While Xiao Yan was talking with his two brothers in the hall, a series of crisp footsteps interrupted the conversation between the three of them.

"Captain, Miss Wan is already here."

"Miss Wan is here."

When Xiao Ding saw the rightful master coming, he couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan turned his head and happened to see Yao Wan slowly walking towards him, and then sat down next to him.

"The guest does as the host does, just carry on."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yao Wan looked at Xiao Yan: "You're back? The harvest is not small, right?"


Xiao Yan nodded, but he was not very happy.

"Although it's not a total gain, the most important strange fire was missed."

Xiao Yan's reaction was naturally expected by Yao Wan. She was not surprised. When Xiao Yan said this, he said: "So, have you decided who the next target is?"

"——Queen Medusa of the Snake Tribe."

Xiao Yan nodded, he was bound to win the strange fire.

Xiao Yan's answer made Yao Wan nod with satisfaction.


She simply made the decision that she already knew his intentions, and as for the rest, she didn't need to say anything more.

"When are you ready to leave?"

"Just these two days."

The corners of Yaowan's mouth rose slightly. She liked it when Xiao Yan had such a clear purpose, so naturally she didn't have to worry about taking care of him.

Seeing the two of them talking in few words but with an inexplicable sense of tacit understanding, Xiao Ding and Xiao Li couldn't help but look at each other and smile silently.

The remaining two brothers actually had nothing else to say to Xiao Yan. After all, they couldn't help Xiao Yan much now.

not to mention……

Isn’t there already a best candidate around me?

They don't have to go up and join in the fun.

The two of them were completely relieved and no longer looked like light bulbs. Now it was better to leave some private space for the young couple.

Therefore, Xiao Ding and Xiao Li quickly left, citing busy affairs within the mercenary group as an excuse.

Xue Lan also said hello to Yao Wan and left.

Without the silent support of his two brothers, Xiao Yan felt a little uncomfortable. At the same time, he couldn't help but recall the changes that happened to the girl Qinglin.

"By the way, Miss Wan."

"What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

"It's about that little girl Qinglin."

Xiao Yan said seriously: "The teacher said that her physique is a little different."

"The Fighting Qi Continent is so vast. It is understandable that some lucky people will be born with special physiques. This is the case for Xiao Qinglin, and the same is true for Xian'er."

Yao Wan was not surprised and said casually.

"This can be regarded as God's consolation for such a miserable life like hers. The Blue Snake Three Flower Pupils can be said to be the existence of the first pupil technique. If it can grow up, even if it is placed in the entire Dou Qi Continent, He will be an unusually strong person.”

Saying that, Yao Wan suddenly said: "By the way, where is Xian'er? You should have met her in Qingshan Town, right?"

"Xian'er? Miss Wan is talking about the little medical fairy?"

Xiao Yan was startled, and then said: "Well, I do know the Little Medical Fairy, and we have a good relationship with him now."

"I know this without you having to tell me. Where are they now? To the Izumo Empire?"

Yao Wan asked. Although the relevant memories were gradually blurring, she still had an impression of some of the more important things.


Xiao Yan shook his head: "I later found a safe place to settle with her. She originally wanted to go to the Izumo Empire, but I stopped her. I said that my enemies were there and something might happen."

"You can stabilize people like this?"

Yao Wan was slightly startled, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly. It seemed that the relationship was going well, and it was not in vain that she had set up the bridge.

"It doesn't matter...if I hadn't refined the Nether Poison Fire before, it would be really hard to stabilize her."

Xiao Yan shrugged helplessly.

"She is a good girl, so you should treat her well."

Yao Wan could not help but warn, but Xiao Yan was naturally confused before he could fully react when he heard Yao Wan say this.


Xiao Yan was startled, then blinked.

"...Me? There's nothing wrong with me and the Little Medical Fairy, right?"

He suddenly panicked, as if he was not expecting Yao Wan's sudden words, but he was more anxious. After realizing what Miss Wan was talking about, Xiao Yan was naturally anxious to explain to her clearly.

The two people's positions had been reversed a few days ago. When Yao Wan saw this, she couldn't help but said: "I don't blame you...Besides, isn't Xian'er bad? She's gentle and beautiful -"

"I've said it before, if you like it, go for it. Just because I'm helping you doesn't mean I'm going to interfere with you."

Yaowan said.

Xiao Yan blinked, but it was useless to talk about it now. He just realized that there was still a long way to go in the future.

After spending two days peacefully, Yao Wan and Xiao Yan were ready to head to the depths of the Tagor Desert.

"Have you already agreed? Xiao Qinglin is very attached to you."

"It's not that clingy, right? I've already made an agreement with her."

Xiao Yan was well prepared for this, and he was quite confident in his answer.

"It's best that-"

Yaowan smiled and shook his head, and then said: "The target this time is the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire in Queen Medusa's hand. Once you get it, leave quickly. I don't want to stay in this ghost place of Tagore Desert. ”

"Of course I don't want to stay here if I can."

Xiao Yan looked innocent and spoke as if he wished he could stay here.

As you and I spoke, Xiao Yan and Yao Wan opened their wings of fighting spirit behind their backs. Taking advantage of the good weather in the desert, they set out from Stone Desert City and headed for the core area of ​​Tagor Desert.

There is a race different from humans, the habitat of snake people.

It is precisely because the racial conflicts between each other are so sharp that the mercenary groups in the desert and similar obstacles and existences were born.

The overall population of snake people is sparse, and their reproductive capacity is not necessarily stronger than that of humans. Logically speaking, such a race will probably be quickly bulldozed in front of humans.

However, this stalemate has never been broken from beginning to end.

The snake people cannot get out, nor can they obtain more precious and fertile land. However, the humans outside have used rat weapons and have been unable to eliminate them.

The reason is naturally because the ruler of the snake people has the strength to make all the surrounding countries fear him. It makes people understand that although the entire snake people are easy to bully, not everyone in the entire snake people is willing to give in. .

The so-called hot potato, if you think about it.

However, what no one could believe in the past was that someone would soon move on this hot potato.

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