Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 186 Why are you here?

The burning sensation from the inside out hit my heart in an instant.

Yaowan groaned, but did not cry out in pain.

It turns out that this is what it feels like to be swallowed by strange fire. It feels like your whole body is being burned violently by flames.

The Flame of Life is exceptionally gentle. The Flame of Life she obtained was still a weak fire, very weak, so the refining had almost no special feeling for her.

In this way, she had an experience...but she didn't want to have this experience again.

Yaowan sighed in her heart, and the black and white flames burning on her body began to be drowned by the more powerful green flames.

It's just the remnants of the strange fire, the ashes of the non-fire. It's not like she can't even take this kind of thing off.

Whether outside the body or inside the body, Yaowan began to control the flames of his own life and began to devour the residue of the Yin and Yang twin flames. Although the Yin and Yang twin flames had lost their fire, they were like candles in the wind. It was impossible to refine them for their own use. It's too possible, but it would be great to be able to play such a role.

As she began to devour the Yin and Yang flames, the rich breath of life passed through the barrier of the crystal of life and gradually filled the entire huge ruins cave hall.


Deep in the secret realm left by the Xiao clan, Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran also found the true legend here.

Countless martial arts and fighting skills have been placed here, but I don’t know what the reason was that made Xiao Yan’s ancestors give up these countless resources that were placed in the outside world and finally went to the barrens. The alien soil, thrives.

Xiao Yan didn't know this either.

There must have been a particularly serious incident, right?

And Nalan Yanran was looking at everything in front of her curiously. She was more surprised and confused than eager.

Unlike the outside world, which is almost covered with blue crystals, here is a tightly repaired underground palace, and it seems that there are no traces of being burned by flames like the outside world.

She was curious, what kind of family could build such a treasure house to hide countless treasures in the past?

She didn't know, but if nothing unexpected happened, after inheriting this terrifying property, the Xiao family would soon usher in transformation and rebirth.

Kung Fu and fighting skills are often the heritage of a family, and the treasure trove in front of you is incomparable even if all the Kung Fu and fighting skills collected from all the forces in the entire Jia Ma Empire are put together.

Nalan Yanran knows the Yunlan Sect's library best. In her opinion, even the Yunlan Sect's heritage pales in comparison.

With such a technique, why worry about being unable to revitalize a family?

Thinking of this, Nalan Yanran couldn't help exhaling a breath, and then shook her head.

The Xiao family, which fell into decline more than ten years ago, has so many resources. It is not so strange that over time, it will establish a force in the Jiama Empire that can overpower the royal family and the Yunlan Sect.

Regarding this, although Nalan Yanran had a somewhat complicated mood, she was not jealous at all.

After sighing about the family's past that had long been submerged in the long river of history, Xiao Yan naturally still remembered the agreement he made with her.

"Miss Qingran."

Xiao Yan gestured for her to choose the exercises or fighting skills she wanted.

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but fold her arms when she heard this, and said: "This is the inheritance left by your family. I won't have any objections even if you take it all back. Besides, this time I am just joining in the fun. Are you sure you want to give it to me?" ?”

Xiao Yan laughed dumbly, and then said: "Miss Qingran, what are you talking about? Since it is something I promised from the beginning, it is naturally impossible to go back on it."

"...Hmph, that's nice to say. You want to use this reward to silence me? Are you still thinking about what you just mentioned?"

Nalan Yanran raised her eyebrows and couldn't help but ask, if this was really the case, then she would rather not have it.

Xiao Yan smiled incomprehensibly and simply said: "That is Miss Qingran's own idea. I have never said that."


Nalan Yanran blinked and glared, but she happened to meet Xiao Yan's innocent eyes, and she suddenly felt as uncomfortable as being punched on cotton.

This benefit is obviously hers, but why is she so angry?

"——Okay, consider me a favor to you."

Nalan Yanran rubbed her brows irritably. She didn't know why, but talking to Xiao Yan felt like communicating with Yao Wan at the beginning. She felt like she couldn't even say a few words before she was done.

"It doesn't matter if people are inhumane. I'm just completing what I promised Miss Qingran before."

There was a bit of solemnity on Xiao Yan's face, and Nalan Yanran knew that she couldn't defeat him, so she simply stepped forward to choose fighting skills.

Nalan Yanran didn't look for any more skills. After all, the Yunlan Sect's own skills were different from those of the outside world. Moreover, Yao Wan had already upgraded the skills she practiced before, replacing them with other more advanced wind-attribute skills. The law may not be suitable for her.

Therefore, instead of biting off more than you can chew, it is better to pick a powerful fighting skill.

