Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 190 I know a little bit

Modifying fighting skills for Nalan Yanran is as simple as eating and drinking water for Yao Wan. She is so talented, not to mention that even the techniques Nalan Yanran is currently practicing were improved by her. They know each other thoroughly, and they are Nalan Yanran's style is also very clear.

If the fighting spirit is circulated throughout the body and turned into fighting spirit wings that are so short-lived that they can only last for a moment——

It's just a mysterious fighting skill. For Yaowan, it's like analyzing and dismantling this fighting skill, then adding new things again, discarding the dross and taking the essence.

It's just that she should have been more calm...


Yao Wan subconsciously held her forehead, and her beautiful brows frowned slightly unconsciously.

I don't know why, but not long ago, Yao Wan often felt uneasy since she cultivated the flame of life from fire into a strange fire.

It wasn't painful at all. It felt like a strong trance. I hadn't fallen asleep for a long time, and the strong fatigue was hammering my heart like a heavy hammer.

But Yaowan didn't think that she was tired.

She didn't know how many times she had spent far more urgent days and nights than now. If she still felt a headache from revising a profound level fighting skill, then she might as well go to sleep.

But obviously, this is not possible, or at least it shouldn't be.

Therefore, in the first few days, Yao Wan chose to ignore this sense of trance. After all, her body was not immune to all poisons. Even if she helped Xiao Yan refine the Nether Poison Fire, it might not be able to poison her immediately.

But the abnormality in the body didn't seem like poison from the beginning.

Yao Wan also used her spiritual power to carefully check her whole body, but found no problems.

"...Tsk, what a ghost."

Yao Wan smacked her lips in displeasure and murmured subconsciously.

"What's wrong? Are you too tired lately?"

A familiar voice sounded in her ears. Yao Wan's expression relaxed. She looked at Xiao Yan who looked worried, and immediately explained: "Tired? I'm tired, but I'm not tired. I should say I'm in a trance..."

"You're not tired yet, look what you've become now."

Nalan Yanran curled her lips, and in a more direct manner than Xiao Yan, she put down the bamboo slips that Yao Wan was currently holding in her hand that seemed to be compiling something.

"Huh? Do I look bad now?"

Yao Wan blinked. After being with Nalan Yanran for so long, she knew nothing about the temper of this arrogant young lady. At least she knew the basics. She also knew that she was the kind of person who would never make fun of others.

If Nalan Yanran said that she looked very bad, then maybe she did look very bad.

The medicine wand turned its head away, a trace of hesitation flashing across its brows.

"Miss, why don't you take a little rest first...?"

Qing Lin also said timidly in his ear.

"Rest... no, I don't have time now..."

But before Yao Wan could finish her words, Xiao Yan was forced to sit down by Nalan Yanran, who motioned with her eyes to move.


Seeing this, Yaowan naturally had no choice but to be honest and obedient.

"Since you have said so, then of course I am embarrassed to be disobedient again."

Yao Wan smiled and was rushed directly by Nalan Yanran to quickly enter the cultivation mode.

"Oh, she is such a woman who will get into trouble no matter what—"

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but sigh when she saw that the woman in front of her was finally calming down no matter how restless she was.

"...This is also the first time I've seen Miss Wan like this."

Xiao Yan was silent for a moment. He had a bad feeling about how tired Yao Wan was now.

"What a coincidence, so am I."

"It's just that she likes this not once or twice. It's just that this is the first time she has overturned."

Nalan Yanran rolled her eyes at Xiao Yan and said, "For her, we can only take one step at a time."

"It's not easy to get her to be honest and obedient."

As she said that, Nalan Yanran glanced at the half-completed fighting skills, and she couldn't help but wonder if they had left all their affairs to her, and she couldn't bear it anymore?

Since you are tired, then stop tinkering, why are you holding on for dear life?

"Thank you, Miss Qingran, for your help."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but said.

"Why are you thanking me? It's like I'm doing you a favor. In the past, she was always taking care of me. This time it's my turn to take care of her. It's not that hard to imagine, right? ?”

Nalan Yanran raised her eyebrows and said, "Well, although I don't know what happened to her this time, it's probably nothing serious. Seeing that she hasn't made any progress here, I'd better go back to practice..."

With that said, Nalan Yanran turned and left.

Seeing Nalan Yanran's appearance, Xiao Yan was inevitably a little confused. It seemed like it was just his first meeting with Miss Qingran. Why could he vaguely feel the anger in her words without even talking to her for a few words?

He didn't offend anyone, right?

As if aware of Xiao Yan's thoughts, Yao Lao couldn't help but smile: "As soon as we meet, you will tell your sister that your sister will be mine from now on, and anyone else will give you eye drops. "

Xiao Yan couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this, it seemed like this was the case.

