Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 168 Just wait for him

Without giving Xiao Yan a chance to say anything, Yao Wan turned around and returned to the back of the huge rock. After all, she was almost dying of embarrassment now. This had nothing to do with how much she exposed, but how she really felt. She can't handle clothes of this style... How should she wear them? !

Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and realized that the brief moment just now might be the only chance in his life to see her in the snake costume.

But before he had time to sigh silently in his heart, this precious opportunity passed silently in front of him. Yao Lao couldn't help but joked in his ear: "How about it, it's worthy of this life."

"Old and dishonest..."

Although he still said this, Xiao Yan had to agree with it.

"Where are the snake-man clothes you asked me to prepare? Teacher?"

Xiao Yan asked in a lowered voice.

"What nonsense are you talking about, brat, it's just that life always needs a little accident - doesn't it?"

"Yes, yes, accident, accident."

Xiao Yan nodded like he was pounding garlic.

Yao Wan changed back into her clothes very quickly. Almost as soon as the whisper between Xiao Yan and Teacher Yao ended, Yao Wan slowly walked out wearing her usual plain skirt.

"...I'll give you back your clothes."

Yao Wan threw the re-wrapped clothes to Xiao Yan, but although the clothes were changed back, the person's pretty face was still flushed, which was really good-looking.

Xiao Yan silently put the package away. He didn't know if it was his imagination, but he seemed to vaguely feel a faint fragrance that lingered in his breath, but quickly disappeared with the wind.

He raised his head and looked at the current Yao Wan. Because she walked with a snake's tail, the girl looked taller than usual.

The beauty is wearing a plain skirt, but the lotus feet underneath her body have turned into slender snake tails.

Xiao Yan looked at the beauty in front of him, but unconsciously thought of her as a mythical figure that perhaps only he would know.

"...I hope no vixen comes to punish me later."

Xiao Yan murmured to himself.


A trace of doubt appeared on Yao Wan's face where the blush had not gone away. She couldn't help but said: "Xiao Yan? What are you talking about?"

"Ah, it's nothing-"

Xiao Yan shook his head, but suddenly recalled that Miss Wan must not know what she was talking about, and became a little more courageous.

"It's's just that I suddenly felt that Miss Wan is very similar to the legendary character I know."

"Legendary figure? Who is it?"

Yao Wan was a little curious and couldn't help asking.

Naturally, in order to relieve the embarrassment in her heart, she asked subconsciously, but she never thought that Xiao Yan's answer made her expression slightly stiff: "——Nu Wa."

"————Ah? Nuwa?"

Yao Wan was surprised, but Xiao Yan interpreted her surprise to mean that she did not know the God of Creation.

"She is the legendary god who created mankind. It is said that she looks like this with a human body and a snake tail."

Xiao Yan's later answer made Yao Wan relieved. When she came back to her senses, she couldn't help but said angrily: "Everyone in the Snake Tribe is the Nuwa you talk about."

"——That's different, although, I can't tell."

Xiao Yan shook his head, and then looked at Yao Wan. Inexplicably, the two of them smiled at each other, said nothing more, and continued on their way.

The tacit understanding between the two of them became the best lubricant to alleviate the embarrassment. Even if Yao Wan didn't need to say anything, Xiao Yan naturally knew what Miss Wan was thinking, let alone what she didn't want to hear.

Therefore, Xiao Yan doesn't know which pot he doesn't open and which pot he doesn't pick up.

For him, the relationship with Miss Wan does not require threats of one kind or another. That would be too tiring, and Miss Wan would not like it, and neither would he.

When dawn broke on the next morning, Xiao Yan and Yao Wan had already sneaked into the main city of the snake people, and the city was already under visible martial law.

Countless troops occupied the streets, and most residents stayed behind closed doors.

Several strong men from the Snake Tribe gathered in the sky above the temple and were ready.

"Okay, it's time to get moving, let's go."

Said Yao Wan, who quickly changed back after sneaking into the city just by relying on that outfit.

Xiao Yan followed quickly.

With Yao Wan there, Xiao Yan entered the Snake Tribe Temple as if he was in a deserted place, without even attracting the attention of others.

"...After I see Medusa later, I'll hide first. Let's see if she can break through Douzong. If not, I'll go rescue her and take away the strange fire. If I can, I'll give her a stick and take away the strange fire. ."

Yaowan said.

"Then why do you have to wait for her to break through Douzong?"

Xiao Yan was puzzled. He naturally knew very well that since Miss Wan would say this, she could still solve it even if Queen Medusa succeeded in advancing to Douzong in the end.

But if that's the case, then why not take away the strange fire while she's at the peak of her fighting emperor? Wouldn't that be easier?

