Yaowan stretched her wings, leaving a cyan trail in the air. She turned her face slightly and watched Hai Bodong vibrate the ice-blue wings behind her, and followed closely.

"Where are we going?"

Haibodong's eyes swept across the ground beneath him, but the long yellow sand of the desert in his field of vision was gradually receding. It was obvious that they were now flying away from the Tagore Desert.

This can't help but make Haibodong feel more confused. Isn't Yaowan's biggest target now the strange fire in the Tagore Desert?

Why are you running out now?

As if aware of Hai Bodong's doubts, Yao Wan then explained: "There is no problem in leaving the Yihuo side to Xiao Yan for the time being."

"As for where we are going now...Yancheng."

Yao Wan mentioned that she learned from Xiao Ding that there was a large city located in the northeastern province of the Gama Empire. Its scale was far greater than that of cities like Wutan City and Shimo City, where the strongest people were only mere great fighting masters.

"Yancheng? What are you doing in Yancheng?"

Hai Bodong paused. For a moment, he really couldn't think of anything in Yancheng that could attract Yao Wan's attention.

...It can’t be the Mo family, the big family in Yancheng, right?

Haibodong had this thought for no reason. After all, there was no enmity between the Mo family and Yao Wan, and they didn't provoke her blindly.

"Go and solve the Mo family's troubles."

Yaowan explained.

"Mo family?"

Haibodong frowned: "Have they ever had a problem with you?"

"It doesn't happen now, but it will happen in the future. I don't want to waste any time on these people, so it's better to start solving them as soon as possible."

Yao Wan just kept on going and said without looking back.


Haibodong's brows furrowed even more.

Since there is no hatred, how can we solve the problem?

"So I don't plan to ask you to take action, Ebi."

It seemed that he had guessed what Hai Bodong was thinking, and there were no fluctuations in Yao Wan's voice.

"To put it bluntly, you can interpret me as someone with itchy hands ready to kill innocent people indiscriminately. After all, I can't explain this kind of thing to you."

"If Ebi doesn't want to see it, just go back by yourself, and I won't stop you."

Yaowan's words left Haibodong completely speechless.

Are you going to end a family just for some unknown reason?

If Hai Bodong didn't have a certain understanding of her now, otherwise he would have really thought that Yao Wan was crazy.

After all, how could anyone do anything outrageous? I'm afraid this may not be the case for poison masters with surly personalities, right?

Although strong people have the ability to express their own personalities, I am afraid that it is rare to see such a surly person.


Haibodong couldn't help but think of the current talkative person of the Mo family, Mo Cheng, who had some relationship with the Yunlan Sect. Her sudden attack on the Mo family was tantamount to twisting the Yunlan Sect's tiger's whiskers.

It took Yaowan and Haibodong a day to get there from Shimo City to Yancheng.

When they saw the outline of the large city in the eastern part of the Jiama Empire revealed under the night, Yao Wan and Haibo Dongfang paused.

Hai Bodong said nothing, just quietly watching Yao Wan's next movements.

"Let's go into the city."

After Yaowan finished speaking, he took the lead and flew down.

Hai Bodong had no choice but to follow.

Flying closer made it easier for them to look down at the entire Mo family.

"The fortress-like building in the city is the Mohist family."

Hai Bodong, who had some dealings with the Mo family decades ago, said.


Yao Wan, who understood clearly in her heart, responded briefly, then stood over Yancheng and closed her eyes.

An invisible force quickly swept through every corner of Yancheng.

Hai Bodong could only barely feel that Yao Wan seemed to be emitting some kind of invisible and colorless power, spreading out like water waves and covering the entire Yancheng at a speed that even Dou Huang would be ashamed of.

Although it was a bit difficult to understand what this was, out of the fighting instinct, he subconsciously felt a sharp and aching sense of crisis crawling up his spine and back of his head.

"Ebi Lao, please temporarily cover your soul power."

Yaowan seemed to be ready to do what he wanted to do, then he turned his face slightly and said.

Haibodong didn't know what Yao Wan wanted to do, but after hearing Yao Wan's warning, he immediately chose to do it.

Feeling that Hai Bodong beside her had gathered the power of his soul, Yao Wan no longer had any worries.

She breathed out softly, and suddenly, Haibodong felt a stinging pain coming from his soul, like an extremely sharp noise that almost pierced his eardrums in an instant, forcing him to cover his ears.

However, this sting is just a lack of soul power. My own soul power cannot understand it as an attack on the soul level. I can only understand it as noise or something like that through my latent consciousness.

This piercing divine voice lasted only a short time, just for a breath, and the "sound" that was so sharp that it hurt the soul disappeared.

"Okay, let's go."

Yao Wan turned around, glanced at Hai Bodong, and then said.

"Wait, what are you doing?"

A trace of doubt appeared on Hai Bodong's face. Is this resolved?

He couldn't help but look back at Yancheng, which had returned to calm in the still night. It didn't seem that there was any alarm there because of the sharp divine sound emitted by the medicinal herbs just now.

Yaowan didn't say anything more, but judging from her words and deeds, she thought that Yancheng no longer posed any threat.

Naturally, it was not convenient for Haibodong to go to Yancheng to check the situation at this time, so he flapped his wings and flew back to Stone Desert City with Yao Wan.

Yancheng is not a long journey to Shimo City, but it cannot be said to be short. When they returned to Shimo City, dawn had already broken under the night, and the golden light tore through the blue-purple night, dyeing the desert. Painted in brilliant gold.

When Yao Wan and Hai Bodong returned to the Motie Mercenary Group, she subconsciously asked someone, but Qing Lin and Xiao Yan hadn't returned yet.

"Thank you, Mr. Hai, for taking this trip with me. If you are tired, please go back and rest first."

Yao Wan said, and Hai Bodong just nodded slightly and went back to the room.

"...haven't you come back yet? Forget it, then just wait in peace."

With a murmur in her heart, Yao Wan was about to return to her room when she heard a rush of footsteps.

"Miss Xuelan? What's wrong?"

Yao Wan looked at Xue Lan's appearance and probably had a guess in her mind: "Xiao Yan is back?"

"Well - little brother Xiao Yan has returned and is now talking to the two captains in the hall."

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