Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 180 Something’s wrong

The green man and the eight-winged black snake emperor looked at the beautiful figure stepping out of the whirlpool that tore the space. She stood tall and graceful, wearing a plain skirt, with blue hair like the corner of a bright night, and golden eyes as bright as the sun.

The wings behind her fluttered and then landed next to Hai Bodong.

"Sorry, Ebi, I just finished taking care of things over there and I'm late."

There was a faint smile on Yaowan's face, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

When Hai Bodong heard Yao Wan say this, he couldn't help but feel a little helpless, and then sighed.

"Really? Then invite the girl to come earlier next time."

Haibodong was naturally not very happy. After all, asking him to deal with two fighting emperors by himself would be too high a view on him. It turned out that it was good for her to come at this time.

"Okay, since it's Ebi's words, I naturally want to listen."

Yao Wan, who realized what Hai Bodong was thinking, couldn't help but shrugged. No matter how fast she was, she couldn't waste any time, right? She didn't stop on the way, and she didn't deliberately step on her way. Why can't she be blamed for this?

But even so, she still nodded patiently. It was unclear whether she really listened.

"Okay, Ebi just rest in the back."

Yaowan waved his hand and said immediately.

Haibodong then took a step back. He had stirred up enough muddy waters this time, and she had to let her do the rest.

At the same time, Haibodong couldn't help but look at Green Man and the Eight-Winged Black Snake Emperor with a gloating look.

The two of them may not have any good fruits to eat next.

Following Hai Bodong's thoughts, the green wings behind Yao Wan fluttered, allowing her to fly into the sky of Stone Desert City again.

The pale golden eyes reflected the figures of the green barbarian and the eight-winged black snake king. Yao Wan could not help but let out a breath of turbidity. It seemed that no matter how other things changed, some things could not change.

Although it was very different in time and space from the information in her vague memory, it still happened.

"Your Mightiness……"

Seeing Yao Wan, who was suspected to be the true master of Hai Bodong's mouth, appearing, Luman felt the elusive aura of Yao Wan, and couldn't help but mutter in his heart, even if it was the weird way of appearing just now, It is definitely not something that ordinary Dou Huang can show.

"Hmm... let me think about it... people from the Tian Snake Mansion?"

Yao Wan fiddled with her fingertips carelessly, secretly calculating in her mind what Xiao Yan and Nalan might encounter next, before speaking.

"Do you know about our Heavenly Snake Mansion?!"

Green Man's tone was startled. They usually seldom take the initiative to act and carry out activities within the influence of the Jia Ma Empire. Logically speaking, the only people in the entire Jia Ma Empire who know about their existence are probably those old guys.

As soon as Lu Man finished speaking, Yao Wan's pale golden eyes turned slightly and caught a glimpse of her. The look in his eyes almost penetrated her completely, causing her breathing to stop slightly.

"I didn't say that I was from the Jia Ma Empire, right? It's just that I have been staying in the Jia Ma Empire during this period of time."

Yaowan shook his head and said with a chuckle: "But no matter what, you are too domineering."

"If you coax that girl to go with you, then I won't bother to stop her."

Luman was silent for a moment, then he said calmly, "Since you know our Heavenly Snake Mansion, you must also know what the Blue Snake and Three Flower Eyes mean to us!"

"We must take this little girl away and train her well. It is better than being a maid here. You are not an unreasonable person, so please think carefully about this little girl -"


However, Lu Man's words did not stir up the slightest disturbance in Yao Wan's heart, but instead made her chuckle.

"Okay, we've said all that needs to be said, right?"

Yaowan tilted her head slightly, soothed her sore neck a little, and made a clear clicking sound, saying: "That's it, get out of here. As for the three or two big cats and kittens in Tian She Mansion, , can't catch my eye, get out of here before I change my mind - Oh, by the way, you guys have plowed all the land here, you have to give me some compensation for repairing the house, right?"

"It's not much, just one hundred thousand gold coins - don't tell me that a Dou Huang doesn't even have one hundred thousand gold coins."

Lu Man was silent for a moment, and finally had to admit defeat.

Stealing the chicken but losing the rice, Luman took out a storage bag from Najie and threw it to Yaowan.

Naturally, it was impossible for her to care about the one hundred thousand gold coins, but it was a pity that she had been looking for the green snake and three-flowered eyes for decades, but she finally missed her.

But she also knew very well that Yaowan was not bluffing, but stating the facts.

The indifference in her eyes that regarded her as dust was hidden under He Xi's smile. To her, she didn't matter. Whether he was killed or released, it just depended on her mood.

