Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 169 You have worn out my patience

When the thunderous thunder pouring down from above his head gradually dissipated, Xiao Yan was still frightened by the charred island in the center of the lake.

"What a terrifying thunder."

He couldn't help but say.

"...Where is Medusa? Evolution failed?"

"No, I just used the flame of life to protect her heart. I guess she has transformed smoothly."

Although the cyan mist emitted by the strange fire blocked Yaowan's spiritual thoughts to a certain extent, this basic judgment was still there.

When the green mist gradually dissipated, the green flames in the mid-air gradually regrouped into the shape of a green lotus, suspended quietly in the mid-air, constantly changing shapes.

Xiao Yan subconsciously looked at the big snake that fell from the sky. Now it had turned into a burnt black, like charcoal, completely lifeless.

If Miss Wan hadn't been so sure that Queen Medusa had indeed succeeded in breaking through Douzong, Xiao Yan would have felt that the big snake was completely dead.

But before he could continue to say anything, there was a crisp crackling sound from the remains of the big snake.


Yao Wan quietly looked at a snake that was almost ten feet long that emerged from the broken and charred remains. Its whole body was covered with tiny colorful scales, and it had lavender snake eyes. It had a vague feeling of monster, and a The unusual fresh fragrance exudes elegance and nobility.

Along with the appearance of the colorful snake, a vast and terrifying aura suddenly burst out, quickly covering the entire city at a shocking speed.

"——Ah, it seems like you are a little too helpful."

Yaowan's pale golden eyes reflected the noble aura of the strange beast in front of her, and she couldn't help but sigh.

"Teacher, what exactly is this..."

"Didn't the girl tell you before? The snake-human tribe's secret method of merging snake spirits."

"It seems that Queen Medusa successfully transformed her soul into a brand new existence with the help of the fused snake spirit."

"Then what has she evolved into?"

"The ancient strange beast Colorful Sky-Swallowing Python... with such a small probability, Queen Medusa won the bet."

Yao Lao couldn't help but sigh.


The colorful little snake naturally saw the medicinal herbs in front of her and Xiao Yan behind her.

"——Humans, there are still humans who can come here."

What made Xiao Yan particularly shocked was that the little snake in front of him was spitting out letters, but it was also spitting out human words.

That voice was lazy and had an untouchable dignity. It was the voice of Queen Medusa.

"The purple flame snake transforms into a colorful sky-swallowing python. This time you bet, you will really make a fortune."

Yao Wan crossed her arms, and she felt that Queen Medusa had undergone a huge change at this moment, and her aura had changed from the peak of Dou Huang to the aura of Dou Zong.

"...That breath of life just now came from you?"

The colorful sky-swallowing python raised its head, and in those lavender snake eyes was the pride of Queen Medusa.

But now even she is a little confused. Will this human woman choose to help her?

But even if Yaowan helped herself, she wouldn't say anything nice.

The stereotypes between snake people and humans are too deep.

So much so that even after Queen Medusa came back to her senses and was surprised by the choice of the medicine, she would only subconsciously feel that the other party must have some ulterior motives and conspiracy.

"Is there no way you can change back now?"

Yaowan was not in a hurry. No matter what Queen Medusa said, she would always have a way to continue the topic.


Queen Medusa let out a disdainful snort, and then a red mist filled the air, covering the body of the colorful sky-swallowing python.

Then, a coquettish tall beauty slowly emerged from the red mist.

Xiao Yan naturally recognized that it was indeed Queen Medusa, but what shocked him even more was that the original snake tails under Queen Medusa turned into a pair of white slender feet, falling in front of Xiao Yan. However, the cardamom The crystal-like toes did not step on the ground that had now become a piece of scorched earth under the baptism of the energy of heaven and earth, but seemed to step on something invisible.

He didn't feel any fighting spirit, but it was this "nothing" silence that made people feel even more chilling.

This also made Xiao Yan gradually react.

Strong men in the realm of Dou Wang and Dou Huang can turn their fighting energy into wings and fly into the sky. But after entering the realm of Dou Zong, they no longer need to turn their fighting energy into wings to walk alone in the sky.

There is no doubt that Queen Medusa has indeed been completely reborn under the baptism of heaven and earth energy just now, and has become a strong warrior in the Douzong.

At the same time, Queen Medusa's intention was actually quite obvious. She just wanted to use her capital now that she had entered Douzong to scare away the woman of unknown origin.

As for the guy behind her... hum.

He's just a fighting master, so there's nothing to fear.

