Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 189 The Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire

Xiao Yan pondered for a moment, and he actually understood to some extent that there was no point in wasting time.


Seeing Xiao Yan being so obedient, Yao Wan also nodded, and her original serious expression gradually faded away.



Yao Wan raised her head and looked at him, but saw Xiao Yan's expression filled with a trace of embarrassment and embarrassment that she didn't know how to describe.

"About Miss Qingran, is she...?"

Xiao Yan raised his hand and tapped his temple gently. To be honest, as long as his eyes were not blind, he could naturally tell that these two looked so much like each other and must be sisters.

But I don’t know why, should I say intuition? Xiao Yan always felt that it didn't seem to be the same thing.

"What's wrong? Are you attracted to someone else?"

Yao Wan teased, causing Xiao Yan to shake his head: "Don't make fun of me, I just feel like you and her are not biological sisters - of course, if I am wrong, don't tell others."

Yao Wan raised the corners of her mouth, and was about to say that this was exactly the case, but she stopped talking.

"You're right, but I do have some connection with her."


Xiao Yan was stunned, but Yao Wan clearly didn't want to dwell on this topic anymore.

But when she was waving her hand, her wrist accidentally touched a cool long object, which made her stunned for a moment.

"Oh, and this little guy."

Yaowan raised a nice eyebrow and said, "When it comes to eating, I run faster than anyone else."

"You have to take care of this little guy."

"Then I have to be able to control it..."

Xiao Yan sighed and spoke as if he could control this little guy. She was an ancient beast, Queen Medusa, and a powerful fighting sect. How could a little shrimp like him, a great fighting master, control her.

The colorful little snake had almost finished eating, but suddenly he realized that something was wrong with the beauty in green clothes in front of him. He quickly turned into a colorful light and shadow and ran up Xiao Yan's body to hide, looking at her eagerly.

Xiao Yan was helpless when he saw this. This is called remembering to eat but not to fight.

This little guy usually ran faster than anyone else, but he didn't seem to notice that the person in front of her had turned her into this, so she wouldn't be afraid.

Soon, the colorful little snake discovered that Yaowan was not hostile to it and was just trying to scare the tower. It relaxed and then wrapped around Xiao Yan's wrist.

Xiao Yan paused for a moment. He originally thought that this little guy would be clinging to Yaowan for a while, but now it seems that he didn't know whether it was tired or something else. It just silently wrapped it around his wrist, comfortably. He lowered his head.

"This little guy is different from you guys. He has a very strong body."

Yaowan said: "So she can absorb more energy from the Crystal of Life than the two of you combined."

"It's not bad for it, it just has to sleep for a few more days."

"Sleeping again?"

Xiao Yan heard this and looked at the colorful little snake that had slipped into his cuffs, and couldn't help but said: "It only needs to eat and drink, is that enough?"

"Yeah, you just need to eat and drink, and you can level up as fast as riding a rocket——"

Yao Wan subconsciously wanted to make a joke, but when she mentioned riding a rocket, she couldn't help but be stunned, and then hurried to see Xiao Yan's reaction.

It's just that Xiao Yan didn't seem to associate the metaphor in Yao Wan's mouth with the technological creations of the past. After all, in his knowledge, there were indeed existences similar to fireworks on the Dou Qi Continent.

Seeing that Xiao Yan didn't seem to realize anything because of her momentary gaffe, Yao Wan couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is this an ancient beast? Now I really see it."


Just as Xiao Yan and Yao Wan left, Qing Lin slowly opened his eyes.


Qinglin sighed softly.

For her, practicing is still a somewhat unfamiliar thing.

Although when she was in the mercenary group, she could always see many people practicing, but after all, this was her first time trying to circulate the fighting spirit within her, so it was understandable that she would be a little uncomfortable.

And as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw the girl who was about 60 or 70% similar to Yao Wan sitting quietly cross-legged in front of her. The strong fighting energy visible to the naked eye around her formed a white vortex under her pull. , with her as the center, continuously absorbing the energy around her that was so rich that it was almost substantial and turned into mist.

She couldn't help but look at Nalan Yanran curiously, but she didn't dare to disturb her.

However, Nalan Yanran still opened her eyes and caught a glimpse of the curious young girl in front of her.

Qing Lin was startled by Nalan Yanran's sudden opening of her eyes.

The whole body trembled slightly.

"Gu, girl, are you awake?"

Qinglin was afraid that she had disturbed Nalan Yanran's repairs, so before Nalan Yanran could say anything, she lowered her head and apologized.

"I didn't sleep either."

Nalan Yanran said somewhat dumbfounded.

"But you didn't bother me, so there's no need to apologize."

Nalan Yanran comforted Qinglin, and then she couldn't help but look up and down at the cloak in front of her. From the simple headdress, she could tell that she was probably not from the ordinary realm of the Jiama Empire.

I don’t know where Yaowan found this little girl.

Nalan Yanran quickly noticed Qinglin's eyes.

