"Here, Mr. Hai wants Po'erdan."

When Yao Wan turned around, she lifted up her long sleeves and danced with her plain hands, then put away her medicine cauldron.

She looked at Hai Bodong with a smile.

Haibodong naturally understood what the other party was waiting for. At the same time, he was inevitably excited in his heart - at this moment, he had the elixir in his hand that could bring him back to the top. After decades of forced retirement, he finally will come to an end.

"I understand Mr. Hai Lao's current mood, so if Mr. Hai Lao wants to rush to distinguish the authenticity and restore his cultivation, I also understand."

"So please."

She waved as if she was the owner here.

Haibodong hesitated for a moment, but in the end he nodded slightly, taking Yao Wan a step further, and walked deeper into the basement under this ordinary shop. After entering here, Yao Wan could feel very special. It got noticeably colder.

The floor tiles here seem to be made of a special ice attribute material, which will obviously be more conducive to the cultivation of Hai Bodong, an ice attribute Dou Qi practitioner.

After all, the Tagore Desert is extremely hot and unbearable, and most of the energy in the atmosphere is of fire and earth attributes, which is not suitable for an ice attribute practitioner like Hai Bodong.

Yaowan watched Haibodong sit down cross-legged in the middle of the basement, and then drank the pill.

In the end, the medicinal power contained in the elixir finally broke the seal placed on Hai Bodong by Queen Medusa, and a huge cold current burst out of his body.

"Back! Back! This damn seal is finally gone! Hahahaha!"

Even with Hai Bodong's aloof character, at this moment, he would inevitably shout to the sky with excitement.

And not only that, he felt that the vigorous fighting spirit in his body did not feel any weaker than when he was sealed. Instead, it gave Haibodong a sense of consistency as if he had broken and then stood up again, and reached a higher level.

What's this?

When he used the power of his soul to investigate PoEdan Danfang, the higher-ups never mentioned such a thing.

On the contrary, due to the length of time he was sealed, even after taking Po'erdan, his strength and realm will be significantly inferior to before.

But now, not only did he not feel any stagnation in the movement of Dou Qi, but the vitality that was gradually drying up in his body seemed to be irrigated by a stream and rejuvenated.

It's really amazing...

And if anyone could bring about such a drastic change for him now, it would be the girl in front of him.

Hai Bodong raised his head and happened to hear Yao Wan's crisp applause.

"Congratulations, Mr. Hai, for returning to Douhuang. How about it? But do you feel more comfortable now?"

Even when facing Hai Bodong, whose strength had returned to Dou Huang, Yao Wan did not show the slightest fear or apprehension.

To her, it seemed like she had just accomplished something that was just a matter of effort.

Haibodong couldn't see anything in her eyes. The deepest part of her eyes were terrifyingly empty.

No threats, no warnings, no reminders.

For her, she doesn't even need these things.

Since I can bring you back to the top, I can also make you continue to fall into the abyss and never get over again.

In this case, it is not a warning to her, but a result.

What a terrible woman...

Even though he was extremely sure that the girl in front of him was probably only eighteen or nineteen years old, Haibodong always felt a strong feeling of palpitations whenever he faced her.

At first, he just thought that maybe his cultivation level was low now, but he didn't expect that even after transforming back into the Dou Huang, he was still the same, and the palpitations in his heart became even stronger.

He exhaled a breath, then smiled and said: "Thanks to the girl's elixir, I was able to unblock it."

"Not only that, my cultivation..."

"It's nothing. Since the recipe has been modified, it's just a piece of cake. You're welcome."

Yaowan explained, causing Haibodong's eyes to be full of strange colors.

"Haha, now that the first step of the deal between us has been reached, I, Haibodong, will naturally not go back on what I promised the girl before."

With that said, Haibodong took out the remaining picture and handed it to Yaowan.

Yao Wan nodded. She deliberately didn't say anything, but it seemed that Hai Bodong was keeping his word.

"The next step is the second transaction... There is no need for the girl to be so polite all the time. If the girl doesn't mind, just call me Hai Lao."

"Hai Lao said something harsh, but it's not convenient for my name to be revealed to everyone. Hai Lao can just call me Miss Wan."

Yao Wan's words made Hai Bodong raise his eyebrows unconsciously.

What she said was what Haibodong had expected. It seemed that she was indeed a young lady who had escaped from a huge force that he didn't know about. She had to hide herself from others when she was outside, and it was hard to show it to everyone.

Just in Yaowan's words, Haibodong couldn't help but wonder what kind of family could cultivate a genius like her.

The Dan Fang changed it as he wished, and the improved version of the finished product was even more amazing than the original effectiveness of Po Er Dan.

Although Haibodong himself was not an alchemist, Yaowan's terrifying performance naturally made him very clear about what it meant even among many alchemists.

"Okay, once things are over here, it's time for us to move on."

Yaowan undoubtedly stayed in a place like this, and just asked: "I don't think Ebi will stay here again in the future, right?"


Haibodong glanced at everything that had accompanied him here for decades with complex eyes, and finally just nodded slightly.

"Miss Wan is leaving now? There is nothing to pack here. Miss Wan can leave whenever she wants."

"Well, since Mr. Hai said so, I won't be polite."

Naturally, she didn't like to stay in this kind of place. If it weren't for the residual pictures, she probably wouldn't have come.

In addition, I don’t know where Xiao Yan is now...

Yaowan pondered for a moment and suddenly asked: "Old Hai, do you know how many big cities there are in the Tagore Desert?"

"A big city in the Tagore Desert?"

After hearing this, Haibodong frowned slightly, thought for a while, and then said: "A big city or something is actually not comparable to a barren land like the Tagor Desert. If I have to say it, it's only a day's journey to the northwest. , there is a stone desert city."

"Unlike Mocheng, Shimocheng is already considered the hinterland of the desert, and its scale is smaller than Mocheng."

"But if you want to say that there is only one place in the desert that can be considered a big city, I think it's only there."

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