Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 181 Call me Miss from now on

To be honest, Haibodong was somewhat skeptical about whether he could get any other benefits from Yaowan.

After all, he was promised a Dou Huang to become a Dou Zong... Let alone her, even Hai Bodong himself didn't quite believe it.

He was thankful to God just to break Queen Medusa's seal and transform back into the Fighting Emperor, and it didn't even lead to a regression in his cultivation.

He Haibodong is not a mediocre person who relied on taking pills to become the Dou Emperor. As long as he breaks the seal, even without the pills, he is confident that he can finally break through the Douzong.

Just looking at the Huangji Pill that fell into his palm at this moment, Haibodong was silent for a moment, and finally exhaled a breath.

Having said that, when this Emperor's Pill fell into his hands, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that this world was really like a dream.

As a Douhuang, Haibodong certainly knew how precious this Huangji Pill was.

Its function is very simple. It can allow a strong Dou Huang warrior to improve his level by one to two stars in a relatively short period of time. Moreover, this Huang Ji Dan also has another function, that is It is a tool for solidifying the sutra and refining the bones. It can be said to be a good thing that can make even the strongest Dou Huang fight for their lives.

It's just that although Huangji Dan is a sixth-grade elixir, its refining difficulty is not much worse than that of a seventh-grade elixir because of its powerful effect.

A place like the Gama Empire, which can only be described as a corner in the entire Dou Qi Continent and even the Northwest Continent, can actually not see such rare treasures at all.

"Hai Lao has been accumulating for decades. Although it took a long time, it is also a process of accumulation. Compared with taking Huangji Pill this time, it is not difficult to break through two stars in one fell swoop."

Yao Wan chuckled lightly, while Hai Bodong shook his head. The longer we get along with this little girl, the more difficult it is to see through her.


He did not say thank you for his kindness. Rather than verbally expressing his gratitude, Hai Bodong cared more about the previous transaction with Yao Wan.

After all, he is still half a businessman, and the most important thing for businessmen is to abide by the contracts between them.

"Where do you want me to go with you next?"

Hai Bodong asked, I'm afraid that the current Jia Ma Empire is almost not enough for her to keep going through this.

Unexpectedly, Yao Wan shook her head.

"The plan has changed. I don't have anything that needs Ebi's help for the time being. Why don't Ebi go back to the imperial capital first? When I ask Ebi for help in the future, please don't dislike him."

Yaowan's words made Haibodong frown slightly. Haibodong felt a little uncomfortable that the deal had not yet been concluded but he was just taking advantage of others.

He doesn't like to owe others, let alone owe others any heavy favors.

But Hai Bodong also knew that if he didn't want the Huangji Pill now, Yao Wan wouldn't say it back.

"...Well, it just so happens that I have some matters to go to the Imperial Capital to deal with. In that case, from now on, if the girl wants anything, you can come to the Miter Chamber of Commerce and never refuse."

Haibodong cupped his fists towards Yaowan and said.

Yaowan nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

There are not many available people in the entire Jia Ma Empire, and Hai Bodong is considered to have few trustworthy people, so this move is not a loss in any case.

After that, there was no need to say anything else between the two of them, and Hai Bodong returned to the Jia Ma Imperial Capital.

Now that Hai Bodong and the Motie mercenary group were all understood, Yao Wan's eyes fell on Qing Lin beside him.

"That... girl?"

"Okay, the other things are almost done. Now it's just you, Xiao Qinglin."

Yaowan walked up to Qinglin, looked directly at the cowardly girl's magnificent emerald eyes with her pale golden eyes, and said.


Qing Lin was slightly startled, but heard Yao Wan say: "Sit down, I have something I want to talk to you about."

Qing Lin obediently obeyed and found a table and chair that had just been spared and sat down in the hall, which was mostly in ruins.

It's just that Qing Lin was still not used to sitting idle in front of Yaowan. Not long after he sat down, Qing Lin, who couldn't bear his temper, stood up and said: "Why don't I go make the girl a cup of tea... "

"I don't need to drink tea, little Qinglin just needs to sit quietly."

Yao Wan just leaned gently on the edge of the table, raised her arms to support her cheeks, and her golden eyes never moved away from the girl in front of her.

"Oh yes……"

Qinglin had no choice but to sit back obediently.

"Xiao Qinglin just heard what I told Xue Lan, right? I'm about to leave, and I don't know when I will come back next time. The two captains will no longer organize any mercenary groups. Then I may never come here again.”

Yaowan said.

"That's it..."

Qing Lin's tone was inevitably full of disappointment.

