Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 158 You, go and kill her for me

To be honest, when Xiao Yan saw that beautiful figure again today, besides being happy, he also felt a little guilty.

After all, it seems that Miss Wan is not in a good mood.

With Xiao Yan's own understanding of Miss Wan, it was rare for him to see such an expression on her face.

Especially to myself.

——It seemed like there was some anger in her heart, as if someone had accidentally provoked her.

So Xiao Yan, who had been reunited after a long separation, couldn't help but murmured in his heart, who could provoke Miss Wan to this point.

Come to think of it, it probably won't end well, right?

It's just that his excuse just now was rejected by his two elder brothers. The elders who hoped that his younger brother would not only recover his cultivation, but also find a home to return to, would naturally not be able to affect him because of trivial matters between their own brothers. Isn't it a major life event?

Therefore, Xiao Yan was almost followed by Xiao Ding and Xiao Li.

Xiao Yan, who knew that this disaster would be difficult to avoid, gritted his teeth and walked towards Yao Wan who was just standing aside and watching.


"Girl, is that the young master Xiao Yan that the two captains often mentioned?"

Qing Lin stood beside Yao Wan, her beautiful emerald eyes couldn't help but look at the slender young man, and then she couldn't help but sigh in her heart, they really are the brothers of the two captains, they look so good. picture.


Yao Wan crossed her arms and spoke in a muffled voice.

She originally wanted to save him some face in front of others. After all, he was his blood relative, but she didn't expect this guy to turn around and run over without saying a few words...

It's just like an old man eating arsenic because he thinks his life is too long.

Seeing Xiao Yan getting closer and closer, Yao Wan snorted softly and then said: "Okay, Xiao Qinglin, go and do other things first. Next, I have something to talk to your young master Xiao Yan." ."


Qing Lin nodded obediently and then went down.

Seeing the cute little girl next to Miss Wan go down, Xiao Yan also calmed down his somewhat nervous heart.

"Long time no see. It's been a year since we said goodbye to the Xiao family, right?"

Xiao Yan asked.


Yao Wan's eyebrows furrowed slightly. It could be seen that Xiao Yan's attitude made her embarrassed to get angry immediately. After all, she knew that these things that made her extremely embarrassed were actually misunderstandings and had nothing to do with him. Misunderstanding and throwing fire on him for no apparent reason doesn't seem to be a good idea.

"What's wrong? Miss Wan? Not happy?"

Xiao Yan was a little concerned about the way Yao Wan lowered her head in thought.

"——No, everyone in this world who can make me unhappy is dead now."

She shook her head and then replied angrily.

Xiao Yan saw that Yao Wan was chatting to death, so he quickly stopped her and said, "Well, I just heard from my two brothers that Miss Wan came to see me."

"Well, I just took a look to see if you were there. After all, there will be something here that interests you. If I'm early, I won't be here. If I'm late, I'm afraid you won't be able to catch up."

"Thank you very much, Miss Wan, for your concern."

Xiao Yan naturally understood the true meaning behind Miss Wan's words and nodded lightly.

"I've already heard your words of thanks, and my ears have become numb."

She couldn't help but roll her eyes. If she really just wanted to say thank you, she would have disappeared long ago.

"Then...Miss Wan wants some substantial reward?"

Xiao Yan also knew that this was not the first time a similar conversation had occurred between the two of them, but that time he had not reacted yet, and this time, regardless of success or failure, he had to muster up the courage to rush forward.


Yao Wan was stunned for a moment.

"What good things can you give me? Forget it - I never said I wanted anything from you."

She shook her head and said.

What Xiao Yan dislikes the most is the feeling of getting something for free from the people he cares about, especially her——

It always gave him the feeling that he had done so much just for the sake of saying no to each other when we parted at the end, so that he could walk away openly and without a trace in the future.

That was really uncomfortable.

No matter what others say, Xiao Yan will definitely not accept this kind of thing.

But before he could rush to give any explanation, Yao Wan suddenly said something.

"Oh, let's not talk about these things for now. I have a more difficult thing that I need you to do now, and only you can do it, okay?"

Xiao Yan looked at Yaowan and couldn't help but blinked. What is going on?

He didn't even say anything, but he was given the opportunity to show off?

But before Xiao Yan could think this, Yao Wan's voice sounded with a hint of embarrassment and embarrassment.

"Ahem, that's it..."

"Well, there is a girl in this mercenary group named Xue Lan. She seems to have a good relationship with your two brothers."

"When I first moved in yesterday, I unknowingly mentioned something about you and me to her."


Xiao Yan opened his mouth slightly, not knowing how to express what Yao Wan said.

"What are you doing? I didn't say anything weird, it's just a little trivial thing, isn't it?"

Yao Wan retorted to him angrily, then secretly muttered a fuss, and continued: "As a result, people seem to have misunderstood the relationship between you and me."

"...What's the relationship?"

I don't know if Xiao Yan really doesn't know how to live or die, or if he has become so courageous that when Yao Wan Xun Sheng raised her head, Xiao Yan could see her bulging temples.

"I see."

Due to the pressure of survival, Xiao Yan quickly changed his words and only then suppressed the murderous look in Yao Wan's eyes.

"all in all--"

Yaowan coughed lightly. After such a trip, she realized that her reaction seemed a bit too big, and she quickly calmed down her mood.

"Help me get rid of her." Yao Wan exhaled a turbid breath. Naturally, this kind of thing needs to be discussed in person, which is perfect. The more she gets involved, the more chaotic it will become.


Xiao Yan couldn't help but said: "It's not appropriate to kill someone for this, right?"

"Who told you to go to the murderer's house? Am I such a vicious person?"

Yao Wan gritted her teeth and looked at Xiao Yan. Sometimes she really doubted whether Xiao Yan was really slow or was pretending to be deaf and dumb.

She had no choice but to open the skylight and speak frankly: "I want you to find someone to explain clearly. After all, if this kind of gossip gets into the ears of your two brothers, it will be the end of any misunderstanding about me. Do you understand?"

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