Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 188 I’ll tell you when you get to Zhongzhou

Yao Wan's tone was full of relaxation.


Seeing that Yao Wan had also arrived, Nalan Yanran was silent for a moment, wondering if there was no need for her to continue pretending.

But before she could make any move, Yao Wan looked at her with a smile, and then asked, "How are you getting along?"


Nalan Yanran's expression froze. If she hadn't been with her for such a long time, she would have thought this was just to amuse herself.

"Ma... just so-so."

Nalan Yanran moved her eyes away unconsciously.

He whispered softly in his mouth.

Seeing Yaowan like this, Nalan Yanran naturally knew that she had no intention of exposing herself.

Yao Wan glanced at Xiao Yan, and Xiao Yan said: "Miss Qingran and I get along very well, but it's our first time meeting each other, so it's human nature to be unfamiliar."

"Hmm...that's true."

Yao Wan nodded slightly, while Nalan Yanran looked at Xiao Yan subconsciously.

Is he trying to save himself?

"As for Qingran, his temperament is a bit indifferent, but human nature is not bad."

Yao Wan said: "It's just that in the past exchanges, you have to waste more words."

"Okay, I'm not a child. Is it like what you said?"

"Yeah, I'll try my best."

In Xiao Yan's opinion, isn't this just Yao Wan interceding for his sister?

Nalan Yanran was naturally a little angry about the conversation between Yao Wan and Xiao Yan.

"Who knows?"

Yaowan smiled and shook her head, saying: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, let's get down to business - the blue crystals on your heads are the last source of pure energy left by the Yin and Yang dual flames. It’s not that it’s inexhaustible, but it’s not a problem to help you reach the next big realm faster.”

"So, in the next time, you should stay here and practice well to ensure that you can have a big breakthrough in the last time."

Xiao Yan had already anticipated Yao Wan's plan, and when Nalan Yanran saw Xiao Yan acting like this, she naturally couldn't refuse.

"What about Miss Wan? How is Miss Wan?"

After Yao Wan finished speaking, Xiao Yan couldn't help but ask.

"Me? There's no need to worry about me. But this time, the remnants of the Yin and Yang flames were swallowed up, and the flame of life was completely transformed from a fire into an independent strange fire. This is already my biggest gain."

Yao Wan smiled and said: "Speaking of which... I robbed you of this opportunity - don't blame me."

"Miss Wan, what are you talking about?"

Xiao Yan shook his head and said: "There are not many things I can help you with. It is already very rare to be able to use the energy of strange fire to help you nourish the flames of life."

Yao Wan nodded slightly. She naturally knew that what Xiao Yan was thinking was just a joke of hers, so why did she still make him anxious.

"Okay, I don't care, don't be angry."

Seeing that the conversation was almost over, Yaowan also called the girl behind her to come down quickly.

"Okay, little Qinglin, come down quickly."

"Qing Lin? Is she here too?"

Xiao Yan was slightly startled, which was a bit unexpected.

"Well, miss, it's a bit too high here..."

As soon as Yao Wan finished speaking, the girl's timid voice came from the hole where Yao Wan had broken open the crystal.

"What are you afraid of? Isn't your young master Xiao Yan here?"

When Xiao Yan heard this, he smiled helplessly, but his movements were surprisingly fast. He turned around, flapped his purple wings, and flew up.

Qinglin looked at the hole opened under the crystal cave. Although she felt relieved when she heard the medicine, she still didn't know what to do when she saw the seemingly bottomless height below.

"Okay, Qinglin, don't be afraid."

But the next moment, Xiao Yan appeared in front of Qing Lin and said with a smile.

"Master Xiao Yan!"

Qing Lin, who was still a little scared at first, saw that it was Xiao Yan, and most of the fear and worry in her heart immediately disappeared.

"Okay, Qinglin, hold on tight to me, I'll take you down."

With that said, Xiao Yan hugged Qinglin, and the Ziyunyi behind him pushed the slightly cool airflow in the cave hall and landed steadily on the ground.

Nalan Yanran raised her head and was slightly stunned when she saw a pair of purple wings on Xiao Yan's back.

"What's wrong? Are you jealous? Do you want to have flying skills?"

Yao Wan looked at Nalan Yanran's appearance and knew what she was thinking without her having to tell her.

"——No way, that's his chance. I'm not twisted to the point where I want what I see others have."

Nalan Yanran glanced at the medicine wand with a hint of resentment and said.

"Besides, I am originally a wind attribute. I can stay in the air for a short period of time from the beginning. I don't even need to turn my fighting energy into wings."

It's just that Nalan Yanran's explanation seemed to Yao Wan to be a little bit sour.

