Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 185 Embers of Strange Fire

"...Miss, what are we...?"

A timid voice rang in her ears, and Qinglin's words were mixed with her doubts. After all, coming to a place like this was a strange thing.

"Then you still need to ask? Xiao Qinglin."

Seeing Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran walking deeper into the cave, Yao Wan then turned her head with a smile, looked at the girl following her, and explained.

"Of course it depends on how well the two of them get along...but they seem to be pretty good? It saves me from worrying for so long."

"Master Xiao Yan and that person?"

Qing Lin was slightly startled when he heard this. How could the little girl know so much? It was just that her green eyes were flashing with confusion.

After all, in her mind, the only one who can stand with the young lady is Master Xiao Yan... Why is it that when the young lady sees Master Xiao Yan standing with other women, the young lady is not angry at all, but instead Where is the smiling one? He seemed very happy——

"Hmm...what's wrong, little Qinglin, looking sad? Is it too cold here?"

When Yao Wan glanced at Qing Lin, Qing Lin's face was naturally confused, which made her a little confused.

She shook her body slightly. With her current physique, she no longer avoided the cold and heat, and she no longer had such a keen sense of the cold and warmth of the outside world.

Even in the dead of winter, the coldest time of the year, she still wore Tsing Yi.

But although she was not cold at all, Qing Lin was not necessarily cold.

Thinking of this, Yaowan put the cloak she wore in Najie on Qinglin's body and wrapped her tightly.

"Although it's not something that can withstand the cold, it's still slightly better than your desert clothes."

Yaowan said softly.

Qing Lin was slightly startled, a blush appeared on her pretty face, and she couldn't help but said: "It's not too cold to say...where's the young lady?"

"I'm fine, I'm not afraid of the cold."

Yaowan touched Qinglin's little head and said immediately.

After soothing Qing Lin, Yao Wan's attention shifted to the blue crystal in her hand.

The blue crystal, which is like ice that has never melted for thousands of years, shines even brighter in Yaowan's palm, making it dazzling.

"I never expected that there would be such a thing among the remnants of the Xiao clan."

Yaowan sighed subconsciously, and then a lot of green flames emerged from her palm, drowning the blue crystal at once. After the flame of life engulfed the blue crystal, it obviously increased sharply. A few points.

The effect is really surprising.

"Miss, what is this?"

"If nothing else, it should be something left over from some strange fire related to the power of life."

Yaowan looked at it carefully for a while, and found out that this thing was essentially a crystal left over from the terrifying high temperature of the alien fire and the process of decay.

Qing Lin tilted her little head. She had never been exposed to what Yao Wan was talking about before, so naturally she couldn't understand it at all.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't understand. You will understand later."

Seeing Qing Lin's appearance, Yao Wan couldn't help but said that she was not in a hurry to teach Qing Lin anyway, after all, she didn't have much time to teach her.

After a moment of silence, Yao Wan threw a small ball of life flame into the huge blue crystal at his feet, quickly burning a big hole in the blue crystal as high-quality fuel.

There are other related records in ancient books about the existence of this blue crystal and naming it the Crystal of Life. For example, in this huge piece of Crystal of Life, there may be residues of the strange fire that have not yet burned out. The ashes of a fireless fire.

Generally speaking, there are only one or two types of rare fires that produce this kind of living crystal, and they are basically linked to vitality.

For example, there are rumors about the Yan of Creatures that has not yet completed its growth, or the Three Thousand Flames of Fire that are finally going to be annihilated. Another example is that even among the Yao Clan, there are very few related records about it. Fire, yin and yang.

It's just that the first two types of strange fires cannot be copied because they are forms of strange fires, so they are just speculations and rumors. It is unknown whether anyone has personally seen the phenomenon of the first two types of strange fires producing crystals of life. .

Therefore, most of the crystals of living beings are based on the related discoveries of the Yin and Yang dual flames, resulting in very few records of the two.

Rather than being a record, it is better to say that it is just a rumor that was accidentally recorded and its authenticity cannot be judged.

But having said that, there is certainly value in verification.

Feeling the energy from the Crystal of Life pouring into the tangerines in her body through the burning of the Flame of Life, Yao Wan couldn't help but take a deep breath, and then the skills in her body started to move.

Even if she didn't find the remnants of the strange fire near the Living Crystal, this trip was not a loss for Yao Wan. Even if she didn't plan to take all of the Living Crystals, some would be left for Xiao Yan and Xiao Yan. Nalan has gained a lot for her.