Those beautiful emerald eyes were filled with magnificent brilliance, which was mesmerizing.

What beautiful eyes.

Nalan Yanran was secretly amazed, and then a smile appeared on her face, and she said, "I remember, your name is Qing Lin, right?"

"Well, my name is Qing Lin, and I am now the lady's maid."

Qing Lin nodded slightly, looking extremely well-behaved.

"Her maid...? She will also lack a maid...?"

Nalan Yanran murmured subconsciously, and then couldn't help but shake her head. Just thinking about it, she knew it was impossible.

If nothing else, she must be kind-hearted and doesn't want to see this child suffer, so she lets her follow her, right?

"It seems that you still know Xiao Yan?"

"Well, Master Xiao Yan is the best person to me, just like Miss Xiao Yan."

Qing Lin replied, Nalan Yanran felt a little uncomfortable hearing these words.

What does it mean to be like him...

Nalan Yanran curled her lips and said to herself, but then she focused on Qing Lin in front of her.

"Well - I don't care about that guy Xiao Yan... But Qinglin, are you trying to introduce the fighting energy into your body?"

"Well, the lady said that there is no way for me to practice formally yet, so for now I will accumulate fighting spirit in my body."

Qinglin explained.

"Introducing Qi into the body is indeed a difficult problem for a person who has never been exposed to cultivation. After all, it's not like he has never been exposed to it before, right?"

For some reason, Nalan Yanran thought that since Yao Wan and Xiao Yan hadn't come yet, her own cultivation was not far behind, so out of interest she tried to teach Qing Lin how to draw Qi into her body.

However, being a good student and being a good teacher are never the same thing. People who can be good students may not be good teachers. Nalan Yanran is the best example.

Under her guidance, Qing Lin still couldn't understand what it felt like to have Dou Qi enter his body.

Just when the two of them were unable to do anything, Yao Wan and Xiao Yan fluttered their wings from behind, and then landed gently in front of them.

"Ah, are you busy?"

Yao Wan couldn't help teasing when she saw the appearance of the two of them.

"Don't disturb me as I teach Qing Lin how to draw Qi into his body."

Nalan Yanran glanced at the yarrow, a trace of irritability and fatigue flashed through her clear eyes, and she couldn't help but say.

"Hey, our Master Qingran can also teach people how to practice~~ It's really rare."

Nalan Yanran's behavior made Yao Wan more playful. Seeing Nalan Yanran's frown, she couldn't help laughing.


Nalan Yanran curled her lips. If someone else had said this, she would have been able to use you to dismiss her, but after thinking about it, she decided to forget it.

After all, 80% of the time it wouldn't work if it were someone else, but if Wan comes with a different medicine, she can really do it.

After all, she has made rapid progress compared to the past. Wasn't it the result of Yao Wan's training?

"Okay, whoever does what kind of thing - I will take care of Xiao Qinglin. As for you two? What you two need to do now is to practice hard. The Crystal of Life is rare, and the entire Dou Qi Continent says Maybe it can only be found here."

After the joke, Yao Wan said seriously.

Naturally, Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran would not have any objections to what they had already agreed upon.

The two began to practice, and Yao Wan gave Qing Lin some guidance on how to introduce Qi into the body. Although Qing Lin still had a partial understanding of it, he was working hard to improve it little by little.

In the remaining time, Yao Wan began to improve Nalan Yanran's body fighting skills. The close combat skill called Feixu Body Skills combined the lightness of the wind attribute and the cunning swordsmanship. From a technical point of view, it is considered a good fighting skill.

At the same time, Nalan Yanran is practicing seriously, and Xiao Yan still needs to complete another task, which is to sort out the exercises and fighting skills here.

From Yao Wan's mouth, I learned that the techniques and fighting skills here have basically been banned, and those who are not of the Xiao family's blood cannot use them.

Xiao Yan is naturally of Xiao family bloodline, but his Xiao family bloodline and his Najie are not the same thing. Therefore, Yao Wan also taught him a blood sacrifice method, so that the martial arts and fighting skills here can Na Jie, who could identify Xiao Yan, asked him to collect all these priceless skills.

These powerful skills will become the capital for the Xiao family to reach the top again in the future, so Xiao Yan naturally needs to be managed well.

Just when sorting out many techniques, Xiao Yan also accidentally flipped through a volume of fighting techniques that was quite suitable for him.

To be precise, this is actually a secret method that is different from martial arts and fighting skills.

It's called, the Three Mysteries of Heavenly Fire.

With the help of the strange flames in the body of the fire attribute cultivator, it can burst out with far greater power than usual in a short period of time, which can be described as extremely powerful.

Just such an effect makes Xiao Yan overjoyed. After all, now that he has no shortcomings in martial arts and fighting skills, he can choose the ones with higher grades among the many martial arts and fighting skills inherited from his family. It’s just biting off more than one can chew.

And the secret method that allows him to greatly increase his strength in a short period of time to cope with battles just improves his shortcomings of insufficient upper limit.

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