To her, it was just an ant that would die with just a pinch——

Therefore, what Queen Medusa cares about the most now is the yarrow in front of her.

Weird human woman.

"Now tell me, what do you want to do?"

"Simple, how about I help you exchange the Qinglian Earth Core Fire for you just now?"

Yao Wan's expression remained unchanged and she said.

Xiao Yan was protected by Yao Wan behind him and was not at all affected by the terrifying oppression brought by Queen Medusa's current Douzong realm. Some speculations emerged in his heart.

I'm afraid Queen Medusa will not agree to their request.

It's very simple. One sentence, "Those who are not of my race will have different minds can explain almost 70% to 80% of the problem."

What's more... what's more, from her point of view, she is the one who takes the lead, and it is she who decides whether to go or stay, whether to live or die.

At this time, he actually wanted to let out such precious heaven and earth wonders as strange fire. I don't think there are many thoughtful people who can be so ruthless.

"Impossible, I will not give up the Qinglian Earth Core Fire to humans."

Queen Medusa was silent for a few seconds and refused as expected.

"Today you humans broke into my clan's temple and interfered with my evolution. It's already a mercy to spare you. How dare you negotiate terms with me?"

Queen Medusa sneered, and the elixir inevitably sighed.

She didn't feel regretful because she expected the negotiation to fail, but she suddenly lamented why some people always like to treat everyone as a whole.

What she hates most is being represented by others.

"It's not us who disturbed the temple. He and I didn't bump into anything when we came here."

Yao Wan shook her head and then said: "Since it comes to that, then there is no need to talk about it?"

"...Don't wear away my little patience, human."

Queen Medusa frowned and said, but for Yaowan, this level of warning is not even a threat.

"Go and hide, I'll deal with it right away."

Yao Wan curled her lips and whispered to Xiao Yan behind her.

"Then you must be careful." Although Xiao Yan was worried about Yao Wan, he did not want to disturb her because of himself, so he immediately chose to retreat.

Seeing Xiao Yan retreating, the last worries disappeared from Yao Wan's heart.

"You said that wrong."

Yao Wan shook her head gently, and her pale golden eyes slowly lit up, and the three thousand blue hairs behind her head moved automatically.

A terrifying aura that was no less than hers began to surge violently like a sea tide, like a storm galloping in the sea. Countless waves began to surround the beauty in a plain dress in front of Queen Medusa, like a god coming.

"——You have worn away my leisurely and leisurely desire to solve the problem peacefully, Medusa."


Queen Medusa looked at Yaowan, whose whole temperament had changed drastically at this moment. The disdain and laziness hidden deep in her eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by the solemnity she felt when facing a strong enemy.

Outside the temple, there was also a commotion.

"Her Majesty the Queen succeeded?!"

When Queen Medusa in the temple showed the terrifying aura of Douzong, it was also felt outside the temple.

Feeling a faint familiar feeling in this aura, countless snake people all over the city looked at each other, and then their faces were filled with ecstasy, and the earth-shattering sound of cheering resounded through the sky.

And at the moment when this vast aura erupted, Furukawa, who had mobilized all his troops this time just to seek the strange fire, his face suddenly changed, and his body retreated nearly dozens of meters without his control.

When he retreated sharply, Kohe looked ugly and shouted at the figure covered in black robes standing still in mid-air: "Quickly go, Queen Medusa has evolved successfully!"

Facing the sudden burst of terrifying aura, the beauty under the black robe frowned slightly, but did not immediately listen to Furukawa's action.

Suddenly, just as the terrifying aura belonging to Queen Medusa was released from the temple like a volcanic eruption, another strange force that was obviously different from Queen Medusa also rushed straight into the clouds.

If the terrifying aura of Queen Medusa is like an erupting volcano, pouring magma wantonly to vent her anger, then the other force feels like a tree that still stands firm in the storm. It was a giant tree that could cover the sky and the sun, so much so that not even the wrath of the volcano could shake it.

"——There are other strong men, but that is not the aura of the Snake Tribe!"

Qianying wrapped in black robe said.

"What? Besides us, is there anyone who will come here quietly at this time?"

Furukawa was greatly surprised. If this was the case, then of course he should feel it, right?

And seeing her reaction, since it was not the aura of the snake people, she was probably a strong person among humans.

But who could it be?

Today's Queen Medusa has broken through to the Douzong realm. Even if she has just entered the Douzong realm, a big gap in realm is no longer something that a peak Douhuang can contend with.

In other words, since he can compete with him, he must be a strong man of the same level.

When did such a character appear in the Jia Ma Empire?

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