Seeing Xiao Yan asking this question, Yao Wan couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"We'll just take the strange fire, and we'll keep everything else as soon as it's ready. As for Medusa, I don't want to take her life."

Yao Wan looked at Xiao Yan's confused expression and said calmly.

The confusion on Xiao Yan's face did not dissipate, he just nodded lightly. He would naturally believe whatever Miss Wan said, and it would not hurt him anyway.

After all, it was hard for her to say that she was looking for a wife for him.

When she thought of this, Yao Wan couldn't help but sigh.

She really was both a father and a mother, and she did all the things that Xiao Zhan didn't even have time to do for Xiao Yan.

In the deepest part of the temple, there is a huge poisonous pond, and in the center is a small island in the middle of the lake covered by bamboo forests.

Yao Wan took Xiao Yan directly across the poisonous pool and caught a glimpse of the enchanting woman in red clothes.

"Is that Queen Medusa?"

"Yeah, pretty, right?"

Yao Wan teased Xiao Yan, but she was still secretly paying attention to Xiao Yan's reaction from the corner of her pale golden eyes.

"It's beautiful. No wonder within the radiation range of the Tagor Desert, people say that Queen Medusa's reputation is as good as her reputation."

Xiao Yan didn't go out of his way to say he wasn't beautiful, but compared to Queen Medusa, the green lotus flame in front of her was more eye-catching.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was an extremely violent shock, which made Yao Wan subconsciously press Xiao Yan's head and lower her body.

"Is there a fight outside?"

Xiao Yan was not angry because of Yao Wan's sudden movement, but after feeling the shock, he raised his head and subconsciously asked.

"——I don't know, but it is indeed faster than what I guessed at the beginning."

Yaowan shook his head. There was no need to worry too much about the outside world. It was better to pay more attention here.

"But don't worry, those people from the Snake Clan are not just for a living, so they won't be able to buy even this little time."

Along with the conversation between Yao Wan and Xiao Yan, Queen Medusa's long-planned evolution has also begun.

She turned into a big purple snake, and after releasing the Qinglian Earth Core Fire, she pounced on the manic Earth Flame.

Under the gaze of the two people, the big purple snake flew down. Without much hesitation, it rushed towards the blue flame and got in.

The moment the purple snake got into the strange fire, Queen Medusa's shrill scream suddenly sounded in the depths of the temple, which made people feel numb. Then it penetrated the temple and echoed in the gloomy desert.

Hearing Queen Medusa's shrill scream coming from the strange fire, Xiao Yan suddenly shuddered and looked at the blue flame in mid-air in a daze.

In the green flames, the huge purple snake was rolling its huge body crazily. As far as Xiao Yan could see, he could clearly see that the snake scales on the purple snake's body had just entered the strange fire. Shortly after being hit, it began to twist rapidly, and was eventually scorched black by the strange fire, like a pine cone being burned through in the flames, peeling off bit by bit.

After the snake scales fell off, bright red blood gurgled out. However, the moment after the blood appeared, it was burned into a burst of nothingness by the terrifying temperature of the alien fire. As a result, in the end, there were many things on the purple snake's body. There were streaks of dazzling bloody traces.

Standing on the small island, Xiao Yan could even hear the squeaking sound coming from the strange fire, and because of the rapid flow of blood, the purple snake's huge body was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

He knew exactly what kind of pain it was.

With a silent sigh, Xiao Yan suddenly felt a bit of sympathy for this Queen Medusa.

Yaowan's gaze remained unchanged, and she was also keenly aware that the energy of heaven and earth had begun to gather. This was the final test for Queen Medusa.


The sky thundered and rained down thousands of thunderbolts. Xiao Yan almost subconsciously held his breath and just raised his head to stare at the violently twisting snake.


Yao Wan suddenly grabbed him, and then waved her hand. The thunder falling from the sky twisted under an invisible force, avoiding the two people who would have been hit.

Xiao Yan held his breath and subconsciously looked at Yaowan who was protecting him.

"How can you watch the fun like this? You're about to jump in someone's face!"

Before he could say anything, Yao Wan glared at him.

"--Feel sorry."

Xiao Yan knew that Yao Wan was concerned about his own safety, and felt warm in his heart. However, he was not left with any time for greetings. The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the last obstacle for Queen Medusa to break through the Douzong came with it.

"Tsk, forget it."

As if she felt that continuing like this might not be an option, Yao Wan hesitated for a moment, then finally made a decision and raised her hand.

"Let's help you for the time being, and then we'll talk about it after passing this level."

As soon as she finished speaking, a green color that was different from Qinglian's heart fire appeared on the huge body of the purple snake that was constantly twisting and struggling, and then silently penetrated into the body of the snake, protecting her heart. .

six thousand

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