagore Desert for decades. No matter how much he wants to continue to endure and wait, he is almost unable to bear it anymore.

"Little girl, don't talk nonsense."

Hai Bodong was a little touched in his heart, but after all, he was still a Dou Huang who had matured into a mature man at that time, and it was not like Yao Wan just believed it after saying a few words.

"Then Mr. Ice King means that if what I say is true, then this transaction can continue?"

"Then at least you have to take it out..."

Haibodong snorted coldly. He hated people who talked nonsense the most.

But before he could finish his words, a green color bloomed in front of his eyes like flowers, trees, and vines.

Under Hai Bodong's old face, his blue eyes that had not become cloudy due to aging stared at the green flames blooming from the palm of the girl Rou Yi.

It was probably the most shocking color he had ever seen in his life. It was obviously flames, but it was like a living plant, with an incredible sense of rhythm.

In the past few decades, he has experienced the aging caused by the damn seal sealing the fighting spirit all over his body. The pale and powerless feeling that the human body cannot fight against time left Hai Bodong with an impression. Incredibly profound.

This is the breath of life.

It was as if the concept of life itself showed its true form in front of him, making him suddenly lost his mind.

This is a wonder of heaven and earth in the true sense, a product of creation that conquers heaven and earth.

Haibodong prides himself on being well-informed, but when he saw this green flame, he couldn't help but sigh in shock.

"... Strange fire!"

Although Hai Bodong has not carefully understood what kind of existence the strange fire is, with his eyesight, it is not difficult to judge what kind of existence this magical flame is.

"That's right."

Yaowan smiled, and then she closed her jade fingers, and once again put away the flame of life in her palm.

"Now, Mr. Douhuang, do you still have any questions?"

"Little girl...are you an alchemist?"

Hai Bodong obviously hesitated, but a glimmer of light still appeared in his eyes involuntarily. It was the shock and excitement of accidentally catching a glimpse of a ray of light after being in the deep darkness for a long time.

But while he naturally had this idea, he still couldn't help but have some doubts.

"That's natural."

Yaowan answered simply. She was just waiting for Haibodong to make a choice that satisfied her as soon as possible.

"...There are not many alchemists in this world who possess strange fire."

Haibodong Road.

"Isn't that a coincidence? I just happen to be."

Yaowan said: "I know what the old gentleman is worried about, but he is afraid that I will be mysterious and go back on my word."

"But blocking it is better than continuing to waste your time here."

"The powerful men who dominated the Gama Empire decades ago can only stay in a barren land and draw maps every day to survive. Doesn't the old gentleman want to say that you enjoy this kind of life?"

Yaowan's words were like steel needles piercing Haibodong's heart, stimulating his overwhelmed nerves.

Haibodong lowered his head slightly. The blood vessels on his temples were beating slightly. The rush of blood and blood made him feel very uncomfortable.

He rationally realized that such behavior was taboo when bargaining with others, but he had to accept this fact.

What's even worse is that even Haibodong himself agrees with Yaowan's words from the bottom of his heart.

After all, no matter what, he was the Dou Huang in the past. Just as Yao Wan said, he was a strong man who controlled the entire Jia Ma Empire!

But now he is hiding here, drawing maps all day long, how can he accept it? !

"...You're right, I can't stand this kind of life anymore."

Haibodong finally sighed and said.

When Yao Wan saw this, she just smiled and said nothing. She was not in a hurry to say anything further, but looked at what Hai Bodong wanted to say.

"Maybe it's time for me to take a gamble."

Haibodong said solemnly: "Okay, I agree to this deal, using a map in exchange for my restoration of cultivation."

"Wrong, old gentleman."

Yao Wan gently raised her hand and interrupted him.

"It's not this one, and it's not just this one. If I guessed correctly, the old gentleman should have two such fragments of pictures in his hands, right?"

Haibodong suddenly frowned.

"Since it is a transaction, everyone should be open and honest. I come here with sincerity, and naturally I hope that the old gentleman can also treat me with sincerity."

"If you have this sincerity, I will naturally be willing to trade with you——"

Haibodong said a few words to get rid of his embarrassment of hiding his secrets. Although it was just that he didn't say anything about it at all, it was still embarrassing for someone to see through it.

"Haha, that's good."

Hearing Hai Bodong's words, Yao Wan smiled.

Naturally, she understood the Ice King's attitude at a glance. To put it bluntly, it was just a matter of one sentence - the chips were not enough, so we had to add money!

As for adding more money, that's not something that can be discussed.

Yao Wan had a confident smile on her face. The last thing she needed was money.

"Since the old gentleman also has this sincerity, then I can rest assured."

"In that case, let's do it like this? Two maps, two prices. On one map, I will help you break the seal. On the second map, I will help you improve your cultivation to a higher level."

Yao Wan's words were so shocking that even Hai Bodong raised his eyebrows when he heard her words.

What kind of background does this little girl have that can speak like this?

"I wonder what kind of cultivation the old gentleman had back then?"

"Five-star Fighting Emperor."


Yaowan nodded, as if thinking, and then said: "Well, how about this? I happen to be short of a bodyguard, so I will add one more thing. Be my bodyguard for two years and listen to my orders. As a reward, I will let you protect me." How about being promoted to Douzong?"

As she spoke, she held out two fingers and said.


Haibodong didn't even know what to say for a moment.

He didn't think Yao Wan was a liar anymore, he just thought she might be crazy.

Douzong? Why did the word "Douzong" sound so light in her mouth?

Does she think Douzong is just cabbage that can be bought casually on the roadside? Give it as you say?

But when he thought about this, Haibodong couldn't help but shake his head. The more he thought about it, the more wrong he became.

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