"Okay~ I know, give me the body fighting skills you usually use, and I will modify them for you."

Yaowan smiled, but even though Nalan Yanran said so, she couldn't really pretend that nothing happened.

"...Sister, you can't help but love your sister, right?"

As she said that, she smiled and patted Nalan Yanran's shoulder.

Nalan Yanran's face turned bright red and she said in embarrassment, "Who is your sister!"

As soon as the words fell, before the two of them had time to say a few more words, Xiao Yan hugged Qing Lin and landed next to them again.

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but blinked as she looked at the figure of Xiao Yan falling down with Qing Lin in his arms.

"...Speaking of which, why is Qinglin here?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but said.

"Of course I redeemed that little girl. It's not like you don't know what the environment in the Tagor Desert is like for her - I'll bring her here to serve you as a maid serving tea and water. ,Is it not good?"

Yao Wan's words made Xiao Yan shake his head: "Forget it... I can't even take care of myself. If I ask Qing Lin to follow me, then I will really suffer."

As he said this, Xiao Yan couldn't help but touch Qing Lin's little head.

"Okay... that's pretty much what I need to say. If there's nothing else to do, let's start practicing. Although there is still a lot of time, it's not for you to waste it at will."

"Wait a minute, Miss Wan."

Xiao Yan touched Qing Lin's head and said seriously: "Are you free now? I want to tell you something."

Yao Wan paused for a moment. She knew Xiao Yan's meaning very well, so she nodded and said, "Okay, Qingran, let's start practicing first. Qinglin can also try to absorb some fighting energy. I I need to talk to Xiao Yan alone about something, and I’ll come back after a while.”


Nalan Yanran thought for a while and threw her body fighting skills to Yao Wan.

Immediately, Yao Wan and Xiao Yan spread out their fighting spirit wings and flew into the large crystal hole that had just been opened above their heads.

"——I knew you would come to me."

Yaowan said: "Tell me."

In the crystal cave, Yao Wan turned around and looked at Xiao Yan.

"It's about this."

Xiao Yan took out the piece of cloth stained with the blood of Xiao from the Najie and said.

"Oh, this."

Yao Wan thought for a while, she had been prepared, and naturally knew that for Xiao Yan, this place might not be a simple place of trial. He would definitely have doubts about the Xiao family's affairs in the end, which was understandable.

"Your father gave me this."

Yao Wan explained: "He felt that I helped you too much and the Xiao family had nothing to repay, so he gave me this thing."

"This is one of the Xiao family's inheritances. Because I happen to have some history with this thing, I can probably guess how to use it."

"Some connection? You mean the Xiao family?"

"It's the Xiao family, but not this Xiao family, but the Xiao clan. You can simply understand it as the Xiao family a long time ago."

Yaowan thought for a moment and then said: "As for this place, if nothing else happens, it is probably one of the legacies left behind when the Xiao clan migrated to the northwest continent."


"Because I can't live in Zhongzhou anymore, I have to escape."

Yao Wan shrugged, and Xiao Yan vaguely realized from her simple words that this was probably caused by some man-made disaster.

"...Because of enemies?"

"Well, they are called the Soul Clan."

"Soul clan..."

Xiao Yan murmured and frowned slightly.

"...If I didn't ask, would Miss Wan tell me these things?"

Although he almost knew what was going on in this secret realm, Xiao Yan had more and more questions in his mind.

In front of Xiao Yan, Yao Wan did not hesitate or question, but just shook her head gently.

It could be seen that she was well prepared for her problem.



Xiao Yan asked subconsciously, but soon he realized the problem: "Because this is something that I can't touch at all now?"

"Yeah, you guessed it right."

Yaowan said: "I originally thought that I would tell you these things after you go to Zhongzhou and truly see the majesty of this world, but since I have already planned to use this relic, I think you will not remain indifferent. "

"You definitely start thinking about family secrets, that's normal."

"It would be inappropriate to hide it from you at this time."

Yao Wan said, then looked into Xiao Yan's eyes and said, "I kept it secret from you for so long. Are you angry?"

"Angry? That's not a big deal. It's understandable that you would hide it from me... I'm not a child anymore. If I don't distinguish between right and wrong, I will only lose my temper."

Xiao Yan tried hard to digest the somewhat overwhelming information that Yao Wan had given him, and rubbed the center of his brow with a hint of irritation.

"It's just that this is the first time I know about these things... I may have to digest them again."

"Stop thinking about it, it's useless to think about it so much."

Yao Wan said: "So what if you just think about it clearly? I don't know how many years have passed since these things happened. It's useless to dwell on things that have passed long ago. What you should be thinking about is what to do next and what to do." "

"If you really want to know, I will tell you when you arrive in Zhongzhou."

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