At the same time, the green barbarian could not help but wonder who the strong man in front of him could be.

The Jia Ma Empire would never produce such a strong person on its own, and she herself said that she was not a native of the Jia Ma Empire.

And if we talk about several mysterious and powerful people who have been in the limelight in the northwest continent in recent years, maybe she is among them.

Among the several mysterious strong men who are generally vaguely recognized by the outside world, there is only one woman.

Just when he thought of this possibility, Lu Man couldn't help but take a breath, and then lost his voice: "Could it be that you are... Medicine Fairy?"

"...Huh? It seems that I wasn't so famous when I was touring the Northwest Continent, right? Even though you guys threw the title of Medicine Fairy to me on your own."

Yaowan crossed her arms, but she was not interested in the green barbarian at all, and there were more things that required her to worry about than arguing with her.

"Since I am from Yao Xianzi, I can give an explanation when I go back."

Green Man lowered his head honestly without any complaints.

After all, the name of Medicine Fairy is quite prestigious in the Northwest Continent. No one wants to offend a strong man who stands at the top of the Northwest Continent, and no one wants to offend a top strong man who is not only capable of refining medicine.

The green barbarian had nothing to say anymore, and the eight-winged black snake emperor just wanted to run away quickly. That woman really frightened it.

I was really unlucky enough to go out for a run with the Green Man, and ended up encountering this kind of evil star!

But when she finally left, Yao Wan still glanced at the eight-winged black snake king, which was so frightening that the notorious monster in the northwest continent trembled all over, and did not dare to say a word.

The senses of Warcraft are much sharper than humans. Ever since the woman appeared, the Eight-Winged Black Snake Emperor has begun to retreat.

It doesn't know who this woman is, but it knows very well that if there is a fight, they will definitely die.

Before leaving at the end, the Eight-Winged Black Snake Emperor glanced at the green scales below with fear. Not to mention the fearful woman, once this little girl grows up, she will be a threat to snake monsters like him. blow.

Forget it, just stay away from him in the future. If you encounter this, I'm afraid you will have to be someone else's thug for the rest of your life.

Green Man then left with the Eight-Winged Black Snake Emperor, but Yao Wan did not make them swear that he would not come back in the future.

As long as she is around, it is nothing more than dust that can be wiped out.

People who can get into Douhuang are probably not idiots. They still have some judgment ability.

When his spiritual perception revealed that the green barbarian and the eight-winged black snake emperor were getting further and further away, Yao Wan exhaled and then slowly landed on the training ground of the now fragmented Motie Mercenary Regiment.

Seeing Yao Wan back, both Xue Lan and Qing Lin looked happy and relieved.

"Miss Wan is back."

"Well, it's just that this time I came back only because of something."

Yaowan nodded slightly, and then said: "I'm afraid I won't come back again."

When Yao Wan said this, Qing Lin's face showed a visibly disappointed expression.

"Okay, I won't say much else."

Yao Wan stuffed the heavy storage bag into Xue Lan's hand and said at the same time: "Xue Lan, here are one hundred thousand gold coins. As for you, go back and repair all the broken things here. You guys are here. It’s not a place rich in products, so we still have to rely on your mercenary group in the future.”

Xue Lan was slightly startled, but she was very moved, especially after Yao Wan defeated the two Dou Huang warriors by herself, he was still able to talk to her like a friend as usual, which made her a little flattered.

Some people are just a little different from others, and they have to be three points stronger when speaking. This is the trend in Dou Qi Continent, and there are really very few people who can do what Yaowan does.

"Thank you, Miss Wan."

"By the way, why don't you see the two captains?"

"Captain and the others are practicing, so don't disturb them."

Yao Wan nodded slightly when he heard this: "Practice is always good. When the two of them become great masters, you will be able to stand out in Shimo City."

"It's better to wait, haste makes waste."

After explaining the matter about the mercenary group to Xue Lan, Yao Wan looked at Hai Bodong aside.

"It's hard work this time."

"It's not hard work. I've been quiet for decades. I just found a chance to stretch my muscles."

Haibodong looked at Yao Wan without changing his expression. Although this girl Wan came from a high position, she could be said to treat her friends with all her heart. Such people were really rare.

It's not in vain that he just delayed his time.

"Hai Lao is joking. Since Yao Lao has chosen to help me, I naturally have no reason to treat my friend badly. A Emperor's Pill is just a token of my affection. I don't think I will refuse him."

Yao Wan smiled, then took out a pill from Najie that looked extraordinary, flicked it, and threw it to Hai Bodong in front of him.

Haibodong raised his eyebrows, and then caught the Emperor's Pill.

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