"So, does Qing Lin have any plans for the future? Do you want to stay here, or do you want to find a place by yourself and live a peaceful life in the future? It doesn't matter, you can tell me all these ideas."

"I can arrange an absolutely safe job for you so that you can live a carefree life. I can also give you some money. In the future, you can fly far away to a place where no one knows what the snake people are and start your journey. A new life.”

It was obviously a bright noon at this moment, but Qing Lin felt that everything around him had darkened, and only the pale golden eyes of Yao Wan in front of him showed a hazy light.

Qing Lin was startled, but did not speak.

"How's it going? Have you thought about it?"

"...That person today... came to the Motie Mercenary Group because of me?"

After a while, Qing Lin shook his head slightly and asked a simpler question.

"Well, it's because your physique is quite special. You are a hybrid of snake-man and human. This is an innate curse for you, but it also gives you extraordinary talents - that is, your pair is called by the outside world. These are the eyes of 'green snake and three-flowered pupils'."

Yaowan pointed at her eyes and said, "Whether that snake or that woman, they all came here for your eyes."

"She wants to take you back and train you as the heir to a force more powerful than the Jia Ma Empire... How about it? Do you regret it? If you do, I can send you to them, and with me Now, considering how important you are, no one will dare to do anything to you."

However, facing the choice given by Yao Wan, Qing Lin gently shook his head.

"If this is really the case, no matter what happens in the future, someone will definitely come to break my original life... right? Girl."

Yao Wan remained silent, it was obvious what she meant.

Qinglin exhaled and fell silent again. After a while, she raised her head and asked, "Then can I follow the girl?"

Yaowan had been waiting for this answer for a long time and said: "Follow me? Are you sure?"

"Well, I have already thought about it. The girl and Master Xiao Yan are the best people for me. But now that Master Xiao Yan is not here, and I don't want to delay Master Xiao Yan, I can only leave it to the girl."

The greenness on Qing Lin's face has not faded away, but it is already full of seriousness, which is the price of her growth.

Her background determines that she is destined not to be as innocent as other children. Even if she does not mean it, she will learn to observe words and emotions subtly, and naturally she will know who can give her salvation.

Xiao Yan is indeed very good to her, and he treats her better than Yao Wan. There is no doubt about this. However, even Xiao Yan himself is still on a journey of exploration. Bringing her with him is just a useless burden. That’s all.

"That's fine. It just so happens that I don't have someone around me who can do some small things. If you insist on following me, I won't drive you away."

"But you have to remember, Xiao Qinglin, even I can't protect you for the rest of your life. You have to learn to protect yourself... Naturally, it's a little early to tell you this."

Yaowan then stretched her eyebrows slightly and said.

Seeing that Yaowan finally agreed, a bright smile appeared on Qinglin's face: "Well, thank you, girl!"


Yaowan thought about this title that seemed strange no matter how she pronounced it, and couldn't help but shake her head.

"I'm not nameless. It's not good to always call me girly."

"Then what do I call girl?"

Qing Lin was a little confused, but she also knew that a maid like her would be embarrassed to call someone sister, right? Even if Yaowan doesn't care about it, he will always avoid suspicion in the future.

"Well, just call me miss from now on."

Yao Wan immediately said that she really didn't care what the little girl called her, but if she really wanted to fully release the top talent like Bi Snake and Three Flower Pupils, Yao Wan was here for a while. There was no suitable technique for her to practice.

After all, no matter how smart she is, she can't come up with a skill out of thin air that can help others practice to the level of Dou Zun or even Dou Sheng.

Therefore, the best way Yao Wan can think of for Qing Lin is to return to the Yao Clan in the future... Although according to her own assumptions, she will probably be captured at some point... But this is not important - important The thing is, with the connections and resources of the Yao Clan, it is not easy to raise a green snake with three-flowered pupils.

In the future, wouldn't it be nice to let the little girl join the Medicine Clan? It just so happens that she is still an orphan. In the future, the clan will also have one more Fighting Saint-level fighting prowess. Why not?

"From now on, wherever I go, you will follow me."

"As for the reward...ah, I still have no idea about the gold coins of Dou Qi Continent. Forget it, I will buy you a copy of whatever little Qinglin wants."

Qing Lin was even more moved by Yao Wan's words. After all, for her, being able to follow Yao Wan was already extremely lucky, let alone the reward, which was something she couldn't even think about.

Seeing the girl in front of him excitedly, Yao Wan exhaled a breath of turbidity. Okay, things here are finally over for the time being.

Next we still have to look at Xiao Yan.

By the way, the two of them shouldn't start fighting when they meet, right?

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