But it would be better if there were remnants of the strange fire.

In this way, even if she doesn't need to collect the wool that swallows the alien fire from Xiao Yan again, it is enough for her to completely transform the flame of life from fire into a brand new flame of life.

Regarding the Yan of the living being, this is one of the rare times that Yao Wan is so concerned about his own affairs.

She has put her cultivation aside for the time being. If she hadn't helped Xiao Yan refine Qinglian's Earth Heart Fire last time, she would probably have had to delay her promotion to Dou Huang. After all, her own cultivation is not as important as Xiao Yan's... Although It's a bit weird to say this, but that's the truth.

As for the cultivation of soul power... Due to some very troublesome reasons, she has chosen to stop practicing for the time being, otherwise she might really be discovered and captured.

I just hope that when I made the choice, I could buy as much time for her as possible...

And naturally the only thing left is the flame of life.

If the flame of life can be completely transformed from fire into an independent strange fire, at least when she goes back in the future, she will have a reason to be friendly, right?

Muttering secretly in his heart, Yao Wan walked into the deepest part of the Crystal of Life.

As she went deeper and deeper into the Crystal of Life, Yao Wan felt happy in her heart.

Immediately, the flames of life began to burn violently, and the icy blue crystal began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye like ice and snow in winter, leaving only a hole as high as one person tall for the elixir to enter and exit.

Now that he has felt its existence and has a target in the general direction, Yaowan's movements naturally become more than a little faster.

The energy of the pieces of living crystals merged into her body, causing her to exhale a filthy breath.

She was not in a hurry to use this energy for her own use, but filtered it with her own skills and the flame of life, and then let it linger on her fingertips.

Her goal is more to retain the embers of the strange fire, and it is better to leave these pure energy to a more suitable person.

In the end, Yao Wan used the heat of life to burn out a huge hollow space in the center of the crystal.

And in the center of this huge integrated crystal of life, a group of black and white flames, almost as big as a palm, was like a candle in the wind, maintaining its final burning between weak brightness and extinction.

The black and white flames were sometimes strong, sometimes bright and dim, and seemed to be about to go out.

"It really is Yin and Yang twin flames."

Yaowan murmured, and couldn't help but subconsciously stretched out his fingertips to try to touch.

The moment the yin and yang flames came into contact with her fingertips, perhaps due to the presence of the flame of life, the black and white flames suddenly jumped, just like the sparks jumping from the fire after being filled with a handful of firewood. .

But Yao Wan knew very well that only the residue of this Yin and Yang dual inflammation was left. If they didn't come, it would eventually burn out on its own within a few years.

This kind of exhaustion is different from the flame of life in Yaowan's hands. This is irreversible exhaustion.

The flame will eventually go out, even if it is a strange fire.

It's just that ordinary flames will go out without firewood, and Douqi flames will go out without Douqi. However, strange fires only exist for a relatively longer time. This change in heaven is nothing.

But of course such strange fire embers are of no special use to Xiao Yan.

The requirements for cultivating the Burning Technique are naturally very high, not to mention that now that Xiao Yan has three kinds of strange fires in his body, there is no point in refining a strange fire residue.

In this case, let's keep the waste for her and use it.

Yao Wan thought to herself, and then sat down cross-legged in front of the embers of strange fire.

She waved her hand gently, and the remnants of the Yin and Yang Flames did not resist and flew into her palm obediently.


Looking at the black and white flames burning quietly in her hands, Yao Wan took a deep breath.

How should I put it? It would be a lie to say that you are not nervous at this time.

How could I not be nervous?

Every time she saw Xiao Yan swallowing the strange fire, her expression was like a mask of pain. Although she was not particularly afraid of pain, she was not a masochist who had become stupid through practice.

And since it was about his own life, Yao Wan would certainly be nervous.

But she was nervous. After a moment of silence, Yao Wan took a deep breath and adjusted herself.

Finally, she glanced at the yin and yang flames in her hand.

Using the embers of the alien fire to completely ignite the flames of life was the inspiration she got from Xiao Yan's devouring the alien fire. If not, she probably wouldn't have chosen to do this today.

Holding the remnants of the Yin and Yang flames tightly in the palm of his hand, the gentleness of the Yang fire and the burning of the Yin fire poured into his heart.

Finally, she pressed the embers of the Yin and Yang flames into her chest.


The green flames that originally wrapped around Yao Wan suddenly turned into black and white flames. From Yao Wan's golden eyes that suddenly opened wide, the colors of black and white burst out.

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