Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 154 Heading to the Stone Desert

"Stone Desert City?"

The memory in her mind was touched, and she knew that this was probably the place she wanted to find.

"Okay, let's go to Stone Desert City."

Hai Bodong was a little surprised to see Yao Wan so sure of his next destination.

"Miss you have any acquaintances in Shimo City?"

He couldn't help but ask, after all, she was just asking about the big city here, but she turned around and wanted to name Stone Desert City.

The inquiry naturally meant that she was not familiar with this place of life. Since she was going to Stone Desert City, Haibodong could not think of any possibility except what might exist there.

After all, he had also lived in that place. To be honest, it was just like that. The wind and sand were bigger than those in Desert City.

But what could be there? There are definitely no natural treasures.

What Hai Bodong could think of was that there was someone Yao Wan knew there.

That's really weird.

Would a genius like her have anything to do with people from Stone Desert City? Hai Bodong really couldn't think of it.

But Yaowan didn't explain it to him.

She had been busy here for a long time today, and Yao Wan didn't want to travel at night. Although she was still not used to the horrible weather in the Tagor Desert, she thought that she would only get deeper and deeper here after coming. In the end, she chose to stay here for the night.

Early the next morning, Yao Wan left the city with Hai Bodong.

Haibodong didn't take away any of the things in the small shop that had been there for decades.

There was nothing worth taking away, but that didn't mean that this place was completely worthless to Haibodong.

Decades of living in seclusion in a seal was torture, but it was also a day he spent quietly like this every day.

According to what he said, maybe one day in the future, when he is tired of the disputes, he might come back here again and spend the rest of his days in complete peace of mind.

Standing on a towering sand dune, Haibodong took one last look at the huge city located at the edge of the desert and the land. He sighed softly, looking a little lonely. After decades of living in seclusion, he also Despite his indifferent temperament, he developed some feelings for this place.

He turned his head and looked at Yaowan, and his voice returned to calmness: "Let's go."

Yao Wan didn't say anything more, it was meaningless, and spread out her green wings.

Looking at the green wings behind Yaowan, Haibodong was not too surprised. After all, even though his cultivation level had returned to the level of Dou Huang, when observing Yaowan, he just felt as if he was looking at a ball. It's like a thick fog, hazy and unreal.

Hai Bodong naturally knew what kind of cultivation a person could have that a Dou Huang could not see through, so he also had a rough idea of ​​Yao Wan's strength.

Even if she uses some secret technique to hide her true cultivation, she is definitely capable of protecting herself when facing a strong person who is at least Dou Huang.

This was Hai Bodong's guess about her, and now that he saw her fighting spirit transformed into wings that symbolized at least Dou Wang's cultivation, Hai Bodong certainly wouldn't be surprised at all.

"Let's go. At our speed, we can reach Stone Desert City in almost a day."

Haibodong also unfolded the ice blue wings behind him and said.


Yao Wanxin responded unintentionally, but then suddenly found that he had become much younger.

"Ah, Mr. Hai, are you young now?"

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she couldn't help teasing.

"Well, now that the seal has been lifted, and relying on Miss Wan's elixir, my vitality has completely returned to the level it was a few decades ago."

Haibodong was not embarrassed. The gray-bearded old man yesterday turned back into his resolute and handsome face overnight, but his hair was still as white as snow.

When he looked in the mirror in the morning, Hai Bodong's reaction was not too happy, but rather a touch of melancholy, as if he had remembered something.

"My elixirs can't control people's beauty. This is Ebi's own good luck."

Yaowan smiled, she always does this, it can comfort people, but the effect is not very good.

Haibodong didn't say anything more, and took the first step to fly up to the rare blue sky.

When Yao Wan saw this, she immediately followed him, and while following Shanghai Bodong, she threw him a white pill.

"What's this?"

With the help of the white elixir thrown over by Yao Wan, Hai Bodong said in confusion as he watched her take one herself.

"The effect of the Light Feather Pill I refined is to help strong men who can fly better adapt to the wind attribute within a certain period of time, help them fly faster, and at the same time consume less fighting energy."

Yao Wan explained, and as soon as she finished speaking, Haibodong saw that Yao Wan's speed was much faster, and he deliberately slowed down just to wait for himself.

"So magical?"

Haibodong was slightly startled. He was also a restless master back then, and he had seen a lot from all over the world, but this was indeed the first time he had seen this kind of elixir.

This also made Haibodong pay more respect to Yao Wan as an alchemist.

How should I put it, although this kind of elixir looks more conspicuous than other elixirs that can improve cultivation, but if it reaches the level of Dou Wang Dou Huang, where Dou Qi can turn into wings and fly freely, no one would dislike it. Such a pill.

After all, fighting and killing do not last long. The most time in a person's life is still living and traveling.

Who wouldn't like to save more time when they are on the road, or they can escape smoothly or succeed when running for their lives or chasing others.

Thinking about it this way, this thing is indeed a must-have for home travel and killing people.

It's just that the elixir recipes are rarely circulated among alchemists, and even fewer are known and used by others.

Noticing Hai Bodong's surprised expression, Yao Wan then explained: "Don't be too surprised. Compared to those earth-shattering elixirs that make people grab their heads at every turn, I just prefer to tinker with such functional elixirs. That’s the medicine.”

"Miss Wan is truly a genius."

After Haibodong took the elixir, he felt that the fighting energy he consumed while rushing forward suddenly decreased a lot, as if the wind was supporting him to glide in the air. It didn't take much effort at all, he only needed to maintain his flying posture and The direction is immediate, and the speed is not slow at all. Compared with before, it is not only a little faster.

Therefore, Hai Bodong only regarded it as a medicinal plant, which was being modest.

After taking the Light Feather Pill to fly, it only took them half a day to reach Stone Desert City.

Staring at the city under the scorching sun and yellow sand, Yao Wan did not land outside the city and then enter the city as before.

"We fly directly into the city."

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