Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 157 Looking for a beautiful wife

It is true that Haibodong has never seen Yaowan like this, but if he just thinks that she is in love with that Xiao family boy, Haibodong doesn't think so.

Anyway, it really has nothing to do with him. Rather than accidentally saying too much and getting yourself into trouble, it would be better to just watch and watch.

"Okay, Ebi is tired too, right? I want to rest alone for a while."

"what ever."

Haibodong crossed his arms and walked back to his room.

Seeing that Hai Bodong was gone, Yao Wan, who was feeling inexplicably irritable, breathed a sigh of relief.


The girl then turned around and walked into the room, and was about to close the door. Unexpectedly, she heard a delicate voice as she closed the door.

"That, Miss Wan."

Yaowan subconsciously stopped closing the door and saw a pretty girl standing outside the door, wearing a light green dress. Although she was not tall, she was inexplicably well developed.

"It's me, you?"

Looking at the inexplicably enchanting green eyes of the pretty girl, her pupils shrank slightly in her eyes with a faint golden light, and she thought of a possibility.

"My name is Qing Lin, and I was arranged by the leader to take care of the girl."

The pretty girl's face showed a strange expression of timid respect and fear, just like the frightened little rabbit, which inevitably made people feel a little pity in their hearts.

"They were very polite. After all, I'm just here to find someone, so there's no reason for me to do this."

"Shall I... let me help you wash up?"

Qing Lin didn't understand what Yao Wan was referring to, so he just placed the water basin in his hand on the wooden frame outside the bed. The cute girl stood nervously beside the bed and whispered.

"Heh... no need, I'll do it myself."

Yao Wan stepped forward and washed himself casually. He turned his head and looked at the girl's nervous look, and couldn't help but raise a beautiful smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Qing Lin... it's really a good name."

Looking at the little girl who was afraid of life, Yao Wan couldn't help but want to tease her.

"The girl was joking."

Qinglin shook her head vigorously. For her, in addition to defining herself, this name was more like a curse than a blessing.

For someone like her who is not tolerated by two races, only this name has not betrayed her. This is the most sad and ironic thing.

"How long have Qing Lin been here?"

After washing up, Yao Wan asked casually.

"Are you in the Motie Mercenary Group? It's been a while..."

The timid girl was silent for a while before speaking.

"Are you still used to staying here?"

"Getting used to's okay."

Qing Lin hesitated, and the last voice was so low that it was almost impossible to hear it.

The Motie Mercenary Group treated her well, but to be honest, it wasn't much better.

"Why? Is it because of the scales on your body?"

Yaowan's eyes reflected the girl's appearance, and he also saw the shiny green scales leaking from her sleeves.

Qing Lin was startled when he heard the words. He raised his head in shock and realized something. His cute little face immediately turned pale. He rubbed his sleeves and carefully took two steps back. Then he hugged his calves with both hands and squatted against the corner. Coming down, the little body was trembling constantly.

"Yes...I'm sorry...I...I didn't mean to scare you." The little girl trembled and hugged her calf, with a hint of anxious crying in her timid voice.

Looking at Qing Lin's pitiful look, Yao Wan shook her head gently.

After all, the blood flowing in her body is different from other people's, and coupled with the hatred between the snake people and the local humans, it is a bit too cruel for someone like her who lives between the two.

The saddest thing is that this persecuted little girl did nothing wrong. What was wrong was only her origin and the blood flowing in her body.

It's just a group of victims persecuting another victim who was already unfortunate enough by birth. This is really...sigh...

"Have you ever seen anyone who hates snake people react like me after seeing the scales on your body? Little Qinglin?"

Yao Wan did not hug the other person tenderly. She was not good at this kind of comfort mode of hugging and hugging each other at the beginning. Even Nalan only started to enlighten her step by step after getting along with her for a long time.

There was a hint of pity in her eyes, and it could be seen from Qinglin's reaction that if she accidentally exposed such an unlucky thing on a daily basis, I'm afraid it wouldn't end well.


"At least before that guy comes, just follow me and don't go anywhere."

"Do you know? In addition to hunting, a snake's instinct is to naturally find a shelter suitable for itself to protect itself from natural enemies."

Yaowan touched Qinglin's head and whispered: "Learning to hide among the crowd and protect yourself is a necessary skill."

Although he still couldn't fully understand Yao Wan's words, Qing Lin naturally realized that the sister in front of him might be the only one who would not show any hostility because of the scales on his body.

Not only that, but she could also feel her kindness, even though it was hidden deep.

"Okay, it's getting late. There's not much work here anyway, so go have a good rest."