It's broken. Now you're shooting yourself in the foot.

"Then what can be done?"

"What can I do? Look, although that little kid doesn't like you very much, it seems he has no intention of actually stopping you and the girl. What should I do?"

There was a touch of casualness in Yao Lao's tone. If nothing else, it seemed interesting to watch his pigs learn how to scoop cabbage.


In the following time, the lives of the four became more regular.

Yao Wan woke up soon after and claimed that she had no problem, but Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran didn't believe it, but the symptoms of fatigue and trance were indeed much less common.

Qing Lin learned to draw Qi into his body, and in this extremely energy-rich environment, Qing Lin quickly gathered his own fighting Qi in his body.

Xiao Yan began to practice the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire. This master requires three kinds of strange flames as support. The secret method that can burst out in a short time enough to challenge the next level is tailor-made for Xiao Yan. He has already collected the three kinds of strange fires, and he is naturally very good at practicing them.

It's just that where is the upper limit of cultivation now? Although Xiao Yan already has the conditions to directly cultivate to the perfection of the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire, if he wants to really apply it in actual combat, I'm afraid he can only use it. The first has changed.

But this is a big improvement for him now.

In addition, while practicing, a thought came to Xiao Yan's mind unconsciously.

It is a well-known fact that the alien fire itself contains destructive and powerful energy. He has improved after practicing the Burning Technique to swallow the alien fire. Miss Wan used the alien fire or the energy of the alien fire to make the fire of the living things Grow and grow until it transforms into a real alien fire.

So, what if the two alien fires are directly fused together?

The answer to this question is understood by Xiao Yan even without asking Yao Lao. A single type of strange fire is already very violent, let alone two different types of fire colliding together?

I'm afraid that anyone who dares to try this will be burned to death by strange fire.

So, what if we use strange fire as a weapon?

Fusion of the two alien fires and throwing them out like a bomb.

Xiao Yan was thinking in his heart, but before he could think of anything, Yao Lao gave him a soft drink.

"Xiao Yan, focus your attention and don't be distracted!"

At the moment, he is practicing the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire, and he must not be careless in the process of practicing these secret techniques. Otherwise, if he is not careful, he may be in danger of being burned by his own strange fire.

Although Xiao Yan has long been accustomed to the feeling of strange fire burning his body, but habits are habits. No one will take the initiative to seek pain just because they are used to pain. He immediately concentrated and controlled the green lotus earth core that enveloped him at the moment. fire.

"What's wrong? You don't usually get distracted like this."

Yao Lao said solemnly, it is a taboo to be distracted during cultivation, not to mention that Xiao Yan still relies on the power of strange fire, and is walking on thin ice, which is too dangerous.

"Well, it's nothing, I just thought of something."

Xiao Yan shook his head. Even if he expressed his idea now, he didn't have time to put it into practice. He might as well wait until the time is right to talk about it.

"Okay, what else is more important than practicing? Don't be distracted anymore."

Yao Lao also understood Xiao Yan's character, so he just warned him and said nothing more.

Xiao Yan alone carved out a large enough area in the huge cave hall to prevent the strange fire accidentally released by his practice from hurting them.

In the cave hall, which was blocked by many living crystals, there were sounds of swords clashing.

The daily life of Yao Wan and Nalan Yanran returned to the same as before. Nalan Yanran would practice when she was tired, and look for Yao Wan to feed her when she woke up.

But unlike before, this time Yao Wan took the initiative to learn Xiao Yan's fighting style to fight Nalan Yanran to ensure that she would not be confused by Xiao Yan's Xuan Zhong Ruler during the three-year appointment and be beaten into chaos. .

"That guy's weapon is called the Xuanzhong Ruler, which can suppress the user's fighting spirit... In other words, if Xiao Yan throws his big ruler, it will only be faster and stronger than when he holds the Xuanzhong Ruler."

Holding a stone hammer in hand, every time the hammer hit the cave, it almost smashed the surrounding crystals into pieces. Nalan Yanran dealt with it nervously, but she couldn't help complaining about how strong she was. It felt like her and Xiao Yan's combined strength might not be as strong as one of her hands.

"how about you?"

Nalan Yanran glanced at Yaowan who smashed a crystal pillar in front of her with just her physical strength, and her heart trembled.

It can only be said that the asparagus holding the stone hammer is somewhat beautiful and moving.

Beautiful is an adjective, and touching is a verb.

"Me? I'm fine, just a little bit on both sides."

Yaowan holds a stone mallet in one hand and gently holds her forehead with the other.

Tsk, I’m starting to feel uncomfortable again.

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