After her skills were modified by Yao Wan, Nalan Yanran now felt that most of the Yunlan Sect's fighting skills could hardly keep up with the fighting energy output of her current skills.

This is also the reason why martial arts and fighting skills are indispensable.

Kung Fu is like a water reservoir, while fighting skills are the outlet.

The two must be of the same level as possible to be able to exert 100% of their power. Otherwise, either the level of the fighting skill is too high and cannot be used at all, or the fighting skill cannot keep up with the consumption caused by the technique, and there is no place to use the strength.

After thinking about this clearly, Nalan Yanran naturally had a goal.

Finally she took away a dark green scroll.

"Shadow Chaser Sword?"

After glancing at the name on the scroll, Xiao Yan subconsciously said.

"Well, it just so happens that I currently lack a suitable sword skill book. Although it may not be of much use, at least it is something I have never been exposed to before, and there will always be some new inspiration for me."

Showing off her local low-level fighting skills in front of Xiao Yan, Nalan Yanran explained.

"Miss Qingran uses a sword?"

Xiao Yan looked at Nalan Yanran's waist, which was empty.

"It's just rough skin, it's nothing...what's wrong?"

Nalan Yanran shook her head slightly and said.

"It's nothing... I just heard that the Yunlan Sect in the Jiama Empire is a sword sect. I wonder if Miss Qingran has ever heard of it."

Xiao Yan shook his head. There were many people in the world who used swords, and he was not the only one from the Yunlan Sect.

Nalan Yanran's eyes were focused, and if Xiao Yan's eyes hadn't drifted away, she would have thought that Xiao Yan had discovered her.

In any case, if Xiao Yan asked this, her reply of "I don't know" would naturally be the best way to avoid suspicion.


"Yunlan Sect."

Nalan Yanran exhaled a breath and said: "I heard that the ancestor Yun Potian who founded the Yunlan Sect was famous and had unparalleled swordsmanship, but the current Yunlan Sect is..."

She shook her head. Of course she was not dissatisfied with her sect, but the loss of swordsmanship within the Yunlan Sect was real. Otherwise, she would not have had anyone in the entire Yunlan Sect who could practice swordsmanship with her. No one.

"...I didn't expect that Miss Qingran would have such knowledge about the Yunlan Sect."

"It's not really knowledge, it's just hearsay."

Nalan Yanran glanced at Xiao Yan, saying that she was not that bored talking about her sect in front of her ex-fiancé.

"I have already chosen my fighting skills. You can put these skills and fighting skills away."

After Nalan Yanran finished speaking, Xiao Yan nodded and was about to take action.

However, following his movements, Na Jie, who could have held these skill scrolls, fell into silence and showed no reaction.


Xiao Yan raised his eyebrows, quite surprised. He subconsciously thought that his ring was broken, but there was no problem with normal detection, so how could it be broken?

"What happened to Najie?"

"It seems that Najie cannot contain these scrolls and techniques."

"Is there such a thing...?"

Nalan Yanran paused and subconsciously wanted to put away the scroll in her hand, but just like Xiao Yan, Najie had no reaction to this.

In desperation, Nalan Yanran said: "I tried it, but it really doesn't work."

"so what should I do now……?"

Xiao Yan hesitated to speak, but felt he noticed a commotion in his sleeves, and then a cute little head popped out of his sleeves.

"Huh? Little guy, why are you awake?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but said, but the cute little colorful snake didn't pay attention to him, but quickly crawled out of his sleeves and rushed out towards the hole outside.

Xiao Yan:?

Nalan Yanran looked at this inexplicably funny scene and couldn't help teasing: "Your spiritual pet doesn't seem to be very obedient."

"I can't help it. I adopted her halfway."

Xiao Yan sighed and said, "Let's put things aside for now and see what that little guy wants to do. Otherwise, if she goes crazy, none of us will be able to stop her."

Nalan Yanran was a little curious, although she didn't have time to look just now...but it seemed to be a snake? It doesn't look like an ordinary spiritual pet.

"Okay, anyway, I'm not in a hurry."

She nodded. Anyway, it would take a long time. Even if she couldn't take the fighting skill scroll with Najie, she would either take it with her or simply learn it here.


Yao Wan tightened her embroidered eyebrows slightly, but she felt her wrists were cold.

The pair of pale golden eyes showed a slight slit, but he caught a glimpse of a colorful figure wrapped around his wrist at some point.

"Huh? Why are you here?"

Yaowan opened her eyes and couldn't help but say, causing the little snake on her wrist to absorb the life energy escaping from her body to look up at her.

It just tilted its little head in confusion, and then continued to eat hard.

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