It's not easy for Yaowan to say anything more to this little girl. If she says too much, she will be wrong. Since she hasn't reached that point yet, she won't be in a hurry.

Not in a hurry……

As a result, Yaowan, who was fine at first, suddenly jumped up. Thinking back to the conversation with Xue Lan just now, goosebumps suddenly appeared all over his body.

She couldn't help but curse: "Asshole, this is the first time I'm waiting for someone, can't you come faster?! I'm so embarrassed staying here!"


On the way to Shimo City, Xiao Yan sneezed and then frowned slightly, as if he felt something.

"What, are you sick?"

Yao Lao asked, it was naturally impossible for Xiao Yan to get sick, and the meaning in his words was mostly ridicule.

"I don't have time to get sick now, teacher."

Xiao Yan exhaled a breath and sighed.

"We'll arrive at Stone Desert City tomorrow, why are you sighing?"

Yao Lao couldn't help but ask: "Shimo City is the city where your eldest and second brothers established a mercenary group. When you get there, you can rest for a day or two."

"Ok, I know."

Xiao Yan also understood that he couldn't explain clearly, so he said: "Then let's continue on our way——"

The next day, Xue Lan took part of the mercenary group to take on a mission that required them to go out of the city to carry out the task. However, after they set off early, they did not return in time.

While the two brothers Xiao Ding and Xiao Li were waiting, news suddenly came.

Xue Lan came back with the team members.

In addition, Xiao Yan was also brought back by the way.

This made the two brothers extremely happy, but despite their excitement, they did not forget who else was waiting for Xiao Yan besides them.

"...Xiao Yan is here?"

When Yao Wan heard Qing Lin relaying the news from the two captains, she didn't see any joy on her face.

"——It's really here."

Yao Wan subconsciously complained and raised her forehead at the same time. Why wasn't her mouth so good before?

"Girl? Are you not happy?"

Qing Lin looked at Yao Wan with some doubts. That's not right. Before, both Sister Xuelan and the two group leaders said that Miss Wan had a good relationship with the group leader's brother, didn't they?

But the girl she saw now... didn't seem like this?

"Unhappy? No, no, he doesn't have the ability to make me unhappy."

However, after being reminded by Qing Lin, Yao Wan quickly adjusted her condition.

"When will that guy come?"

"Said it was coming soon, it will be there soon."

"Tsk—then go and see—"

She smacked her lips and quickly left the residence with Qing Lin.

Hai Bodong had been watching silently, and then couldn't help but shook his head.

Young people, it’s really the same everywhere.

When Xiao Yan walked into the camp of the Motie Mercenary Group, he naturally received a warm welcome from his two brothers.

"Okay, Xiao Yanzi, I actually found him, haha."

Looking at the young man's appearance that was different from his memory, Xiao Li grinned a few times, then quickly stepped forward, hugged Xiao Yan fiercely, and patted his shoulder heavily, his voice also full of excitement. with joy.

"Second brother, do you want to shoot me to death?"

"Xiao Yanzi, I haven't seen you for a few years, you have really grown up."

Xiao Ding's attitude was much calmer than that of Xiao Li, but the same doting and joy in his eyes never changed.

"Eldest brother is becoming more and more handsome and handsome."

"Poor-tongued, how can you and I, brothers, not know each other?"

Xiao Ding said, Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment, and then the three brothers laughed together.

"By the way, we are not the only ones waiting for you this time."

Xiao Ding smiled.


Xiao Yan was slightly startled, he couldn't help but blinked, and he couldn't react for a while.


Seeing Xiao Yan's dull look, Xiao Li couldn't help but stab him with hatred.

"Everyone has come here, but you still don't know anything?"


Xiao Yan blinked, and then suddenly reacted.

"--She is coming?"

Although Xiao Yan's face showed more surprise than he expected, the faint joy in his eyebrows could not be hidden.

Xiao Li smiled even more happily when he saw Xiao Yan's appearance.

"Good boy, you are so lucky."

"Ahem, what are you talking about, second brother."

Xiao Yan coughed slightly, blushed, and said.

"Hahaha, Xiao Yanzi is still shy - cough cough."

Xiao Li originally wanted to tease him a few more words, but before he spoke, he caught a glimpse of the beautiful figure with his peripheral vision, coughed quickly, and stopped in time.

Xiao Ding saw the rightful owner coming, with a smile on his face, and then said: "We don't have anything to worry about. We can slowly catch up on old times in the evening... Should we go get together with others first?"


"Okay, do we still need to talk about our brothers?"

Xiao Li patted Xiao Yan's shoulder and said with a smile: "Go, Xiao Yanzi, try to find a beautiful wife for our Xiao family."

Still six thousand words, no less

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